Skinny chicks and a rooster November challenge (closed)

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: NOVEMBER CHALLENGE!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

This challenge is open to all the skinny chicks and rooster, but feel free to invite others who you know motivate you or that you know need the motivation.

Our October challenge has been extremely challenging but it has worked great at getting more people moving and trying new things out of their comfort zone. A BIG BIG BIG thanks to JJ for organising it and for cheering us on throughout out.
November and December are going to be challenging with the holidays approaching and they are also going to be busy so under JJ’s advice, I propose the challenge is individual.

Here is the idea for November:

1. We will each set 5 individual goals for the month. For example: 1) Lose 5lbs in November. 2) Complete the 30DS 3) Be 10+/- my daily calorie goal every day this month 4) Burn 10% more calories than October 5) Try 5 new foods this month

2. Every week will have a different focus

November 1st – 7th: EXERCISE WEEK (there will be daily challenges here, for example 200 crunch Tuesday, 250 stairs Wednesday)

November 8th – 14th: PERSONAL BEST WEEK – this is your week to break your own records. For example: I will aim to finally run 2km without having to stop and walk. You may choose to tackle more than 1 record of course!

November 15th – 21st: NUTRITION WEEK our focus this week is food and water. Its also going to be our sharing week. Monday and Wednesday aim for 30%+ protein intake, Tuesday and Thursday is H2O days – its simple drink up!! Friday share your favourite healthy recipe. Saturday/Sunday: Try at least 1 new food and share your thoughts on it.

November 22nd – 30th: OUT OF THE COMFORT ZONE WEEK: This week consists of 3 mini challenges to complete as you can. 1) Try a new class or exercise (we could share what we do to give each other ideas) 2) safely increase the weight or number of reps you are doing with strength training 3) Dedicate 2 hours this week to you. I don’t mean by exercising, I mean by stopping and taking care of you. Soak in the tub, sit and read that book you’ve wanted to, get a manicure etc. We are all people who give give give it would seem and put ourselves on the backburner. So I think it would be a challenge to actually set aside time for us!!



  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    bump for later
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    OK, we've done the introduction thing on the last few threads so here is something different to kick us off this time!

    10 unique things about me:

    1. Once I have heard a song once, I will normally be able to sing along word for word
    2. I have an insatiable appetite for fiction books set in the south, particularly during the civil war and the times of the civil rights movement. Gone with the Wind and North & South are particular favourites of mine.
    3. My middle toe is longer than my all my other toes
    4. I can't wait to move back to Canada
    5. I can't eat certain foods (like tomatoes) cause they feel weird!
    6. I love being a ginger
    7. I love crime tv....ncis, csi, bones etc
    8. I can't actually do anything with me university degree!
    9. I check out how sweaty my clothes are when I'm done at the gym as a judge of my workout
    10. I check MFP way more than facebook
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member

    1. Lose minimum 5lbs
    2. complete 20 days of the 30DS (I'm away for a week which is why its not the whole thing!)
    3. Burn 10% more calories than I did in November (again away for a week so this is a real challenge!!!) (23498 cals)
    4. Be 10+/- cals of my daily allowance (currently 1500)
    5. Try 4 new foods this month
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Week of November 1st focuses on exercises! These will not require any equipment and could be done with our without weights - whatever strikes your fancy!!

    MONDAY: 200 calf raises (stand with feet comfortably together, raise up on to toes and back down, repeat). Break it up throughout the day!

    TUESDAY: 200 crunches - on the floor, standing, with a weight, without a weight - get those abs going!!

    WEDNESDAY: 200 arm extensions (arms up over head, bend behind head, extend and repeat - great with a weight of some sort - even the milk jug!)

    THURSDAY: Wall sits: 5 times throughout the day as long as you can. Go to the wall, sit down on an imaginary seat - try to get legs as close to 90 degrees as possible.

    FRIDAY: 150 pushups - manly ones, girly ones, against the wall or a table. Get those sexy arms!

    SATURDAY: Plank 5 times throughout the day - there are lots of ways to do this. Some are simply in the up-pushup positiion, others are on there elbows others are on a raised object. The lower you are the more your abs work. Hold as long as possible.

