BL Blue Team WEEK 18



  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Rach- Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Today we got a lot done after my DH took the kids for half the day. We went out to his family farm that is going to the state and just walked around there for a while. Then when we got home I felt ambishs and so I raked up all the pine cones. BTW I hate pine cones. anyone want my pine tree?!?!? Then I racked all the leafs out of my flower gardens which is some work and planted some flowers. I then wasn't tired enough (even thought I should have stopped) I came inside and tried to take down some boarder that is of course at the ceiling height. Ugh. I got about half the room done before I started feeling shaky and then our friends came over after supper and we went for a mile walk. I feel so good. TOmorrow I will run. :drinker:
  • sarahlouise87
    Hi all

    The weather isnt looking too good here in suffolk, so i am sitting here wondering what to do! I did the race for life yesterday which went really well :happy: i burned 371 calories, then i didnt eat it back and so MFP told me off :laugh: but im not into the all "eat your calories back", hope everyone has a great monday!
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    I'm jealous, bogart! I've still got my nose stuck in a book. I worked out yesterday and then hit the books. I was so restless just sitting there that I was dancing while I was reading! Now that I've started being more active I can't stand to be lazy! Just 26 more days and I'll be FREEEEE!!!!!
    I will be in the same shoes soon. On top of working night shift for the Coast Guard and fitting in the excersize, I have decided that I need to go back to school, so starting in a couple of months I will be the one with my face in the books. I am kinda nervous, but really excited, too.

    Ok, I'M jealous. Which Coast and where's the beach? I just finished putting away my Christmas stuff, :noway: cleaning the garage with my DH and picking up my Sweety's poop. Yup, her on my ticker.:heart::smooched: Beautiful day out FINALLY. :bigsmile: I'm docking calories for that. I found a good website that calculates it, (Fitness Partner Connection Jumpsite!)and damn-we've been working hard! Feels good to get it done! I was studying yesterday for my Fitness Theory exam for tomorrow and thought...I won't ever teach aerobics I'm not going to write it. COP-OUT! :noway: Nope, back to Nursing I will merrily go. :wink:

    j-I think I'm coming out. How far are you from the Hotel? Let's go jogging together!!!:bigsmile: Let me know cause I have to bring my proper shoes...:drinker:

    Living on the Gulf Coast in Corpus Christi, TX. The weather here has been good, if a little hot. I can never get used to the transition from what we call winter here to full blown summer. It takes like 2 weeks and it goes from 40's to 80's over night. By the end of May we will be looking at steady 90's and it will stay that way until September-ish. It is good for excercising outdoors, but it almost gets to the point where it's TOO dang hot and you have to find something inside. Although it IS good for the beach...:smile:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I was up till 2am this morning. :yawn: I got my second wind for some reason at about 1am but I'm glad that I stayed up that late because that saved me from getting up several times with my daughter. She is sick. She says her throat is sore and we looked in her mouth and her tonsils are REALLY swollen so to the doctor we shall go. She is sleeping now after several times up so I'm going to leave her sleep as I'm going back to bed until she wakes up then off to town.

    everyone have a great day its going to be in the 70's here. Great day for a run. :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    It's been raining for days here, and isn't supposed to let up soon. I'm still feeling pretty crappy, but at least some of my more disgusting symptoms have somewhat gone away. :sick: I'm ready to head home and snuggle up on the couch. 7165.gif I have one more final due Tuesday night, that I need to work on some more!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Rach - hope you're feeling better
    Jess-hope your daugther is feeling better too!

    Going to officially join the local gym today - so excited!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Rach - hope you're feeling better
    Jess-hope your daugther is feeling better too!

    Going to officially join the local gym today - so excited!!

    Way to go girl!
    Hope your sicknesses are all ok. My youngest's teacher has them all neurotic about the Swine flu, so she's gonna be OCD with washing her hands! :laugh: Anyway, I sent her to school with hand sanitizer so she can make him happy and be clean. He told them any sign of any illness-stay home. She knows more details about this flu than anyone. Now I'm doing damage control, so she doesn't get freaked out about everything.:grumble: There's education, and then there's misinformation. He needs to retire.
    I'm very sore today, but am now gonna get busy. Where's the best place to plant a small vegetable garden. In the all day sun?:huh:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Sanifrey - did you make it out to see the Wolverine movie?? If so, what'd you think?? My bf and I went Saturday night and I actually liked it pretty well!! I wasn't expecting to, but... not bad! :drinker:

    Rach - okay, so the next time your bf and my bf are being big bums, we're going to drive and meet in the middle of wherever you are and wherever I am and get an anti-big-bum-bf's place to stay! (just as long as you don't bring the swine flu with you!! :wink:) lol, feel better!!!!!!

    Chrissy - how's the local gym?? My membership @ the rec is running out this month... i've been thinking of joining the 24 hour gym across the street, but I'm the type that would want to go in there at 2 a.m. and then I'd be extremely paranoid!!

    j_g - did your husband keep up on your run??? :devil:

    hotmom - I can't believe how anal your child's teacher is being! Geeze. :grumble: They're being a little anal at my work, too. Put up hand sanitizer dispensers and are posting posters in the restrooms educating people on how to wash their hands. :laugh:

    bbogart - i wanna go to the beach...... :frown: :flowerforyou:

    Soooooo... I didn't weigh in last week!! Sorry guys... :frown: I completely forgot to e-mail Rach. I will this week, though!!!! Promise. :flowerforyou: Can't wait for the Biggest Loser tomorrow night... I just LOVE that show. I'll be sad when it's over.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Leigh - I'll leave the swine flu at home! :laugh:

    So I've decided to distract myself from feeling gross by focusing on how I'm going to afford the rest of my classes! :grumble:

    Once this new term is over I will have 80 out of 180 credits, for my bachelors. I'll have spent $30,260 on school and have another $35,547 to go!!! :noway:

    If I bump up to 3 classes every 10 weeks I should be done at the end of Oct. ' if your standard bachelors takes 4yrs to complete, that works out to around $16.5k a year. Not bad!

