what's the best strategy to lose weight in 1 week?



  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    Drink liquids only then get a colonoscopy.

    I'm currently reading the master cleanse. thanks!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Drink liquids only then get a colonoscopy.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    LOL Way to sarcastically enable him.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You keep eating the way you do, you're not gonna have any muscle left. When you're starving yourself like that, your body is going to burn your muscle away too. If you are serious about losing weight, just eat up to the goal MFP gives you and you will lose safely and healthfully.

    Seriously, is a silly bet worth your health?
  • Current research indicates that the faster you lost weight, and the more unhealthy a way you lose weight, the more likely it is to come right back on. You're losing too much, too fast, and not eating enough calories. This may cause damage in the long term. I would recommend to stick to the guidelines of at least 1200 calories per day (and this is a minimum - if you are taller or male, you probably need more than this) to lose weight. If you want the weight loss to stick, do it the right way. When it comes to making major changes in you energy intake and body composition, slow and steady wins the race.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    You're a 28-year-old male eating 900 calories a day? At that rate, you will definitely lose weight. You'll also lose a significant amount of your muscle mass. So when you're done losing, you'll be scrawny looking. But you'll have won the bet.

    Once you start eating a higher caloric level again, you will regain the weight. And the cycle starts anew..........

    I'd recommend you eat a healthy amount of calories for reasonable weight loss, lift weights, and do a little cardio. That way, once you reach your goal, you'll be trim, buff, and healthy. Just a thought. Good luck either way.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Drink liquids only then get a colonoscopy.

    I'm currently reading the master cleanse. thanks!
    Heath wise, this is a really bad idea.
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    You keep eating the way you do, you're not gonna have any muscle left. When you're starving yourself like that, your body is going to burn your muscle away too. If you are serious about losing weight, just eat up to the goal MFP gives you and you will lose safely and healthfully.

    Seriously, is a silly bet worth your health?

    sorry, forgot to tell you I was overweight 3 weeks ago.. I was 225.. I'm down to 212 now. I'm 5'11.
  • Agito
    Agito Posts: 45 Member
    Drink liquids only then get a colonoscopy.

    I'm currently reading the master cleanse. thanks!

    If you do Master Cleanse properly you get to feel like you're sick with a stomach bug or something. It involves drinking salt water and taking laxatives every day. :indifferent:
  • There are a lot of things you can do to drop weight very rapidly, when I used to box, we had a few tricks up our sleeve but like everyone is saying, it isn't healthy and yeah you most likely will gain the weight right back. The best way is to lose the weight and do it in a healthy way, I know it can be frustrating to not lose kgs and kgs in a week but you didn't put 50 lbs on in a week so you aren't going to lose it that fast either, thats how it works. It takes time to put the weight on and time to work it off.
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    Current research indicates that the faster you lost weight, and the more unhealthy a way you lose weight, the more likely it is to come right back on. You're losing too much, too fast, and not eating enough calories. This may cause damage in the long term. I would recommend to stick to the guidelines of at least 1200 calories per day (and this is a minimum - if you are taller or male, you probably need more than this) to lose weight. If you want the weight loss to stick, do it the right way. When it comes to making major changes in you energy intake and body composition, slow and steady wins the race.

    I usually have 1200 calories but when I workout, I burn 300-350 calories which will bring me back to 900. will it be better if I won't workout, or just eat more and workout more?
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    There are a lot of things you can do to drop weight very rapidly, when I used to box, we had a few tricks up our sleeve but like everyone is saying, it isn't healthy and yeah you most likely will gain the weight right back. The best way is to lose the weight and do it in a healthy way, I know it can be frustrating to not lose kgs and kgs in a week but you didn't put 50 lbs on in a week so you aren't going to lose it that fast either, thats how it works. It takes time to put the weight on and time to work it off.

    We will be done in a week, and I won't be doing this again. I'll do the right way after this. What's the trick? :)
  • I don't see anything about you drinking any water. Increase your water and bump up your workout to 45 minutes. Add some weights to your workout.
  • Oh my gosh, I just read this thread and want to encourage you to PLEASE eat your calories!

