Anybody up to start 30 day shred Wed.?



  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Missed yesterday and today--still sick. Sigh...praying that I get better soon so I can get back on track. Hoping to sleep early tonight so that I can get the rest I need for my body to heal, and get up early and exercise.

    One thing though--I don't feel like the 30 day shred is enough. I mean, it's great for toning, but I don't feel like I'm seeing the fat loss much (I know, I haven't been doing it very long, but I thought I'd see SOME change by now). I know some of you all are doing some other stuff, but I'm just curious as to what you all are doing in addition to this challenge?

    Hey Nadya's Mom! (Your baby is adorable!)

    I know what you mean... I'm on level 2 of the shred right now and I really feel that I've gotten much stronger, but I feel that it's not enough to lose the 50 extra pounds I got on me. :embarassed: I can get through the whole level without stopping. I feel worked out but not dead. :smokin: Ideally, I would do the shred in the morning before going to work - but lately I've been doing it at night. It's perfect if you're always rushing in the morning though.

    I supplement it with additional cardio (I have an elliptical trainer and a step machine) as well as another exercise program called Barry's Bootcamp (BBC). BBC is another interval/circuit training programme that has both cardio and toning for specific body parts (upper and lower body and abs) - . I try to workout for at least an hour and a half to two hours a day.

    On weekends, I'll even try to do a Pilates DVD or go to the neighborhood gym with my girlfriends.

    Does anyone else supplement the Shred with other stuff?
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Ok...I did day 2 last night! But, I am really, really sore so much that I couldnt turn during the night. At work I cant sit or climb stairs...the pain is so bad I had to take 2 advils. :sad:

    I decided to give my body a rest for today! :bigsmile:

    Hey! Just keep at it! And the sore will eventually go away. A hot shower helps. And don't stay away too long because then you'll be sore all over again. Trust me. I did it several times. Haha. But recently when I went up to level 2, I was sore but I did it again the next day and strangely enough I felt less sore. Give it a shot. :) Just don't overexert yourself. Push yourself but know your limit. :) Good luck!
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    I have been doing the 30 day Shred for 3 weeks today, the last week & a half I have had an ankle injury so haven't been about to do the cardio parts, I have modified the cardio sections with things like squat punches, walking on the spot doing jumping jack arms etc... If that helps you at all Kasuki.
    It is amazing how quickly you will strength up if you do this. I have actually lost more pounds since I have been injured and using modified low impact cardio than when I was going hard out with the cardio! Doesn't make sense to me but hey, I am very happy with how my body is changing.

    Hey FOXY! Did you get your ankle injury from the shred? I feel that she doesn't warm up your ankles at all, so I add my own ankle warm ups and cool downs, because I don't want to get injured. :glasses:
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    I was also wondering about doing the shred everyday - I do a lot of mixed exercise normally (elliptic, bike, biking/walking, body sculpting class, weight training) but don't have those available while traveling. I am mixing it up a bit with additional strength exercises with a stretchy rope and some yoga.
    I also have a problem with the jumping jacks - not good on my knees so I am just modifying and doing the jump rope instead. It still keeps me going, and not so hard on my legs.
    this is just day 3 and I'm on level one - :smile:
  • csanchez39
    csanchez39 Posts: 52 Member
    Yes, my goal was to be back at it today. But my legs are still sore...I am thinking because I am heavier in the bottom and really never ever did any type of lower exercises but walk. I am going to try it today will probablly not do the squats. :laugh: Thanks for the motivation!
  • nzfoxy
    nzfoxy Posts: 29
    Unfortunately I did hurt my ankle from this DVD BUT I don't blame the DVD at all, I think I just lost concentration on how I was doing the jumping jacks and it doesn't take much to hurt yourself if you lose form. Even though I hurt myself, I have done the 30 day shred everyday for 15 days now and lost a total of 5.4 pounds in that time. I was REALLY sore the first 4 days of starting (so sore it was agony to try and lower myself onto the toilet!! :embarassed: ) but I made myself do it the following day and I promise you this, by doing it the next day you are actually less sore afterwards. I have never had such awesome results from other forms of exercise but I am combining it with a very healthy diet.
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Unfortunately I did hurt my ankle from this DVD BUT I don't blame the DVD at all, I think I just lost concentration on how I was doing the jumping jacks and it doesn't take much to hurt yourself if you lose form. Even though I hurt myself, I have done the 30 day shred everyday for 15 days now and lost a total of 5.4 pounds in that time. I was REALLY sore the first 4 days of starting (so sore it was agony to try and lower myself onto the toilet!! :embarassed: ) but I made myself do it the following day and I promise you this, by doing it the next day you are actually less sore afterwards. I have never had such awesome results from other forms of exercise but I am combining it with a very healthy diet.

    Awesome! Good to know.

    I've been doing the shred maybe 3 times a week now and I supplement with other exercise (elliptical, other DVDs like Barry's Bootcamp, gym, etc). But I really want to do the shred daily in the mornings before work. It's so convenient because it's only 20 min. I'm on level 2 know. I think I might start on level 3 next week. I really feel so much stronger. :)
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    queenmina--thank you. Yeah, I definately need to start supplementing with more cardio.

    I think I'll be heading up to level 2 today--I did it a couple of times in the beginning but it was too tough still, so I went back to level one. HOwever, yesterday on level one (even after missing 3 days from being sick) it was too easy, so I'm moving on up!

