Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    I will admit that I did not get all of the calf raises done. My neuropathy in my feet would only let me do so many (about 15) before it became unbearable. I will finish them though. I do not know when but I will. Hoping the crunches will be easier.

    Jane - I will admire you from afar since I will not join you on your accumulation quest.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I will admit that I did not get all of the calf raises done. My neuropathy in my feet would only let me do so many (about 15) before it became unbearable. I will finish them though. I do not know when but I will. Hoping the crunches will be easier.

    Ouchy! That's not nice at all. I don't think you should do anything that causes significant pain! Poor thing.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I got my calf raises done yesterday - I did 100, then I went to the Y and hit the elliptical. I swam after that, and got the worst charlie-horses in my calves!!! Holy moly!! I had to get out of the pool and calf raises to work out the cramps. I walked funny to my car, but I got them done. Crunches are gonna kill me, plus I've got to get educated on what I can do. Looks like the side ones. Is that 200 per side? Say it ain't so!!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    I got my calf raises done yesterday - I did 100, then I went to the Y and hit the elliptical. I swam after that, and got the worst charlie-horses in my calves!!! Holy moly!! I had to get out of the pool and calf raises to work out the cramps. I walked funny to my car, but I got them done. Crunches are gonna kill me, plus I've got to get educated on what I can do. Looks like the side ones. Is that 200 per side? Say it ain't so!!

    It isn't so! And well done on getting those calf raises done!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Loving my gym time! Thanks for the great exercised Steph.

    It's TONING time!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    200 crunches done....and abs that are permenatly clenched!!! My trainer loves the sound of our challenge and wishes us all luck!
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Just noticed within the past hour how my calves guys are gonna kill me this month! (if I make it to the end - LOL)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dont' worry the focus is only on torturous exercises this week!! You'll make it Scott!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Well, I had a great day. Not only stayed under my calories, but got in lots of exercise. I couldn't believe how hared it was to get in the last 25 calf raises last night. I have 75 crunches under my belt and have to do another 125 before i get to go to bed tonight. Thanks for all this Steph. I never really did exercises like this before, it is great. and no, I will not be doing both calf raises and crunches today like some you you crazy chicks, but I applaud you. I did not even touch the leftover Hallowe'en candy today. I was tempted but told myself that I was only cheating myself and was it worth it. NO!!!1
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    did calf raises and crunches. Haven't managed my piece of fruit, but did do the protein shake grossness.

    Bad day, eating wise. Things are just too hectic here at the moment!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Holy flying squirrels batman! I woke up about 2:30 with killer cramp in my tight calf last night. I cursed you Steph. Mostly I was just so surprized because I didn't find it hard to actually do them and with all the running of the stairs that I do I never thought that doing calf raises would just put me over the edge like that.

    Crunches done! :smile:

    So, far on my goals I missed one yesterday. I started in with my Diet Coke at dinner but, I didn't finish it. So I am working on it. The rest of the goals were all good though.
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    So... I did the calf raises yesterday. I got them all done in a relatively short period of time -- but I was so thankful to read all of the posts today, because I kept thinking... good grief, I am gonna give myself a charlie horse! So, I did 20, walked around, did 30, went to the bathroom, did 15, cursed Steph, did another 30, walked to get some water, did 40, shouted wahoo and then rubbed that charlie horse, did 25, talked out loud about why do all these crazy people give us such a huge number of an exercise as such, did 15, put on my pjs and then finished them off with the last 25 and hobbled into bed!

    So, are these exercises intended to do in one day? And are we just bumping them all back a day? Thanks for the feedback in advance...

    I thought that I had posted my gratitude yesterday but I must've done something wrong... so, for my goal I want to find a gratitude or beauty in each day. Yesterday my thought was: "Today, I am thankful that I am good with people and have formed such wonderful relationships with the families of the residents I work with! I love that I get kisses and hugs and thank you's every day, and that I have the opportunity to add value and purpose in the lives of the seniors I work with!"

    Today - I posted my gratitude on my actual profile... so, that was done. I have been logging all my food today, yay! And, I reunited with my long-lost love... the gym! She missed me and while I didn't really want to go see her this evening... I did. And every minute I was there I found myself smiling and feeling better and better and better. Did the elliptical mostly, with a focus on staying out of Zone 3 (damn HRM still yelling at me about it! ugh!). Gym has been updated and changed so I ended up doing an elliptical with the moving arms. I was happy to do the 50 minutes without stopping. And.. what was my other goals?!? Oh, no stress relief today and I do weigh-in's on Thursdays. So there is the low down!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Becky - yep I screwed up the dates so bump back one day...and yes intended to be done in one day...spread 'em out if you need to!

    So with that said, today's challenge is 200 arm extensions ( if you don't know how to do them, watch the clip.

    My shoulders are screaming in agony from training last night. I'm trying to get these out of the way as soon as I can!!!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Unfortunately I don't think I can do tricep extensions, because of the old rotator cuff problem. I'll have a go, but if not, I'll have to do something else triceps-ish at the gym instead....
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Wow - calves still ache a little, but in a good way! I didn't get my crunches in - stuff going on yesterday, one commitment after another. Looks like rain today, so instead of my lunchtime walk I'll convert my office into a workout room and knock 'em out. I haven't cursed you yet, Stephanie - but watch out tomorrow!! Have a great day, everyone!
  • re: crunches
    if you have a fit ball, the crunches are more bearable
    i do mine with my feet up on my toes to make my core balance that much more

    falling so behind on exercises and will be making them all up over the next few days

    just back from an overnite in Wexford with my kid - hotel breakfast for her:
    2 bacon
    2 sausage
    1 cornflakes
    4 little danish
    (she can put it away and loves her a hotel breakfast!)

    breakfast for me:
    cheese/tomato/onion 2 egg omlette
    (no toast/croissants or danish - i LOVES me a hotel breakfast and usually fall off the wagon here specifically, but just thinking of the challenge helped me stay away!)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    just back from an overnite in Wexford with my kid - hotel breakfast for her:
    2 bacon
    2 sausage
    1 cornflakes
    4 little danish
    (she can put it away and loves her a hotel breakfast!)

    breakfast for me:
    cheese/tomato/onion 2 egg omlette
    (no toast/croissants or danish - i LOVES me a hotel breakfast and usually fall off the wagon here specifically, but just thinking of the challenge helped me stay away!)

    Wow Tina, such willpower. I love the omelette, but would have eaten the croissant. You are doing so wonderful. Keep it up.

    As far as those crunches go, I did some on the machine at the gym and some in the pool. The last 125, I did on the floor last night while watching Survivor and it just about killed me. Oh Stephanie, what is in store for today. i will need to check.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    How is everyone doing with the arm extensions today? I've got 50more to go! Did the first 100 with a 15lb weight and then got creative work using a bag filled with stuff to add some weight to them. The last 50 are back to the 15lb weight!
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Did my arm extensions at the gym. I did 30 with 8 pounds, the rest with only 5. While I was at it, I did 100 crunches and 100 calf raises along with the rest of my free weight training. I am getting sore, but loving it. I had actually gained 2 pounds over the last week what with Hallowe'en chocolate and all, but finally took it off. I don't know if I will count it in the 10 I wanted to lose this month or not. I hope I lose 10 more. I know I can if I stay on track. With your help and motivation, I am sure that I can do this. :glasses:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    okay I lied...the last 50 were done with shoulders are so sore!!!

    And I finally completed day 1 of the 30DS!! YAY!!!

    And I needed those successes as I am headed out to dinner with a friend...hoping to take my success there as well :bigsmile: