How did you get proposed to? <3



  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Every Christmas we play the "I got you a better present than you got me game." December 23, 2008 we were again playing this game and he goes "fine, let's do presents now." So we did. He opened his presents first and was all excited because I got him a Mario theme DS as well as tone of Mario Bros. game figures (yeah, we're nerds). So then he gives me my presents. He hands me an empty basket and then proceeds to hand me bottles of lotion and shwer gel from Bath & Body Works one at a time. By the end I'm thinking "really, THIS is better than what I got HIM." So I'm sitting there for a minute going through all this stuff and smelling them all and he pulls a ring box out of his pocket and says "oh yeah, I got you this too" and hands it to me. I wasn't sure if it was intended as an engagement ring or not because this was the 3rd diamond ring he had gotten me (we'd been together for 10 years when we got engaged). I'm a ring junky so I'm sitting on the couch trying to decide which finger to wear it on. Since he didn't actually say "will you marry me" I didn't take it as an engagement ring rather than just something pretty and sparkly. He went outside to smoke, came back in and I'm still playing with this ring trying to figure out which hand and finger to wear it on. I must have had it for 20 minutes by this time. When he came back in, he got down on both knees and says "you know it doesn't matter which finger you wear it on, I consider you my wife anyway." BIG pause then "baby, will you marry me?" I look up and he has this look of absolute shock on his face. hahaha. He had not originally intended for it to be my engagement ring but the question just kinda slipped out. It was hilarious and I think he surprised himself more than me! We got married on August 26, 2010 which was our 12 year anniversary.
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    We had talked about marriage, but we always talked about it as if it would be in maybe a year or so...and within a couple weeks he purposed. He took me bowling and i had a couple of beers I was surprised that he didn't drink any because he usually would and then we went back to his apartment and he totally surprised me with my beautiful ring. He's very frugal, but went all out with it. . He calls it the motorycycle he didn't buy.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    We had dated for about 1.5 years, though I pretty much knew he was 'the one' after a couple months. We had designed the ring together and I knew he picked it up, but had no clue when he'd pop the question. It was the Saturday before Christmas 2008 and we spent the day doing some shopping - he had some 'errands' to do so he dropped me off at the mall. Later we had plans for dinner .

    Around dinner time, a limo rolled up to our apartment so I knew something was up! We went to the place where he asked me out on our first date and just before we arrived, he had me watch a video on his iPod. I was in tears! He took me to the building (on MSU's campus) to the exact spot where it all began. I was so excited and overwhelmed with emotion that I don't really remember much of what he said but I of course said yes! He had called my parents to let them know and ask my dad for permission, so they were just sitting by the phone waiting for me to call with the news.

    Turns out his 'errands' earlier were buying champagne and running out to campus to make sure 'our table' was still in the right spot. He wanted to propose before Christmas so I could show my family the ring when I went home to Ohio. I felt terrible leaving my new fiancé in Michigan for the week!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    What he PLANNED to do: We live in Florida and it's rare that it's cold out. That fall (2009) it was getting really chilly though and so i had my monkey slippers out constantly (they look like monkies...). i wore them around the house constantly. I knew he had picked out the ring but not that he had ordered it. He was going to slip the box into the front of my slippers so that when i put them on i'd find it. I thought it was an adorable idea :)

    What REALLY happened: We actually had a big fight over something stupid and after a few hours, a big talk, and some making up, we were just laying in bed snuggling and talking. it was PITCH dark in the room and for some reason we didn't turn lights on. All of a sudden he gets up and goes fumbling in his closet (still in the dark) and comes back into the bed after a minute. he took my hand, said, "baby, we've been through so much together and i love you more than anything. Will you go on this wild ride of life with me?" I laughed and basically said, "what do you think?!" After he slipped the ring on my finger, we hugged, kissed, and then finally turned on the light so i could see the ring! i was blown away- it's the exact ring I would have picked out for myself :happy: It turned out to be a sweet proposal anyway.

    You can't tell but it's not one diamond- it's actually four smaller diamonds put together in a tension setting. it reminds me of a flower. :flowerforyou:
  • jeyoung03
  • stephanie1187
    He proposed on top of a ferris wheel :) I was totally caught off guard even though we had been talking about getting married for months. absolutely best day ever!!!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    Well my boyfriend hasn't proposed yet but he did get me a promise ring for christmas last year and how he did it was really cute and unexpected!

