

  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I eat sugar. I am pretty damn healthy too :]

    So what I don't quite understand... "healthy"
    What about sugar in the diet makes someone not as healthy?
  • allaboutaleah
    I never said Carbs were evil, I just said I wanted to cut back on them more, and that I was having trouble w/ it bcuz so many different things have a lot of carbs. I dnt know where anybody got that i thought carbs were evil. I'm a nurse, I know the need for carbs

    No to interrupt BCatts and Joe but OP, have you tried going GF instead of going low carb, I asked once but I'll ask again. I know it's helped a few of my friends (IRL)

    Sorry so much negativity i over looked ur ?. No, I have not tried it, never thought to, but I will look into it. Thank you
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    bcattoes, you really need to stop giving advice on nutrition and fitness when it's been shown many, many times that you don't have an damn clue. Most of the BS you spew on here is not helpful to anyone. Sugar is not unhealthy unless, like anything else, you eat too much of it. The body sees a carb as a carb from a metabolic point of view and the whole GI thing is a total crock.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Bcatts you made a generalization earlier about someone that eats sugar would be healthier than someone who didn't. Do I need to quote it?

    By the way, your statement can't be farther from the truth.

    30 year old man that is a healthy bodyweight and bodyfat%, works out 3-4 times a week and eats SUGAR

    will be healthier than

    30 year old man that is overweight, high bodyfat, doesn't work out at all, and sits on the couch all day eating celery and rice cakes.

    That is in no way close to any statement I made, and you know it.

    The gist of my statement was more like - a 30 year old man that is a healthy bodyweight and bodyfat%, works out 3-4 times a week and eats SUGAR will be less healthy than the same man eating no sugar.

    Can you find me a study that shows that particular fact? Sugar in and of itself does not make you any less healthy. There is sugar in fruit- which are good for you. So quite honestly I think what you are stating is your OPINION and not scientific fact.

    Actually it's a generalization. But your request for a study made me smile. I'm trying to figure how to conduct a study of one person with that same person as the control group.

    Yes, but what *data* are you generalizing? Seems like junk science to me.

    As for trying to do a study with one person being both the control and the test subject- your margin of error would make it insignificant because that study would only show to prove either the postivie or negative affect on that particular indivdual, and would not be able to be used on the population as a whole.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I never said Carbs were evil, I just said I wanted to cut back on them more, and that I was having trouble w/ it bcuz so many different things have a lot of carbs. I dnt know where anybody got that i thought carbs were evil. I'm a nurse, I know the need for carbs

    No to interrupt BCatts and Joe but OP, have you tried going GF instead of going low carb, I asked once but I'll ask again. I know it's helped a few of my friends (IRL)

    Sorry so much negativity i over looked ur ?. No, I have not tried it, never thought to, but I will look into it. Thank you

    Not negativity. Just clearing up something she (Bcattoes) said that was incorrect and pretty subjective is all. =)
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    You need complex carbohydrates. In addition, if you pair the complex carbohydrate with a protein or fat, it will slow the absorption of the carbohydrates into the blood stream and help you to feel fuller, longer. As well as that whole grains have decent nutrition values, white-overly processed breads, minimal at best nutrition.

    One reason that the simple carbs (white bread, white past, etc.) are so bad is that they spike insulin levels which encourage storage of the energy (which isn't the goal in a fat loss scenario) instead of a slower absorption as seen in whole grains and complex carbs.

    Just create a balance, get teh complex carbs, fats and protein.

    Out of curiosity, what is your weight loss goal and your nutrition settings? You may want to tweak the goals to better fit your lifestyle and body.

    I totally agree with this. I HAVE to be low carb due to my illnesses. The more simple carbs I eat the slower my weightloss is (or it just stops). That said, I DO eat carbs, but just the ones found in nature instead of processed foods. Take a look at my diary and see what I'm doing to stay under 100 carbs a day! Mail me if you want!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    SUGAR FREE jello


    Also no nutritional value!! Whoo hoo!


    Umm...my sugar free jello has carbs. FYI
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.

    If you have a disease that makes processing carbs difficult, then sticking to mostly meat and veggies might be the best bet for you. Have you asked your doctor for a suggested diet?
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I never said Carbs were evil, I just said I wanted to cut back on them more, and that I was having trouble w/ it bcuz so many different things have a lot of carbs. I dnt know where anybody got that i thought carbs were evil. I'm a nurse, I know the need for carbs

    No to interrupt BCatts and Joe but OP, have you tried going GF instead of going low carb, I asked once but I'll ask again. I know it's helped a few of my friends (IRL)

    Sorry so much negativity i over looked ur ?. No, I have not tried it, never thought to, but I will look into it. Thank you

    Be careful going GF (I am due to my illness) and it's NOT all low carb. If you really want to do that I suggest you "Eat the perimeter of the grocery store" in other words lean proteins, fruit and veggies and ditch the processed foods as much as possible. Many of the GF items are MUCH higher in calories and made from corn and rice making them high in carbs!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    SUGAR FREE jello


    Also no nutritional value!! Whoo hoo!


