Who got on the scale this morning?



  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Friday is my weigh in day and I lost 3lbs this week. Well chuffed!

    No thanksgiving dinner for me though (in UK)
  • Vmcd
    Vmcd Posts: 33 Member
    I did! I weigh every morning just to keep myself on track. I stayed the same, which is great! I ate a small portion of everything that I wanted yesterday, and had a piece of Pecan pie. I didn't bring home any leftovers, sent mine home with someone else, and drank lots of water. It's one day . . . and I plan to keep it that way! Have to admit the food was delicious, but moving on!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I didn't, but my normal weigh in day is on Wednesdays. I did take a long brisk walk yesterday and followed up with Zumba. I hope that counteracted a lot of my eating. I did log everything and was under net calories, but I was WAY over on sodium. Today will be a better day.
  • yup!! I am maintaining. Yippee!! No gain a little loss. :happy:
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I did. I weigh every morning. Scale was up by less than a lb. Not bad in my opinion. Now to face the rest of the seasonal food challenges. :flowerforyou:

    Me too. Weigh every day, up by less than a pound. I'm happy with that. And, yes, on to the rest of the holiday-related food challenges!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I looked, even though Sunday is my weigh in day. I did a 90 minute spinning class yesterday, but also ate 4 slices of homemade herb bread and two pieces of pumpkin pie at dinner, so was probably still over my calories (I didn't log). I was up by 8 ounces this morning. I seem to have a fast metabolism and work out a ton so I'm sure I'll be back to normal by Sunday.
  • I did! And good news - minus 1kg. :happy:

    Of course next week might be a bit more of a challenge as I am off to Vegas.... :bigsmile:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I did. :)

    I went from the upper 160s to the lower 140s from May-August. We moved the first weekend of August from PA to NC and I sort of dropped the ball. While I've been maintaining my weight, it's TIME to hit goal. I weighed in at 142 this morning, 17 lbs to go!!
  • bootscronje
    bootscronje Posts: 8 Member
    I hit a total of 110 pounds lost on Thanksgiving morning and then ate two Thanksgiving meals! I stood on the scale and was up but planning a major calorie burner at the gym tonight and I'll be extra good for the rest of the weekend with lots of working out to balance out the day of splurging!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I did! Up 3lbs but not worried about it I know it isnt a true weight gain more bloating than anything. My stomach is still rolling and not happy with me! I am going to drink tons of water and workout extra hard today. I am glad none of the food came home with me =)
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I weighed....I ate a bit more than I was intending to eat, but I did an awesome workout in the morning and was able to avoid my usual later snacks when I got home, so I think I ended up around maintenance.

    I was up about .5-.8 lbs, but I am sure that most of that is water weight from all the sodium.

    I will call it a success!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Lost 1kg since last week.. but then I didn't have that strange american turkey day to throw me off!
  • oohhh I did! I didnt gain any weight i maintained my current weight, i didnt go crazy i actually didnt want to eat any of it after i got done cooking.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    @lacrolix - Great job on your weight loss (overall I mean) ~ outstanding! :flowerforyou:
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    I didn't via my scale is in my office building at work.. although I'm tempted to go buy one and amuse my curiosity.. ... nahhh..I can wait!
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I did! No change from yesterday, which is good. Did not eat too much yesterday stayed under 1500 which was my goal, so I did very well.
  • I did and lost a pound. But, I think the loss is because I was up a lb in water weight the day before and really watched the sodium on Thanksgiving. Plus, I made sure I went for a long walk that morning to burn of some calories to minimize the damage. So, now Im back to where I started a few days ago......the journey continues.
  • lorjill
    lorjill Posts: 104 Member
    I did! Friday is my typical weigh in day... down 1.5. :)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    I haven't weighed yet b/c I'm still out of town, but I'm going to hop on the scale when I get back home tonight and again in the morning. I've been over my goal for the past 3 days but still averaged under maintenance, so I'm not worried about gaining. I'm actually thinking there's a possibility I could have finally lost after being stuck for 2 weeks, last time I took a 'break' like this, didn't really exercise for a coupe, days and went over goal but under maintenance, well last time that happened I lost what had been stuck for awhile. So I'm looking forward to seeing what the scale says when I get home.
  • :blushing: I did.

    Which doesn't matter for the reasons my American friends have. It's not Thanksgiving weekend in the great white north, it's just that I said I was going to avoid it for a while. :grumble: Ok, I'm weak, alright. It's a 10 step program. :smokin: