diet soda or no diet soda



  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    I occasionally enjoy a diet soda. I realize that my body wasn't born expecting to be fed chemicals but it's inevitable in today's world. Whatever, there are a lot more dangerous things out there that will kill me before a can of soda.
  • ecalonge
    First, just because it hasn't been proven to your satisfaction to be harmful, doesn't mean it isn't. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, and others can chose to believe what they want to believe. Your opinion doesn't get to supersede mine any more than mine can supersede yours. Second, the OP asked for opinions about drinking diet soda. Those who are for it are certainly allowed to share their opinions, but so are those who are against it. If your ego is so fragile than an opposing opinion threatens you, perhaps debate posts like these are ones you ought to skip? Take a deep breath, go drink your beverage of choice and relax a bit - this isn't worth getting yourself so worked up over. Wow.
    My opinion is backed by clinical trials and science. Again if it's found to be truly a detriment to health, I'm sure I'll change my stance on it just like when Pluto was actually found not to be a planet.
    Lol, my dear I hardly get worked up over an issue like this.:laugh: But I will defend against falsified information being pushed by the ever "healthy than everyone else because I eat healthy" crowd. Sounds more like you don't like that I oppose the "healthy" option and that I'm in the Fitness business.
    People like transparency. I'm not a sheep who just takes whatever is stated in the the Fitness industry as gospel. I will research and find out on my own. Again evidence doesn't show that aspartame has the negative effects that some here tout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Just as it is implied that the "sheep and healthy crowd" are pushing thier values, the same can be said of those hard-core rationalists who unconditionally believe that just because certain numbers and supposed "evidence" are presented and published, that it has to be fact and true (especially when it is the government with their own motives/interests touting the safety of certain chemicals/products). I dont trust anyone much less our government. If you choose to -that's your choice in this wonderful free country of ours. But I choose not to. If in 10 to 20 years or more it IS found that certain things the studies and government said were not harmful are dangerous after all, then so be it. At least everyone had the right to choose whether we wanted to consume/use them or not.

    I agree with annabelle23. An opinion was asked and we all gave our opinion. I love to debate as much as the next person but we can go back and forth all day with this, and as many have said before - it's your individual choice. No need to get personal using condescending/judgmental terms like "sheep" and "my dear". But i do respect your OPINION on the given subject.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I drink 3 cans of Diet Coke per day. Sometimes more. I reached my GW and am now on maintenance cals and have still lost more even eating maintenance. If it kills me, I'll die happy. :bigsmile:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    no diet soda- if you want a soda, drink a regular one (just do it in moderation!) aspartame IS bad for your body. it's a foreign "sugar" that the body doesn't recognize and can end up depositing around various parts of your body, not to mention it breaks down into formaldehyde!

    (for those who might not know what formaldehyde is, it's used to preserve things [such as the dead frogs you dissect in high school])

    why you would want to put that in your body, i have no idea.


    Seriously? It's not a "foreign sugar." Aspartame is aspartic acid + phenylalanine, both of which are amino acids. Your body breaks down aspartame into (SHOCKING) aspartic acid and phenylalanine, and then uses them the same way it uses aspartic acid and phenylalanine from any other source you eat it. It doesn't deposit it randomly around your body (as if your digestive and blood systems work like that anyway.) And yes, formaldehyde is a waste product of the process, which is converted to formic acid and eliminated from your body. That's actually a normal process. There are many natural foods that you eat on a daily basis that make formaldehyde as a waste product when digested, that gets broken down and eliminated.

    Here's a list of foods that naturally have formaldehyde in them, just for your information.

