Ladies ONLY - Do you weigh more on your period?

I weigh a pound or two more today for whatever reason. But I guess overnight, I started my period.
I am wondering if this is normal if you are on your period. I seem to be retaining more water during this time, too.
Any advice or is this kind of thing normal?

Also, should my exercise stay the same even though I often feel much weaker during this time?


  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    I weighed 2 lbs heavier the week I had my period. Once I was off of it, I had lost 4 lbs, and I am NOT convinced it happened in a week lol.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Unfortunately NORMAL....I am always up about 2 pounds when TOM hits and then it goes away about five days later. Just keep plugging along.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Always, it sucks!
  • taraatwood
    GOD YEAH!!! Up at least 5lbs. That is why I am NOT weighing myself this week. It's all water. During period your retain retain retain! The positive, if you eat healthy and workout, once your period is gone you should have a decent drop in weight.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Dude I was up 4 lbs the day it started! :-( You talk about discouraging.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    same here... also get very bloated
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member

    Check out the Periods, Period. group here on MFP to discuss lady things like menstruation and weight loss.
  • NMorse1907
    NMorse1907 Posts: 90 Member
    I typically "gain" 3-4lbs when I have my period, but then it goes away when it's over...
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    I gain anywhere between 5-10 lbs every time..It sucks...But it comes back off in like 1.5 weeks
  • kimibunny
    Yes, water retention and all that jazz. I don't even bother weighing myself that week lol. It goes away after, so I don't worry much about it. If you're really concerned about it drink more water and avoid salty processed foods.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Absolutely this happens, it's just water weight, drink a lot of water and it'll go away in about a week or so
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    I usually gain about 5 lbs during that time. FIVE POUNDS!!! But I know it's just water weight and will go away quickly, so I don't worry about it. :)
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Two pounds heavier here as well. Don't know why we have to go through this every month. Doesn't seem very fair to me, how about you?
  • yvonmac
    yvonmac Posts: 47 Member
    Yep, just like everyone else who has posted and I feel so hungry during my period so I really must exercise self-control or the weight I gain from retaining water sticks....
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Unfortunately NORMAL....I am always up about 2 pounds when TOM hits and then it goes away about five days later. Just keep plugging along.

    ^^^This! TOM is an evil b*st*rd!!!
  • ShortayBaybay
    I started my MFP weight loss journey back at the end of September, so since then I weigh daily [weigh - in weekly], so i've only had two periods since i've been weighing daily, and I was very nervous about when my periods come, because I have always read that people gain a lot of weight on them. Long story short, on the two periods I have had since starting this site, I have lost weight both times, I don't suspect this to keep happening, but I have yet to gain weight while on my "TOM".
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    We all do! :-( It sucks!
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    7lbs extra overnight but think most of that is on the chest - suffer with bad mastalgia - gain over a cup size for up to 2 weeks of the month!
  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you all for all of the wonderful answers.
    Periods are the worse... :(
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    Yes, but it's generally just water weight that goes away immediately after, so I don't worry about it.