Inter-racial families/couples



  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm Mien (most people don't know what that is) & husband is Chinese American. Since we're both Asian, we just look like some Asian couple. haha but we're very different. Different cultures & different languages. Our 18 mo son will probably be more American (We're in US) and probably won't pick up neither the Chinese or Mien language.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    My older son is half Cuban and half "me" (American tracing back to 15 yrs after the Mayflower). He looks and behaves like his dad and identifies as Cuban. Other than having an odd sense of humor and a propensity for being a bit weird, It's almost like I didn't contribute any genes to this kid. :laugh:
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I am German/Australian married to my very handsome Puerto Rican husband who was born and raised in NYC though
  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm Korean and my parents are caucasian (I'm adopted).

    My boyfriend is hispanic.


    Yea! I was wondering when an adoptive family member would comment!

    My husband and I are caucasian. We have three beautiful kids: a 5 year old son adopted from Guatemala, a 3.5 year old biological son (caucasian obviously) and a 1.5 year old daughter adopted from Korea earlier this year.

    I'm gonna have such beautiful grandkids someday! lol
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    one of the very few photos with both of us in it (for being together almost 7 years..we have almost no photos of us together lol)

  • bt_13_21
    bt_13_21 Posts: 47 Member
    Cute couple! :)
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    all three of my children is inter-racial. My oldest is 1/4 middle easteren and my younger two are 1/2 nigerine
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    thanks :) we have a couple different people tell us how cute we are together lol
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Just found this thread - my husband is black and I'm white. We have two beautiful boys together. :smile:
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    My father is Argentinian with Italian ancestors. My mother was mid-west, corn-fed, blonde haired blue eyed, lots of white European ancestors. So I'm a very tall, dark haired, dark eyed, fair skinned kid who tans and never ever burns. It's great. I love my heritage. I married a German man and together we have 2 of the most STUBBORN BULL HEADED daughters who have ever roamed the earth. My husband claims it's the Argentinian in them, I say it's the German........... Because I know that as Argentinians, we're not a stubborn people, we're a DETERMINED people! No is a word that has never been in our vocabulary, we don't understand that concept! It frustrates my husband to no end LOL. I have one daughter with dark hair like mine, with blue eyes like her dads, and is built very petite like my mother in laws side of the family. My other daughter is very tall like me with blonde hair, grey eyes (like my mom's) and plays hockey. They're both so beautiful it hurts! It's tough these days going out with them especially to the mall, even though our oldest is 21 she looks 16 and our youngest who's 14 looks 18, so there's ALWAYS boys hanging around, following, asking for phone numbers...... It's a good thing my husband is an over the road truck driver! I know there would be days where he'd be sitting in jail for beating some little pisher for oogling our daughters.
  • yippeeskippee
    My mom is Native American/German and my dad is Scottish. I'm my dad made over...I didn't even get a tan from mom lol.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I'm white and my ex is Mexican-American; when we'd go to Mexican neighborhoods everyone would speak to him in Spanish, and I'd have to translate for him because I know Spanish and he doesn't.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I'm black and my wife is chinese. We would get some interesting stares when I was stationed in Germany, and when we went to Vietnam to visit her family.
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    My girlfriend is Vietnamese and I'm Filipino. It's so funny because we have a lot of friends who are either the same or vice versa. Also I get mistaken for being Vietnamese and she gets mistaken for being Filipino.

    Our familes act a like and we have been together for a little of 4 years now and I really forget that we are in the category of being "inter-racial".
  • biksmom
    I'm white (English/Scottish/German/Dutch, mostly--been in America forever, though), and my husband is African American. His brother (also African American) is married to a Filippino woman, and their kids are mixed. My husband's other brother was married to a white woman; his two kids are both mixed. My own brother (also white), is married to an Indonesian woman, who has a mixed (Asian/white) son from a previous marriage.

    Both my husband and I have aunts or uncles who also married outside their race. One is a Black uncle with a white (second) wife, and the other is a white uncle with a Black wife. They have two grown kids (and one grandchild). Both kids are super light--people never believe they're mixed, but of course they are. The son who is married married a white woman.

    It will come as no surprise that no one in our family even blinked at our interracial marriage.

    PS--Our only child is German... a German Shepherd! ;-)
  • PneumaticEnd
    I'm white and I come from a pretty prejudiced family.. And my husband is Mexican, born in Mexico but raised here. So my family had a hard time embracing him. His mother welcomed me with open arms, but his father said I was 'unfit to marry' because of the way that I was raised with different beliefs and from a different culture.

    He visits us often (and stays for a week at a time) and he always expects me to have dinner ready (Authentic Mexican, mind you), and then complains because he doesn't like my American food.. he would make messes and leave dishes for me to clean and take care of.. It got bad when I was towards the end of my pregnancy and was put on bed rest due to complications.. and that's not the way I was raised. The way I was raised, I was taught that if you're a guest in someone else's house, you take every step necessary to make sure you do not inconvenience your host or disrespect them or their house in any way. So we butted heads a lot.

    My family has started warming up to Sergio since the baby was born a few months ago, and they've really seen a different side of him that they didn't try to see before. So things are getting better.. But they'd be even better if his father would just leave us alone. :( He's a bitter, old, lonely man who has ruined his relationship with everyone he's ever known and is not far away from losing his son, too.
  • IvySummers
    My husband is white (some German and Italian) and I'm full blooded Puerto Rican. My first bf was Black, second was Rican, and third was German Italian. Broke up with last one then met my husband. Guess I liked that mix. ;)
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I'm Black-American and my girlfriend is Iranian-Persian.