diet soda or no diet soda



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Okay, seriously, bottom line here. What redeeming quality does soda have (diet or regular) for your health, your well-being, your happiness, that you can't get in some other way from some other (less questionable, less chemical, less manufactured crap) product/person/experience? If you can name just *one* good thing that soda has to offer that can't be found in something else that is better for you and offers you more in every way, then you could have an argument for having soda. But seriously - there isn't anything it really has to offer that you can't find better in some other product. Maybe this chemical or that one in soda is causing harm to your health. Maybe the combination of the chemicals in it is causing harm. Maybe there truly is no harm being done. But how is it making you a better, healthier, happier, fitter, smarter person? Why would you settle for filling your body with stuff that merely "doesn't hurt it" when you could be filling your body instead with things that help you be better in every way? Why waste a drinking opportunity on a soda? (I've only been off soda for a few weeks, so please believe I do understand the draw... but think about it. What are you really getting from drinking it? I've come to realize that all I was really getting was, maybe, not harmed by it. That's not a great reason to drink it, when I could be getting health benefits from drinking water or even juice (in moderation)!

    Because I have a healthy relationship with food and sometimes I choose to consume things that I just plain enjoy.
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    I don't drink soda but if I want one I will have a regular one, preferably something caffeine free. Diet soda tastes disgusting to me and after I drink one I just don't feel right. I really don't like the idea of artificial sweeteners, I'd just rather have the real thing that is closest to what nature intended. Thank goodness my parents didn't let me have soda when I was little, so I'm not hooked on it.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Carbonation deteriorates your bone density. So does Caffeine when consumed in large quantities. That's before we talk about the artificial ingredients and colors that ARE KNOW carcinogenics. Fact from Biology educators.

    Jillian Michaels talks about this issue pretty heavily. She drank a 6 pack of diet soda a day, and when she got her own tv spot after the biggest loser. They had her get tested for bone density as the staple example on the show. Come to find out she had beginning stages of osteopenia. She was 35 at the time.

    That was from the soda. She cut it out entirely as a result.

    If that don't motivate you, then consider this. Soda has ZERO nutritional value, in fact it's nutritional defeceit. What's that mean? It means it takes away rather than gives. Sure a soda a week, two cans a week not a big deal. As long as your not counting it as fluid intake. Drink as much water and more for every can you drink. But moderation is the key to it all.

    Remember a 32 oz, is nearly three cans. And this is for diet. Don't get me started on the sugar and how high fructose interacts with your liver.

    Sorry, being a diabetic, I drank and still do drink a fair amount of diet soda. My last bone density test was excellent. We cannot assume that her problem was from the diet soda without other factors being taken into consideration. One person does not a study, make.

    Unless you are drinking massive quantities, I really wouldn't worry about it, the only think its going to impact is your wallet. The only think I know that carbonated beverages impact is GERD, as any gastroenterologist will tell you about reflux and stomach acid. It will not cause it, but it could aggravate it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Here's what it boils down to: There isn't sufficient enough evidence to show that diet soda has a negative impact on health (with the exception of a few PUK). People who don't like the taste, are concerned about THEIR health and the chemicals, or are "naturalists" don't have to worry about it. Those of us that like the taste, how it assists in weight loss because of the sweetness yet has no calories, and have no concerns about the chemicals in them based on scientific evidence at hand will still have it in moderation because we like it.
    Worry more about yourself and your family. If you think it's "poison" then don't drink it. For us that do, don't judge us as being uneducated or clueless.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    Worry more about yourself and your family. If you think it's "poison" then don't drink it. For us that do, don't judge us as being uneducated or clueless.

    Thank you. I'm tired of the people whose jaws drop and tell me, "OMG you must have a single digit IQ and live in a cave. You would NEVER drink it you were smart and educated." I know not everyone does this, but for the ones that do it gets really old. I've made an educated decision to keep it in my diet. Everyone else can drink it or not. I don't care, but stop treating me like I'm an idiot.
  • I am dreadfully against diet soda, there is so many chemicals in it to try and make it taste like normal soda and added processed sugars which is harmful in the long run. If needed I would suggest just drinking a small glass of normal soda like Sierra Mist natural or something along those lines. If you're craving something sweet and sugary and reach for the diet soda, having that fake sugar will make you crave more sugar and in the end it might mess up your hard work for the day! Honestly I have quit drinking soda all together and I don't miss it. I might have one can every 4 months or so, not even that really. If i do, I can't finish the can by myself, and the sugar is just too much for me. I usually reach for juice or tea before a soda. Its tough trying to quit soda but its nice in the long run when you've reached a point where you crave water more than soda. I hope this helps
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Okay, seriously, bottom line here. What redeeming quality does soda have (diet or regular) for your health, your well-being, your happiness, that you can't get in some other way from some other (less questionable, less chemical, less manufactured crap) product/person/experience? If you can name just *one* good thing that soda has to offer that can't be found in something else that is better for you and offers you more in every way, then you could have an argument for having soda.