    SUNDAY: nothing! If you've done all the above, a round of applause.

    Alll exercises can be googled to see techniques. Give it a try, even if you don't get them all done you can say you have tried :flowerforyou:
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Okay, 10 Unique things about me, Carla

    1. I am a retired elementary school principal.
    2. I too love crime TV (NCIS, Criminal Minds, CSI etc.)
    3. I have an eclectic taste in books. I read pretty much anything except horror.
    4. I love to watch wrestling. I used to actually go to events in my younger days.
    5. I am a Toronto Maple Leafs hockey fan and I actually think they will win the Stanley Cup someday.
    6. I love to watch kid's movies and now that I am retired, I can't watch them at school with the kids, so I just watch them here at home.
    7. I used to be on my high school swim team and was pretty good.
    8. I got my University Degree in Home Economics and even though nutrition was a big part of this program, I still got fat.
    9. When I cheat on my nutrition plan, I still do it in secret so my husband does not know.
    10. I am a Christian, love God and Jesus and am proud of it.
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    My goals for November:

    1. Log everything I eat. Even those things I eat late at night after I have signed out for the night.
    2. Lose 10 pounds
    3. Do at least 5 different fitness things each week (i.e. Zumba, water aerobics, weight training, swim lengths, bike, walk the dog etc.)
    4. Be under my calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    5. Do the weekly challenges during November.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Ok. I'll give it a go. November is going to be insane for me at work, so not sure exactly how successful I will be.

    10 unique things about me:

    1. I never went to University and I'm not even 100% sure if I actually graduated from High School, but I pretend that I did.
    2. I have a freckle just above my belly button and a matching one below (although I need a mirror to see that one, LOL).
    3. I'm in love with Southern American BBQ, even though I've never had any
    4. I am highly sought after in my industry (commercial insurance).
    5. I hate all vegetables and eat almost none (hmm, I think I just found one of my challenges for Nov)
    6. I've been cutting my own hair for 10+ years (clippers)
    7. I am an avid video gamer and own all the major platforms, but I'm embarrassed by this fact and keep it to myself.
    8. I bought the house I grew up in.
    9. Both of my parents died when they were quite young (it makes me sad that my Dad never got to meet his granddaughter. He would have doted on her BIG time)
    10. I hate Facebook
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member

    1. Lose minimum 8LBS
    2. Eat vegetables at least 4 days every week (I know...I know)
    3. Be under my calorie goal 25 out of 30 days in November
    4. Join a gym....and least 8 times during the month
    5. Reduce my carb intake by 20% (and increase protein intake...Thanks Cynthia for pushing me in this direction)
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    First, I want to thank Stephanie for the invite. I've thought about this alot the past hour since accepting, and I really need this. November was a stumbling block for me last year, and it snow-balled into almost 6 months of undoing a lot of hard work last summer. It's not going to happen this year!

    10 unique things about me:
    1. Father of 7 kids, ages 10-29, but no grand kids yet. My dad was a grandfather 5 times over when he was my age)
    2. My family moved alot when I was growing up, and as a result I attended 12 different schools.
    3. I was a band geek in high school.
    4. I don't have an athletic bone in my body (which explains #3)
    5. Played piano since the age of 4 (explains #4, and affects #3)
    6. Had a partial finger amputation in a work accident (1/3 of left pointer finger) (affects #5)
    7. Has a Bassett Hound named Emmett (actually he owns me, I think)
    8. I love Genealogy - almost to a point of obsession. But I walk away from it for years at a time.
    9. Have thick hair and will never go bald - but cannot grow a mustache to save my life.
    10. My arms are too short for my body (so says my wife...)
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    GOALS FOR NOVEMBER: (I hope I can do this...)

    1. Lose minimum of 8 lbs
    2. Burn 10% more calories than October (26148) = 28763 minimum
    3. Try 3 new foods
    4. Be able to do 30 situps non-stop
    5. Be able to do 40 pushups non-stop
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Thanks for putting all of this together Steph.