    Interesting, bananas, apples, and pears all have a lot more formaldehyde anthem than soda. Can we please stop using the "formaldehyde scare tactic" now?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    First, just because it hasn't been proven to your satisfaction to be harmful, doesn't mean it isn't. You can choose to believe what you want to believe, and others can chose to believe what they want to believe. Your opinion doesn't get to supersede mine any more than mine can supersede yours. Second, the OP asked for opinions about drinking diet soda. Those who are for it are certainly allowed to share their opinions, but so are those who are against it. If your ego is so fragile than an opposing opinion threatens you, perhaps debate posts like these are ones you ought to skip? Take a deep breath, go drink your beverage of choice and relax a bit - this isn't worth getting yourself so worked up over. Wow.
    My opinion is backed by clinical trials and science. Again if it's found to be truly a detriment to health, I'm sure I'll change my stance on it just like when Pluto was actually found not to be a planet.
    Lol, my dear I hardly get worked up over an issue like this.:laugh: But I will defend against falsified information being pushed by the ever "healthy than everyone else because I eat healthy" crowd. Sounds more like you don't like that I oppose the "healthy" option and that I'm in the Fitness business.
    People like transparency. I'm not a sheep who just takes whatever is stated in the the Fitness industry as gospel. I will research and find out on my own. Again evidence doesn't show that aspartame has the negative effects that some here tout.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Just as it is implied that the "sheep and healthy crowd" are pushing thier values, the same can be said of those hard-core rationalists who unconditionally believe that just because certain numbers and supposed "evidence" are presented and published, that it has to be fact and true (especially when it is the government with their own motives/interests touting the safety of certain chemicals/products). I dont trust anyone much less our government. If you choose to -that's your choice in this wonderful free country of ours. But I choose not to. If in 10 to 20 years or more it IS found that certain things the studies and government said were not harmful are dangerous after all, then so be it. At least everyone had the right to choose whether we wanted to consume/use them or not.
    Choosing to not believe government is fine. But the link I posted above states studies from the Mayo Clinic, The American Cancer Society, and even The American Diabetic Association. Do you believe they are corrupted too?
    I agree with annabelle23. An opinion was asked and we all gave our opinion. I love to debate as much as the next person but we can go back and forth all day with this, and as many have said before - it's your individual choice. No need to get personal using condescending/judgmental terms like "sheep" and "my dear". But i do respect your OPINION on the given subject.
    The reference to "sheep" was to people in my line of work in the Fitness Industry and didn't imply anything to the "healthy crowd" here on MFP. Reread it again. And when did "my dear" become a condescending term? Enlighten me on what other terminology that I could have used.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    no diet soda- if you want a soda, drink a regular one (just do it in moderation!) aspartame IS bad for your body. it's a foreign "sugar" that the body doesn't recognize and can end up depositing around various parts of your body, not to mention it breaks down into formaldehyde!

    (for those who might not know what formaldehyde is, it's used to preserve things [such as the dead frogs you dissect in high school])

    why you would want to put that in your body, i have no idea.


    Seriously? It's not a "foreign sugar." Aspartame is aspartic acid + phenylalanine, both of which are amino acids. Your body breaks down aspartame into (SHOCKING) aspartic acid and phenylalanine, and then uses them the same way it uses aspartic acid and phenylalanine from any other source you eat it. It doesn't deposit it randomly around your body (as if your digestive and blood systems work like that anyway.) And yes, formaldehyde is a waste product of the process, which is converted to formic acid and eliminated from your body. That's actually a normal process. There are many natural foods that you eat on a daily basis that make formaldehyde as a waste product when digested, that gets broken down and eliminated.

    Here's a list of foods that naturally have formaldehyde in them, just for your information.

    Interesting, bananas, apples, and pears all have a lot more formaldehyde anthem than soda. Can we please stop using the "formaldehyde scare tactic" now?
    Next thing you know they will say diet soda is causing tumors and cancer..........................or wait, they do say that already.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member

    Just drink water or green tea - these diet sodas are poison.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Diet soda is a terrible thing. Yucky chemicals. Those that have caramel coloring can leach the calcium from our bones.

    That being said....

    My favorites are diet coke and diet mountain dew. :laugh: I'm like you - only 2 or so a week. I know I shouldn't indulge to be my healthiest, but I have them anyway. No rational other than that I like them so I treat myself. I think it's a personal decision.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's the things people eat between the diet sodas that make them fat. I don't drink much pop, but it's because I don't like it.

    Diet soda isn't the devil, although it DID kill my family and steal my identity.
  • Mynue_Jeens
    Mynue_Jeens Posts: 98 Member
    They do sort of trick the body into thinking it is receiving calories so those who drink diet sodas tend to over eat and are generally heavier than those who don't. You don't have to cut out anything all the way in my opinion but limit them to a few times a week. I haven't had much soda since I've been on MFP and I honestly don't miss it. See how your body reacts with and without them and decide what works best for the results you want.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Diet soda is a terrible thing. Yucky chemicals. Those that have caramel coloring can leach the calcium from our bones.

    That being said....

    My favorites are diet coke and diet mountain dew. :laugh: I'm like you - only 2 or so a week. I know I shouldn't indulge to be my healthiest, but I have them anyway. No rational other than that I like them so I treat myself. I think it's a personal decision.
    :laugh: It's rational to have drinks and foods in moderation in your lifestyle that you enjoy. Sense of content goes a long way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    It certainly is a personal choice, however, research has shown that people that drink diet soda lose weight slower than those that don't. First of all, it makes you retain fluid & it's full of stuff that's not good for you. The acid in it is horrible for your teeth. Also, if you're drinking caffeinated soda, it is an appetite stimulant, a bladder irritant & makes you pee out your calcium so it's not good for your bones. Hi, my name is Shelli & I am a recovering Diet Mountain Dew addict. I haven't had it in 4 months & I don't miss it. Feeling great! Good luck no matter what you decide.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    They do sort of trick the body into thinking it is receiving calories so those who drink diet sodas tend to over eat and are generally heavier than those who don't. You don't have to cut out anything all the way in my opinion but limit them to a few times a week. I haven't had much soda since I've been on MFP and I honestly don't miss it. See how your body reacts with and without them and decide what works best for the results you want.
    It could also just be that people that drink diet soda DON'T think they are overeating, but really are. There are lots of people who think they eat just fine, but are shocked when they find out how many calories they actually consume in a day. People don't get overweight from eating within calorie limits unless they have an ailment that may attribute to it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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  • jessashcher
    I drink a diet mt. dew everyday, has not hindered my weight loss at all, people say I should quit drinking them all together because of the chemicals in diet sodas, but what out there doesn't have some sort of something in it that's not good for you. I use to drink the reg. mt. dew until I started mfp and now I like the taste of diet better and I'm not giving that up.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I drink water/tea. I'll have juice as an occasional treat. Aspartame causes me intense stomach pain, so I pass on diet sodas. I will have a regular soda as a rare treat and there's a brand of locally made ginger ale that I'll have a diet of every now and again(it's made with Splenda though). It sits well with me, so I have one now and again.

