Hundred Push Ups April



  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Back in the saddle, both literally and figuratively!

    Wlhanisch - don't be afraid to ride if it's a trained horse! Breaking an untrained horse is one thing, but riding a trained horse is not too hard, especially if you start slow. I only fell because we were jumping over large logs on a trail ride and I was off balance.

    Did day 1, week 2, column 2 today:

    8 & 8
    13 (min 11)

    It's amazing how good and strong I felt after taking some time off. I was wearing myself out with a little bit too much exercise. (Unfortunately this week, I am not exercising enough and eating WAY too much. When will I find the right balance? grrrr)
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    cp005e, That's great that you are starting over! I keep thinking I might do that to when I get to 100 girly ones. It really is a good strength building workout.

    writer, maybe make a schedule of exercise. I do this to keep myself on track and without going over.
    MWF are run & pilates. Tu, Thur, Sat are pushups, strength training. DH & I usually have a walk with the dog everyday that it's nice. And now that it's getting nice we might do 9 holes of golf.
    If I've already ran and we are going to golf I let DH walk with the dog. Doing all three is to much. I tried it a few days and I'm just wiped out. So I'm learning my limits.

    Onto pushups.
    Week 6, day 2, level 1
    sets 1&2 14
    3&4 15
    5&6 14
    7&8 10
    9 at least 44 and I managed 46:drinker: I'm happy with that.

    Hope you all have a nice day:flowerforyou:
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    Hi! I completely forgot to post yesterday but I swear I did them:bigsmile:

    That is when I noticed the importance of your breathing. Geesh, you would think I would know that by now, having learned it when I started doing yoga 8 years ago! But, I still find myself holding my breath during new exercises:grumble:

    So, for everyone who doesn't know, breathing correctly helps A LOT!!!! In through your nose on the down and out through your mouth on the up. Just some FYI for us newbies. You pros probably knew that already. lol

    Week 1 Day 2
    15(at least 12)

    Still sticking with it!!:tongue:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I missed a week and I think I'm going to have to start over on an easier level. :blushing: I feel so ashamed of myself. :grumble:

    Also, any tips to make sure I actually leave time for this challenge?:yawn:
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    All right! I finished week one, again!
    Week 1 Day 3
    15(at least 12)

    I think I'm ready for week 2!:tongue:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    fitgal, please don't feel ashamed because you missed a week and are going to start on a different level.. This is a challenge about becoming stronger and we do that through the journey of it. So you missed a week. We all miss days or weeks just start again. I've changed levels, going back a level, going back a week. I stayed at week 4 for a long time working through the levels. Then I got to week 5 and stayed there for quite awhile. Each day I do them I get stronger.

    As far as making time. Try to just make them a regular part of your workout. For me I do Tu, Thur, Sat. I use to do MWF but that wasn't working out the best so I switched.

    Don't get discouraged, just keep working at it.

    For me today I survived week 6, day 3, level 1 (I wish I remembered when I started these because of course it's been alot longer than 6 weeks. I think I started in at the beginning of Nov. but I really have no idea it's been so long.)

    sets 1&2 13
    3&4 17
    5&6 16
    7&8 14
    9 at least 50. I did 25 and had to take a 20 sec break to breathe. Seriously my sinuses are so stuffy I was having a hard time getting enough air. Then I finished the last 25.
    I probably should have done my neti pot earlier in the morning then I would have been ok. Live and learn. Going to neti now though so I'll be breathing clear soon.

    Hope you all have a good weekend:flowerforyou:
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I've been missing from the challenge for a while I move on May 1st and I've been so excited/nervous/busy that I have completely stopped exercising (except for my daily 4 mile walk). When I have my floor space and sanity back, I will rejoin the challenge. I hope to see you all the first week of May and I just hope I don't lose too much progress after the break!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Hi FitnessGeek, Looking forward to seeing you in May! It's not long now so I think you'll be ok. I took a few weeks off when my mom was sick. The first day was hard but I repeated that week a few times anyway. No worries.
    Have fun moving! We use to move every 2-3 yrs. We've been in this house 9 years now! I dread the thought of having to move again but I know that day will come.
    Happy Packing:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am so frustrated right now. I just tried to do week 1, day 3, level 3 - and I couldn't do it. :sad: I just can't believe it's so hard, still - I've been working on pushups for so long, it's just so hard to believe that simply changing my form puts me right back at square one!

    15 (I managed 14)
    min 13 (I managed 11)

    I guess I will go back and repeat the week. I can't decide if I should try level 3 again, or drop down to level 2.

    I'm sorry to be kind of a downer - I still think you all are doing great. It is so encouraging to know that everyone here is working toward the same, very challenging, goal. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I hurt my back two weeks ago (after being sick for about four weeks) so I've been MIA. I am hoping to start over again today.
    Looks like everyone is doing great!
    CP, don't feel bad. I know it's discouraging. Trust me I know. I am pretty sure I am going to start over one week one. We can do it together (just like before!)!:wink: Hang in there! We'll get through this. :flowerforyou:
    So today week one. I might try level two. I don't know that I can do level three today. If I find I can do it easily today then I will move up to level three on Wednesday.
    I'll try to get back on later and post how I did. Keep up the good work everyone! You are almost there Keiko!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Week 1 level 2 day 1. :blushing: I'm right there with ya CP!
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    Hi Everyone!! I moved on to week 2 and holy cow is it hard!! I barely got through it. Maybe I should do level 2 instead? We'll see....

    Week 2 Day 1
    15(at least 15):tongue:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    MM, glad to see you back and feeling better:flowerforyou:

    Today I did week 6, day 1, level 1 same as last week. I'll test next weekend.

    set 1 25
    2 30
    3 20
    4 15
    5 at least 40 and that's what I did.

    :drinker: Go Everyone:drinker: We are all getting stronger!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks, MM - it's nice to have you working through them with me! :happy: I'll be starting week 1 over again tonight - either level 2 or 3.

    Nice job, katie and keiko!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for posting this link - I'm new to "myfitness" (joined April 26) and therefore just noticed your've peeked my interest and I've joined Hundred Push ups too.

    Thanks again (hope my arms don't fall off).:laugh:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome, formersize6!

    Today, I did week 1, day 1, level 3 again:
    10 (at least 9) - same as last week
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Week 1 level 2 day 2
    10(min 7)
    See you all on the new thread!
  • ktthegr8
    ktthegr8 Posts: 479
    MM, So glad you just posted, I usually have to look for this thread:smile:

    I stuck with level 3, but just barely. I'll definitely be doing week 2 again:grumble:
    Week 2 Day 2
    17, barely(at least 17).

    Is it normal to want to fall on your face after the last one?:huh:
    See you all next month!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I was very naughty and gave up for a few days... actually I was super busy and instead of doing my challenges, I sat my happy butt down for a few minutes. LOL
    So I backed up

    Week 3 Day 1 Column 1
    10, 12, 7, 7, 10 (at least 9)

    Whew! I may have to do that one again on Friday.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Wow! the end of another month!

    week 6, day 2, level 1
    sets 1&2 14
    3&4 15
    5&6 14
    7&8 10
    9 at least 44 and I actually surprised myself with 4 extra so that's 48!

    See you all in May:flowerforyou:
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