"Walking Dead" and/or "Boardwalk Empire"?



  • I love all things zombie so I love The Walking Dead. This season is intense!
  • jessicanickell
    jessicanickell Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, I watch Boardwalk Empire and wow, HBO surprised me. I didn't expect that to happen at the end. Do you know how many episodes are left?

    I also like Game of Thrones, I don't know if you or anyone watches that, but it has surprised me too. It should be coming back in January I think/hope. :D
  • jessicanickell
    jessicanickell Posts: 13 Member
    Just okay? You should have kept watching Boardwalk Empire. It's really good... if you're into that type of thing. :D
  • jessicanickell
    jessicanickell Posts: 13 Member
    "like" lol Boardwalk Empire. It's getting good and I'm sure the season is ending soon.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I love The Walking Dead, but it doesn't really follow the graphic novel very well. In the book, Sophia was not in the barn!! Since they found the zombies in the barn my fiance has been predicting (and telling EVERYONE we know who watches) "Sophia is in the barn, and Rick's gonna shoot her!"
    I appreciate it not following the book, and the creator of the books has designed it to be different. This way, whether you've read them or not, you still get something new.
  • jessicanickell
    jessicanickell Posts: 13 Member
    I think the friend with half a face (forgot his name) is going to go crazy and go on a killing rampage.
  • kfue
    kfue Posts: 17
    Addicted to both shows!
    I think walking dead was better last season- but since I'm a fan i refused to give up on season 2.

    HUGE fan of Game of Thrones as well. CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON 2!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can Zombie Experts Answer This? (well, some of these)? ~~~~~~~~~~~

    Crud!!! I type up this post and get distracted and don't come back to check it out until now ... I suck.

    Okay, a few things ....

    1. ~ WHAT??? They found evidence in the HOUSE that sophia stayed there? Like as a non-zombie? So they 'fed' her to the barn zombies? wtf? I saw them feeding the chickens to the barn zombies, but couldn't ifgure out why. I mean, zombies can't starve, correct? So why feed them? And if they were eating chickens, why give them a human little girl? Was she supposed to be like steak night to the zombies?

    2. ~ Heh about driving around zombies. What I never understood was why they ALWAYS drive with all the windows rolled down. Um, there are effing zombies trying to eat you. Roll up.

    3. ~ If I was in post zombie world, I'd be heading to an island after I loaded up w/ supplies. Can zombies swim?

    4. ~ Speaking of waterlogged zombies, Back at the farmhouse on WD, remember that zombie they found in ONE of their FIVE wells? They didn't want to shoot it because they didn't want to contaminate (any more) of the ground water. So they try to pull the guy out on a rope, only to snag him at the end, breaking the dude in half and letting gallons of zombie juice fall back into the water. Whoops. But they never even mention it to the old farmer guy, nor even mention if ever again. Did I miss something?

    5. ~ Ah ... a mfp walkingdead group. I gotta join.

    6. ~ (a) If a zombie bites you, you become a zombie. (b) Zombies attack you to eat your brain. (c) All zombies should have been turned into a zombie from getting bit when the initial zombie attacked them to eat their brain. Wouldn't (a) + (b) + (c) == (d) All zombies should already had their brain eaten from their first attack? But (e) I never see the zombies made up to look brainless and (f) the only way to kill a zombie is to shot/stab/pummel it's brain? I don't get it.

    7. ~ Boardwalk Empire. Saw the jimmie thing coming from a mile away. He's walking around with a pocket full of heroin and they had to push him somehow to flip out and become an addict. Learning his wife had a giant hole in her head via gunshot has gotta to the job. And if not, learning she was eating muff for dessert (remember, she just had HIM before the chick) probably did it. (not that there's anything wrong with gay/les, all i'm saying is i'd be a little shocked to find out my husband was doing a dude after he just had me. I'm just saying. (and how many calories are in a muff? :smokin: ))
  • I <3 Walking Dead!

    Yah this!!!

    That mid season ender was a bummer :(
    Can't wait til Feb!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Can Zombie Experts Answer This? (well, some of these)? ~~~~~~~~~~~

    Crud!!! I type up this post and get distracted and don't come back to check it out until now ... I suck.

    Okay, a few things ....

    1. ~ WHAT??? They found evidence in the HOUSE that sophia stayed there? Like as a non-zombie? So they 'fed' her to the barn zombies? wtf? I saw them feeding the chickens to the barn zombies, but couldn't ifgure out why. I mean, zombies can't starve, correct? So why feed them? And if they were eating chickens, why give them a human little girl? Was she supposed to be like steak night to the zombies?

    2. ~ Heh about driving around zombies. What I never understood was why they ALWAYS drive with all the windows rolled down. Um, there are effing zombies trying to eat you. Roll up.

    3. ~ If I was in post zombie world, I'd be heading to an island after I loaded up w/ supplies. Can zombies swim?

    4. ~ Speaking of waterlogged zombies, Back at the farmhouse on WD, remember that zombie they found in ONE of their FIVE wells? They didn't want to shoot it because they didn't want to contaminate (any more) of the ground water. So they try to pull the guy out on a rope, only to snag him at the end, breaking the dude in half and letting gallons of zombie juice fall back into the water. Whoops. But they never even mention it to the old farmer guy, nor even mention if ever again. Did I miss something?

    5. ~ Ah ... a mfp walkingdead group. I gotta join.

    6. ~ (a) If a zombie bites you, you become a zombie. (b) Zombies attack you to eat your brain. (c) All zombies should have been turned into a zombie from getting bit when the initial zombie attacked them to eat their brain. Wouldn't (a) + (b) + (c) == (d) All zombies should already had their brain eaten from their first attack? But (e) I never see the zombies made up to look brainless and (f) the only way to kill a zombie is to shot/stab/pummel it's brain? I don't get it.

