Need some emotional support pls re: my weight and my marriag

Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this, but I'm really feeling like crap right now and hopefully someone will understand. When we moved cross country this past year I had a broken ankle and gained 20 lbs. Coincidentally that's when I started snoring, according to my husband. So he started sleeping on the couch, and when we bought a house and furnished a guest room, he started sleeping there. We've been sleeping apart for so long that the kids even call the guest room "Daddy's room". He wasn't the most affectionate person even before this, but sleeping apart has sharply decreased our level of intimacy even more (physically and emotionally). I told him how it made me feel tonight.....told him that every time he goes straight for the guest room reminds me of the fact that I'm snoring because I'm FAT. Makes me feel even less wanted than I already did. My self esteem is at an all time low, I feel so lonely in my marriage, and my husband doesn't seem to get it or doesn't care. He's always enjoyed whatever bachelor type privledges he's had so he doesn't see what's wrong with our sleeping arrangement. If he wants sex, he'll come to the master bedroom, other wise he goes straight for the guest. room. How's that supposed to make a girl feel?


  • lovelabs25
    lovelabs25 Posts: 18 Member
    wow. Page 3 and not a single reply. Thanks.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am going to message you
  • That sounds very difficult. I agree, how is a girl supposed to feel under those circumstances? Hopefully he pulls his head out of his butt and realizes that your feelings are important...
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    sorry for how you're feeling hon. It is never easy but your husband sound like he's being a jerk.
  • I'll send you a message shortly.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Aw love what a horrid situation, when you told him how much it bothered you did he sympathise with you at all. I m sorry you are feeling so alone in your relationship. Hopefully you being honest with him will instigate a change *hugs*
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    My suggestion is to get a referral for a psychologist. This sounds like a pretty serious issue from your explanation and I do not have the experience to offer you any good suggestions. What I do know though, is that it will probably make you feel better having a professional that can offer you suggestions and talk to cause it seems like your husband doesn't seem to be listening. Possibly see a couples councillor if you can convince him to go with you.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    So if you fix your snoring then he will come back to the bedroom? If so then fix the snoring, either with nasal strips or a CPAP Mask or see a snoring specialist.

    If thats not the only reason, then perhaps a discussion on if he still wants to be married and why?
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    Wow, I'm sorry about that hun - I'm sure what you're going through is very difficult and I feel that he should be there to support you and stand by your side as you are trying to make these changes to get yourself back into that healthy state. I understand your situation though because my boyfriend was or is just as emotionally detached as your husband and he finally came around when he started to see my progress and I guess it finally clicked that I have become more appealing to other men and my new body has made me more outgoing. Talk to him, ask for his support but if he can't give that to you then you go out there and do this - we're here for motivation and support; feel free to add me.
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    my husband never said it but i could tell the weight was a turn off for him. he still loved me but sex wise he wasnt turned on. i can tell yo that once you focus on yourself and start enjoying exercise(TAKES A FEW WEEK) he will see the difference. he may also be going through something and need extra support same as you. take it from someone who has been there exercise will make everything look different!
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Have you sat him down and told him how it makes you feel? Dont do it in an accusing way like "you're so mean making me feel like this!!!:angry: " but say how it makes you feel rather than blaming him. Then he may open up. Its always better to talk, I know from personal experience that I was so unhappy in my marriage due to how me was treating me, and now unfortunatly we are divorcing. I look back now and wish that I had sat him down to talk. Things may have been different....
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    Wow! Tough situation. Moving makes a definite change to start with, new friends, etc. - why did you move? Was there job changes, etc? Plus, yeah, weight gain and snoring can be factors, but probably not everything. I agree with the therapy suggestion. Go for yourself and your self esteem issues. Go to deal with your feelings and needs. Because no matter what, you need to like yourself first. Hopefully, he will go with you, but if not, you really should still go and work on you and be the best YOU you can be. Good luck!
  • pelican37
    pelican37 Posts: 11 Member
    WOW! This is a pretty intense situation that you have...I may not be the best person to provide you with any words of wisdom or advice but your post really made me feel for you in your situation. You are on MFP for a reason. You want to lose weight. Is this for you or because you think your husband will love you more? You have moved and you're in a new area...get out there and explore it. Meet new friends. Do things that make you happy (with or without your husband). And lose the weight because you want to, because you want to be healthier or happier or whatever YOUR reason is....not because your husband says you snore or says your unattractive. Doing things you like and losing the weight will help your confidence in your relationship. When you lose the weight (and I say when because you can do this if you put your mind to it), your husband may notice the weight lose and that you've stopped snoring and that you're doing more things that you want to....but then again, he may not. Which is why your motivation to do this can not be becasue of him. There is no crystal ball to tell you how this will turn can hope for the best but you need to feel good about yourself before you can put time and effort into anything else. You can't change a person. People need to change themselves, they need to want to can only do so much--so focus on what you can control...yourself. Don't run yourself ragged trying to please this man. I wish you the best of luck and I truly hope your situation improves.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    On one hand, I understand why he feels the need to sleep in another room. It's tough going through life exhausted. I know because my husband snored horribly too. I had to take to the spare room too for awhile til he got tested for sleep apnea. We now sleep together just fine since he has a CPAP machine.