    Diet soda = taste and carbonation without any calories. Yum.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    For me I'd rather have just plain ol' water.
  • do you have the source/study to prove that? preferably by an independent or not for profit organization? those typically tend to be the most unbiased.
  • MOST diet sodas are full of carcinogens. They also screw up some people's blood sugar levels. SKIP SKIP SKIP!
  • Every once in awhile i'll get a 20 oz of coke zero or sprite zero. And i've been just fine. Down almost 50 lbs. Most things are okay in moderation (:
  • Here's what it boils down to: There isn't sufficient enough evidence to show that diet soda has a negative impact on health (with the exception of a few PUK). People who don't like the taste, are concerned about THEIR health and the chemicals, or are "naturalists" don't have to worry about it. Those of us that like the taste, how it assists in weight loss because of the sweetness yet has no calories, and have no concerns about the chemicals in them based on scientific evidence at hand will still have it in moderation because we like it.
    Worry more about yourself and your family. If you think it's "poison" then don't drink it. For us that do, don't judge us as being uneducated or clueless.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    First, just because it hasn't been proven to your satisfaction to be harmful, doesn't mean it isn't. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, and others can chose to believe what they want to believe. Your opinion doesn't get to supersede mine any more than mine can supersede yours. Second, the OP asked for opinions about drinking diet soda. Those who are for it are certainly allowed to share their opinions, but so are those who are against it. If your ego is so fragile than an opposing opinion threatens you, perhaps debate posts like these are ones you ought to skip? Take a deep breath, go drink your beverage of choice and relax a bit - this isn't worth getting yourself so worked up over. Wow.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I have drank it all my life from when I was a kid until 21. 5 months ago I gave it up and while I don't necessarily think I lost anymore weight I do feel so much different. I drink nothing but water and decaf tea with nothing in it now. I have less cravings for sugar, I focus better, my skin is clearer, my teeth are whiter, I sleep better and exercise is easier for me.
  • bertauxaj
    bertauxaj Posts: 3 Member
    I drink soda like its water.. Its has aid in my weight gain... I have lots of friends who drink diet and a lots that drink regular and the all give me mixed ideas about it.. But I think since i cut back from drinking soda all day to one a day it should help..
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Here's what it boils down to: There isn't sufficient enough evidence to show that diet soda has a negative impact on health (with the exception of a few PUK). People who don't like the taste, are concerned about THEIR health and the chemicals, or are "naturalists" don't have to worry about it. Those of us that like the taste, how it assists in weight loss because of the sweetness yet has no calories, and have no concerns about the chemicals in them based on scientific evidence at hand will still have it in moderation because we like it.
    Worry more about yourself and your family. If you think it's "poison" then don't drink it. For us that do, don't judge us as being uneducated or clueless.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    First, just because it hasn't been proven to your satisfaction to be harmful, doesn't mean it isn't.

    Google "Russel's Teapot".
    You can choose to believe what you want to believe, and others can chose to believe what they want to believe. Your opinion doesn't get to supersede mine any more than mine can supersede yours.

    Beliefs based on evidence >> beliefs base on naturalistic fallacy.
  • tstorr
    tstorr Posts: 56 Member
    Diet Pepsi and VODKA!!

    Seriously I drink it but I do feel better when I don't (I get headaches from diet soda, might be the vodka). That's just me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    do you have the source/study to prove that? preferably by an independent or not for profit organization? those typically tend to be the most unbiased.
    Here's a link to many studies done by several Medical Organizations:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    diet pop is a magical elixir. it has helped me lose tons of weight. people may claim it's bad for you, but i've yet to experience any negative effects by drinking 1-3 cans per day.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    First, just because it hasn't been proven to your satisfaction to be harmful, doesn't mean it isn't. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, and others can chose to believe what they want to believe. Your opinion doesn't get to supersede mine any more than mine can supersede yours. Second, the OP asked for opinions about drinking diet soda. Those who are for it are certainly allowed to share their opinions, but so are those who are against it. If your ego is so fragile than an opposing opinion threatens you, perhaps debate posts like these are ones you ought to skip? Take a deep breath, go drink your beverage of choice and relax a bit - this isn't worth getting yourself so worked up over. Wow.
    My opinion is backed by clinical trials and science. Again if it's found to be truly a detriment to health, I'm sure I'll change my stance on it just like when Pluto was actually found not to be a planet.
    Lol, my dear I hardly get worked up over an issue like this.:laugh: But I will defend against falsified information being pushed by the ever "healthy than everyone else because I eat healthy" crowd. Sounds more like you don't like that I oppose the "healthy" option and that I'm in the Fitness business.
    People like transparency. I'm not a sheep who just takes whatever is stated in the the Fitness industry as gospel. I will research and find out on my own. Again evidence doesn't show that aspartame has the negative effects that some here tout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    They made me feel hungry, that's why I stopped drinking them and drink an occasional regular soda. If they don't make you feel hungry and you're not concerned about the artificial sweeteners go for it. Personally they just me end up eating something so I figured why not have a regular soda once in awhile instead of a fake one that's going to make me eat