    Since I see the anti-soda committee has responded also, let me add that you're entitled to make your own choices here. Do your own research before you decide something is toxic. If it didn't cause me so much pain, I would have a diet soda now and again. As it is, it does, so I don't. When I did my own research, I found compelling arguments, but very little empirical data. There's quite a bit of correlation research out there though, but you still have to make your own decisions.

    I'll also add that part of why I occasionally have a regular soda has nothing to do with the empty calories, blah blah blah. I can always exercise it off, so if I want it, I'll have it. Sugar makes me grumpy, which is why I resist the temptation. I eat very little sugar in my diet because it just puts me in a nasty mood. I feel better without it, so I don't have it. It's that simple.
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    Anything with that many chemicals is bad for you. Of coarse everyone is allowed there vices. It's pick and choose.
    I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: When the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants. The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    This isn't about dehydration. It's about health. Carbonic Acid which is what's added to make carbonated water, has a ph level of 3-4. Which is not neutral. Water is a 7. Which makes soda acidic. That is why you ALWAYS drink equal amounts of water to soda. Sure you can count it, but your not doing yourself justice if your drinking acidic ph level water. It defeats the purpose of flushing your system!

    No one said caffeine dehydrates you. It reduces bone density. Please take the time to understand what the hell your saying.

    The human body is naturally way more acidic than soda. Your stomach has a pH of 1. So why would something with a pH of 3, which makes less acidic than your stomach, negatively effect your body? And why is soda the only acidic thing that gets complained about? Citrus fruits are more acidic that soda, do they do the same thing? Also, distiller water is a 7. Drinking water can range anywhere from 5-8.
    Winner. So many pseudo analogies make their way here without considering the whole spectrum. "Diet soda has carcinogens in it and it's poison!" but the amount you would have to drink in a day to actually affect the body isn't reachable.
    And now the pH acidic next thing you know you'll hear about how the cans used for holding them transfer their metallic properties to soda....................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    The argument your raising is a straw man. Google it and then re analyze why I said that. To really make a sound argument, try to understand exactly the argument made.

    "The human body is naturally way more acidic than soda. Your stomach has a pH of 1. " -- false ph can be anywhere between 1-5 depending on ...... YOUR DIET. There is nothing in that fact to support your position is anything natural.

    "why would something with a pH of 3, which makes less acidic than your stomach, negatively effect your body?" --

    acidic foods deprive your body of minerals
    acidic diets greatly increase osteoporosis
    The only counter balance to acidic diet is potassium rich foods
    meat and grains like corn are rampant in todays western diet already. They alone cause your diet to be acidic.
    For a female, high acidic diets can lead to prolonged hormone imbalances

    Read here : There is a but load of links to sources of the claims.

    "? And why is soda the only acidic thing that gets complained about?" -- It's not. Maybe you should read the title of the thread your commenting on for advice on this one.

    "Citrus fruits are more acidic that soda, do they do the same thing?" - again, Soda. If you ate 12 of any of these a day (oranges - pineapples - sour apples - sour plums - lemons - grapefruits - sour peaches - limes - tangerines - sour grapes - tomatoes) we would probably be talking about those as well.
  • allaboutaleah
    I personally drink it. I had the same question you did, the reality is there are a lot of conflicting reports. you will find a lot of "research" saying it's bad, bcuz artificial sweetner is bad, and it has "chemicals" ect. then you will find "research" that says the complete opposite, and that is the exact same thing that happens when you ask for people opinion on it. It really comes down to what you personally feel. there are people that are just anti soda in any form or fashion. so you have 2 decide
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I went from regular to diet and found it helped in my weight loss.

    For whatever reason I cut out all soda 2yrs ago.

    I like depriving myself of things I enjoy.

    Forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    They do sort of trick the body into thinking it is receiving calories so those who drink diet sodas tend to over eat and are generally heavier than those who don't. You don't have to cut out anything all the way in my opinion but limit them to a few times a week. I haven't had much soda since I've been on MFP and I honestly don't miss it. See how your body reacts with and without them and decide what works best for the results you want.

    I disagree with diet soda making you overeat. I switched from regular soda to diet soda and lost 50 pounds.