    7. ~ Boardwalk Empire. Saw the jimmie thing coming from a mile away. He's walking around with a pocket full of heroin and they had to push him somehow to flip out and become an addict. Learning his wife had a giant hole in her head via gunshot has gotta to the job. And if not, learning she was eating muff for dessert (remember, she just had HIM before the chick) probably did it. (not that there's anything wrong with gay/les, all i'm saying is i'd be a little shocked to find out my husband was doing a dude after he just had me. I'm just saying. (and how many calories are in a muff? :smokin: ))

    heh. I'm totally hitting "refresh" to see if anyone answers my questions. I'm such a dork.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    1. ~ WHAT??? They found evidence in the HOUSE that sophia stayed there? Like as a non-zombie? So they 'fed' her to the barn zombies? wtf? I saw them feeding the chickens to the barn zombies, but couldn't ifgure out why. I mean, zombies can't starve, correct? So why feed them? And if they were eating chickens, why give them a human little girl? Was she supposed to be like steak night to the zombies?
    There was what appeared to be a blanket set-up like a bed in a closet, but no proof that Sophia was ever there. There is no evidence that she was tossed into the barn pre-zombification either, and I highly doubt that would happen. Otis was the one that would have done it, and he was the one willing to risk his life for the shot kid.
    4. ~ Speaking of waterlogged zombies, Back at the farmhouse on WD, remember that zombie they found in ONE of their FIVE wells? They didn't want to shoot it because they didn't want to contaminate (any more) of the ground water. So they try to pull the guy out on a rope, only to snag him at the end, breaking the dude in half and letting gallons of zombie juice fall back into the water. Whoops. But they never even mention it to the old farmer guy, nor even mention if ever again. Did I miss something?
    They don't show every bit of dialogue. I would imagine that someone told Hershel about the incident.
    Zombies attack you to eat your brain.
    Not in the "Walking Dead" universe. They're known to bite and eat, but not specifically targeting the brain.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    4. ~ Speaking of waterlogged zombies, Back at the farmhouse on WD, remember that zombie they found in ONE of their FIVE wells? They didn't want to shoot it because they didn't want to contaminate (any more) of the ground water. So they try to pull the guy out on a rope, only to snag him at the end, breaking the dude in half and letting gallons of zombie juice fall back into the water. Whoops. But they never even mention it to the old farmer guy, nor even mention if ever again. Did I miss something?
    They don't show every bit of dialogue. I would imagine that someone told Hershel about the incident.

    Yeah, I was thinking they didn't show every bit of dialogue (aren't those clips of hershel taking a 25 min crap while reading Farm Girls Weekly get boooooring???) ~wink~

    My reasoning for asking if I missed it was they were thinking it would be SUCH A BIG DEAL if they shot the guy because of contamination ... but snagging the guy in half and pouring his zombie juice in the water seems like they would think there was a contamination issue, not to just the well, but to the ENTIRE ground water system (which I would think would contaminate the other 4 wells on the property) like they eluded to during the zombie in the well, aka "The Ring - zombiestyle" scenes. My only idea is this is going to come back and bite them in the *kitten* and it's going to be the reason everybody in farmhouse city is going to have to move on. (i've not read any of the books, so maybe the well thing isn't a big deal at all and it was just a cool scene to insert in the middle of that episose!)
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    4. ~ Speaking of waterlogged zombies, Back at the farmhouse on WD, remember that zombie they found in ONE of their FIVE wells? They didn't want to shoot it because they didn't want to contaminate (any more) of the ground water. So they try to pull the guy out on a rope, only to snag him at the end, breaking the dude in half and letting gallons of zombie juice fall back into the water. Whoops. But they never even mention it to the old farmer guy, nor even mention if ever again. Did I miss something?
    They don't show every bit of dialogue. I would imagine that someone told Hershel about the incident.
    Yeah, I was thinking they didn't show every bit of dialogue (aren't those clips of hershel taking a 25 min crap while reading Farm Girls Weekly get boooooring???) ~wink~

    My reasoning for asking if I missed it was they were thinking it would be SUCH A BIG DEAL if they shot the guy because of contamination ... but snagging the guy in half and pouring his zombie juice in the water seems like they would think there was a contamination issue, not to just the well, but to the ENTIRE ground water system (which I would think would contaminate the other 4 wells on the property) like they eluded to during the zombie in the well, aka "The Ring - zombiestyle" scenes. My only idea is this is going to come back and bite them in the *kitten* and it's going to be the reason everybody in farmhouse city is going to have to move on. (i've not read any of the books, so maybe the well thing isn't a big deal at all and it was just a cool scene to insert in the middle of that episose!)
    I think the thing living in there for who-know-how-long would have been enough to contaminate it, personally. :laugh:

    The show isn't following the book, really -- only loosely. I like that. Keeps it fresh.
  • Boardwalk Empire ... never miss it ... I can only imagine what Jimmy will do when he finds out his wife was murdered ...
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I think the thing living in there for who-know-how-long would have been enough to contaminate it, personally. :laugh:

    The show isn't following the book, really -- only loosely. I like that. Keeps it fresh.

    Heh. Yeah. I guess in zombie contamination terms, there really isn't much difference between a drop of zombiejuice vs a gallon.

    about "movies following the book" - I actually like when they don't follow them - for exactly the same reason you said above - if you are a fan of the book, you don't want to feel like you already watched the damned movie, right? For a fan, you'd get good story x 2. (is the show actually written by the same author?)