counting cals doesnt work



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Dropping carbs helped me as even when counting calories but still including bread etc the weight loss was very slow, even with exercise.

    I just cut wheat based cereal, bread,pasta, rice,potatoes completely for a month then re-introduced non wheat based carbs once a week, then twice but never had on same day eg if had bread (gluten free) didn't have potatoes for dinner same day and dropped next 16lbs a lot quicker.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    To the person who mentioned running. Sadly I cannot run due to some lovely injuries due to skechers shape ups running shoes. I was doing the c25k with them and got to week three before the damage was already done. But I was never good at running anyway so I do not miss it. I do go to group fitness when I can which is encouraging and I also jump rope outside if the weather is nice. I do avoid outdoors much of the time due to allergies.

    I think I will keep eating healthy, but go back to the elliptical for awhile and mix in some strenght training a few days a week. I think I will try doing a round of tabata on the elliptical as well 2 days a week to see if that has any effect as well.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    If you got a Wii try the boxing games, they can be done from sitting if your leg is painful and you can still get a workout in, that makes you sweat. EA sports (first one) includes boxing games and free resistance band to exercise with and there's another called cardio workout (which I'm hoping to get for xmas) which main game is working though boxing exams. Good one for if your leg is bothering you and the elliptical is getting a bit painful. :happy:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Are you on the pill?

    Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss. The only form of birth control that is proven to cause weight gain is the depo provera shot. so, are you on depo? Do you have thyroid problems? Are there any other medical factors that could be causing this?

    the studies are WRONG! You do gain weight not always very much, I NEVER gain weight with out overeating and when I went on YAZZ I gained 10 pounds and I barely was eating anything. I have gotten rid of some of it switching to another pill ,but honey you gain and I did not over eat or get lazy your welcome to look at my profile , it changes your body because the hormones make your body think it's pregnant and need to feed a baby.

    When I started the pill I was NOT eating a calorie deficit, exercising or eating fewer calories then before the pill and I did NOT gain weight. Since you are 100% positive that you can't take the pill without gaining weight, was it all a dream or maybe I was just hallucinating?

    It's possible you may do drugs for all I know or care..but really everybody is different and those studies are WRONG for the vast majority . I am not alone nor have I randomly gained weight without doing something wrong in my diet or stopped working out UNTIL I got on Yazz and I AM NOT A MINORITY HERE ..a larger percentage DO gain weight . The doctors don't want you to be scared off it because your vain. They have nothing to gain from telling you the truth .
    I have been on other forms of BC and not gained weight but the ones that are higher in estrogen will cause weight gain and there is another hormone in lo-estrogen versions that causes water retention. Next time don't be so broad in your assumptions not everybody is text book perfect like yourself.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    How tall are you? Have you considered that maybe 144-145 is your body's ideal weight? You may have reached a weight that is perfect for your body and need to just maintain. I'm 5'4", and a healthy weight range for my height is 108-145. I'm aiming for 135, but I may find that I get to 140 or 145 and it's perfect. Maybe examine how and why you came to the goal weight you did and reassess whether that is realistic for your height.

    Do you do any weight training? If not, I'd start. Get the book "New Rules of Lifting for Women". I'm going to start those workouts as soon as the doctor clears me from gallbladder surgery (going today!). Perhaps you need to focus now on losing inches and don't worry about the scale.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    If you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing, I would go talk to your doctor. Sometimes losing weight is an opportunity for health problems to decide that they're going to push through, like thyroid disfunction or hormonal imbalances. It's worth a look at.
  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    How tall are you?

    I'm 5'5 and when I was very active (dance/flag corps) in high school, I weighed between 137-145. I thought I was fat then because of the number on the scale and other girls weighed 115-120 (or said they did). Looking back at pictures, that was just how much I should have weighed. I was fit, active and healthy.

    You look to be a healthy weight for your height, so maybe you should try sticking the scale away somewhere and focusing on things like how your clothes fit you and your overall muscle tone and fitness.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    The doctors don't want you to be scared off it because your vain. They have nothing to gain from telling you the truth .

    This makes no sense. Doctors can lose their license or be sued for malpractice if they deliberately lie to you. My doctor doesn't care one way or another if I'm on the pill or not; it's my decision. Her focus has been solely on helping me find the best pill for me. I'm on the same pill as the OP, and I'm losing steadily. I gained weight on the pill, but it was not the pill that did it, but my crappy eating habits; as soon as I started eating better and exercising, I started losing and continue to do so.

    Do you have that little trust in your doctor? If it's just that particular doctor, find another. If it's all doctors you don't trust, then I don't know what to tell you...
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    How about your measurements? How are your clothes fitting?

    My weight is stuck...but my friends who know me best keep telling me I am looking thinner. And my clothes are getting looser.

    I also agree to mix things up. It seems like our bodies get accustomed to what we are doing and adapts. That survival thing is huge for our bodies. If it thinks we are in famine because we are constantly eating in deficit, it's going to start hanging onto stuff. Especially at your weight which is likely at or near a healthy range.