    Have you been tested for sleep apnea? If so, a CPAP machine may help get him back in the room with you.

    The other hand: sounds like you guys have more to work on than just he doesn't sleep with you. Hard for us outsiders to know for sure because you say he wasn't all that affectionate to begin with. Does he say mean things about your weight? Or does he just not want to sleep with you b/c of your snoring? How does he treat you otherwise?

    Again, hard for outsiders to know what to say. You say you've already tried telling him how you feel, but you feel like he doesn't care. Maybe a counselor can help? Good luck to you.
  • lovelabs25
    lovelabs25 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies. I really really appreciate it. I agree we need counseling (have gone in the past) and I definitely need some counseling of my own. My husband has never been much of a talker, that's nothing new. This morning I woke to find him doing the dishes and cleaning the stove -- something he only does when he knows he's in trouble. He did say "Sorry" but that was it. I know he's not going to overnight turn into a different man, super affectionate and verbal. But I know he wasn't aware of the connection I was feeling between my snoring and weight gain and his timely move to the guest room. He still desires me, but I want him to be affectionate without the promise of sex. Oh, did I mention he got me "Breathe Easy" nasal strips for Valentine's Day? He thought he was being funny -- NOT.

    I know all of us here are dealing with our own self esteem issues related to weight, that's why we're all here. I guess I just needed to hear someone empathize in how I felt like I was being smacked in my fat face every night when he went to sleep in the guest room.

    Thank you all for replying!
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    Run, don't walk, to a family counselor or therapist. If your husband won't participate, go by yourself. This isn't about snoring or weight, it's about withdrawal of affection.
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    I was in a similar situation with a man (we weren't married at the time) and it really was the beginning of the end. I don't necessarily mean you should look at it that way, it's just the way it was for me. Aside from how he's acting (a selfish *kitten*) toward you, I suggest you get to the root of your feelings toward yourself and what you intend to do about it. My guess is when you treat yourself with the respect you deserve (again I've always been my own worst enemy), he'll either fall into line or make other arrangements. You must love yourself first, maybe he's just mimicking your own behavior. That doesn't make it ok, mind you. Pick yourself up, get yourself together and he'll have to figure it out for himself. And, lock to door to your room. If he doesn't want to be there with you, then you don't need him to come and go as HE pleases.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I'll give you my opinion. I lived with someone for 3 years. The last 1 1/2 of the relationship I slept in a separate room because I wanted out of the relationship and used snoring as the excuse. As soon as the lease was up, we parted ways.
    It may not be what you wanted to hear, but I feel if he wants out, you need to find out ASAP and make arrangements. Waiting till he makes a move can really be another blow you have to deal with along with what you're dealing with now. I hope all does turn out well and that it really is just the snoring that is the problem because that is fixable with a special mouth guard or mask. Good luck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Teresa527
    Teresa527 Posts: 62 Member
    First off, I'm sorry that he is hurting your feelings. It can make it hard to work on yourself when you are dealing with other issues in your life or marriage.

    After reading your post and then your update about him doing nice things for you I really don't think he is a bad guy. It just is what it is. He was having a rough time sleeping due to your snoring so he took another room. It hurts you, he understands that, but he's not willing to compromise his sleep.
    Mean? Maybe. I personally don't think he is trying to be mean though.

    I notice a couple of things. If he is not a big communicator it is very difficult for him to tell you how this is making him feel. My husband is not big on communication. I knew that when I married him, as you probably did as well when you were married. You accepted that part of him as it is who he is.
    But, now that part of him is becoming a large problem because if he would have talked to you about how he was feeling instead of just assuming you knew you probably wouldn't be as hurt right now.
    He's obviously not oblivious to your pain since he was trying to make it up to you this morning.

    I really think you should look into yourself and figure out what is making you feel so bad. Is it that he is sleeping in the other room? If he moved back into your room and tossed and turned would that make you feel better? I suspect no.
    What you need to do is work on making yourself happy. You cannot be happy with someone else until you are happy with yourself.
    You are obviously very unhappy about your weight. If he is not mentioning your weight verbally you cannot assume that he feels any specific way. Work on yourself and you will find a happier you and a happier marriage.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I was so fat that the throat blubber clogged while I slept, and I was forced to use a C PAP - total misery!

    Sleep Apnea is real, and it can be deadly over time. Once I was on the C PAP, I was able to sleep well, then guess what?
    I had more energy, and I started exercising, losing fat.

    That was 2 years ago, and I am a new person - fit and feeling GREAT!

    You can do this, but find the strength to break free. You are in the right place here on MFP.
    As for your hubby, lose weight and ditch him for something better.

    Good Luck!