Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    I tired, but did not get in the extra protein. It doesn't seem fair that if you exercise you get more protein. But if you don't eat back all the calories, you can't eat all the protein. Oh well, I tried.

    On the other hand, since the spontaneous challenge this week, I have added that to my workout schedule. I do 50 situps, 50 calf raises, 50 arm raises, 50 squats, 50 push ups.

    I am back on track now with the cravings and hope to stay that way.

    Congratulations Steph on your personal best and on trying the new foods. You have done so well with this challenge. I agree with you there has not been as much chatter this month as last, but hopefully it will improve.

    Have a nice day everyone and I am going to keep looking for those recipes. Carla :flowerforyou:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    1. I have tried multiple new exercises on the Wii yesterday, and I will try at least 3 more different ones before the end of the week.
    2. I actually just did this tonight. I increased the weights on each of the arm machines by 5lbs.
    3. Interestingly enough, I read 3 novels over the past weekend. Yep, it's what I do when I feel like the world is caving in. I will go to the library and get at least one more for later this week. I also plan to cut and color my hair this week while I have some free time.

    BTW: 12 minutes today :wink: :drinker:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    OK... so, this was kinda fitting... it REALLY takes me out of my comfort zone! I went to Zumba class by myself tonight! Didn't know if I would know anyone there and knew that the last time I went to AJ's class (with 2 friends in toe, mind you) I was sore... but had great results on the scale. ANYWAY my point is that I went! I did go... about halfway through one of my friends came in and laughed. She expected me to be close by the door, but I was in the center. It was a blast!

    Recipe... Late and I haven't tried it... but just thought I'd put this out there because I want to try it! I keep reading rave reviews... but I don't like dates - so... not sure on this one!

    (No sugar!) Cookie Dough Dip

    * 1.5 cups chickpeas (1 can, drained)
    * heaping 1/8 tsp salt
    * tiny bit over 1/8 tsp baking soda
    * 1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
    * 1/4 cup Nut Butter (any nut butter, you can get away with 3 Tbsp)
    * 1.25 cups pitted dates (SunMaid from regular grocery store suggested)
    * 1/3 cup chocolate chips (can use sugar free to keep recipe sugarfree)
    * 2 Tbsp Oats (You can omit)
    * nondairy milk as needed (a few Tbsp)

    In a bowl, cover the dates with 1/2 cup water. Let this sit for at least 8 hours. Then add all ingredients (including the dates soaking liquid), except the chocolate chips, to a good processor and blend until very smooth. Add the chocolate chips and stir. This can be served as a dessert dip, as a spread (maybe between apple slices or crackers?), eaten with a spoon, mixed into oatmeal, stuffed into cupcakes or even used to top pancakes.

    Naughty Girl Vegan Fudge (sugarfree chocolate fudge, has no fake sugar)

    * 4 Tbsp Coconut butter
    * 1/2 large, very ripe banana
    * 1/4 tsp cinnamon
    * scant 1/16 tsp salt
    * You can add sweetener, if desired
    * 2 Tbsp (or more!) cocoa powder

    Stir it all up and place in the fridge for a few hours.

    OOOORRRRR - here's an easy one... anyone love the Carmel Apple Cider from Starbucks? I found that you can get sugarfree apple cider and then add a small scoop of sugarfree Smucker's Carmel topping. Thick and carmel-y! It's as yummy as the original without all the calories!
  • well not sure if this counts as out of my comfort zone but i ran for 6 minutes this morning (most i think i've ever done was 4) and for each mile i walked i ran for a much larger majority of it - 2 minutes or so at a time....tomorrow i'm going to push myself to run the entire way from my house to the sea (it usually takes me 12ish minutes to walk it, tomorrow the experiment is to see if i can run the whole way and see how long it takes, it will probably be 11, we'll see if i can even make it half way)

    tonite i made a dessert for my daughter which i think i'll be eating later

    i froze a banana and added some dark cocoa (a few sprinkles of it for flavour) it's fake banana ice cream! DELICIOUS! i got the recipe from Pinterest, where i basically live now.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    #3 - Ya - date night with DH tonight after a haircut. Some ME TIME. It's been a long time coming!!!

