How many calories does everyone eat a day?



  • The reason I eat so little is because of my ednos.
    Still doesn't justify it IMO

    When someone is struggling mentally to eat more than 900 calories this kind of comment probably isn't going to help them :/
    Eating disorders are a mental illness, the person eating 600-900 calories isn't stupid, they're sick. Of course an eating disorder justifies eating very little. Eating disorders are not ok - but you need to get over the fact that they exist and nobody chooses to have one. I expect that the poster with EDNOS would *love* to be 'normal' in her eating patterns, but then so would someone with bipolar love to not be bipolar, so would someone with Alzheimer's love not to have Alzheimer's...IT'S A MENTAL ILLNESS, NOT A FREAKING LIFESTYLE CHOICE. Nobody is trying to justify eating little through having an eating disorder, it's just a fact of life, and the EDNOS sufferer was just answering the question. The fact is that there are a lot of people on MFP not following the recommended calorie intake, and just because some choose to participate in discussions honestly and openly they shouldn't be shot down for that.

    Ya thanks I know that. You need to get over the fact that not everyone must see it like you. I have a few friends that struggle with an eating disorder on my friends list that I talk to daily and try to help them when they ask with their struggles and I offer them support.

    I gave my HONEST OPINION. ANd I am allowed to have one. Sorry I don't support those who are not trying or are putting things out there like that on the boards for people who are already thinking about eating too little. It is like feeding the fire here.

    I have sympathy for those in recovery. But stuff like this I don't like. It probably isn't a popular opinion. But it is still how I feel.
    If you are eating very little and want to answer stuff like this I think putting it how Rae6503 says. Otherwise it just appears to be pro-ana attention.
  • crm0718
    crm0718 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 120lbs. I want to be 110-ish. Generally, I consume between 1350-1500 every day. If you are consuming barely 900 calories and some change, your body will probably go into starvation mode which will make it much more difficult to lose weight because your body is trying to hold onto everything. Sorry if someone else already wrote that. Also, remember it's important to get your calories from whole foods, not processed foods. Good luck!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I can have 1910 I am not always reaching that but try to get up to at least 1700-1800 - helped me losing last time as well... with exervising that cuts down to 1500 again, but I have days where I am far above. Food still freaks me out to a degree... but I know for sure, that under 1000 is not going to get me anywhere...
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    The problem with what the above poster did (and I saw her do a couple of days ago) is that she simply states "I eat 800 calories" in posts like this. What she should say is "I eat 800 but I have an eating disorder. I don't recommend anyone else try that." By not qualifying her statement she might confuse people and make them think it is okay to eat that low. She doesn't state she has an eating disorder and is trying to recover in her profile or anywhere. I fully support people who are trying to recover. I've seen, through a MFP friend of mine, how hard of a struggle it can be. So, yeah, it pisses me off when I see someone who doesn't try and/or exhibits behavior that seems to promote eating disorder levels.

    I'd have to agree with this comment. And I have had eating disorders (first an, then bn, and now bed) for 15 years and am only 7 weeks into recovery.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    The reason I eat so little is because of my ednos.
    Still doesn't justify it IMO

    When someone is struggling mentally to eat more than 900 calories this kind of comment probably isn't going to help them :/
    Eating disorders are a mental illness, the person eating 600-900 calories isn't stupid, they're sick. Of course an eating disorder justifies eating very little. Eating disorders are not ok - but you need to get over the fact that they exist and nobody chooses to have one. I expect that the poster with EDNOS would *love* to be 'normal' in her eating patterns, but then so would someone with bipolar love to not be bipolar, so would someone with Alzheimer's love not to have Alzheimer's...IT'S A MENTAL ILLNESS, NOT A FREAKING LIFESTYLE CHOICE. Nobody is trying to justify eating little through having an eating disorder, it's just a fact of life, and the EDNOS sufferer was just answering the question. The fact is that there are a lot of people on MFP not following the recommended calorie intake, and just because some choose to participate in discussions honestly and openly they shouldn't be shot down for that.

    Ya thanks I know that. You need to get over the fact that not everyone must see it like you. I have a few friends that struggle with an eating disorder on my friends list that I talk to daily and try to help them when they ask with their struggles and I offer them support.

    I gave my HONEST OPINION. ANd I am allowed to have one. Sorry I don't support those who are not trying or are putting things out there like that on the boards for people who are already thinking about eating too little. It is like feeding the fire here.

    I have sympathy for those in recovery. But stuff like this I don't like. It probably isn't a popular opinion. But it is still how I feel.
    If you are eating very little and want to answer stuff like this I think putting it how Rae6503 says. Otherwise it just appears to be pro-ana attention.

    Hi, I'm Deckershann and I struggle with disordered eating and anxiety/depression however I WANT to live a long happy life with my hubby. I used to be on this site solely for fueling my pro-ana/mia lifestyle but am changing now. I want to be healthy because of people like Sunshine and others. Thanks for the support. That's all!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    1491 without exercise.. and about 1700-1800 hundred with exercise.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Right now my goal is set to 1360. I go with whatever MFP tells me for a 2lb a week loss.
    I'm also sedentary, don't do much exercise, and weigh 256 pounds.
  • I eat 1240 per day
  • Jarnard
    Jarnard Posts: 497 Member
    I try to eat around 1400 but should probably increase that to 2400 due to my intense workouts.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    1,200 but im usually under
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    1200, and then on top I eat most of my exercise cals too, and I exercise daily.
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