Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)



  • ok, i'm in, thanks!!

    1. lose 5 lbs (more please?)
    2. truly try to mix up my cardio, not just do the same thing every day
    3. make an effort to do more strength training
    4. make an effort to cook more involved meals for myself
    5. try to get to sleep earlier!

    10 things
    1. I have a beautiful husband and 5 year old daughter
    2. my first job - i sold cacti and personalized refrigerator magnets
    3. I am an American living in Ireland
    4. My favourite movie is The Jerk and I can play "You Belong to Me" on a ukelele
    5. My dog is a collie X springer spaniel, crazy, puppy, gets me walking
    6. I am a vegetarian over 30 years (since I was 9)
    7. I love reality TV, a little too much
    8. i am sugar and wheat free since april 26 except 7 cheat days
    9. i play piano, guitar, bass and 2 songs on the ukelele
    10. i bought my first home last year
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Wow...everyone's 10 things are so interesting!

    Goals for November:
    1. 10lbs (that's my typical goal for the month; sometimes I'm over, sometimes under)
    2. Increase my average water intake to 16 glasses EVERYDAY, not just workdays
    3. Work up to 15 minutes straight on the elliptical (currently at 10 with 1 minute break)
    4. Walk the long trail at least 3 times during the challenge (will be hard with the weather)
    5. Lose another half inch in all areas (my calves are the hardest for this one)
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    1. In High School, I sang competitively and was never scored lower than high ranking. (I haven't sang in years.)
    2. I played clarinet in the school band.
    3. When I was 9, I had 32 cats. (I lived on a farm.)
    4. I totaled my first car two weeks after getting my driver's license.
    5. I was a surprise mid-life baby. My parents were not supposed to have children and adopted my brother and sister. (My mom was 42 when she had me.)
    6. I ranked third on my chess board at State and was ranked higher internationally than my chess club teacher.
    7. I never had a boyfriend until after High School.
    8. I was one point off of scoring a perfect on my ACT.
    9. In college I worked as a telemarketer.
    10. In Junior High, I won the school's poetry award two years in a row. (In college, I had a professor that wanted me to try and get my poetry published.)

    I will post my goals in the morning. Happy Halloween!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Oh, I wanted to say welcome to Scott earlier but I forgot. So Welcome to our little group Scott!

    The trick or treating was awesome today but I am so glad it is all over. Have a great Halloween night everyone.
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in! Thanks Stephanie for starting this up :)

    10 things:
    1. I have a scar on my right wrist, but absolutely no idea where it came from.
    2. I can say the alphabet just as quickly backwards as forward.
    3. I think when you have to wear a sweatshirt, that's when the weather is perfect. I live in jeans and hoodie on the weekend.
    4. When I was in college, I failed statistics twice.
    5. I can not stand it when the audio and video are out of sync on tv or a movie. I have to look away from the screen or close my eyes.
    6. My all time favorite movie is Playing by Heart.
    7. My husband and I got married exactly, to the day, 18 months after our first date.
    8. I'm obsessed with maps, globes, atlases, etc.
    9. My favorite color is orange.
    10. I can't sleep in a car/train/plane/etc.

    November goals:
    1. Lose 5 lbs
    2. Drink 10 glasses of water per day
    3. Do at least 15 minutes on the exercise bike per day
    4. To get more sleep
    5. Be under my calorie goal 6 days/week
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    I'm in... but still have a high HR from the haunted house and haunted asylum... So, I will post in the morning.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    CLears throat and says loudly: my tiny tired overworked brain could not cope with the fact that november 1st was a Tuesday. I am sorry for the confusion caused. I woke up in the middle of the night suddenly aware of the err of my ways!

    That said, yes todays challenge is:

    200 CALF RAISES!

    Scott glad to see you made it :)
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    1. lose 4 lbs *fingers crossed*
    2. to really try to work out at least 5 days a week...even when I have tons of coursework on
    3. try to make an effort to do things like sit-ups/press ups on cardio only days
    4. keep my protein levels high, and my carbs in check...
    5. try to keep sleep a priority as it helps everything