    By eating less than 1100-1200 calories per day like that you are at risk for not only messing up your metabolism/weight loss sustainability for the long term you are also putting a LOT of stress on your organs and your heart! Like someone said earlier, calories = energy for your body- you NEED energy to run your body. Your body will focus on using your water & muscle weight (which is more nutritious than fat weight) to supplement the nutrients you are restricting, so you aren't even losing fat weight anyway! And, since you're restricting your food so much, the likelihood that you are going to gain that weight right back (possibly plus more) is pretty high. When you yo-yo diet like that, your metabolism slows down and you will have a harder time every time you do a new, unrealistic/unhealthy diet. It's a delicate balance, but the combination of healthy (not excessive) exercise and healthy (not to much, not to little) calories each day is the way to go if you want to keep yourself in a healthy lifestyle.
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    I don't see anything about you drinking any water. Increase your water and bump up your workout to 45 minutes. Add some weights to your workout.

    I drink bout 4 cups of water, some tea and diet coke. will drink more water now.. thanks for the tip!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You keep eating the way you do, you're not gonna have any muscle left. When you're starving yourself like that, your body is going to burn your muscle away too. If you are serious about losing weight, just eat up to the goal MFP gives you and you will lose safely and healthfully.

    Seriously, is a silly bet worth your health?

    sorry, forgot to tell you I was overweight 3 weeks ago.. I was 225.. I'm down to 212 now. I'm 5'11.

    I'm sorry, but I don't see how that's relevant to anything I just said. You may have lost 13 pounds in the last three weeks but the majority of that is mostly likely water weight and muscle.

    But you may go ahead and jeopardize your health for a bet, I can't stop you.
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    Oh my gosh, I just read this thread and want to encourage you to PLEASE eat your calories!

    By eating less than 1100-1200 calories per day like that you are at risk for not only messing up your metabolism/weight loss sustainability for the long term you are also putting a LOT of stress on your organs and your heart! Like someone said earlier, calories = energy for your body- you NEED energy to run your body. Your body will focus on using your water & muscle weight (which is more nutritious than fat weight) to supplement the nutrients you are restricting, so you aren't even losing fat weight anyway! And, since you're restricting your food so much, the likelihood that you are going to gain that weight right back (possibly plus more) is pretty high. When you yo-yo diet like that, your metabolism slows down and you will have a harder time every time you do a new, unrealistic/unhealthy diet. If you are insistant on staying on this diet, AT LEAST contact your doctor for help on getting the right nutrients & monitoring your labs/heart rate/blood pressure to make sure you aren't putting anything in a danger zone!

    I won't be staying on my diet. this was just a 1 month crash diet. will up my calories from now on. thanks!
  • Oh my gosh, I just read this thread and want to encourage you to PLEASE eat your calories!

    By eating less than 1100-1200 calories per day like that you are at risk for not only messing up your metabolism/weight loss sustainability for the long term you are also putting a LOT of stress on your organs and your heart! Like someone said earlier, calories = energy for your body- you NEED energy to run your body. Your body will focus on using your water & muscle weight (which is more nutritious than fat weight) to supplement the nutrients you are restricting, so you aren't even losing fat weight anyway! And, since you're restricting your food so much, the likelihood that you are going to gain that weight right back (possibly plus more) is pretty high. When you yo-yo diet like that, your metabolism slows down and you will have a harder time every time you do a new, unrealistic/unhealthy diet. It's a delicate balance, but the combination of healthy (not excessive) exercise and healthy (not to much, not to little) calories each day is the way to go if you want to keep yourself in a healthy lifestyle.

    I agree with the having a harder time each time you try to lose weight after doing something so unhealthy!! I am really struggling right now because I messed up the 1st time around.
  • boinee
    boinee Posts: 27
    I'm sorry, but I don't see how that's relevant to anything I just said. You may have lost 13 pounds in the last three weeks but the majority of that is mostly likely water weight and muscle.

    But you may go ahead and jeopardize your health for a bet, I can't stop you.

    I won't, I'll be eating more calories from now. good thing I asked here.
  • Ive seen guys put an exercise bike in a sauna and go for broke trying to make weight, Ive seen crazier stuff than that but its extremely dangerous and I do not suggest you do any of that kind of thing, lose the weight in a healthy way.
  • You keep eating the way you do, you're not gonna have any muscle left. When you're starving yourself like that, your body is going to burn your muscle away too. If you are serious about losing weight, just eat up to the goal MFP gives you and you will lose safely and healthfully.

    Seriously, is a silly bet worth your health?

    sorry, forgot to tell you I was overweight 3 weeks ago.. I was 225.. I'm down to 212 now. I'm 5'11.

    I'm sorry, but I don't see how that's relevant to anything I just said. You may have lost 13 pounds in the last three weeks but the majority of that is mostly likely water weight and muscle.

    But you may go ahead and jeopardize your health for a bet, I can't stop you.

    This guy is absolutely right, its very easy to drop water but there really isnt much point to it