    We were opening our gifts and he made me open a certain one last.... I opened it and it was this beautiful mirrored jewelry box. I loved it! So I start getting it out of it's box, the box was still all taped up and packaged the way it came... I finally got though all the tape and styrofoam to the jewelry box itself and I open the lid and inside there was a beautiful ring and earrings!! He was tricky lol!

    I guess my jaw about hit the ground when I saw the ring because he was real quick to tell me that it wasn't a real one yet ... which was fine by me because I really don't want to get proposed to on Christmas cuz lots of people do that, I'd prefer it be a day special to us or just a completely random day!

    Hopefully there will be a "real" ring soon.... he's mentioned it :wink: :heart:
  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    On a random trip to the zoo this April. We were already planning to go with my best friend and her husband. We were at the end of the zoo in front of the big cats (my favorite) and he dropped to one knee...I about passed out. I had NO idea..though looking back I should have seen the signs.

    My family knew and my best friends knew. My BFF tried to get me to dress up by texting "You know what would be hysterical? If we wore our Sunday best to the zoo!" I laughed and said I was wearing jeans, a tee and a ponytail cause it was windy. And as a result I look like a scrub in the pictures my friend's hubby sniped during the proposal. My friend had the ring box in her purse and somehow passed it to my fiance without my knowledge.

    Funniest part..we'd been at the zoo for like 3 hours and I was getting cranky. We were in front of the snow leopard when he started this big mushy speech about "Remember when this one was a cub three years ago? And we came here on our fourth date? These have been the best three years of my life.." I just kept walking and wondering why he was getting so emotional over a cat! LMAO. I was making a beeline for the exit (because I was just over the zoo and screaming kids at this point) and he had to jump in front of me and just go down on one knee. I was SHOCKED. I literally don't remember a word he said after he got down on one knee. When he opened the box I about died..the next thing I remember is hugging and kissing him while my friend screamed "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!"
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    september 2009 i went to the Isle of Man for a few days holiday( on my own), needed to get away from everything and had a few days left at work that i needed to use up, so packed a bag jumped on the back of the motorbike and set off for the ferry..
    on my last full day there i stopped in one of the little towns for a coffee, parked the bike up and had a wonder down the street. On my return to the bike this man popped his head out of the camper van and asked what bike it was, we got chatting and he said for me to meet him at the start line of the TT and he would meet me with one of his bikes and take me round the island and show me some of the bits i hadnt seen, over coffee later that day he said ''i can not belive i have waited all my life to meet someone like you and your leaving tomorrow, stay here and marry me'' and we said i do in june 2010 :-)
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    We were laying in bed together I was a few weeks preggers and he said out of the blue will you marry me to which I started laughing and asked are you serious???? Needless to say we are heading to our 14th year anniversary.
  • lorals05
    When my husband proposed, it was a surprise and it was totally low key. Perfect for my personality. One night we were sitting on the couch in our comfy clothes and he looked at me and asked me if I would marry him. At first I thought he was joking because it was so casual, but he was serious :) He didn't even have a ring yet, but gave me a ring within a month of asking me.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    methinks it will be on a cruise ship.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    No big romantic story here. We talked about marriage off and on. One night we agreed on it and went to the jewelry store the next day. We've been married almost 14 years now.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    We had talked often about "when we're married" but our 1-year-of-dating anniversary passed ringless. (We also decided we wouldn't get married/engaged before we'd known eachother for a year.)

    One night I drove to his apartment. We sat on the couch and he said, "I have a surprise for you." He pulled out his guitar and played & sang a song for me - the same song I often sang to him whenever he was discouraged, frustrated, whatever. I thought, "Aww, that's sweet!" and had a big ol' sappy grin on my face. He wasn't done yet.

    He said, "You always sing that song to me whenever I'm in a bad mood, and it's a great reminder that I'm not alone anymore. Here's something for you so that you'll never be alone again either. Will you marry me?" and pulled out the ring. :smile:
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    My first marriage there was no proposal. It got to the point we had been together so long we both agreed as a Christmas present to each other we would pay for a wedding. We got married on New Years Eve day. We were together a total of 10years. I still love him, we just grew apart.