    10 unique things about me:

    1. I love romance novels. I have a hard time reading anything else, but can read a romance in 3-4 days.
    2. I had a nose ring for a whole 3 hours. Took out because huddy was threatening divorce, not worth it.
    3. Love watching Disney channel and Nick Jr. Though Eve is playing with her toys, I'm watching kiddie cartoons.
    4. I can sing word for word of Phantom of the Opera, when it came to the movie theater I saw it 5 times, on the same weekend.
    5. Love most of all music, except for rap.
    6. When I first saw my husband, I knew I was going to marry him one day.
    7. I love gloomy weather.
    8. I knew my BFF since the fifth grade. We've been besties for 21 some, I'm getting old.
    9. My dog is the son of the dog I had when I lived at home.
    10. I really don't like cats....sorry Cy.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Double post....but I'll do my goals for the month.

    1. Keep my protein up
    2. Stay away from all temptations, except for Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. But thats it!!
    3. Keep a mindful eye on the weekends.
    4. To get close to 200 by Thanksgiving.
    5. To make a non-meat meal 4 times this month.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    I'm in! I'll post my info either tonight after trick-or-treating with the lil man or tomorrow
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    10 Things about Me

    1. I graduated second in my class while 7 months pregnant with my twins (they were born 2 weeks later)
    2. I used to be able to place my hands flat on the ground in front of my toes while standing. (Since I've been losing weight, I'm almost back there)
    3. I'm a smartass to the nth degree.
    4. My favorite food is chicken, and I don't care how it's cooked. (My grandma used to tell me I was gonna sprout feathers)
    5. I love to read historical romance, especially those set in medieval Europe.
    6. I love going to haunted houses. (I'm sad this year that my girls are away at college because I have no one to go with)
    7. I love to bake things, but I'm not a big fan of baked goods. (odd, I know, but I really can take them or leave them)
    8. My favorite music is Salsa, but anything with a tropical beat will get me moving.
    9. I love driving long distances. (I would rather drive than travel any other way because there's so much to see)
    10. I am the most horrible person when it comes to keeping in touch with people. My IRL friends know that if they want to remain my friends, they have to call me because I don't pick up the phone. Not because I don't think about them, but I'm just not a drop everything and call someone person.
  • i think i'm in, but i haven't even read it yet! been so busy sorry!!!
    will have time tomorrow!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I am in. So 10 things about me:

    1) My youngest son was born my nephew. (We adopted him)
    2) At 18 I was arrested while on vacation with my grandparents in Mexico.
    3) My release from the Mexican Federales cost $60 in 1986.
    4) I can write/eat/play softball and cut with scissors equally well with both hands.
    5) I broke my arm when I was 7 showing my sisters how safe running away to join the circus would be.
    6) I am a nerd and graduated both high school and college with a 4.0 gpa
    7) I lost my university diploma on graduation night.
    8) I cannot whistle.
    9) I can take apart and re-assemble a car engine with no outside help.
    10) My favorite place in the whole world is a little town on the Baja Penninsula called Mulege. I want to retire there.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    My goals for the month are

    1) To do my Insanity according to the program.
    2) To consistantly keep my protein above 30% and work toward 40%.
    3) To cut my 1 a day diet coke habit down to 1 only on the rare occasion that I eat pizza.
    4) To get to bed before 11pm on work nights.
    5) To remember that it is not important to win every arguement.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Week of November 1st focuses on exercises! These will not require any equipment and could be done with our without weights - whatever strikes your fancy!!

    MONDAY: 200 calf raises (stand with feet comfortably together, raise up on to toes and back down, repeat). Break it up throughout the day!

    Steph do these actually start today being as it is Monday?
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Week of November 1st focuses on exercises! These will not require any equipment and could be done with our without weights - whatever strikes your fancy!!

    MONDAY: 200 calf raises (stand with feet comfortably together, raise up on to toes and back down, repeat). Break it up throughout the day!

    Steph do these actually start today being as it is Monday?

    I was wondering that same thing.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    bumping for later, could do with a big kick!