Your take on subway.



  • Im not a fan of there sandwiches because your right, they can be just as bad as a burger. I will however have a salad from there if I forget my lunch or need to eat on the go
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    calorie wise its ok and probably better than other fast food options however their meats are extremely processed and full of preservatives and fillers. Google it....reports are linking the subway addiction in recent years to ailments. who knows if its true but I go to a deli now when I want a sandwich with 100% all natural turkey.
  • Well like any restauraunt choosing the right option is the key. I always go with sweet onion chicken teriyaki, oven roasted chicken breast, subway club (ham, turkey, roast beef), cold cut which are low fat and low cal options on wheat for more fiber. Also, no mayo, just light honey mustard or sweet onion sauce. :)
    Stay away from: meatball, tuna (loaded with mayo and fat), steak and cheese, and chicken bacon ranch (ALL loaded with fat!!)
    And the "Personal Pizza" are alot of calories as well, alot of people think this is a "healthy piece of pizza" but when compared to a slice from the pizzaria you will be better off choosing the slice from fast food pizzaria.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The question is, do you think having wheat every day is healthy?
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    My husband and I used to go once a week back in the day because that day of the week military got half off. Now we don't ever go. It was good for the price, and I wasn't watching my weight or what I ate, but their whole "Eat Fresh" thing irks me because it doesn't seem fresh at all to me.
  • Subway is great just watch the sauces that's where the calories lie.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Turkey on wheat with mustard and all the veggies - YUMMO

    Me too, no cheese. It's good!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I personally think with all the stuff on the veggies to make them stay fresher and all the sodium, it's definitely NOT the healthier, BUT it's not the worst either. You can make healthy choices and it can be very filling. It's not something you should eat all the time either but it's okay every now and then.

    Personally, I have a sub a once every couple months or so...not that often and I don't usually worry too much about what I put on it since I want to enjoy it if I'm not eating it often. I only get a 6 inch and that fills me up pretty good...or I buy a 12in and save half for later. lol Definitely very filling though. I would rather eat it than a fast food burger...I love loading it up with veggies. :D
  • The thing with subway is that you really have to restrain yourself when ordering.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Only once have i had a subway, and i really didn't see what all the fuss was about. Bread was so so, meatballs had far too many "bits" in for me, and ofc not liking veg or cheese meant that i just the meatballs in the sub. It was average, certainly not worth either the calories or the money for me =/
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    A foot long on Italian Herb and Cheese with Pepperjack, American, Swiss, Lettuce, Tomato, Ranch, Mayo, Cucumber, and Onion is the best. Even better when toasted.

    It does have alot of sodium, but you've got to admit it IS better than McDonald's or Taco Bell down the street.
  • skinnnyxoxo
    skinnnyxoxo Posts: 210 Member
    The question is, do you think having wheat every day is healthy?

    why not?
  • I feel like it is over priced sandwiches that could be made at home for less and better taste. It is okay every once in a while as a last option but that is all.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Why not make your own sandwhich? Instead of paying someone else to do it for you.... Im just sayin. I've gotten pretty creative with wraps and other sammy fixins :) when you make it yourself you can control how much of what you put on it too.... with that being said Im sure Ill get a bunch of people b*tchin at me and makin excuses for not making their own damn sandwich so let the fun begin :)

    It's more the fact, if it's so easy, why are you on this site?

    The majority of us are in the same boat. We're overweight because we ate the wrong foods. Yes, we could make a sandwich at home, but after a long day how many people are going to go to the shops, buy all the ingridents for a sandwich, then go home and make it? If they're going fast food then yes Subway is the healthier option. Especially if you have a ton of veggies.

    I have it once a week (nights I have coaching an hour away from home) and I'm still losing weight. I could go to the Maccas or the canteen but since I've spent all weekend there I want something different. There are only so many ham and cheese toastie or gravy beef rolls a girl can eat :-)

    I wish we had Jimmy Johns in Aus. We only have Subway, but my parents just came back from the USA and ate there and RAVED about it. (same with Popeyes. We only have KFC. My mother said she almost died it was that good)
  • olivetree_
    olivetree_ Posts: 75 Member
    You can also eat healthy at McDonald's if you eat the healthy options.
    I love Subway though. It is my God-given solace. LOL. (omg, totally made me smile while writing that. Reminds me of Criminal Minds when Morgan said that to Garcia.)
    I always get a Veggie Delite, everything except for onions, olives and hot peppers on 9-Grain Wheat with light mayo. Sometimes I'll have cheese but sometimes I eat it without cheese. :D
    Lately though I've been having ^ without cheese and on flat bread. Flat bread tastes soooo gooood!!
    And whenever I go to parties and there's a Subway platter, mmmmmm Heaven! :D I love the plain Turkey Subs that come in the platter. So goooooood. <3

    I think that, in order to like Subway, you have to know what you're ordering and you have to find what you like. I used to think Subway was DISGUSTING because people always ordered for me and I never got something I liked. Once you find it, you'll be more open to try new things, too.

    It is definitely possible to eat unhealthy at Subway though. The Tuna Sub or whatever it's called is actually one of their subs that have the most calories. A lot of people think it's healthy because of the tuna.
  • The sodium is killer, but it's a good option if fast food is your only option.