    Keeping to my 'PIE' plan so far. Hope to make good choices when we go out for dinner tonight and who knows -- maybe we'll get some exercise when we get home *wink wink** Nothing wrong with a little midnight cardio if ya know what I mean?

    OK - so I'm eating plain tuna on my sala today. I'm going to get to 30% protein one day if it kills me. I also picked up some Whey Protein powder to try tomorrow. It has 20g of protein so that should help. It's tough to reach without going over on fat or calories. I am also trying to increase my iron since my blood work shows that I'm anemic and need to be retested in 2 months. Strange thing is that foods that I know have iron do not show any when I log them in. Maybe that nutrition info was left out when entered?? I'll need to check on that.

    Count down to Turkey! Gobble Gobble!

    ps - Eileen - did you book your Disney trip right on the Disney site or is there a site you recommend? I'm a Disney Idiot!!
  • Sorry for my *****y post last night, was just feeling frustrated. I'm not worried about the spreadsheet being done as its not an easy fit on this challenge as it tracks our own personal goals. Just wasn't feeling the love or commitment we've shown in the past. Its blown over!

    i totally forgot about the spreadsheet!!! sorry....
    as for the protein, i'm lame.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Okay I have made my plan for this week. Here goes:

    New class- Friday evening I am taking a belly dancing class. I cannot wait!!

    Added weight/reps - tonight I am using the 10 and 20 pounds dumbells when I work out instead of the 5 and 10. (Will also do this Thursday if my muscles arent too sore)

    My me time this week- gee, I kind of look at the candy making as me time because it is something I look forward to doing with my daughter, and I think my sisters and I will also spend quite a bit of time shopping and doing crafty things this weekend.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Gobble Gobble - keeping it light today so I can - Gobble Gobble tomorrow.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hey everyone, Hope all your Thanksgiving plans are going well.

    Here is my plan for this week. Yesterday I upped my reps in my free weights. I will try to up my weights with the machines tomorrow. As far as a new class or activity, I will try the upright bike this week. It means that I will have to go upstairs where the men work out and this will be the first so I will have to get up the nerve. As far as me time goes, not sure yet. I do take at least an hour each day to read a book so do have a lot of me time already, but i will see. Have a good day everyone. Carla
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Sorry for my *****y post last night, was just feeling frustrated. I'm not worried about the spreadsheet being done as its not an easy fit on this challenge as it tracks our own personal goals. Just wasn't feeling the love or commitment we've shown in the past. Its blown over!

    i totally forgot about the spreadsheet!!! sorry....
    as for the protein, i'm lame.

    Oh ****, I forgot about the spreadsheet too!!! Yikes, I suck! No wonder Steph was totally frazzled at us.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Yet again thanksgiving makes me want to be american...i could do with a huuuuge amount of turkey and potatoes and a good excuse to eat...but no...instead i have lectures and boxercise and staying on track food-wise *sigh*

    Did love all my years living with americans though...amaaaaazing feast hehe.

    I'm still working out what new class/out of comfort zone thing to do, and the "me time" bit...but I will update as and when I've worked that out. Am already on the upping intensity bit though... x
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm glad we've got a week and smidge fo this challenge. I was hoping to up my weights in the next couple of days but my ****ing chest muscles have gone into spasm again and are making moving a challenge. Also this really has pointed out that I must get new sports bras as the girls bouncing all over the place pulls on the muscle and makes it worse!

    I'm toying with a couple of class ideas! There is a pilates late on Saturday afternoon that i might try (i feel dubious towards yoga and pilates), there is african dance saturday afternoon and there is a step n tone class wednesday night so who knows, maybe I'll be super adventurous! Wednesday is normally my trainer day but I'm meeting her early in the morning, heading up the to the day of action strike rally and then could be back for the evening class!

    Want to book a massage but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Hope you are all doing well. I know I was moany the other night but I am still proud of the things you have accomplished and i look forward to seeing if we have met the goals we each set at the beginning of the month. :flowerforyou:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Steph, Steph, Steph, yes go get a new bra your poor girls don't like bouncing around in there.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ooooh I have found my friend goes to a body pump class on a Sunday I might tag along...(also never ever been to a class with someone I know (or someone I knew previously in a non-exercise way) in eeeek coz this is a bit scary...

    I ache soooo much today but will try and head over to boxercise tonight and work it hard.

