P.I.N.K Method



  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    how do i pay

    When ya shake yo monaay maka these things fall out of the sky. What and the amount depend upon your level of skill (I've heard this program may or may not enhance your skill), but usually, you are able to take it and sent it in the mail.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I've got a pink method of my own. Super valuable.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I have a rule. I generally don't take healthy diet advice from fat talk show hosts selling something. I wouldn't let a homeless guy be my financial advisor. I don't take nutrition advice from Ronald McDonald.

    I wouldn't ask an Amish guy to fix my car.

    I can keep going..these just keep coming to me...
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    You get a wristband and a certificate!

    I know. That makes it all worth it.
  • peggy13794
    peggy13794 Posts: 23 Member
    I couldn't agree more. I used to watch Dr. Phil all the time and really enjoyed it. I hadn't seen the show in 5 yrs. or so, caught a couple shows in the past couple months and he has sold himself out. :devil:
  • lovehurley
    I'm so glad I read these post... I was suckered in and so close to buying this damn DVD set. Shame on Dr Phil. A red flag came up when I went on there website and it never tells you the price or any clear answers. Just talking in circles!!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I saw this on Dr. Phil today too. I agree with what everyone on here seems to be saying....waste of money when you can just eat healthy and workout and get the same results!
    I can't believe nobody has mentioned the poor girl who's boyfriend won't even propose to her until she loses 50 lbs.!! I thought Dr. Phil should have set him straight and made him "get real!" Why would anyone want to put up w/ someone who can't love them for who they are not how they look?!? I think it's great that she wants to lose the weight but she shouldn't let him make her feel like she HAS to or it probably won't work out....
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Im glad you did research before you bought this product.............again ,I did it for just the cost of the gym membership, of which I really enjoy ,its worth the 25 bucks

    Hold on to your wallet with this show, its as bad as all those TV evangelists soliciting money for their religous causes........

    Good luck and best wishes...........Lloyd
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    No idea....but I did lose close to 42lbs in 3 months just by eating my 1200 calories a day and running 12-15 miles per week.
  • 52isit
    52isit Posts: 8 Member
    It has me curious b/c Basheerah Ahmad is in it and she's also in several of Jillian Michaels' dvds

    As far as price...um...anything beach body is MORE expensive, yet they deliver results if followed properly; its something different.
    Not necessarily for everybody but different

    Really...really ...why is everyone so negative. I agree, not for everyone but probably for some. I get so bored with the same old eating and excercise plans. Sometimes a new take on something is the motivation I need to get me going again. We all know how to lose weight. Burn more calories than you take in. Pick any sensible "diet" or "diet" book out there and follow it and you'll lose. Well sometimes I need a new plan, something to get me excited about this lifelong struggle. As to cost --- no worse than lots out there and better than some. I bought P90X and gave up doing it after only a week. Someday I may carry it thro' but as a 52 year old 50 lb overweight woman not sure it'll happen, not that someone my age can't do it cuz they can but me ....hmmmm ....not sure. That's $130 (or whatever it was here in Canada) that I'll never see again. Do I believe I'd lose some crazy amount of wait in a short time with P.I.N.K? No but it is a slow process with me no matter how "good" I am. I am seriously thinking I may order it and while I decide I plan to get back to MFP and regular journalling and excercise.
    KIMBERLYV123 Posts: 22 Member
    I saw the episode too and was excited...when I went online though lost interest...they just don't give enough information.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    The thing that makes me leery is that they refer to a 7-day shred in which you use a "shred soup". It doesn't say what that is, though...is it something you make? Have to buy it from them? Is that all you eat for that 7 days?

    I have to say the price is actually pretty reasonable for something like this, and I think if someone finds it helpful, then great. I don't feel like I need it; I'd rather spend the $80 on some personal training sessions at the gym. But if it motivates someone to get started and get moving and on the right track, that's a good thing. It does seem like it focuses on healthy eating and exercise instead of a "crash" diet.
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    I watched that, too. The exercise part looked fine, the diet probably is, too, but I don't for a second believe the typical person is going to lose 50 pounds in three months, and I heard that from them a couple of times.
  • JanetTerry
    JanetTerry Posts: 123 Member
    i havent looked at the PINK method thing yet, but in regard to a post up there.... losing 50 lbs in 3 months CAN be done. I have gone from 249 to 202.4 starting the first week of september. That's 46.6 pounds gone baby!!! Almost to the big 5-0 !! YESSS
  • waco57
    I watched Dr. Phil, last night. I was shocked that that nutritionist said "potatoes promote weight loss"! That conflicts, directly, with what I've always been told! I was under the impression potatoes were very high on the glycemic index and should be avoided. But, my point is this: I tried Weight Watchers. I attended meetings, religiously. Throughout the whole thing, if I learned one thing, it's that weight lost at a rapid rate will ALWAYS go back on. Second, people who are overweight like food. We like to eat. We like the process, the taste, the feel. So drinking a lovely smoothy made with coconut milk, whey protein and strawberries - made in a $500 blender, given to every audience member (shades of Oprah) - sounds great. Healthy. Yummy, occasionally. But not meals of them for days. They all looked cute in their pink T's, with their slenderizing workout pants (everyone got a pair) with their Sketchers workout shoes (everyone got a pair) and their chipper personality (no one in the audience got one), but I am not spending another dime on a fad. I'm appalled Dr Phi stooped to this level. These women need to be healthy. That's a given. But P.I.N.K. isn't the only way to get that done. It, like that rowing machine, will make you poor and probably not so thin, in the long-run. Get up off your butt, run past the fast food stores, eat healthy, you'll lose weight. Don't stop, tho.
  • waco57
  • SummerDreaming81
    The lady on the show who refuses to get married until she loses 50 lbs. could lose around 150 lbs. in one fell swoop by dumping her boyfriend. Seriously, she's going to marry someone who not only admits he's not attracted to her when she's overweight, but has the nerve to check out other women right in front of her? Even if she loses the weight, she'll most likely not only gain it back, but more if she ever gets pregnant - then what? I see divorce in this woman's future no matter what if she marries this loser. Btw, I kept waiting for Dr. Phil to tell this guy what a jerk he was, but he never did. IMO, Dr. Phil has lost all credibility and is more celebrity than physician. I wouldn't take any advice from him and regret having watched his show yesterday simply because I, yet again, got suckered into thinking there's some "miracle" plan out there that doesn't involve eating less and moving more. And to eat less and move more, I simply need to not put so much on my plate, open my front door, and take a walk - which doesn't cost $70. :)
  • SummerDreaming81
    Kmbrooks15, I assumed the shred soup was homemade with olive oil, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, ginger, and lentils, but they never gave the exact recipe, only ingredients. But then, maybe it's something else you have to buy and that's why they didn't give exact measurements.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    I don't tend to trust "plans" and stuff that I have to pay to learn about. It's super duper scammy. The only fitness subscription I would ever pay for is on Jillian Michaels' website, but it's not necessary because her helpful information is all FREE.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I was SOOOOO thinking another pink:ohwell: This is false advertising!!!!!