Co-Sleeping with kids

I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.


  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    Who says "grown up time" needs to be limited to bed? :P You get creative and use other places in the house :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    lol @ married people having a sex life
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.

    I agree. I did the same thing with my kids when they were younger..If they had a bad dream, or were sick, they would crawl in to cuddle. I loved that...both my hubby and I did ... But, I didn't encourage it to be a nightly event. We wanted our kids to grow up to be self confident and independent.

    Coddling can be very destructive if taken too far. IMHO
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    The spare bedroom. It worked well for us. I enjoyed being close to the kids and he grew up sharing beds in Mexico, so it wasn't a big deal for him. Our kids have grown up fine so far...confident and independent...and have a really close bond with us.
  • JulieBoBoo
    We did it in the bed in the kid's room which then was the guest room. That's where he slept while the girls and I slept in the master bedroom because he couldn't sleep with all their wiggling. We don't do it any more often now than we did then (the girls are now in their own room and hubby and I are back to sharing bed since my youngest turned 3 four and a half years ago).
  • KristiBenvenuto
    KristiBenvenuto Posts: 7 Member
    Well its weird. I co-slept with my kids not because I couldn't part with them or felt it was necessary. I did it out of pure LAZINESS!! LOL!!
    My husband is also a firefighter so he works 24 hr shifts and its nice having someone in bed with you.
    But as SOON as they started moving around and kicking smacking me in their sleep they went in their cribs for good.

    But to answer your question.....You get creative! The bedroom is not the ONLY place in your house you can have sex! :) And I also feel when they are that little putting them in a bassinet or playpen/crib while you do your thing isn't so bad either!
  • JulieBoBoo

    Coddling can be very destructive if taken too far. IMHO

    Well there's coddling... and then there convenience. I was breastfeeding and really didn't feel like having to get up, go to another room, get her out of the crib, try to stay awake long enough to get her back to sleep and into her own crib and then drag my sorry self back to bed. Being able to just roll over and whip it out meant way more sleep for me = a much happier mommy.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    That's how it worked with us a well. Although, I do have trouble sleeping with him as he tosses and turns all night long!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have coslept with my son almost from the moment he was born in January 2009. It made nursing easier and later he had breathing issues and needed treatments during the night, so I continued cosleeping. He has his own double bed but most nights he is still in mine. When his father and I were still together we would just put him in his cradle. Since I am now single, I don't have to worry about a sex life. lol and :( haha

    I have loved cosleeping with my little man. I wouldn't have changed a thing.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Oh, you get creative! You'd be surprised at how inventive you can get....

    Shower, guest room, garage, hall closet, floor....:devil:
  • Manda_H
    can move them to the floor for that time period or now we have a mattress next to our bed and he sleeps over there mostly... I have never had issues with cosleeping and still having relations with my husband. Having the energy is far more of an issue than cosleeping lol
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.

    If you don't co-sleep and you're not planning on it, why do you care how and where other people do it? You're really opening a can of worms here.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I was one of those moms who made this VERY DUMB mistake the first time around-
    Our first was colicky- and out of desperation to get *SOME* sleep, I brought her to bed w/ me
    (my hubby worked out of town for several weeks @ a time, so it didn't "interfere" )

    However, it took me 3 YEARS to "wean" her OUT of the bed, by having her sleep on the floor NEXT to me, then in OUR doorway, then to HER doorway, then eventually into her OWN bed.... I said, it wasn't the *smartest* thing I ever did- starting that, but I was DESPERATE to get some sleep....
    and she fought sleep ALL her life.....until she hit the teen years.........

    On a side note:
    I do know that some mothers *confessed* that it was great birth control-haha
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Co-sleeping with kids? Never happened in my house. I have fallen asleep while snuggling my children...but that's about it. I don't even like sharing my bed with hubby! He steals the blankets! LOL
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Co-sleeping just means kids sleep in the same room,bed sharing is the same bed.
    We bedshare and will until she is ready or we are not all sleeping well.
    You create independence by allowing your child to make choices, not by making them do things alone
    bed sharing and cosleeping contribute greatly to the breastfeeding relationship.
    I think we need to teach about safety rather than the current trend of saying it is wrong. There are safe ways.
    And in answer to your question....cosleepers do it in the kitchen
  • RyanDanielle5101
    I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.

    If you don't co-sleep and you're not planning on it, why do you care how and where other people do it? You're really opening a can of worms here.

    I am purely curious as to how two married people have fun when a child is sleeping with them.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have co-slept with both of mine. I was recommended it in hospital when I had my first as I had had a caesarean and couldn't lift him for a few days, so the midwife put him in bed next to me to feed and we slept like that, with the side of the bed up, obviously! It's a different kind of sleep when you have a baby in with you. I always slept with my arm over them, holding the duvet away, so there was never any risk of going under it, and I was always aware of where they were, for a start they both fed most of the night anyway. I was aware of every noise. It's still sleep, but of a different kind. My husband didn't get that at all and hated it! He slept in a different room for the first year after each was born. He took my oldest off to sleep with him from 6 months so I could get some rest, but our younger one slept in with me until he was 18 months.

    We didn't get any couple time tbh, but when I have small babies, I don't really think about much else anyway. Both of mine were exclusively breast fed, so I was feeding every hour or 2 of the first year anyway. Life just becomes all about the baby, and that's the way I like to parent. We have had years of couple time (we have known each other for 21 years), and will have many years more. Babies are only babies for a very short time.
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    We used an Arm's Reach co-sleeper for our baby's first year and it made my life so much easier! AAP recommends breastfeeding to two years old and with a baby waking up every 3 hours to nurse, having a co-sleeper attached to the side of the bed was AMAZING. We both got sleep and baby got the benefits associated with nursing. If I had to get out of bed and get baby out of a crib every time she woke up to nurse it would have never worked.

    My co-sleeper was a life saver, no stressing about her not breathing or worrying if she woke up in the middle of the night. If she lost her paci all I had to do is reach over and give it back to her. Our co-sleeper made having a newborn soooooooooooo much easier and I recommend them to everyone!

    At a year old we switched her to her crib with no problems (She already napped in her crib during the day)

    And sex? Psssh...Whats that? LOL! And sex in the bed is boring to me anyway but if we wanted to do it, it wouldn't have woken her because the cosleeper was attached to my side of the bed. So she wasn't actually IN the bed. KWIM?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Oh, and sex is the very last thing on my mind while I am breastfeeding, which was 15 months with no 1 and 3 years with no 2.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.

    After Kids there is no sex life... hahaha