Why do you wear a wedding band?



  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    I love this thread, very interesting!

    My husband and I started dating when we were in high school and after I graduated I moved away for a few years but we stayed together. We went to the beach together during one of our visits and he bought me a cheap little silver ring with turtles on it, the kind that doesn't even close around the back so you can adjust it. He also got himself one with waves on it.

    We started wearing those rings as a symbol of our love and when we weren't together it was like we always had each other. That stupid little 5 dollar ring never tarnished, broke, or turned my finger green. It looked beautiful for all the years I wore it, like magic! I only replaced it with my wedding band when we got married, and I got that one for free since it was my mom's.

    If I lived by myself in the middle of the woods I would still wear my ring. I don't wear it to let people know I'm married, it's just a part of my hand now, like my love for my husband is a part of me.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Respecting all of the answers so far, would you feel any less bonded to your mate if you didn't have an object to adorn your hand?

    (mind you, I wore one for 15 years, so I'm not minimizing your feelings).

    I think since I told him from the get go I wanted something that could be mistaken for a paper weight, had he proposed without a ring, I really don't know what I would have said.....probably something like, "are you kidding" or "you're going to stop listening to me already" At least he knows I'm a materialistic snob and he loves me anyway ;)

    Yes I love this :) I am also a materialistic snob and the bigger the ring the better and my husband also knows that! I am also always sending him pictures of new rings...bigger rings!!! I mean I would take it as an anniversary gift of course :)
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Ok not to be a buzz kill, but I am not wearing mine right now and I bet money that my DH isn't either. Why? because it does not define us or our relationship. I don't need a ring to show people I am not available, my actions do that and my words back it up. I don't need my ring to remind me of crap... I can remember just fine.

    No issue with people that live and die in that wedding ring, but it just isn't a thing for me.

    BTW forcing your S.O. to wear it will NOT stop him/her from cheating, flirt or be flirted with. PSA
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Because it was given to me by my husband...and I think they are pretty!! My rings are the only piece of jewlery I wear.. i've worn them for so long that if I don't wear them I feel like something is missing.
  • tchrnmommy
    tchrnmommy Posts: 342 Member
    I second all the reasons everyone else has said for why they WEAR them (not those who say they don't).

    I do sometimes take it off while around the house because I have a one year old and the setting is high and I have a tendency to scratch her. But it is on my finger everytime I walk out the door as I keep it on a ring dish in my kitchen window.

    My husband only takes his off when showering but puts it right back on.

    His favorite thing to say to me as I run out the door is "are you married?" lol.....not that I would forget to put it on when I/we leave the house or anything, it's just kinda become our little thing....
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i didn't wear one for years, but i wear mine now because it bothered my husband that i was seen as available. :)

    four months after we were married (married on the 26th and my platinum rings had 26 diamonds combined - 25 small and 1 large; i loved the symbolism of that), i was pregnant and the hormones caused me to be allergic to my wedding ring. i thought it would go away after i had the baby, but it didn't. the allergy got worse. i only wore those poor rings for 4 months and a few special occasions.

    about 2 years ago, my husband did some research and found a metal that i might be able to tolerate (palladium). we went and had a new wedding band commissioned with 39 diamonds - 38 small and 1 large. i LOVE this ring! i occasionally still have to take this one off and let the skin on my finger have a break, but wearing it makes me feel absolutely loved and cared for.

    here's a picture of my beautiful ring - http://thanks-and-praise.blogspot.com/2009/06/happy-birthday-to-me.html
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    Ok not to be a buzz kill, but I am not wearing mine right now and I bet money that my DH isn't either. Why? because it does not define us or our relationship. I don't need a ring to show people I am not available, my actions do that and my words back it up. I don't need my ring to remind me of crap... I can remember just fine.

    No issue with people that live and die in that wedding ring, but it just isn't a thing for me.

