Losing the last 15-20 lbs?



  • Addicted2Fitness
    I bombed last weeks challenge. =( What is going to be our challenge this week? I liked the situp challenge. Maybe we could up it to 100 by Friday? Just a suggestion.
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hey Everyone! I've been super busy the last few days, so haven't had a lot of internet time, but still trying to keep on track. Over the weekend I had pizza for lunch and then went to visit some family, and guess what they were having... pizza. So that was a big fail day, but I went on 7 mile hike on Sunday and a 5 mile run on Monday. It's so hard when I'm staying with family and they are eating TERRIBLY, but I don't want to be rude. I'm trying to make it all about tiny portions.

    Hope you all are staying strong! We can't get off track now!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey everyone! We're getting quiet here!

    I had a great weekend, did the wedding portraits, dress zipped up without any problem! I want to lose 3-5 more before the wedding, but that's all I can afford and not have to have the dress taken in. Alterations at this point would be a pain. I just need to tone up a bit too. The cleanse seems to be working though. I took Saturday off obviously, and part of Sunday too, but I've been getting back into it. I seem to be maintaining. I am happy!

    Is anyone here on Pinterest? It is the best site ever!

    My wedding is in 25 days and I am excited! I am really missing my fiance though, he is in this part of training where they have to go on a hiking trip for 5 days and I can't talk to him. Luckily tomorrow is day 4, so I will get to talk to him on Thanksgiving. I haven't missed a day talking to him since we've been together so this is hard. I know I should suck it up, I'm going to be a military wife!

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! My plan is to drink lots of water and tea before I go, and try to limit the carbs. Carbs seem to be my downfall!
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I agree. It has been getting quiet. What should we do about this?
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    So sorry everyone. I have had a million and one things going on for the past week and wasn't able to get on for very long.
    I really like the sit up idea! Since I'm late how about we change it to 100 situps by Monday. Or since I'm sure a lot of people are traveling, we can start it Monday? Let me know what you guys think would work best! :smile:
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I'm up for the 100 situps by Monday. Let's do it!
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I did 125 situps. How about you?
  • tracyg86
    tracyg86 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey everyone Im back. lol. I have been so naughty the last week, Just couldnt contol myself. I have been at the gym and burning off like 900 calories a time. But ive still been eating terribly so sort of cancelled out any good i was doing. Im back and starting again this week. I had lost weight and then gained so am at the same weight i was 3 weeks ago :( However on a plus side i have lost 6.5 inches in the last 4 weeks! Can I do the exercise challenge this week that I missed last week? The fitting in 6 hours of exercise?
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hey Pals!

    Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I definitely had my fill, but tried not to overdo it, and when I weighed myself this morning I had only gained a pound... hopefully that will come off with lots of water. This is such a crazy time for me that I haven't gotten much time to be online, but I'll try to be here more now!