    I hope all the americans have a lovely thanksgiving and eat lots and lots (but maybe not TOO much) turkey...and I'll return the favour and eat far to much over Xmas/New Year!!!
  • happy thanksgiving from an american in ireland all! our celebration is saturday

    i was hoping to be at 70 lbs by saturday, but i'm losing hope as my monthly friend has arrived to add fluid weight! anyway, i was at 69 lbs down this morning, so crossing my fingers!

    hope u all had a fantastic day, we're celebrating it here on Saturday with 4 other families!

    all of y'all's talks about all these new classes you're trying sound so interesting - i aspire to a "class" sometime, still feel too big and uncoordinated to exercise with others! maybe another 30 lbs?
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    OK folks finding you all a little bit frustrating. If its an exercise challenge we all bust our *kitten* to do it and post and brag. As soon as we have a challenge that isn't that way we vanish from the boards and stop encouraging each other. There have been very few posts this week and lets face it, nutirition week isn't that hard. Drink your water, eat your protein, try a new food and post your favourite recipe.

    I tried 2 new foods this weekend and exceeded my goal of trying 4 new foods. I've tried 5 and there is still a week to go in the month. Yesterday I tried passion fruit (see previous post) and today I tried sole - I quite liked it and will be trying it again.

    Tomorrow is protein day - dairy and eggs and some nuts are a great way to get some extra protein into what you already eating. Tuna is really high in it too.

    Come on people!! I'm starting to feel rather lonely in the is challenge.

    Sorry Steph :blushing: Guilty:blushing: as charged. Not sure why but this challenge has slipped by me. No excuses. I am not being supportive like friends should be on here. Sorry Becky :cry: I am trying to claw my way back to focus on MFP.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Allo Allo!
    Well we have 6 days left in this challenge! (By the way are we doing anything for December? Given the *hmhmm* lack of overwhelming commitment to this challenge, can I say that with people's schedules we might be better off waiting till the new year).
    My goals, I have not met all (and won't) but I'm okay with that cause I've realised things. 30DS is great but for me its not an everyday thing, it will be great for when I can't get to the gym. Bar the week on fieldtrip, I have been within 10 +/- of my calories 5 out of 6 days a week. I've tried 5 new foods this month (goal was 4). I will have to wait to check my burn (but I'm dubious) and I have 1 more weigh in before the end of the month).

    I'm going to go and do African Dance class tomorrow - Zumba is cancelled so this seems like a good alternative. Going to try and get a bit of circuit training in before hand and take non-sweaty clothes to change into! In the circuit training I'm going to try and up the weights of something but it may have to be reps instead of weight (chest muscles spasm issues). And I haven't done much for my 2 hours me time but I will work on it!
  • wow steph you're at 117!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just sayin' mazel. :)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Allo Allo!
    Well we have 6 days left in this challenge! (By the way are we doing anything for December? Given the *hmhmm* lack of overwhelming commitment to this challenge, can I say that with people's schedules we might be better off waiting till the new year).

    First of all, thanks Steph for organizing this month's challenge. I agree that this month has been tough for everyone. I am game to wait for January.

    Wow only 5 days left to meet our goals. I did really well, but have not made the 10 pound goal. I only have 2 pounds to go so I hope I can do it in the next 5 days. I am up to 8 different types of exercise and activities which really makes the exercise go well and not boring. This month I went to the gym every single day. This was not a goal, but I think it was pretty exciting when I realized this. I did make sure I logged all my food everyday this month which is awesome. I often just didn't log if I knew I had gone over, but who was I cheating .....just myself. I only went over calories twice this month which again is a great accomplishments for me. I was not successful in all the weekly challenges, but did try and have added some things to my workout routine. So I guess that overall, this was a successful month for me thanks to this challenge. Thanks again Steph. :drinker:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hey all... I am happy to organize a Challenge for December... I'll work on it and post some details later! I don't want to lose our mojo here! Perhaps... (ok, ok, here I go again) this can help with a "lesson"... I just know that I fell off focusing on the challenge and I am NOT doing as well. I need to remember to focus on me and what's important - versus everyone else in my life. So, even if I am the only one doing it... I am going to do one!

    I am, however, going to ask people to sign up... Okey Dokey... gotta run for now!