    Also, open up your diary if you want more constructive help with your diet. I was successful with cutting carbs and upping protein.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Doing P90x for 30 days I gained weight. Muscle growth while my body was retaining water. After that I started to loose weight but I really saw it in how my clothes fit more than anything. After the 90 days I stopped working out and did nothing and dropped another 5 lbs.

    Eat the right amount of calories and eat clean foods. If you don't know what clean foods are then ask or look it up.
    Do Insanity, if you can talk while doing it you are not pushing hard enough.
    Do it for at least 30 days and ignore the scale.

    If that doesn't work, you need to see a nutritionist or a doctor.

    As another posted said, its all about calories in, calories out - plain and simple
  • There is a few things u might want to look into. Are u eating more healthy food vs. eating less crap foods? kcals all add up u must weigh all your foods for counting kcals to work.
    another thing is that you have lost weight.. therefore drop your kcals the lighter you get in weight the less kcals your body needs so as you drop the pounds drop the kcals keep that going until you are at ur desired weight

    Lastly do sprints ....intervals is the only thing that burns fat. jog for 2mins sprint for 1 you wil lose it all i guarentee you im living proof of weight loss..
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Apparently it doesn't work. I have been stuck at this plateau for months. 144-145.
    I work out, I've changed my work outs. I've tried eating less cals, I've tried eating my exercise cals. No change. Wtf am I doing wrong? I even eat way healthier food. I lost weight faster back when I ate crap and just busted my *kitten* on the elliptical 45-60mins a day. But then I try and lose weight the "right" way it doesn't work.
    What is your exercise program?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I mostly do videos. I was doing turbofire. That didn't work so I went back to doing my jillian ones and added weight and do the more advanced versions of her exercises. I was doing the killer buns and thighs 3 days a week and ripped in 30 four days a week and piloxing 2 days a week. So some days I did more than one video. I can workout at the student gym which is pretty crappy but it has some weights and cardio equipment so I guess I will try that. When I do go there I do interval cardio.

    Strength training (30 DS) killed my weight loss for about 2 weeks, I even gained a lb even though I was eating great. But it has since dropped off. Don't lose the faith. This is a tough journey but you will succeed :)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    If you are interested, I will get you losing.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    The doctors don't want you to be scared off it because your vain. They have nothing to gain from telling you the truth .

    This makes no sense. Doctors can lose their license or be sued for malpractice if they deliberately lie to you. My doctor doesn't care one way or another if I'm on the pill or not; it's my decision. Her focus has been solely on helping me find the best pill for me. I'm on the same pill as the OP, and I'm losing steadily. I gained weight on the pill, but it was not the pill that did it, but my crappy eating habits; as soon as I started eating better and exercising, I started losing and continue to do so.

    Let me reword it ,they know some folks gain with certain pills it's a gamble. I got a little miffed at the other chicks sarcasm , but if you tell them they will find one that works sometimes you have to try a few before you find the right one for your body. My doctor is excellent and she told me those studies were not typical and a controlled group and some folks are just more prone to things like water weight gain and for vanity's sake you don't have to worry about it if you drink enough water, She also told me she has had MANY patients gain weight on the pill and swear their diet didn't change. She would never call them a lair and being a woman herself she knows what toll hormones take on the body. She told me she knew a lot of women in her office gained weight with Yazz but didn't tell me because I had not gained on the last pill we tried and didn't want me not to at least try it and if she told it might make me gain weight it would be silly because it might not ether but we talked it over afterwards. I love my doctor and she knows everything about me including my past issues with anorexia . Everybody is different and I don't agree with that ONE study or others like it run by the drug companies.
    Do you have that little trust in your doctor? If it's just that particular doctor, find another. If it's all doctors you don't trust, then I don't know what to tell you...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A different thought here - what is your height and what is your goal weight? For me your current weight is in the low-to-middle range of my perfect BMI. It might be that your body's at its "happy weight" and you don't actually need to lose any more. If so, you might want to concentrate on weight training to change your body composition to lose inches instead.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    It took me 3 months to lose a few pounds but once it got started it rolled off , I had to stick to it and NOT give up, I have my age and the pill against me and even though some people don't have these factors affect them the same way. EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT. THERE IS NO NORMAL .
    Don't give up , don't give in. This is your body and you life and your the right thing, Keep drinking water, working out and watching calories it will happen I promise I <3 MFP!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It worked for me.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    Are you on the pill?

    Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss. The only form of birth control that is proven to cause weight gain is the depo provera shot. so, are you on depo? Do you have thyroid problems? Are there any other medical factors that could be causing this?

    the studies are WRONG! You do gain weight not always very much, I NEVER gain weight with out overeating and when I went on YAZZ I gained 10 pounds and I barely was eating anything. I have gotten rid of some of it switching to another pill ,but honey you gain and I did not over eat or get lazy your welcome to look at my profile , it changes your body because the hormones make your body think it's pregnant and need to feed a baby.