    So anyway, I've got to have a chat with my mom sometime this week about cosigning for me...AGAIN! At least Sallie Mae has started a new loan that lets you 'dismiss' your cosigner after you graduate, as long as your debt ratio is at a certain level. So basically if I hurry and get a better paying job, stay anal about sending every available dollar I have to my loans, I can take my mom back off them.

    *sigh* It's so overwhelming sometimes!!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Leigh - I'll leave the swine flu at home! :laugh:

    So I've decided to distract myself from feeling gross by focusing on how I'm going to afford the rest of my classes! :grumble:

    Once this new term is over I will have 80 out of 180 credits, for my bachelors. I'll have spent $30,260 on school and have another $35,547 to go!!! :noway:

    If I bump up to 3 classes every 10 weeks I should be done at the end of Oct. ' if your standard bachelors takes 4yrs to complete, that works out to around $16.5k a year. Not bad!

    So anyway, I've got to have a chat with my mom sometime this week about cosigning for me...AGAIN! At least Sallie Mae has started a new loan that lets you 'dismiss' your cosigner after you graduate, as long as your debt ratio is at a certain level. So basically if I hurry and get a better paying job, stay anal about sending every available dollar I have to my loans, I can take my mom back off them.

    *sigh* It's so overwhelming sometimes!!!

    To pay for? What are you going to be when you grow up?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member

    To pay for? What are you going to be when you grow up?

    An accountant.

    And I messed up, I've only spent $27060 so far, not $30260, so it'll really work out to be $15.7k a year.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    What kind of job are you working at now, Rach?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    What kind of job are you working at now, Rach?

    A lame data entry type job. I put numbers in and make pretty chart for the big guys. :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey all the new kids would like to start this Wedn. Is that okay with you all?
  • chickadee10
    chickadee10 Posts: 350
    Hey all the new kids would like to start this Wedn. Is that okay with you all?
    It's fine with me. Are we going to go ahead and finish the 20 weeks? And then start all over at week 1 on the week of the 14th?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey all the new kids would like to start this Wedn. Is that okay with you all?
    It's fine with me. Are we going to go ahead and finish the 20 weeks? And then start all over at week 1 on the week of the 14th?

    No we would start over with week 1 this wedn. if everyone is up for it.
  • jennNva
    jennNva Posts: 142
    Hi Everyone! Sorry Ilve been MIA. I've been on the site but not my best as far as exercising and eating right.

    My mother has stage 4 breast cancer and I had to take her into the ER last Tues morning for complications. She's still in there but I know she's getting the best care. All that said, I've been "on the run".

    I saw last night that our team is recruiting - a fabulous idea. I would like to stay with our team if you guys will keep me. Right before this happened with my mother - I joined a gym for the first time in my life. So, hopefully with support from here and the gym motivation, this time I will suceed!

    Hope everyone has a great day! :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Leigh - how's everything on the homefront with the BF, house hunting and his Mom???

    Rach-sounds like a lot on your plate - it will pay off in dividends so don't give up!!

    HMo4-how'd you do on sugar yesterday????

    San--I want to see Wolverine - was it ok for my 13 yo? OUCH - I haven't called him that yet - I liked 12 better - he'll be 13 on June 1....

    The new gym is great - did Group Power (weight lifting) class for hte second time last night - there isn't a muscle in me not feeling it....YA BABY!!! Love it! I know if I am feeling it than I worked hard. Today will probably be a days rest unless I can sneak in a quickie on the elliptical - meeting my boss this evening so it will take up the time I would have gone - well see....

    Happy Cino De Mayo everyone! Not too much celebrating - ok?!
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Rach - That should be the job description!!! LOL, I like that. :laugh: Buildin' that resume, girl!!

    Chrissy - I'm supposed to be meeting with a loan officer sometime this week to see how much house I can afford. :ohwell: LOL, I'm a little scared! I've found several houses I would LOVE to have, but not sure they're in my price range. Things are not really improving at home right now... his mom is still there, he's still doing things he shouldn't. :angry: I've expressed to him that this situation making me into a person that I don't even know... but, I got no reaction, so, I think it's safe to assume he doesn't care. I'm a little bit of a control freak, so it's really hard to feel like something is out of my hands.

    I'm SO hungry this morning... I've had breakfast (an English muffin and a Curves bar (not sure why)) and my morning snack (Fiber One pop tarts) and it's not even 10 a.m. :indifferent: What do you guys do when you just feel... ravenous? I think I could eat a cow. :embarassed:

  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    Icorrell, I know that if I have eaten my "allotted" meals and snacks and I still feel hungry, I usually have not included enough protein. I have deduced that I have to have at LEAST 8 grams of protein in a meal or snack in order to feel like I have eaten anything. From what i have read, the protein sends the chemical signals to your brain to let it know that you are satiated. If I don't get enough protein, I feel like I could eat all day long...and I usually do.:frown: I have found a couple of snack bars that work for me. One, made by Met-RX, is called the BIG 100 Collossal. It has 30 grams of protein and 410 calories, but I cut it into thirds. This lets me get the protein I need without too many calories. Works out to 10 grams of protein with 140 calories and 4 grams of fat. If you decide to try it, I would recommend drinking a lot of water with it because it's a little dry. My favorite flavor is Peanut Butter Pretzel. Hope this helps. Hope everyone has a great day.