Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    (PS I totally hijacked this that ok...? I see how awesome steph does on my news feed every day and I could use the motivation...but feel free to kick me out if it's not ok...I can always follow from afar!)

    Not kicking you out Penny!! You always work so hard :flowerforyou:
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    200 Calf raises done and strangely enough they made my bum muscles hurt....could be cause I did 'em after my self-inflicted torturous spin session!

    ReNae: Yay you joined a gym! We will turn you into a gym bunny yet :bigsmile:
  • 10 things about me:

    1. I am the mother of four children, a daughter age 17, and sons ages 14, 13, and 12.
    2. I went back to college to finish my degree at age 35.
    3. I can knit, crochet, spin, tat, weave and dye yarn. Good thing I own a yarn shop.
    4. I read everyday. Non-fiction, romance, crime, chick lit, doesn't matter.
    5. My favorite color is periwinkle, although I like most pinks and blues too.
    6. I love shoes.
    7. I was born and raised in Alaska and other than a failed first attempt at college for a year, have always lived on the West Coast and within 90 minutes of the ocean.
    8. I have had 19 different addresses in my lifetime.
    9. I never knew I loved running until I tried it this year.
    10. I have super short legs, even petite pants are too long. My inseam is 26 1/2".

    My goals for November are:
    1. Lose 10 pounds.
    2. Log all my food and make my diary public again.
    3. Be within 10+/- calories 6 days a week.
    4. Complete my first 5k on Thanksgiving Day.
    5. Try 5 new healthy foods this month.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Welcome Penny!

    Jane- I am with you on your number 10.

    ReNae- good for you for joining a gym. Now the weather is no reason not to sweat.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    And can I say I'm loving everyone's 10 lists!
  • LoMadd0406
    LoMadd0406 Posts: 36 Member
    I would like to join your challenge if that's still okay? I will update later tonight when I don't have kids hanging off of my leg...:):):)
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    thank you stephy working on the list will do my stuff laters ;) I promise!
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Calf raises, huh? I'm glad I checked the thread! I"m a newbie to challenges, so you guys will have to excuse me. I'm going to the Y within the hour, but since it's still 6 PM (my warning is Steph signing off for the night) I think I'll get this one in.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    calf raises = owies, but I do feel awfully smug for doing them....!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    calf raises done:smile:
  • calf raises done:smile:

  • And can I say I'm loving everyone's 10 lists!

    Me too! I have learned I have some odd things in common with other people here! :wink:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    ReNae: Yay you joined a gym! We will turn you into a gym bunny yet :bigsmile:

    EXACTLY my thought too... YAY ReNae!! YAY!!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy: :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy:

    Happy November Everyone!! YAY, YAY, YAY for November! Happy, Happy November!!

    So, my name is Becky and I am part of the... well, I am the official Challenge Sign-up Police. Just warnin' ya' all that are new -- you are STUCK with us now, because I pretty much have determined that for the 'most' part that everyone WILL be doing every one of these challenges... they are meant to challenge us, push us, try new things... you get the point. :wink:

    10 Unique Things About Me:

    1) I am a social worker, which is so deeply engrained in to every part of my being!
    2) I am proudly emotional... that's right, I am proud to be emotional. Feeling each feeling to it's fullest is how we have balance. I am however, a bit of a sponge to that which is going on around me!
    3) I am the youngest of 5, all brothers, but one of them is only 5 minutes older than me (i.e. I am a twin).
    4) I am oddly, easily intelligent and I love to learn... but not only book smart, I also have a bunch of useless odd knowledge too!
    5) I am a sports fan... Detroit Teams are my fave, though my first time in Detroit was last month and just a stop in the airport. I actually picked out the Lions helmet when I was about 2 years old, and have stuck with Detroit for everything ever since! Not a bad year to be a Detroit fan though!
    6) I don't ever eat meat on the bone... it grosses me out! I can't do it. Turkey carcasses are my nightmare and even the thought of that makes me gag a little. Funny part is that I am as much of a proponent of protein as Cyndi is - remember the equation folks!
    7) I can NOT think about anything bad, scary, disturbing, etc. after 6 PM at night or I will have realistic dreams/nightmares. I am a bit of a sponge for everyone else's emotions, worries, concerns, etc. So - please note what that meant being at the Haunted Asylum and Haunted House from 9 PM - Midnight on Halloween...
    8) If you describe something to me or tell me in detail about anything -- I can actually see it, feel it, smell it, etc. Seriously... if I am even hearing about someone having an injury I can actually feel their pain in my body! Consequently, the nurses at work enjoy telling me about the smelliest, grossest wounds... and not because I enjoy it!
    9) I am fascinated with Reality TV... and am convinced one day I'll get to do something fun like The Amazing Race! (Looking for a partner!!.. hint, hint, hint!)
    10) Currently, I am obsessed with my collarbone and shoulder(s) -- because I can finally feel and almost see the bones! OK, OK... I am kinda obsessed with all of the bones I am able to feel in my body now. Like a hip bone! Leg bone!