    Any recommendations for a short cardio workout (I have a 6 month old here--that means--NO time)
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hey Nadyasmom....feeling better? I just read your last post. One great dvd that I've been doing on the days that run is called Turbo Jam. It has a GREAT 20 minute workout on it. It will wear you out, too! I've found that I can't Shred on days that I run. It seems that the Shred dvd really tires out my lower calf muscles, ankle muscles, etc. so that when I try to run....I tire out way too fast in those muscles. So I've been kind of alternating between Shredding and Turbo Jam. I'm running 4-5 days a week so the Shred has kind of taken a back seat. I do love how it tones you up so I try to do it whenever I can.

    Everyone let me know how it's going! It's been a few days since I've read the posts and wonder how it's going!
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    queenmina--thank you. Yeah, I definately need to start supplementing with more cardio.

    I think I'll be heading up to level 2 today--I did it a couple of times in the beginning but it was too tough still, so I went back to level one. HOwever, yesterday on level one (even after missing 3 days from being sick) it was too easy, so I'm moving on up!

    Any recommendations for a short cardio workout (I have a 6 month old here--that means--NO time)

    Hey! Personally, I like to intersperse my workout videos with time on my elliptical trainer and step machine. Instead on sitting on my butt while watching TV (Biggest Loser and American Idol) or a movie (Twilight, anyone?), I get on a machine so I can burn calories while getting my dose of entertainment. I tend to burn a lot on my elliptical. And I feel like I tone a lot on my step.

    But I also work with Barry's Bootcamp which is another programme that has buildable options. Most days I just do the 20-min Fat Blaster routine, which is interval training cardio plus strength. Then if I have more time, I can opt to do other 12-min routines - there's arms, abs and legs. :)

    Hope this helps!
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Well...step one is complete--I at least brought my treadmill up from the basement and dusted it off. Then I sat on the couch in front of it and watched a bit of tv... steps, baby steps
  • nzfoxy
    nzfoxy Posts: 29
    Day 30 is today, keeping in mind I haven't been able to do the high impact cardio of level 2 for the last 2 weeks due to injury but I have kept with it (only missed one day out of the 30) and lost a total of 8lbs! I am thrilled with the results and the changes in my body. I haven't attemped level 3 yet as I am nearly healed and want to do level 2 at full throttle a few times first. Will let you all know how I find it. I am now at my goal weight so only need to maintain now. Wahooo! :happy:
  • ddiesh
    ddiesh Posts: 15
    I'm joining in here awfully late, I know. I've been doing the shred for about 1.5 weeks, skipping a day here and there but mostly sticking with it. Level 1 was killing me at first, but it's getting easier all the time. The first circuit is the worst for me! The latter 2 I'm OK with (go figure). I've lost a few pounds and I feel like my endurance/strength is improving, but I still don't feel ready to move on to Level 2 yet.

    Other than some fairly leisurely biking, I don't do any exercise outside the shred. The weather is still pretty hit-and-miss here in Colorado, but soon I hope to start hiking, plus maybe some running after a LONG hiatus. Yes, I'm a wimp when it comes to outdoor exercise.

    Aside: Aren't Anita's abs amazing (she's the one doing the modified form of the exercises)? Such a motivator! I have a feeling I've got to do WAYYYY more ab work than what's on the DVD to get abs like that, tho. :laugh:
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    Well, so much for that plan. I did the shred for 7 days straight...6 at level 1, 1 at level 2...and haven't done anything since. That was 2 weeks ago! :sad:
    Have to get back on the wagon, but I want something I can maintain...I love the 20 min, but I'm not sold on this 30 days straight part.
  • harleygirl6363
    harleygirl6363 Posts: 426 Member
    what is 30 day shred?
  • alisoncarl
    alisoncarl Posts: 89
    i am in
  • nzfoxy
    nzfoxy Posts: 29
    Last night I did level 3 for the first time, I was scared about giving it a go as I have been doing level 2 for 3 weeks solid and L2 didn't seem to be getting easier! In the warm up Jillian says things like this is going to be much harder than L2 etc... I wanted to stop the DVD and go back to L2!
    I am pleased I didn't as it was not as bad as I thought, oh yeah, it kicks butt but in some ways it seemed a little easier than L2 but I was sweating much more. The 20mins of L3 seemed to go much faster than L2 and I feel really good today. I have lost weight, feel great and my body has never been so toned, in just 5 weeks I look completely different and my husband said last night he wishes he had taken a 'before' photo of me as he can not believe the difference in my problem area which has always been butt & thighs. How is everyone else getting on?

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • sahzbah
    sahzbah Posts: 2 Member
    Well i ordered the dvd and will start when it gets here. I do have one question - and this may be obvisous but how do you list it under the exercise tab?
  • ddiesh
    ddiesh Posts: 15
    Well i ordered the dvd and will start when it gets here. I do have one question - and this may be obvisous but how do you list it under the exercise tab?

    That wasn't at all obvious to me. I list one shred workout as 10 mins of cardio + 10 mins worth of strength exercise, which I estimated as 20 sets of 15 reps, using the weight of my hand weights (3, in my case). I know that's playing fast and loose, particularly because there's less than 10 mins of cardio in one workout. But it's probably close enough.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    I've just been listing it as 20 min cross training. I don't have a heart rate monitor, but given my exertion level, I'd say the 200 calories is pretty close.
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