    10 things
    1. I'm in my 6th year of studying architecture at uni (4 years undergrad, now in my 2nd year of postgrad) and the workload is intense
    2. I am guilty of always setting my alarm 30mins early, just so I can enjoy snoozing for 30mins before having to get up
    3. I have not bought a loaf of bread in 2011
    4. When I watched the film "the departed" I didn't realise that Matt Damon and Leonardo diCaprio wern't the same person...(I often do things like this in films)
    5. I have a really good mental map and sense of direction, but it rarely lines up with actual maps...but if someone takes me somewhere I can always get myself back no problems.
    6. Most of the people at my uni don't even realise I'm dieting
    7. I love watching F1 racing, rugby and other non-girley things like that.
    8. My parents have lived in the same house my whole and the day they decide to move scares me! (I have lived in rented flats/houses whilst at uni...but they've never been *home*).
    9. I often make excuses for not going out when I'm not feeling it so I can curl up in bed/on the sofa and have a bit of *me time* infront of some bad tv/dvds/book
    10. I'm stubborn as a mule and will do anything with in my power to not fail at something, even if it puts me out in other ways.
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    All right here are my goals:

    1. I will go to the gym 5x a week.
    2. I will drink more green tea than coffee this month.
    3. I will try 5 new foods (including the shirataki noodles still in my fridge.)
    4. I will plan all my weekday evening meals for the month.
    5. I will take a bubble bath for myself once a week.
  • Ziggie13
    Ziggie13 Posts: 248
    Checking in .... I will update later
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I'll be right back.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Lane's 5 goals for November:

    1) I've set my protein to 25%, keep that amount as a minimum
    2) Drink minimum of 12 glasses of water a day
    3) Start 30DS shred and complete it (this time get my measurements first lol)
    4) Lose 5 lbs (but I'd prefer 11 because that would put me at my halfway mark)
    5) To get the guts to do The Gobbler 5K on Thanksgiving Day... and be okay if I don't finish in my goal time

    10 Things About Me:

    1) I love being a mommy more than anything in the world. My life before him is a distant memory!
    2) My name is Lane and I'm a girl. Usually Lane's are guys. I've heard that for the past 30 years. Yay me lol
    3) I go crazy if the person in front of me is riding down the road with their turn signal on...with no intention of turning. Drives me insane!
    4) I can't eat anything crunchy on my sandwiches and burgers, namely pickles and lettuce. Makes me feel like I am eating bugs. But, I can pull the pickles off first and eat them lol
    5) Because of my job (at 9-1-1) I can listen to 2 things at one time and type it all at the same time. There's nothing like talking to a person whose screaming that their house is getting broken in to, while calling a vehicle or foot chase on the radio. Fun times!
    6) To go along with #5, when I am not at work if I am watching tv or on the computer that's ALL I can focus on. My brain gets overworked for 12 hours a day lol
    7) I had a real bad bike accident when I was a kid, there's gravel in my chin and in my big toe. Nice little scar on my chin though :)
    8) I am the only BIG person in my family (how did I get so lucky? lol)
    9) People who wear dark blue with black make me want to smack them, I can't stand it lol
    10) I can find humor in everything and never take life too seriously :)
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you Steph,it sounds like this is going to be a great challenge

    10 unique things about me:
    1. I have a freckle on my left wrist and always point to it when my kids ask the time and reply 2 hairs past a freckle
    2.If I ever grow up I want to be a dula and help women while the labour.
    3.I did not finish grade 8 but test at a grade 12 level
    4.I love reading historical romance novels
    5.My favorite movie ever since I was 6 has been Tootsie
    6.I am like watch movies rather than TV
    7.My husband and I dated for 3 days before we moved in together
    8.I have 4 tattoos 3 of them are on my arms
    9.I have sleep apnea and my husband says I look like darth vader with my mask on
    10.I used to rollerskate as a kid

    5 goals for November
    1.Get to the gym 3 days a week
    2.Lose 5% of my weight
    3.No added sugar
    4.Do 200 miles on the stationary bike
    5. Eat healthier foods to stretch my calorie buck.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Hi all

    Just got back from complete failure of a hospital trip (mum's horrid operation was cancelled due to lack of a high dependency bed. God knows how long we'll have to wait for another date.... This is perhaps the only outcome I could think of that would be worse than actually having the op!)

    Just bumping really, so I can find you later. I'll sort out measurements etc tomorrow I think. Today's a bit of a write off.

  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    So, I was on the other Skinny Chicks and rooster thread and realzed I was late for a meeting so I ran out of my office and down the hall. Got to where the meeting was suppose to be and there was a note on the door "Sorry the meeting has been cancelled". What? Seriously, the hospital pays for our freaking phones so I know you can email and/or text that the meeting has been cancelled and yet you go down and put a note on the door instead. There were four of us there kind of looking at eachother saying "What the hell?" Why is our time so much less important than yours that you couldn't send out a quick note saying that it was cancelled so we didn't all have to drop what we were doing to go down and find out it was cancelled.:grumble: Really they pay for this technology so you can use it people. Deep breath, shake it off, another deep breath okay rant over.:smile:

    mrsduck- 200 miles on the bike for November? Great goal. I will be cheering you on every single time you get on the bike::bigsmile:

    Jane- Sorry to hear that your mum's surgery was cancelled for that reason. I hope it can be rescheduled soon.

