For the non-meat eaters...



  • leslielt
    leslielt Posts: 113 Member
    vegans don't eat meat or meat by-products. I think people get the two confused; I know I did until my vegetarian friend explained it to me.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    That would be this past Tuesday when I shot a deer!!!!
    This makes me sad :(
    Sorry to sadden you (being sincere not sarcastic). But since I am a meat eater, it is a great way to fill my freezer full of lean protein for less than $1.
    Well done, man. :drinker:

    Thank you. Tonight I got 68g protein in only 356 calories, 7g fat and 122mg sodium!!!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Sorry to sadden you (being sincere not sarcastic). But since I am a meat eater, it is a great way to fill my freezer full of lean protein for less than $1.

    No need to be sorry, really (though I do appreciate it!) While personally, I don't support the killing of any animal for food, I would rather you hunt your own food than purchase it from a factory farm if you make the choice to eat meat. I guess the concept of killing an animal is just foreign to me, hehe.
  • lobbylobster
    lobbylobster Posts: 33 Member
    Firstly, an unfertilized egg is not life. That is like saying that when a woman ovulates, the egg is a person.
    Secondly, as a vegetarian, I prefer when people hunt their own meat. My partner hunts. I can guarantee the deer that was shot suffered a heck of a lot less than an average beef cow.
    I'm vegetarian for many reasons, I hated the taste and texture of meat, I hate the cruelty that occurs, and I want to minimize the impact I have on the environment.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    That would be this past Tuesday when I shot a deer!!!!

    This makes me sad :(

    Sorry to sadden you (being sincere not sarcastic). But since I am a meat eater, it is a great way to fill my freezer full of lean protein for less than $1.

    $1 to you, yes, but it doesn't take into account the value of the animal's life. But to answer your question - there is no one answer. People are vegetarians, lacto-ovo, pescetarian, whatever they call themselves, or vegan (and there's variety there, too), for numerous reasons, all very personal. So, you'd have to ask each individual, really.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Sorry to sadden you (being sincere not sarcastic). But since I am a meat eater, it is a great way to fill my freezer full of lean protein for less than $1.
    $1 to you, yes, but it doesn't take into account the value of the animal's life.
    He did account for the value of the animal's life... :drinker:
    Tonight I got 68g protein in only 356 calories, 7g fat and 122mg sodium!!!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I have many reasons for being vegetarian and would probably be vegan if I could give up cheese...however, it doesn't take much research about the food industry to remember one aspect. If I were not vegetarian I would be so disgusted by the meat industry overall that I would choose not to participate even for that reason alone. The only exception I think for this is buying locally grown happy meat which most do not do. In addition to the cruelty to animals the things that go on where the animals start through the journey to the grocery store shelf is rather horrifying overall. Not that they are the minority in this but historically their employees are not treated well either...I could go on and on about this but have a final exam tomorrow! I hope that sheds a little more light on the topic! I always like to hear when someone is trying to learn about an issue.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Firstly, an unfertilized egg is not life. That is like saying that when a woman ovulates, the egg is a person.
    Secondly, as a vegetarian, I prefer when people hunt their own meat. My partner hunts. I can guarantee the deer that was shot suffered a heck of a lot less than an average beef cow.
    I'm vegetarian for many reasons, I hated the taste and texture of meat, I hate the cruelty that occurs, and I want to minimize the impact I have on the environment.

    Generally, some people choose not to include eggs because a) it is wrong to exploit animals, and b) it is more for the chicken than for the egg. Once people do a little research about the lives of egg-laying hens (or male chicks born in the egg industry), it becomes clear that just because the hen "isn't killed" for her eggs doesn't mean that it's an industry that deserves support.

    While I prefer (ugh, I hate the use of the word prefer here, I hate both) hunting to factory farms, I still don't believe any human has the right to take the life of another sentient being simply for a few moments of gustatory pleasure. Sure they "suffer" less than an animal raised in a factory farm, but does that really justify it? Would that justify it if it happened to you?
    I have many reasons for being vegetarian and would probably be vegan if I could give up cheese
    No excuses now :)

    Edited to Add: "Happy Meat" is an oxymoron.
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I don't get this whole "why is it okay?" ._. Like we have to ask for permission to eat certain things.

    Boom roasted! :drinker:
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I don't get this whole "why is it okay?" ._. Like we have to ask for permission to eat certain things.

    That is just playing on the words I used. I was simply looking to be more educated on the question of eggs vs. chicken
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    While I prefer (ugh, I hate the use of the word prefer here, I hate both) hunting to factory farms, I still don't believe any human has the right to take the life of another sentient being simply for a few moments of gustatory pleasure. Sure they "suffer" less than an animal raised in a factory farm, but does that really justify it? Would that justify it if it happened to you?

    It would suck if it happened to me...but if some creature wanted to shoot me in the woods then I wouldn't go in the woods. Also, it is not as if I kill an animal, grunt, pat myself on the back and leave it there...I use as much of the animal as possible.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    It would suck if it happened to me...but if some creature wanted to shoot me in the woods then I wouldn't go in the woods. Also, it is not as if I kill an animal, grunt, pat myself on the back and leave it there...I use as much of the animal as possible.

    Not trying to turn this into a debate or anything, but how exactly would an animal "not go into the woods"? They live there, so really it would be more like you not going into your own home.

    Also, I understand that you use as much of the animal as possible, but I feel like that is a poor justification since there's no real need for killing the animal in the first place.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Also, I understand that you use as much of the animal as possible, but I feel like that is a poor justification since there's no real need for killing the animal in the first place.
    Nor is there a real need for you to only eat plants. Dude, get over it. To each his own.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Nor is there a real need for you to only eat plants. Dude, get over it. To each his own.

    The reason is to get all my macros without promoting the unnecessary suffering of other sentient creatures, not to mention the environmental impact. Besides, what's wrong with adult discussion?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    If we weren't meant to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    If we weren't meant to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?

    Har har, never heard that one before! :wink:
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    If we weren't meant to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?

    People are made of meat too ;)
  • lurelw
    lurelw Posts: 11 Member
    I initially stopped eating meat because it was too expensive. Now the thought of eating it just turns me off 95% of the time. I would just rather get my protein from eggs, Greek yogurt, beans, quinoa, etc.
    I still eat eggs because they just seem healthier to me (I usually poach just the whites), I use them a lot with baking, and I just enjoy them.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    If we weren't meant to eat animals, then why are they made of meat?

    People are made of meat too ;)

    Eat me ;)
  • alanabancroft
    bump for later