Aim:5lb down for xmas



  • DHamp1978
    Hi Helenmelon!

    Count me in also - my target is 5lbs also by Christmas! Overall I would like to loose 12lbs, I have been going to the gym 4 times a week but do it in my lunch time so I can only manage a 40 min session, that said I found a great cross trainer routine in Zest magazine that is for 25 min and involves adjusting the levels so it makes it harder so Im hoping that will work for me! Im also trying my best to be good with food but thats were Im struggling, especially with the cold dark nights on the way!! I keep hearing people talk about kettlebells but I've never used them - any advice?

    Also - just to mention I have made myself a paperclip change that I keep on my desk, its 12 paperclips in lenght to represent the number of pounds I want to loose and Im hoping I can disregard a paperclip per week :laugh:
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Helenmelon!

    Count me in also - my target is 5lbs also by Christmas! Overall I would like to loose 12lbs, I have been going to the gym 4 times a week but do it in my lunch time so I can only manage a 40 min session, that said I found a great cross trainer routine in Zest magazine that is for 25 min and involves adjusting the levels so it makes it harder so Im hoping that will work for me! Im also trying my best to be good with food but thats were Im struggling, especially with the cold dark nights on the way!! I keep hearing people talk about kettlebells but I've never used them - any advice?

    Also - just to mention I have made myself a paperclip change that I keep on my desk, its 12 paperclips in lenght to represent the number of pounds I want to loose and Im hoping I can disregard a paperclip per week :laugh:


    Great more motivation the better. 40 mins at lunchtime is great. I try and have a walk round but usually do all excerise at night or in the morning if Im up early enough.

    This the only the second time I will have been to Kettlebells. Its a class for £4 for 50 mins. The instructor is really good and shows you all the moves/helps you. I was shattered last time. The funniest thing was that my sister thought I was going to a class learning to play the bells! lol

    Woo love your paperclip idea. x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    WAHOOOOO 1.5lbs lighter...just 1.5lbs til my goal of being within the "healthy" bmi range!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm pretty scared to step on the scale. I was UP last week - which (I believe) was due to TOM.

    On the "good news" side and in relation to the "increased calories" I have revised for a 1 lb. per week weigh loss - I have cut out my afternoon snack and replaced it with a protein shake and I am NOT doing ANY late-night snacking.

    I have been strength-training mon/wed/fri for 2.5 weeks, now, and I've made cardio classes Mon/Wed/Sat of each of last week and this week.

    Because of the strength-training, I might have to alter my goal of "5 lb. down" to something like "5 inches down"....because I should be losing inches (but not necessarily weight).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    congrats penny! that's awesome!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    WAHOOOOO 1.5lbs lighter...just 1.5lbs til my goal of being within the "healthy" bmi range!!!!

    Wow thats great. You defo be in the healthly BMI before xmas. x
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I'm pretty scared to step on the scale. I was UP last week - which (I believe) was due to TOM.

    On the "good news" side and in relation to the "increased calories" I have revised for a 1 lb. per week weigh loss - I have cut out my afternoon snack and replaced it with a protein shake and I am NOT doing ANY late-night snacking.

    I have been strength-training mon/wed/fri for 2.5 weeks, now, and I've made cardio classes Mon/Wed/Sat of each of last week and this week.

    Because of the strength-training, I might have to alter my goal of "5 lb. down" to something like "5 inches down"....because I should be losing inches (but not necessarily weight).

    Im always the same around TOM - which will be next week (I think) so possibly no change for me then - will aim not to go up!

    Im interested in protien shakes - is it the same calories as you would have eaten? Do you make your own? Or which do you get?

    I like your routine. What cardio classes do you do? x
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    I do not make my own protein shakes. They are a "VHP Meal Replacement" - 250 cals, of which 25g is from protein, 8g from fat and 20g from carbs. Low sodium (380 mg)

    They do satiate me. They aren't that cheap, though. But, so long as I'm strength-training, I will use them in the afternoons.

    I do cardio-step. And, sometimes the elliptical trainer (if I'm doing HIIT).

    I am down 1 lb. this week. Which is actually SUPERB, because most of the folks on this site say you cannot "lose weight and gain muscle", which is exactly what I am trying to do! So, I'll take it. (Although, who knows if this is a "permanent" 1 lb. weight loss. For now, I shall accept it.)

    My husband is going to measure me up this weekend - so then I can honestly see if these tape measurements are changing, over time, to recognize "success" with my strength-training.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Its Friday again, feel I have been pretty good this week. No big plans for the weekend except Sunday having afternoon tea (scone, jam, cream) for my Grandma's birthday so will make sure I exercise to accommodate that.

    Hope Monday weighin is better this week. x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    This is the week to focus! We can do this! xx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I was terrible this weekend and couldnt stop eating! Back on track today so hopefully still heading in the right direction.

    Taking the dogs out tonight anf then going to my sister's for supper.

    Tomorrow I'm doing Tracey Anderson mat and cardio dance, Wed Im going to Kettlebells and walk the dogs, Thurs both Tracey Anderson again and Fri Im off work so plan to swim, walk dogs, and do Tracey Anderson mat and cardio.

    What is everyone else up to? x
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I am down 1 lb. from this time last week.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Good work Beeps.

    My scale hoover at 142lb and then settles at 145! So still the same at the mo, hoping next week it will drop the 2/3lb (like it does previously but TOM on the way so I'm doubtful).x
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    WOOO I lost 1.5lbs and I'm now at goal! AMAAAAZING. I officially have a healthy bmi now! WOOOO!

    Hows everyone doing? My challenge now is to try to keep it off...!?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Congrats, penny! that is SPECTACULAR!! I believe you can keep it off by continuing to track and stay focused on your goal!!

    I haven't stepped on the scale this week - but I will do so tomorrow morning. I don't feel like my number will be "down" on the scale. But, who knows??
  • VinVenture
    Oh, right, checking in. Sorry about that, I've had my exams. On a positive note, I'm down a grand total of 6 lbs, leaving me at 130 lbs! Huzzah. Only a few more to go in total.

    Lifting weights kicks serious fatty butt :D
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I am fluctuating a lot at the moment, but I must be nearly there xx
  • ManicMonday
    Me too, first weigh in last week lost 6lb, expecting it to slow now so 5lb is ideal feel free to add me as a friend :) Good luck everyone :) x
  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    Aiming to lose 7lb in december, before christmas, lost 3.8, so on target so far. Must resist mince pies, lol.
  • ManicMonday
    Aiming to lose 7lb in december, before christmas, lost 3.8, so on target so far. Must resist mince pies, lol.

    Mmmmmm mince pies, have succumbed to temptation once lol I am just thankful they aren't available all year round lol. Well done on resisting and keeping on target.