    BTW forcing your S.O. to wear it will NOT stop him/her from cheating, flirt or be flirted with. PSA

    been married 22 years and neither of us wear one, just a piece of metal, dont need an object to show how much you love someone
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    I'm in a civil partnership (UK) and when I proposed I used origami hearts, chocolates and a compilation CD combining compilation tapes we made when we first started going out together. I didn't feel the need for a ring, especially as neither of us wear rings generally. We talked about whether to get one or something else symbolic for the ceremony but decided we didn't need to as it made no difference to how we felt.
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    my wedding bacnd came from my husbands grandmother and I LOVE IT (actually more than my actual ring lol) i frequently wear just the band :)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Well it the symbol of unbroken love. I wear mine so I don't have to bring my wife along where ever I go. I am proud of her, and she will scratch the eyes out of anyone that doesn't respect it.
  • essjay75
    essjay75 Posts: 77 Member
    Ok not to be a buzz kill, but I am not wearing mine right now and I bet money that my DH isn't either. Why? because it does not define us or our relationship. I don't need a ring to show people I am not available, my actions do that and my words back it up. I don't need my ring to remind me of crap... I can remember just fine.

    No issue with people that live and die in that wedding ring, but it just isn't a thing for me.

    BTW forcing your S.O. to wear it will NOT stop him/her from cheating, flirt or be flirted with. PSA

    This. We both have one-my set is very pretty and sparkly, I just wear it now and again. He hasn't worn his regularly for nearly 20 years as it is against regulations to wear any jewelry at his job. I don't have a problem with it. He chose ME and if he needs to look at a ring to stay with me, I'm doing something wrong.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Mine does not fit now, Getting it resized.

    But I wear it because to me it reminds me I was lucky enough 28 years ago to find a man that I never want to live without my entire life.
  • SherriH69
    To honor my commitment to my husband and our marriage. It's not a symbol that I feel like I HAVE to wear. I WANT to wear it.
  • Mama_CAEI
    It's a symbol of our commitment to each other; I would probably feel just as connected to him if I didn't wear one, but it's a concrete outward reminder of our love. Plus, his matches mine, which means a lot to me. My parents have matching wedding bands, so growing up, I thought everyone did that. I was really surprised when I started watching wedding tv shows and such, to see so many couples with rings that don't "go" together. It was very important to me that we have "his and hers" rings; I let him pick them out, since grooms usually have so little input in wedding plans. He chose beautiful celtic bands in yellow and white gold. I wear it with pride!
  • aqua_zumba_fan
    I'm in a civil partnership (UK) and when I proposed I used origami hearts, chocolates and a compilation CD combining compilation tapes we made when we first started going out together. I didn't feel the need for a ring, especially as neither of us wear rings generally. We talked about whether to get one or something else symbolic for the ceremony but decided we didn't need to as it made no difference to how we felt.

    Also it feels to me a little like ownership and I'm very against that - not saying that's what it symbolises for everyone by any means but it does to me to some extent. Plus marriage/civil partnership is sanctioned by the state and very normalised and I do tend to challenge that inasfar as I can, including not doing what's expected like wearing a ring, wearing a wedding dress etc. I have felt a bit of a sellout at times for conforming to state recognition of my relationship - doesn't diminish my love for my partner at all though - it's a political thing and also something I write about as an academic so it's hard to reconcile these things sometimes. Rambling now, sorry!
  • sunshineshica
    I never take mine off, regardless of anything going on or if there are people around me or not. It's for me, no one else. I slide it around for comfort or something to do, lol. All that said its sentimental and the only jewelry I always wear.

    I agree. I feel like it symbolizes what made us one. No one ever notices it. I can get hit on and I'll say I'm married and they'll say oh I didn't see your ring and I'd say it's because you weren't looking for it lol. What I don't care too much about is it being a diamond ring or just a band. I lost two diamond rings during vacations and felt bad about it so I told him to just buy a band. I haven't lost it yet.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't wear mine. It doesn't fit anymore, and I haven't had it sized. I know I'm married. I don't need a band (that isn't even my style) to prove it.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Although people can see it, a ring is really too ordinary to be counted as a 'display'. I feel mine to be a personal rather than a public thing. (It doesn't worry me to be called 'miss' or 'ms' or 'mrs'. The title isn't important.) The ring is more than a sign that I am married. Because it was actually part of the ceremony it is the most constant reminder of that very important moment: 'with this ring I thee wed'.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Well it the symbol of unbroken love. I wear mine so I don't have to bring my wife along where ever I go. I am proud of her, and she will scratch the eyes out of anyone that doesn't respect it.

  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i'm not married, never have been. but i used to work 3rd shift at a truck stop. i bought a decoy ring so that i stopped getting hit on.

    mostly worked.