    When I started the pill I was NOT eating a calorie deficit, exercising or eating fewer calories then before the pill and I did NOT gain weight. Since you are 100% positive that you can't take the pill without gaining weight, was it all a dream or maybe I was just hallucinating?

    It's possible you may do drugs for all I know or care..but really everybody is different and those studies are WRONG for the vast majority . I am not alone nor have I randomly gained weight without doing something wrong in my diet or stopped working out UNTIL I got on Yazz and I AM NOT A MINORITY HERE ..a larger percentage DO gain weight . The doctors don't want you to be scared off it because your vain. They have nothing to gain from telling you the truth .
    I have been on other forms of BC and not gained weight but the ones that are higher in estrogen will cause weight gain and there is another hormone in lo-estrogen versions that causes water retention. Next time don't be so broad in your assumptions not everybody is text book perfect like yourself.

    See that's exactly the problem, I *know* everyone is different and was proving there are exceptions out there. You were the one who claimed that everyone on diet pills gains weight when you responded to the statement "Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss." with the comment "the studies are WRONG! You do gain weight " That's what I was trying to bring to your attention. You were using a broad generalization with those words. Be careful the way you phrase things. You did not say "majority" or "minority" or use any deliminators before this latest response. I was not the one being broad in my assumptions, I never said "because *I* didn't no one does, but the words you used equated to because *you* did everyone does. There are very gullible people here on this site for some reason who already very misinformed. Accidental or not be careful what "facts" you pass on to them with your words.
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Are you on the pill?

    Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss. The only form of birth control that is proven to cause weight gain is the depo provera shot. so, are you on depo? Do you have thyroid problems? Are there any other medical factors that could be causing this?

    the studies are WRONG! You do gain weight not always very much, I NEVER gain weight with out overeating and when I went on YAZZ I gained 10 pounds and I barely was eating anything. I have gotten rid of some of it switching to another pill ,but honey you gain and I did not over eat or get lazy your welcome to look at my profile , it changes your body because the hormones make your body think it's pregnant and need to feed a baby.

    When I started the pill I was NOT eating a calorie deficit, exercising or eating fewer calories then before the pill and I did NOT gain weight. Since you are 100% positive that you can't take the pill without gaining weight, was it all a dream or maybe I was just hallucinating?

    It's possible you may do drugs for all I know or care..but really everybody is different and those studies are WRONG for the vast majority . I am not alone nor have I randomly gained weight without doing something wrong in my diet or stopped working out UNTIL I got on Yazz and I AM NOT A MINORITY HERE ..a larger percentage DO gain weight . The doctors don't want you to be scared off it because your vain. They have nothing to gain from telling you the truth .
    I have been on other forms of BC and not gained weight but the ones that are higher in estrogen will cause weight gain and there is another hormone in lo-estrogen versions that causes water retention. Next time don't be so broad in your assumptions not everybody is text book perfect like yourself.

    See that's exactly the problem, I *know* everyone is different and was proving there are exceptions out there. You were the one who claimed that everyone on diet pills gains weight when you responded to the statement "Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss." with the comment "the studies are WRONG! You do gain weight " That's what I was trying to bring to your attention. You were using a broad generalization with those words. Be careful the way you phrase things. You did not say "majority" or "minority" or use any deliminators before this latest response. I was not the one being broad in my assumptions, I never said "because *I* didn't no one does, but the words you used equated to because *you* did everyone does. There are very gullible people here on this site for some reason who already very misinformed. Accidental or not be careful what "facts" you pass on to them with your words.

    I am sorry for my emotional outburst, very un-classy of me
    I apologize but this is a touchy subject for me because I read all the studies and assumed it would be OK and the 1st it was. The secound time BOOM 10 pounds ..which is a lot to a former ED sufferer
    I just hate the cover up from the drug companies for most drugs but they can't really say that with this . even my doctor says BC and weight gain is never proven sufficiently .
    I just would hate for someone to take your original comment "Multiple studies show that the pill does NOT affect weight loss" to heart ether .depo is not the only culprit .
  • I have heard that when losing weight, it is actually a GOOD THING to take a week or 2, every 2 months and let your body adjust to a new weight.

    If your body FEELS like there is STARVATION conditions in the environment - your BODY will actually LOWER YOUR METABOLISM - in order to SURVIVE.

    I know I READ that somewhere a few years ago.
    I am trying to find the author.

    NOTE: I am just on the beginning of my Journey to lose weight

    but, reading these posts have been helpful.

    Now, I know that I will come across weight loss plateaus and hope I am gentle with myself and let my body adjust to the new weight.

    Maybe be gentle with self and take a break from expecting weekly weight loss..because the LOWER you cut your calories, the more your body will feel that there are starvation conditions in the environment.

    Maintain a few weeks and be happy that you lost the weight that you already did lose.
    I would not cut calories any further.

    Then, begin again

    I don't understand it all.
    I will search for that author and post it here, if I can find it.