    Umm...my sugar free jello has carbs. FYI
    make it with vodka and who cares! Bring on the jello shots.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    Joe and Bcatts - you two are giving me whiplash with the back and forth.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Joe and Bcatts - you two are giving me whiplash with the back and forth.

    Lol we haven't had an arguement in about a week or so ...it was due. =)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I never said Carbs were evil, I just said I wanted to cut back on them more, and that I was having trouble w/ it bcuz so many different things have a lot of carbs. I dnt know where anybody got that i thought carbs were evil. I'm a nurse, I know the need for carbs

    No to interrupt BCatts and Joe but OP, have you tried going GF instead of going low carb, I asked once but I'll ask again. I know it's helped a few of my friends (IRL)

    Sorry so much negativity i over looked ur ?. No, I have not tried it, never thought to, but I will look into it. Thank you

    Be careful going GF (I am due to my illness) and it's NOT all low carb. If you really want to do that I suggest you "Eat the perimeter of the grocery store" in other words lean proteins, fruit and veggies and ditch the processed foods as much as possible. Many of the GF items are MUCH higher in calories and made from corn and rice making them high in carbs!

    This is true. I don't eat things labeled "Gluten free" I eat naturally gluten free things and I bake my bread and stuff. It isn't low carb, some people have luck with low carb because it lowers their gluten intake, going GF for a few weeks can help make it clear if you are gluten or carb sensitive.
  • gunmetalsunrise
    Can you find me a study that shows that particular fact? Sugar in and of itself does not make you any less healthy. There is sugar in fruit- which are good for you. So quite honestly I think what you are stating is your OPINION and not scientific fact.

    Not commenting on anything else except for this:

    There are different types of sugar, which react in different ways when you ingest them. As in, the sugars in white sugar (which, when you get them in commercial bags, is usually a combination of different sugars) is not the same as sugar in an apple or a strawberry.

    Not saying one is more healthier than the other, though.
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Not commenting on anything else except for this:

    There are different types of sugar, which react in different ways when you ingest them. As in, the sugars in white sugar (which, when you get them in commercial bags, is usually a combination of different sugars) is not the same as sugar in an apple or a strawberry.

    Not saying one is more healthier than the other, though.

    "White sugar" is sucrose. Sucrose is glucose + fructose. Both sucrose and fructose is in fruits. How much of each depends on the fruit.
  • tidmutt
    tidmutt Posts: 317
    As others mentioned, there are many different "oses" (sucrose, fructose, glucose etc.)...

    They appear to be metabolized differently and have different implications for health (although that is still up for debate as always). So saying eating sugar has no health impact is a bit too much of a generalization. Absolutely being a healthy weight is more important than not eating sugar but reducing added sugar is a worthwhile goal and reducing certain types of sugar may be even more important.

    Eating fruit is probably fine even though it contains sugar because it's pretty hard to eat a dozen bananas (maybe if they are dipped in chocolate and served with ice cream it would be easier hehe) but I could down a dozen cans of coke in a day no problems.
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    : /
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    bcattoes, you really need to stop giving advice on nutrition and fitness when it's been shown many, many times that you don't have an damn clue. Most of the BS you spew on here is not helpful to anyone. Sugar is not unhealthy unless, like anything else, you eat too much of it. The body sees a carb as a carb from a metabolic point of view and the whole GI thing is a total crock.

    Insult me all you want. It doesn't change anything. The body does not 'see' all carbs the same. And while GI is a bit outdated, it is not a total crock.
  • NorCalMommy
    Here's what I know. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had gestational diabetes. Before I was diagnosed I was gaining weight FAST. When I started having to follow a diabetic diet, my weight gain slowed down and I gained a healthy 25 lbs during pregnancy. My face and arms slimmed down and I felt great. And my baby was healthy because she had a steady amount of blood sugar with no spikes. That is the key. You don't want big spikes of blood sugar - which you can avoid by eating only complex carbohydrates in regular intervals throughout the day. A previous poster said 15-20 gms at breakfast, 15 gm snack, 30-45 gms at lunch, 15 gm snack and 30-45 gms at dinner. This is exactly what I followed and it was perfect. You could trim it down a little since you're not pregnant :)

    Remember the key is to avoid the spike in blood sugar, because you will store the excess energy as fat. So if you overindulge on carbs, try to do some activity within the hour afterwards to use up some of that extra carb. Even a short walk will help!
  • stargazer008
    You need about 60% carbs to function. Your brain runs on glucose which is a carb so you're not helping your body by eating less carbs and more protein.