Why do you wear a wedding band?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Don't wear mine at the gym. I don't wear gloves and hate wearing them since I'm really "old school" and like to "feel" the knurling and grips. Unfortunately the knurling on the bars and dumbells rip the crap out of my ring. It got majorly scratched up the first time I tried it.
    So while I'm on the clock at the gym, I don't wear it. I do keep it at home so I don't lose it and wear it when I'm out an about.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I wear mine everywhere I go except the gym. I guess because I love him and it's just such an awesome and unique ring it would be a waste not to wear it haha
  • BenderFitness
    Because my wedding was one of the best days of my life, and I love the symbolism of what my ring means. :) Also, it's an outward symbol of my love and commitment.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Respecting all of the answers so far, would you feel any less bonded to your mate if you didn't have an object to adorn your hand?

    (mind you, I wore one for 15 years, so I'm not minimizing your feelings).

    I would not feel less bonded, however, since we exchanged the rings in a wedding ceremony - I would be deeply sad to lose the symbol our commitment and piece of that day. Every time I look at my rings I remember how and where my husband proposed, how we shopped for our wedding rings together on vacation, and how great our little wedding was. They're like fragments of time forever frozen and wrapped around my finger. It's like a baseball players ball they hit their 500th home run with - it's just a freaking baseball but the meaning to them is priceless.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    My husband and I were married 2 years ago on our 10 year anniversary. I wear my wedding band for a few reasons... first and foremost, because it is a constant visual symbol that I am loved and valued by a man who committed the rest of his life to me as I did to him. I wear it b/c dang it, I waited 10 years to have it and I do wear it somewhat b/c it's beautiful... Though the beauty is only a tiny part of it. I wear a plain band when I can't or don't want to wear my nice ring, just b/c I love the visual of knowing I'm loved and tied to someone so amazing :) I'd get my finger tattooed if I couldn't wear a band!

    Oh, and no, I wouldn't feel any less bonded w/o my rings, I'd just feel like something was missing and I'd also be deeply saddened to lose that part of me and the memories tied to them.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I wear my wedding ring because I love it and what it symbolizes it is one of the few things my husband actually picked out on his own. My husband rarely wears his because of work...probably should have went with a less expensive ring :ohwell: I picked out his.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Mine got cut off at the ER when I was pregnant. Had some reaction and got all swollen. I don't wear a ring now because we haven't decided what to do. The only reason I miss it s because we are in a military town and it's just less hassle for me at the gym and stuff to have a ring ;)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't. Other than a watch, I don't wear any jewelry at all. I have my wife's name tattooed on my ring finger.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I wear mine because it's perty =] He doesn't wear his. While it should hold some sort of symbolic value - we don't see it that way. It is just a ring.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I wear it because I like having that little reminder that there's always someone on my team. So, yes, I'd wear it if no one else could see it, because it's for me. But no, I wouldn't be any less committed without it.

    I never take it off, but it's getting looser and I might need it resized. I have developed a callous on my palm right below it from where it rubs when lifting.
  • heathhumble
    The commitment we have to each other.I never take it off.It does bother me when I see married couples that take thiers off.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I wear a wedding band, but traditionally we don't wear wedding bands, we wear god chains with two round gold pieces hung on it it is called a (mungalsutrah).
    My hubby doesn't wear anything.

    I wear my wedding band because I am a woman who loved gold and diamonds :bigsmile:
    I wear my mungalsutrah to keep my hubby safe and in my heart always. :heart:
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    i wear mine because of what it represents, my commitment love and fidelity to my husband. and i would wear it on a remote island because being there wouldnt change my commitment love or fidelity to him!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Because it's a total chic magnet.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I've been wearing my wedding band for 15 years now. (well 14, I lost the first one and had to replace it! -=long story=- ).
    I take it off for a couple weeks every year, since my wife's family owns a turkey farm, and I work nights in the processing facility.
  • ttennimon
    At my job i simply just am not allowed to wear it. Due to where an what i work with its just not allowed but i try to remember to put it on on the weekends and what not.
  • BabyBubbles31
    To remind me that he loves me every day. Just as much as the day he put the band on my hand. It's a piece of him, I can carry with me always.

    I love this one... DITTO! :)
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I only wear my engagement ring. Never really bothered to get another ring, mainly because I feel like it'd feel weird wearing 2 rings on the same finger. Plus, I'm a cheapo and this ring here gave me enough trouble! <3
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    My diamond wedding ring is now too big to wear, it keeps falling off my finger, I told my husband last night I need to get it sized, but it is expensive to do and I still have 50 lbs or so to lose. I have a simple gold wedding band I wear that will have to do until then.

    I never took mine off, that was until I started using hand weights...it drove me crazy. But that is the only time it comes off. I guess I am just old fashioned and like the sentimental value of it!
  • earlgreygirl09
    I wear mine because of what it represents to me and what it shows the world. I am proud to be married to my husband and I feel like it is the crowning achievement of our relationship, a place we both worked hard to get to and now we can both find peace in knowing that we will always be together for the rest of our lives.

    My wedding band hasn't left my finger since he placed it there on our wedding day. My engagement ring however, I usually wear only when I leave the house....not because I don't like it, but because I'm always doing stuff around the house like dishes or baking something.