diet soda or no diet soda



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I disagree with diet soda making you overeat. I switched from regular soda to diet soda and lost 50 pounds.

    Not for you, not for others probably too. But your response is hardly the facts for everyone.

    For many, especially those with weight problems because of insulin spikes, anything sweat tasting kicks off digestive juices and insulin response for what the body thinks it's about to get.

    When it doesn't get it, the blood sugar just went down, and now you are hungrier than you would have been without drinking it.

    Count yourself fortunate. Or perhaps you always drank it with a meal, which is much smarter than just by itself in middle afternoon perhaps.

    Same effect found with diet bars that have supposedly a good ratio of macro-nutrients, but have a chocolate flavor or a bit in it. Some bodies respond way too eagerly.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I disagree with diet soda making you overeat. I switched from regular soda to diet soda and lost 50 pounds.

    Not for you, not for others probably too. But your response is hardly the facts for everyone.

    For many, especially those with weight problems because of insulin spikes, anything sweat tasting kicks off digestive juices and insulin response for what the body thinks it's about to get.

    When it doesn't get it, the blood sugar just went down, and now you are hungrier than you would have been without drinking it.


    This hypothesis has failed to pan out under scientific scrutiny.

    "We conclude that these doses of aspartame do not alter secretion of prolactin, cortisol, growth hormone, or insulin in normal individuals. "

    ^^Just one of many^^
  • dcporlando
    As long as your not counting it as fluid intake. Drink as much water and more for every can you drink.

    Completely wrong. In terms of hydration soda counts just as much as pure water. Caffeine does not dehydrate you.

    This isn't about dehydration. It's about health. Carbonic Acid which is what's added to make carbonated water, has a ph level of 3-4. Which is not neutral. Water is a 7. Which makes soda acidic. That is why you ALWAYS drink equal amounts of water to soda. Sure you can count it, but your not doing yourself justice if your drinking acidic ph level water. It defeats the purpose of flushing your system!

    No one said caffeine dehydrates you. It reduces bone density. Please take the time to understand what the hell your saying.

    According to the Duke University Diet Center researchers, that is false. There may be some relationship with phosphoric acid and bone density, or possibly caffeine which interferes with calcium absorbtion, or the fact that the person doesn't drink other beverages like milk. In that case, drink a diet clear soda with no caffeine and you should be fine. But if losing bone density worries you, you might want to cut out coffee and tea too since they contain caffeine and lean chicken breasts since they contain more phosphoric acid than the colas do.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member

    This hypothesis has failed to pan out under scientific scrutiny.

    "We conclude that these doses of aspartame do not alter secretion of prolactin, cortisol, growth hormone, or insulin in normal individuals. "

    ^^Just one of many^^

    I would hardly say myth. You cannot prove a point by one study sadly( or even with multiple studies). Diet soda has been a topic of controversy for many reasons in the scientific community. For the most part, whether it's bad for you or not is undecided. One of the few things that has been decided upon is that diet soda consumption is directly related to increased food consumption(and an overall expanded waist line). If you are consciously aware that you wish to lose weight, no food containing zero calories will make you gain. Its simple fact. And while you may lose weight drinking diet pop that doesn't imply that all studies are invalid. It implies that you were consciously aware of trying to lose weight, and did not over eat.

    In looking at those studies, I would say its more likely than not that aspartame "confuses" the body. I also believe the issue with many studies is that they tend to look at relatively short term users rather than long term. Either way, you're still probably worse off eating cookies,cakes and fast food (which we know can be quite detrimental to our long term health) vs something that "maybe, possibly could be making you to feel more hungry and possibly eat more"
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    No soda here, and it's been that way for a couple years now. I do not drink items with unnatural sugar substitutes, it is either organic sugar, honey or nothing for me.
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    I buy those little 7ox cans of diet soda, and have about one every other day. I used to be hooked, and they didn't do much for my diet or hydration. Now I at least feel I can satisfy that craving with a "little" something.
  • ecalonge
    The reference to "sheep" was to people in my line of work in the Fitness Industry and didn't imply anything to the "healthy crowd" here on MFP. Reread it again. And when did "my dear" become a condescending term? Enlighten me on what other terminology that I could have used.

    Well if a man had made this statement,"my dear" wouldnt have been used I'm sure. I'm also sure you dont know her personally well enough to use that term with her affectionately. It's a "polite" yet still condescending way of addressing a woman that one is not giving full credit/respect to. You could have respectfully used her MFP username.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    It certainly is a personal choice, however, research has shown that people that drink diet soda lose weight slower than those that don't. First of all, it makes you retain fluid & it's full of stuff that's not good for you. The acid in it is horrible for your teeth. Also, if you're drinking caffeinated soda, it is an appetite stimulant, a bladder irritant & makes you pee out your calcium so it's not good for your bones. Hi, my name is Shelli & I am a recovering Diet Mountain Dew addict. I haven't had it in 4 months & I don't miss it. Feeling great! Good luck no matter what you decide.

