You take, WHAT??? Multi-Vitamins



  • LeBlackstone

    The government, FDA and USDA lie to us so much that I no longer go by any of their guidelines.


    Word of advice: If you want to be taken seriously, you may want to choose your sources better. is nothing but a repository for pseudoscience and woo.
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    i take womens one a day, calcium/vit D, and a b12 complex everyday and a vitC every other day
  • SheRa1964
    I take one a day energy. Vitamin D (my doctor said I was deficient) and the B vitamins.
  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    I take a prenatal vitamin (I am not pregnant, not trying, but just in case) and it is just the Kirlkand or Materna brand, one Omega 3 pill/day because I don't eat fish and for it's anti-inflammatory properties (I have lots of tendonitis in my body), a calcium-magnesium pill (my mom has pre-osteoporosis), and 1000 iu of Vitamin D (my levels were low at last bloodwork, and live in a cold climate).
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Vitamin D3, fish oil, joint supplement (history of joint problems in my family), and Lysine for cold sores.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    i take multi for her by naturemade with calcium and iron. i don't take any prescription medicines or anything, but i'm sure if i went to the doctor they would "find" something for me to take. :wink:
  • PZlady
    PZlady Posts: 137 Member
    I take a multi (about 6 pills in a pkg), CoQ10 for overall health & to keep headaches at bay, Omega 3 & Utlimate Eye Health (suggested by 2 eye docs to help me keep my eyesight), D3. // I learned a while ago that if a vitamin is hard it won't absorb well, if at all, so all my supplements are powdered & in a gel capsule for easy digestion. // The Omega 3 from ProCaps don't have ANY fishy after taste - \o/ SCORE.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    My doctor pulled me off of mine. He said they are mostly useless and can interfere with prescription medicines.

    I see many Doctors doing this because most people don't go out and purchase raw vitamins that are made from vegetable and fruit sources. They buy the cheap synthetics from Wal-Mart, GNC or their local drug store.

    I take RAW vitamins sourced from vegetables and fruits, very high quality fish oil and a Vitamin D supplement along with tanning bed therapy so my body will produce Vitamin D on its own.
    Your doctor recommends a tanning bed for you?

    I'm a believer in the sun, but never tanning beds. Is there new research to indicate they're not as bad?
    Or do you just live in a climate that it's impossible to get sunlight, so it's worth the risk?

    Here is what my Doctor pointed me to. I argued with her and him (one is my Naturopathic MD and the other Dr is my Metabolic Endocrinologist.). I was brainwashed to think that sun exposure was so bad that my Vitamin D3 levels are at a 4........That is very low to the point I can barely function.

    I have been told for proper bodily functions and to rid myself of the aches, pains, depression and control my Diabetes better that I need to get my Vitamin D3 levels up higher than 60. Like I said, I am currently at a 4 and will have my levels rechecked at the first of the year.

    And I forgot to mention that my health insurance pays for tanning bed membership up to $30.00 a month for the months of October - February.

    The government, FDA and USDA lie to us so much that I no longer go by any of their guidelines.

    Oh, I 100% agree about Vitamin D! I make sure we get plenty of exposure to the sun, and in the winter, I take a supplement and give one to my kids as needed. I was just surprised at the tanning bed suggestion part of it.

    Good luck with your levels!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I take:

    Evening Primrose Oil - for menstrual issues
    MSM - for my creaky joints
    Hair and Nails multi
    Vitamin D - for winter here SUCKS
    Vitamin C - Helps me to keep from getting sick during winter when everybody else is getting sick.

    I like to take vitamins because I KNOW I'm not getting everything that I need through foods.I know I'm not and I know I do feel better when I'm taking them...I don't get sick as much and my joints are a lot quieter. I'm not on any medication to worry about either.
  • racymandi21
    racymandi21 Posts: 11 Member
    I take the GNC Womens Active Vita-Pac and the GNC Be-Hot enhancing pack. I love them both. I have had so much more energy and better workouts while taking them.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I take prenatals, vitamin C (1g/day), 1000IU Vitamin D, B complex (100mg), vitamin E, fish oil every couple of days (not every day because I don't want vit A toxicity - I already get lots of vit A in my prenatal).
  • sierrajordon
    sierrajordon Posts: 78 Member
    Morning- probiotic
    Lunch- digestive enzyme and omega 3 before meal
    Dinner- same as lunch
    Bed time- probiotic, mag 07 and multi vitamins

    Amazing results! I feel great since I got on these vitamins
  • novamegs
    I take GNC women's ultra mega energy and metabolism; i have to stick with timed release vitamins or the iron makes me really sick. Love these.
  • smallaffair
    I take a multi-vitamin, Vitamin D, and melatonin.
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Flintstones Complete. (Yeah, I'm a big kid.)
  • wildcata77
    I take a pre-natal vitamin.

    I am not currently pregnant or TTC, but I feel that I need extra iron b/c I have always been deficient, and the pre-natals have more iron. They also have more folic acid, which is now reccommended for ALL women of child-bearing age, mostly b/c if you have a "surprise" pregnancy, by the time you find out you will have likely already passed the prime time for the types of neuro/spinal complications that folic acid is needed to prevent.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I take GNC Ultra Mega Active for women at a quarter of the dosage. They recommend 2 a day, but I only take a quarter of a pill which works A LOT better for me.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I take (yes, this is ONE product name!) - 'Seven Seas One A Day Pure Cod Liver Oil with Omega-3 Fish Oil & Vitamins A, D+E PLUS MULTIVITAMINS'

    :) here's hoping it works.
  • SoulNeedsBeauty
    SoulNeedsBeauty Posts: 154 Member
    I only take fish oils. All that synthetic stuff you guys are talking about, the tiniest portion of it is absorbed, they are pretty much useless unless taken together with vitamin E and oils.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    On my doctor's recommendation I take:

    Vitamin D 1,000 IUIs (was on prescription 50,000 twice a week and just switched)
    Vitamin C
    B Complex
    Cinnamon, chromium, biotin complex
    Fish Oil