    I got married again last week. I knew the proposal was coming. My then boyfriend and his daughter proposed to me 1.5 years ago. They both came in with the ring and said "will you marry us?" It was so cute. We actually had to postpone our wedding ceremony because we had someone steal $7000 from us. Our wedding fund. Since we had the license, only good for 30 days, we got married at the courthouse and will plan a ceremony in March.
  • icandoitgood
    Thanksgiving day in 2009... We were all giving thanks around the table and when it was my now husband's turn he dropped down on one knee and thanked God for putting me into his life and proposed. :)
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    at a house party LOL we were drinking and partying and he had my ring and got on his knee (after taking me in another room of course) and said he wants to be my one and only man and for me to be his one and only woman for the rest of our lives, i said yes and we went back into the party room and kept the party going :) we only dated 3 weeks and i was still in high school!! we have been together 6 1/2 years and married for 4 years. love him more than words can say. im the luckiest lady EVER!!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I probably have the most unique proposal story.

    I knew my husband from church, but we had never really exchanged more than a "hi". After about a year of just knowing who the other was we started talking a bit more. God placed him on my heart and I soon had feelings for him, but never said anything to anyone (except my mom). After being causal friends for about a year (we never did anything more than speak at church and occasionally text) my dad came home from a coffee date. My mom the whole time wouldn't tell me who my dad was meeting.

    When dad came home he asked me to sit down and had his You-Are-In-Big-Trouble face on. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what I had done. He sat me down and said "I just met with Elijah ***** and he asked for your hand in marriage." I was so shocked that I just blurted out "Seriously? REALLY?!?" And My dad said "Yeah....but I told him I didn't even know if you liked him." I of course was like "You said WHAT?!?" and my mom the whole time is laughing cause she knew I liked him but had kept it a secret.

    My dad decided to make him wait 3 days for our answer so we had time to pray about it. But I knew from the beginning that my answer was "YES!". After the 3 days he came to my house early in the morning to work. His dad owns a construction company and they where doing our house remodel at the time. I had to be at work and was so worried about being late, but I couldn't leave till he popped the question! My mom kept telling me "They will understand at work! It isn't everyday you get engaged!" So I waited nervously in our kitchen.

    FINALLY he came in and I could tell he was so nervous. He walked over to our kitchen counter and without looking at me said "Uh so uh I uh wanted to uh ask you if I could uh ....well....uh....court you." and I said "What does that mean?" And he looked shocked like he hadn't thought about that and said "Well we would get married." So I asked, "Does this mean we are engaged?" To which he replied "Yes, we are engaged." And then he FINALLY looked at me and smiled and blushed. I smiled and giggled and then we hugged. I left for work and he went back to work.

    The next day our families went to dinner to celebrate and in front of everyone he told me he felt bad for the way he proposed and so he got down on his knee and asked me to be his bride!

    We where engaged for 6 months and have been happily married for 2 1/2 years! I found out later that he had been praying about me being his wife for 6 months before he asked my dad. And no we never had "dated" :happy:
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    My first husband- He was in the military and had been overseas for 8 months in Iraq. We talked about getting married when he got back and agreed we would. I told him that even though I basically had already said yes I wanted him to still propose. I flew to New York where he was stationed as soon as he got home. I knew he was going to propose but didn't know how he would do it. He reserved the entire upstairs of a 2 story restaurant that was in our hotel. He gave me red roses and spread rose petals all over the table. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him while crying. I said yes. I flew back home and then drove to New York to marry him (in a courthouse) and live there a week later. (We have been divorced 3+ years)

    My current boyfriend and I have talked about getting married and we have been together for 2 and a half years. I know it will probably happen within the next 6 months or so but don't know when or how and I am really excited. I know this will be the RIGHT person this time :)
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    We were going up to see my parent's who were having a little family picnic over the summer. This was also the 1st time my parents were going to meet his - they were following us up. Since it was a picnic, it was super casual - just burgers and beers. I remember saying to him on the way up "I feel a little weird about the intros - I mean we're not even engaged!" He gave me the "STFU" look, haha!

    Whole family's there - extended and immediate keep in mind - he is the silent but tough type - not one to begin a conversation or really add too much - just listens he stands up and says "I have something I'd like to say" at this point he's shaking like a leaf .... confusion is on all our faces and he continues "as most of you know, Samantha and I have been together for about 3 years now..." **insert red face, shaking and his hand awkwardly on top of my head** " I have a question I need to ask her"..... gets down on one knee - displays ring and says "you know the question" response "STFU!!!!" So officially we never got engaged since he didn't ask and I never accepted. :bigsmile: