All you men, COME HERE.



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I can't imagine it would have any effect at all. My wife has stretch marks. They are just reminders of the 3 beautiful daughters that she brought into my life.

    Hell, I have keloid scars over 40% of my body. Didn't bother her.

    If you come across someone that allows your stretchmarks to cause a problem in your relationship, be glad that they helped weed that knucklehead out.
  • putinwork22
    putinwork22 Posts: 15 Member
    a guy i was friends with who i wanted to sleep with said why would it matter cause thats not what makes me beautiful..

    i slept with him about 2 hours later; all over the house.

    and i dont care if it was a line - it worked :)

    LMAO I hope you logged it in as exercise I'm sure it was 1,200 burn :-)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    See I am insecure about my stretch marks as well! I have awful skin, I started getting them when I was only 9 years old on my knees. Now you can only see them if you look for them, but in high school I had them on my hips and chest (wasn't heavy then either). I have more now because I got a bit heavy (not super heavy, was about 39% body fat at my heaviest, which was big enough). I have them now on my belly, my love handles have their own stretch marks and I even got them on my biceps from all the strength training I've done. When I first started seeing a primary care doc she freaked out and was stunned I had them everywhere, seriously walked around me gawking! She could hardly believe I hadn't been much larger to get all those scars.

    Its okay now, because hopefully they will lighten up some more since they aren't being stretched anymore!

    The point is, I have them EVERYWHERE, my skin isn't very elastic and couldn't handle any growth, I don't have kids and really there isn't anything I can do about them. Never once have they gotten in the way of doing anything fun with any guy though!!! "D
  • StarGeezer
    Doesn't bother me one little bit. Part of loving someone is understanding you both have imperfections, and accepting one another just the same. Guys, if you find a woman whose only flaw is stretch marks, do yourself a favor... KEEP HER! :bigsmile:
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Men who are somewhat mature realize this is life & we understand. Maybe BOYS would give a *kitten*, but men don't.

    OMG! Where have you been all my life!?! LOL...just kidding! I love this MAN'S answer. I also have very large stretch marks(the big wide ones that make me look like I got in a fight with Wolverine) from having my son. They were really dark purple and at first I couldn't stand them. As I got back to my pre-pregnancy self and the stretch marks faded, I started realizing that they weren't that bad. I am now fit and healthy, my ripped abs counter my unsightly stretch marks and my husband loves me just the same! Trust you husband....I doubt he married you for your once flawless tummy. Oh and I also LOVE the post about them being tiger stripes lol!!!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    "Whew! Maybe she won't mind mine."

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    Most guys are just happy to see you with your clothes off when the time comes. :wink:

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I'm not a man, but I can say my battle scars haven't affected my husband. If anything, he seems MORE into me since I birthed him a kiddo ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have been around the block my share of times since I had my daughter and got the stretch marks. The only man who ever commented on them was very negative, but he was overall a complete jerk, so I don't take him very seriously.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    My wife says she has some from our 3 kids, but for the life of me I've never seen them.
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    I believe Cat Williams covered this topic better than I ever could...Excuse the language, I apologize.

    "We don't have no time to worry bout no **** like stretch marks... They came from either 1 of 2 things... Either you was big & got small, or you were small & got big ! Either way we ****in... Either Waaay!"
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't have any children and have stretchmarks which is probably why I'm so insecure about them... But I'm glad to see that men don't care about least the ones on MFP :)

    I know skinny chicks who haven't had kids who have them. I think people associate them with being severely overweight but sometimes it just happens to the best of us.

    I got them on my hips and thighs when I went through puberty just from growing so fast. I wasn't overweight. Those have faded so much over the years, I have to look really close to see them. I think my tummy ones from pregnancy would be about the same if my tummy wasn't flabby. That seems to make them more noticable, but after 17 years, they're almost the same color as the rest of my skin, so not so obvious.

    I just was never bothered by them, I think because I knew there wasn't anything I could do about them except wait for time to fade them.

    Oh, I also got them on my breasts because in fourth grade I went from completely flat-chested to a C cup practically overnight.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I don't have any children and have stretchmarks which is probably why I'm so insecure about them... But I'm glad to see that men don't care about least the ones on MFP :)

    I know skinny chicks who haven't had kids who have them. I think people associate them with being severely overweight but sometimes it just happens to the best of us.

    I got them on my hips and thighs when I went through puberty just from growing so fast. I wasn't overweight. Those have faded so much over the years, I have to look really close to see them. I think my tummy ones from pregnancy would be about the same if my tummy wasn't flabby. That seems to make them more noticable, but after 17 years, they're almost the same color as the rest of my skin, so not so obvious.

    I just was never bothered by them, I think because I knew there wasn't anything I could do about them except wait for time to fade them.

    Oh, I also got them on my breasts because in fourth grade I went from completely flat-chested to a C cup practically overnight.

    Word. I had stretch marks on my breasts, hips, and thighs (albeit small, but they were there) when I was 17 and weighed 105 lbs., because I woke up one morning and was a woman.
  • Prozack1964
    they dont matter to me
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Many people have them (including me)....but what can you do aside from surgery? So don't stress about them too much. Sometimes they bother me but I've never had a partner (or a friend for that matter) comment on them.....we always pick up on our own little insecurities and others won't unless we make a big deal over it!
  • judykritikos
    Since I'm a woman, I can't answer for a man. However, I can tell you what men have told me. Basically - WE make more of it than we should. Men are more pissed when we say (usually in a whiney voice) - ohhh - look at these? aren't these awful? He's probably not noticed them UNTIL we bring it up. Others say they never really noticed the, because of how they feel about the women. One guy said if it's just for a quick screw - I don't care, cuz I'm not seeing her again. He then said - but if I really loved her, I wouldn't care. So - pick the guy you want to be with, and if it's a REAL man and a REAL relationship - it won't matter. That being said - KEEP YOUR LIP ZIPPED and stop pointing out your flaws. They wonder when you're gonna turn on them and start pointing out theirs.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    Doesn't bother me. I mean, i have my own faults and insecurities, so why should i judge?
    ** LUV THIS ANSWER **:flowerforyou:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Stretch marks and c-section scars are hawt.
  • Calorie_Killa
    I don't have any children and have stretchmarks which is probably why I'm so insecure about them... But I'm glad to see that men don't care about least the ones on MFP :)

    Ditto! I don't worry about them. Like Kat Williams said, either you were big and you got small or you were small and you got big. If he's still with you no matter what, he doesn't care and neither should you.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    some can be sexy :)