    :happy: :happy: :happy:

    1) To beat that 100 pound release mark! It's beat me too much... this month, I will conquer it! (103, 103, 103!! ha, ha, ha)
    2) Find my home back at the Gym! I miss her and I know that she misses me too... Visit her at least 5x a week.
    3) Log my food again... all of it... every day. No excuses! (Been off track since vacay, need to restart!)
    4) Find one gratitude or beauty in each day and post it...
    5) Practice one new Stress Relief technique at least one time per week.

    Okey dokey... gotta run. Need to work on getting to bed earlier and getting real sleep! So, goal is to be in bed prior to midnight - giving me only 13 minutes to do so! Night everyone!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    okay, as always, the lovely Cynthia has set up a spreadsheet for us. I've mock filled mine in for 5 days so have a look! I will be clearing it tonight!

    As well get those abs out it crunches today!!!!!!!!

    200 crunches.....GO!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Cynthia one little snag.....if someone loses less than 1lbs (e..g. 0.6) it won't let it log as what it is.....
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I wasn't sure whether we were doing this here or on the other thread, so just pasting from the other thread (apologies for duplication!)

    In October I lost 14 lb.

    1 cm off neck
    4.5 cm off waist
    4.5 cm off hips
    4 cm off chest (over bust)
    4cm off chest (under bust)

    I'm feeling pretty good about this. :-)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Are we going to accumulate the daily exercises? So, 200 calf raises and 200 crunches today? I think I'll do that, anyway.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Oh Jane, you sicko.. what a great idea ;) see what I put in the other thread about the protein stuffs. :)

    Stephanie, fixed. It was a hold over from last months data sheet. I changed it all to normal text and widened fields.

    Welcome Scott & Penny & LoMadd :) We're all insane.

    Btw for you people wanting to do pushups. (Scott) check out I highly recommend it. :)

    Julie, Loki forgives you. ;)

    Renae, Gym! Oh yeah!! Get your run on! ;)

    My list:

    1) I can play the Trumpet. Although I haven't in so long on a regular basis it makes my lips numb now. But I can still play the William Tell Overture charge by memory. :)
    2) My father was 51 when I was born, my mother 26. She was his 3rd wife, the other 2 died. I ruined dad's plans for retirement grandeur of fishing and camping. And I wasn't a boy. It's okay I had him wrapped about me good and tight by the time things were through ;)
    3) Father taught me all things boys learn. Just because I had XX chromosomes wasn't stopping him. Baiting hooks, changing the brakes on my car, rewiring a circuit breaker. Done.
    4) I have destroyed everyone of my bikes in a horrific bone & skin destroying accident. I have owned 4 of them, not including the one I just bought. No, I don't have health insurance. I have scars & nerve damage from 3 of the 4 accidents.
    5) Before working as 9-1-1 emergency dispatch for Las Vegas Metro Police Department, with my mother in law sitting behind me. *sighs* I worked at the Fixed Base Operator (FBO) flight desk for Ohio State Universities Airport running ground operations during off hours by myself. I always burned the coffee. Because I don't drink it. Pilots hate that.
    6) During packing my stuff to move from Ohio to Las Vegas with Erik, my Mother was running her mouth and annoying everyone as always. Erik turned to her and said, "If you're not going to help, just go inside we'll say good bye before we leave." Both my father and I never loved him more than that moment.
    7) I was in Jobs Daughters when I was younger. *ahem* And not only made it through local chapter as Honored Queen, but went on to serve one year as Ohio's Representative to Hawaii, and as Ohio's Grand Bethel 5th Messenger. This requires you to memorize pages of information and then regurgitate them on demand with style and grace as you perform the various rituals of each position. As GB5th Mess. That equated to approximately 5000 words and standing in front of a conclave of 10000 people at summer session.
    8) My best friend Liz, who I will be Matron of Honor for next June, were both in Jobs Daughters, and have been friends now for 28 years.
    9) I drive a 2003 Chrysler Sebring Convertible that we custom ordered for my birthday in Dec 2002 because none of the vehicles in Arizona had Anti-Lock Brakes Installed. It arrived with 5 miles on it, when I squealed in delight the car salesman thought I was throwing a fit it wasn't 0.
    10) I never take the 1/4 cw diamond earrings that Erik gave me for my birthday the 6th year we were married out of my ears. Except to clean them. He paid $249 for them at Walmart. He wants to get me bigger ones, but I won't let him because then I'd have to get my ears pierced again to wear them. Because I'll never give these up, no matter what. Growing up poor both of us, when I got them, I knew what it meant for him to give them to me. We didn't have a big wedding, we got married in Vegas (sure we lived there but ;)), My ring was $100 gold band. We lived in university apartment housing. It was something. It still is.

    My Goals:

    1) Lose 10 god damn pounds this month I swear or I'll kill something.
    2) Train for the Palm Springs, HITS Sprint Triathalon, get my swim time under 30 minutes for half mile.
    3) Register for the Triathalon, and no, not in the Athena 160+ lb division dammit. The regular one!
    4) Clean out the house for moving & repack everything for final move.
    5) Finish ONE of the 4 books waiting on me to read them. Machu Picchu, North by Northwestern, Late- Late at Night, Steve Jobs
  • hiya
    off to wexford and offline for the next 2 days
    um - calf raises are HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! needless to say i'm still doing them
    crunches done

    will get to spread sheet by end of week, still in it to win it
