Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Argh 2 days away with uni on a field trip, absolutely exhausted but so proud of myself for resisting all the cake, chocolate, SOOO many biscuits, crisps, wine, name it people were eating it, offering it and looking at me funny for passing on them. Even the tutors wanted to know why I didn't want jam on toast for breakfast, cheese sandwich for lunch with crisps and 2 chocolate biscuit bars AND fruit and coke and cake!!! ARGH...I sat there eating my fruit and mullerlight that I'd brought with me...drooling, but staying strong...I only caved a little bit and got gingerbread syrup in my skinny latte at the service station...but given that that was the only non strong moment and we'd already been driving for 3hrs and I was exhausted I count that as an overall win...

    On other notes, I do have 200 ab crunches and 200 arm extensions to do before going to bed, as I just couldn't bare the comments doing it in a shared room with people that were quite drunk on wine and merrily guzzling chocolate biscuits...!
  • all right listen, i'm going to be honest
    with mid term break i'm not in it to win it
    i'm transferring my exercise week to next week...dont hate me people, it's just insane around here and i'm just able to get the cardio in (today i did 20 minutes Just Dance and 30 minutes on my Gazelle while the girl was in the bath) as we were on the road this morning

    all i've done are the crunches and 2/10 of those g-d damn calf raises

    hope i'm not banished from the challenge, i swear i will get to them next week!

    and WELL DONE PENNY! i feel your pain
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Triceps extensions done with 5 pound weights. Okay it was five pound reams of paper and they were done in the copy room at work throughout the day:laugh: . I love this stealthy exercise I am sneaking into my workday.
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Did Triceps extensions today ...I did 30 reps with 50 pounds..and I lost 3 pounds this week :bigsmile: That Zumba must be doing somthing right. :bigsmile:
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Ziggie- I am impressed. I think my arm would fall off if I tried it with 50 pounds.

    Today I met all of my goals, even the no Diet Coke one. Yay!:happy:

    Tomorrow, I will try to get my challenge exercises in early and post them as we are heading to our cabin for the weekend and I can't visit the message boards with my phone. I will log everything but will update the spreadsheet on sunday when I get back. Oh and pray for daughter is taking her driving test on Saturday to get her license. Aaagh!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    :Ziggie that is super impressive, my shoulders ache at the thought of it!
    Penny - well done on avoiding temptation....if you have an of that willpower to spare could I have it!!??

    Todays challenge:

    Wall sits - make sure legs are as close to 90 degrees as you can manange. Hold as long as possible. I'm aiming for 1 minute each time. Repeat 5 times throughout the day.

    I'm going to post the weekends as well for those who are out of access:

    Saturday: 150 pushups

    Sunday: plank 5 times throughout the day for as long as you can!! (I'm aiming for 2 minutes each time but I'm warped!!)

    :heart: :heart: Keep up the great work everyone, I'm so proud of you!! :heart: :heart:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Great work everyone... keep it up!

    I did the tricep extensions, was a bit worried b/c well... 1)I I have a right rotator cuff issue and 2)we AJ killed my arms in Zumba! But made it through.

    Goals progress: I re-released almost 6 pounds. I expect the other 5'ish pounds will also re-release this week and than I can get those last 5 pesky punds! Theme for the day & weekend is water, protein, water, exercise... and some water. No processed sugars. Its hard b/c my cravings are all over the map again...

    Plan to go to the gym for a bit tonight, hope to really hit the gym hard Saturday. Aiming to get back to my gym equivalent Sprint Triathalons I was doing every Saturday. There is only 1like triathalon in town and its a Harvest Howl so September'ish. Am secretly training for that. Need to improve my times considerably... and, buy a RL bike. But this works for now.

    OK, welp there's the word bird! Make it a great day!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Staci: My arms were burning but I made it. I didn't do it all at once I did in in sets of 3. Great job on no Diet coke.

    Steph: So we are not doing Fridays workout (150 pushups?) today is wall sits?

    Beck: great job on the 6 lbs lost. Keep up the grat work.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Whew! Wall sits done.
    1) 1 min
    2) 1 min 1 sec
    3) 1 min 9 sec
    4) 1 min
    5) 1 min 12 sec

  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Man, the calves still hurt!! Survived the crunches, but didn't finish all the arm extensions - gonna have to knock them out through the weekend I think. I've done two wall sits - OMG!! These, like the calf raises, are new territory for me. Both times could be measured in mere seconds! I'm pretty sure I'll be carring one or two of these into the weekend (unless I can't move by then). Weigh in tomorrow morning, and I"m feeling pretty good about it! I know I hit my goal this week with improving my cal burn. You guys are amazing!!
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Wall sits are very hard have to do 4 more.

    Is there a spreedsheet for the workouts? or are we just loging in here?

    Great job Staci
  • Wall sits are very hard have to do 4 more.

    even harder when the dog is trying to smell your crotch (TMI? sorry!)
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Wall sits are very hard have to do 4 more.

    even harder when the dog is trying to smell your crotch (TMI? sorry!)

    Okay, my co-workers think I'm possessed after having just broken out in laughter...
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wall sits are very hard have to do 4 more.

    even harder when the dog is trying to smell your crotch (TMI? sorry!)

    OMG you just made my day! The mental image of that was too much!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    oooh I forgot. One of my goals for the month is to try 4 new foods. I tried mango today...and I won't be trying it again. The main problem was texture (I have this with a lot of foods) but that said I didn't overly enjoy the taste either. :sick:
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Okay, did 2 wall sits for 60 seconds each, then rode the bike for 5.5 miles and did a circuit of weight training. Then decided to try another wall sit. As my legs shook (and the gym probably as well) I made it for 45 seconds. I tried to get up and almost couldn't. I suppose I can probably add another 25 seconds to that sit as that is about how long it took me to wiggle my *kitten* back up the wall. 2 more to go and I hope to get them in after dinner. Oh Steph, I had no idea when you posted this stuff that it was going to be this challenging. Thanks for the extra push. :sad:
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Ok, I'm a little behind on the exercises...
    but I have done the crunches, and about half the arm extensions....and will do a few wall sits before bed...and i'll do the other half of the wall sits and arm extensions well as the press ups aaaargh!

    But I have lost 2.5lbs YAAAAAAAAAAY!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Finished my wall sits. The serious DOMS i am suffering made them interesting!!
    I am so proud of all of you. I know this week is pushing a lot of people out of their comfort zones and I'm happy you are all trying everything. I think that this is the most challenging of all 4 weeks. Only 2 more challenge days to go once you are done your wall sits! :heart:
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Wall sits are very hard have to do 4 more.

    even harder when the dog is trying to smell your crotch (TMI? sorry!)

    OMG you just made my day! The mental image of that was too much!!

    Same here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: