Dreading Thanksgiving Dinner?



  • SummerRhi
    SummerRhi Posts: 16 Member
    I love making Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's dinners.

    We're having 14 people over. Ham, Turkey, Stuffing, and a ton of sides, desserts, etc. I'll be up at 4am. Cooking. Love the smells. Having the girls over. Their friends. Old friends. New friends.

    Yep, calorie count can soar, but I don't care. I'll be sitting in the backyard by 4pm. Thanksgiving pants on. Firepit going. With the men, while the women plan their strategy for Black Friday inside. Cigar in one hand. Bourbon in the other. Happy as hell. Talking about the women and already planning what to do with the leftovers in my mind.

    Not to get all sappy but this reminds me of what my husband would be doing to a T... if he were here. He is in Iraq right now........ :(
  • cayzweaver
    cayzweaver Posts: 54 Member
    I have about 10 days a year that are "feast days!" Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter . . . . . you get the gist. On these days, I allow myself whatever I want to eat. I execise a little more around these days, and I don't declare every Sunday a "feast day" (which is how I got fat to start with!) but life is more than couting calories and running miles. I will celebrate my husband's cure from cancer (and not count one calorie) on Thanksgiving this year!
  • jparkwalk
    I am dreading it because I only do 1200 calories a day - I am a snacked and this might kill me :( I am really hopping it wont though :(

    I only eat 1200 a day as well. That is another reason why I am worried.

    I am also struggling with the thought of Thanksgiving because I too am eating 1200 calories. My biggest challenge is having multiple dinners with multiple familes. (3 in total) Ugh! Love my family though! :) I just need to eat small portions and to stop when I'm full. Plus workout in the morning!:happy:
  • duckychic
    duckychic Posts: 57 Member

    Anyway, even if you eat more than you "should," none of us got overweight because of one or two meals a year. Eat well the rest of the week, exercise and enjoy one day of just letting go and having yummy food!

    ^^^^ This EXACTLY!!!!

    My Birthday is 5 days after Thanksgiving. I just know I have to bust my butt at the gym and drink lots of water for the next 2 weeks. One day (well, two) is not gonna kill me.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Not dreading it at all. I'm looking forward to it. Thanksgiving comes once a year. Use self control - take smaller portions, but enjoy what's being offered and when the day is done, move on.

    One day isn't going to derail all your hard work. Make sure you drink a lot of water. Our bodies tend to retain water when we consume foods it isn't used to having all the time.
  • jenniferhiggins
    jenniferhiggins Posts: 116 Member
    Its ok to allow yourself to eat a lot of Thanksgiving. Just workout the next day. If you try to deprive yourself, then you are going to end up over eating.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    If my mom was still alive to cook then I would worry about over eatting............ no I wouldn't I would love to enjoy some of her mega fatting awsome cooking one more time. She started cooking deserts for Thanksgiving a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, and putting them in the freezer. I think she pretty much cooked every thing she knew how to cook on that one day every year. I will never find another pumpkin pie just the way she made them ever again. Let alone those Texas sized made from scratch cinnimmon rolls or Italian cream cake. There is not even anyone that can fry a pan of taters with onions like she could. Ohhh I must stop, I could go on and on. I am not cooking, and the kids are not either, so we will just go out. Pretty much everyone in my family are trying to lose weight right now. Many are on this site. I have a grandbaby (well he is 2 and a half now) I love to watch eat, or help feed. etc... That takes the focus off feeding my own mouth. Since we are going out........... there will be no leftovers, another big plus......I don't eat meat, so turkey is out.......... I won't eat the dressing because it will be made with chicken stock, so that is out........and I would be so so so mad at myself if I let myself gain back the 10 pounds I worked so hard to get off over one day. I plan to be Thankful for losing that 10 pounds and fill a plate with fruit and veggies before I eat anything else, because at this point I really want to live to see another Thanksgiving day.
  • UnderConstructionJ
    I'm dreading Thanksgiving as well...same as I was last year...and all the other holidays and celebrating that tend to happen around this time of year - office parties, dinners, Christmas functions, New Year Parties, and birthday celebrations, etc. I'm in a mix between dreading it...and feeling frustrated. All you can do is make the best choices possible and as you mentioned work out the morning of (which I plan to do as well) and as someone else mentioned drinking lots of water. I know I won't be eager about getting on the scale Sunday morning following Turkey Day for sure.

    I guess at the end of the day you have to think about...is "whatever" food you want at the time...if its worth all the work it will take to burn it off.
  • BetterWithAge
    Not dreading it at all. I am going to make the traditional family favorites and add fresh vegetables and a fresh fruit salad (home made). I will chose the foods that are best for me and may even indulge in a half slice of apple pie (made by me). I do not plan on logging food, but do plan on making good choices and having a good time. I will be doing a lot of walking on Friday while shopping. :)
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I won't dread it if I do my annual Turkey Day 5K...at a good pace. I try to load up on veggies, but allow myself what I want in moderation.
  • kgcart
    kgcart Posts: 27 Member
    As I get older, I have to laugh, (no disrespect) to those who are "dreading the holidays" with regards to weight loss and food! Certainly if you just started a weight loss program a week or two before Thanksgiving, then I'd probably be concerned with a big meal on that day as it can certainly derail your diet. But keep in mind that you can get back on track the next day or the following Monday if you swan dive onto the table... Leftovers are dangerous! Give them away to somebody who doesn't worry about what they eat or better yet somebody who may be needy or would really enjoy this food and normally don't fix for themselves! If you've been on this or any diet for a while and you're sweating the holidays, then there is something else wrong in my opinion! You shouldn't be sweating this day since it does come by every year at this time yet you haven't planned for the challenge. If you keep depriving yourself, you will pay for it, trust me! I hope all enjoy their holidays!