    Steph- thank you for the clarification. I started doing some calf raises yesterday just in case but I only got to about 75 so I am happy to re-do for today.

    So, I am off to a good start on my protein goal this month. I have planned my meals and snacks for today and am at over 35% on my protein.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member

    8. I can't actually do anything with me university degree!

    OK. In my best, most school marmish university lecturer voice....

    Stephanie this is not true, and I know you know it. A university degree is an apprenticeship in thinking, building on a particular content area. You use those skills every day of your life, they're built into everything you do....

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    OK - 6 minutes, 200 calf raises. Didn't spot this till lateish in the day, so spreading 'em out wasn't an option. Done!

    November goals:

    1) Lose 8lb
    2) Run 3 x a week
    3) Burn average 800 cals per day (6500 per week)
    4) eat a piece of fruit every day
    5) drink this gross protein shake nastiness every day

    10 things about me:

    1) I love making music.
    2) I have 4 degrees (and a postgraduate diploma) and still think that Jilly Cooper is the pinnacle of literary achievement.
    3) My daughter gives me all the hope I need
    4) I have two fantabulous little dogs who get me off my bottom and out the door every day, to chase rabbits (they chase them, I just watch....)
    5) When I hit a reasonable weight, I'm having a belly piercing. This despite the fact that I can't *stand* anyone touching my belly button!
    6) I can type and talk at the same time. I like to freak my colleagues out by carrying on typing while looking them in the eye and talking to them....
    7) I didn't properly learn to drive till I was 35.
    8) I'm basically very happy with my life - and it's taken a while to get there. I love my job, and I love being a mother. Not really in that order.
    9) I sing in a club once a fortnight.
    10) I hate talking about myself like this as I find it impossible to judge whether what I'm saying sounds arrogant, boring or just plain dumb!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thank you Steph:smooched: for the November Challenge

    :heart: 5 goals for November:heart:

    1. Lose 8lbs for November
    2. drink an average of 12 cups of water daily(will make up on days by drinking more than 12 cups for days I drink less)
    3. more fruits and veggies
    4. walk everyday
    5. log all my foods

    :flowerforyou: 10 things about me::flowerforyou:

    1. I am addicted to reality tv
    2. I have 2 college diplomas, but never used them
    3. My left pinkie is double jointed
    4. I always double or triple check the door/windows before bed
    5. I have 2 kids (boys)14 years age difference – not sure what I was thinking.
    6. I love camping and yep we use tents
    7. I have a drivers licence and a vehicle but I don’t drive (nervous)
    8. Grew up in a small town
    9. I prefer to watch movies alone
    10. I believe people can be addicted to food (like drugs or alcohol) Hello my name is Linda and I am a food addict.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    (PS I totally hijacked this that ok...? I see how awesome steph does on my news feed every day and I could use the motivation...but feel free to kick me out if it's not ok...I can always follow from afar!)
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    10 unique things about me:

    1.I joined a gym today!
    2.I backpacked through Europe and hitchhiked through 18 countries (1985-86)
    3.I don’t like animals (we have a cat, dog, fish, hampster) Ya – I’m a good mom
    4.My weaknesses are Chocolate & Cheese
    5.My parents have been married for 50years & both my brother & my sister have celebrated their 25 & 28th with their spouses. (17 for DH & I)
    6.I secretly want to shave my head so I won’t need to do my hair.
    7.My name is ReNae – with a CAPITAL “N “ - thanks mom
    8.I don’t like to pump my own gas and can usually coax DH into almost anything
    9.I wear 4 earings in each ear (sometimes)
    10.I’m a facebook stalker & rarely post

    November Goals

    1.Measure more of my portions when preparing meals
    2.Reduce my carb intake and increase protein intake...Dito Cynthia
    3.Go to the gym 3 days a week
    4.Do some core work and start getting toned
    5.Work hard to be in Onederland before Christmas

    Stephanie – sadly enough I never noticed that Monday wasn’t the 1st – LOL! Thanks for organizing this. It will work perfectly with our busy holiday lives!

    Scott & Penny – welcome! We’re a crazy dedicated bunch. Hope our support helps you through this challenge.