    I've lost 58.6 pounds in 4 months drinking lots of caffeinated diet soda. That is 3.6625 lbs per week. According to you that's slower than if I didn't drink my caffeinated diet soda. I'm more than happy with that number and feel no need to cut it out to try and lose even faster than that. And I am never hungry so apparently my body doesn't know that it's appetite is supposed to be stimulated from all that caffeine. For the millionth time, everyone is different. Please use deliminators when using generalizations. I'm aware of all the "possible risks" and supposed "diet defeating" aspects of diet soda. I'm perfectly content with my decision to drink it, but be honest with other people trying to make the decision. Don't tell them stuff that is not true 100% of the time for 100% of the people.
  • anyonebutmehaha
    wow-this thread is still going?
    You can eat junk food and be healthy.

    well i guess that depends on your own definition of the word "healthy" ninerbuff.

    You're just feel bad that you don't have my great genetics! Average age of death in my family is 87.

    i'm sorry. ((hugs)). average age in my family is over 100.:smile: there will be 4 people at the holiday dinner table over 100 in fact this year.
    For some reason you think all I do here is tell people to eat junk food for ALL their meals. Again, I've never advocated that.

    no, i never said that all you do here is tell people to eat junk for all their meals nor is that what i think (*ouch get outta my head* lol). but you are up to what? 50? 60? posts on this thread (I have a life, not going to actually count- maybe you would like to and ten wonder why?). we get it. you advocate (for there is no other word that could be used when someone posts so often in one thread) diet soda. great. however apparently no one is allowed to post an opinion that differs from yours on MFP. the question asked 'what's your opinion on diet soda?' and the and the chauvinistic condescending attitude if the poster that doesn't agree w/ you happen to be female is truly offensive. just because some of us are secure enough in our worlds not to fill our sig lines w/ our credentials doesn't mean there isn't letters after our names irl.
    I defend against falsified information. There is NO evidence that having diet soda and junk food in moderation will kill you. To state that it will without any actual proof is a scare tactic used by people to try to persuade others to believe like they do. I don't use scare tactics. I post studies and proofs. If you have an issue, then get the studies to change their data

    equating posting links as indisputable fact is a trap often bandied about on message boards. w/o knowing who paid for study to be done, the methodology used, studying the statistics, running through each footnote, etc., it is worthless. just googling for links that support whatever one is trying to 'prove' on a message board is basically a joke, anyone can find numerous links by 'reputable' sources that will supposedly support their side of view on ANY controversial topic. i've seen link wars even on the VIN where ppl posting them did not take the time to really study the link they were posting (and that is a place where everyone posting has the education background to truly analyze the link posted).
    If you're really that sad, I will lend you a shoulder to cry on. For real.
    aww, that's so sweet. where were you while i was a hospital bed for months and then a wheelchair for over a year? i'm doing much better now though thank you- i'll take a pass on that offer. (condescending attitude evokes response of same),besides, i'm not the crying type.

    You don't like my posts, hit the ignore button.
    right back at ya! :wink: who wants to take bets that you won't though? *yawn* i've lost interest in this topic and have more urgent things to tend to. the only thing important in this post is what i said about links, that i hope gets read by a few ppl.
  • anyonebutmehaha

    I would hardly say myth. You cannot prove a point by one study sadly( or even with multiple studies).

  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    I would hardly say myth. You cannot prove a point by one study sadly( or even with multiple studies).


    You just had New York Style pizza twice in the last week.
    New York Style - Pizza Slice-Plain, 2 slice 500 calories.

    Ingredients in that can't be too healthy (for you anyway).

    Having sodas/not having diet sodas isn't some on / off switch.

    Unless you have access to niner's blood/urine work, how can you determine if having a soda once in while is detrimental to his health or not? Answer. You can't.

    Being in the SUN is unhealthy in the way you are taking these examples.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Well if a man had made this statement,"my dear" wouldnt have been used I'm sure.
    You're right. I would have said "dude..." I've done this on many posts.
    I'm also sure you dont know her personally well enough to use that term with her affectionately. It's a "polite" yet still condescending way of addressing a woman that one is not giving full credit/respect to. You could have respectfully used her MFP username.
    I use it to talk to kids at my daughters school. "You did a good job, my dear" is something I say to the kids when I do some volunteer work there. Don't see it, but in the future I'll refrain from using it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I use it to talk to kids at my daughters school. "You did a good job, my dear" is something I say to the kids when I do some volunteer work there. Don't see it, but in the future I'll refrain from using it.

    Good move. Words like "my dear" "sweetheart" and "honey" are patronizing and condescending, especially during a debate, and even more so when you use them to address your "opponent" or someone with opposing views.

    Some women (possibly men too, idk) feel that these terms are ALWAYS insulting, unless they are said by a very intimate acquaintance / friend / partner.

    Personally, I wouldn't tolerate being addressed that way in the workplace. Unless it was an expression of sympathy, like "Oh dear, are you alright?" after I slipped and fell...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    well i guess that depends on your own definition of the word "healthy" ninerbuff.
    Are you saying people who eat junk food in moderation CAN'T be healthy? I abide the dictionary term:

    In good health: "feeling fit and healthy".
    (of a part of the body) Not diseased.

    i'm sorry. ((hugs)). average age in my family is over 100.:smile: there will be 4 people at the holiday dinner table over 100 in fact this year.
    No need to be sorry. We get to do it eating junk food.:smile:
    no, i never said that all you do here is tell people to eat junk for all their meals nor is that what i think (*ouch get outta my head* lol). but you are up to what? 50? 60? posts on this thread (I have a life, not going to actually count- maybe you would like to and ten wonder why?). we get it. you advocate (for there is no other word that could be used when someone posts so often in one thread) diet soda. great. however apparently no one is allowed to post an opinion that differs from yours on MFP. the question asked 'what's your opinion on diet soda?' and the and the chauvinistic condescending attitude if the poster that doesn't agree w/ you happen to be female is truly offensive. just because some of us are secure enough in our worlds not to fill our sig lines w/ our credentials doesn't mean there isn't letters after our names irl.
    I advocate for truth on diet soda. If you wish to choose to ignore studies by verifiable organizations (Mayo Clinic and American Cancer Society) then do, but I won't let others fall for it. All I've be doing is refuting opinions that are untrue. If the there's a rebuttal that's an actual counterpoint with merit to my refutation then I'll gladly look at it. But again, for those that really want to know if diet soda is that "evil", correct information should be posted and just not anecdotal responses.
    equating posting links as indisputable fact is a trap often bandied about on message boards. w/o knowing who paid for study to be done, the methodology used, studying the statistics, running through each footnote, etc., it is worthless. just googling for links that support whatever one is trying to 'prove' on a message board is basically a joke, anyone can find numerous links by 'reputable' sources that will supposedly support their side of view on ANY controversial topic. i've seen link wars even on the VIN where ppl posting them did not take the time to really study the link they were posting (and that is a place where everyone posting has the education background to truly analyze the link posted).
    Pasting info that's peer review isn't worthless. This is the banter from some who wish to deny that the studies are legit.
    aww, that's so sweet. where were you while i was a hospital bed for months and then a wheelchair for over a year? i'm doing much better now though thank you- i'll take a pass on that offer. (condescending attitude evokes response of same),besides, i'm not the crying type.
    You're angry. Life threw you a bone. Maybe debating with me is your release. Glad to help.:happy:

    right back at ya! :wink: who wants to take bets that you won't though? *yawn* i've lost interest in this topic and have more urgent things to tend to. the only thing important in this post is what i said about links, that i hope gets read by a few ppl.
    Right read links from both sides that have PEER REVIEWED CLINICAL STUDIES. Not blogs, opinions and articles.
    I agree.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    You just had New York Style pizza twice in the last week.
    New York Style - Pizza Slice-Plain, 2 slice 500 calories.

    Ingredients in that can't be too healthy (for you anyway).

    Having sodas/not having diet sodas isn't some on / off switch.

    Unless you have access to niner's blood/urine work, how can you determine if having a soda once in while is detrimental to his health or not? Answer. You can't.

    Being in the SUN is unhealthy in the way you are taking these examples.
    The "do as I say and not as I do" prevails here. I admire her moxy though.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The artificial sweeteners are horrible for you. Many are toxic substances that cannot be processed by our bodies, some are even on the EPA's list of most toxic chemical substances. If you absolutely HAVE to have a soda, opt for a sparkling juice instead. Yes, they have calories, but they are so much better for your body! The 150 or so calories they have are worth when it comes to overall health. Plus, they at least have some vitamin C in those calories.
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    What about no soda? just drink seltzer water w lime if what you want is the bubbles! Unless you're having a rum and coke! no soda! it doesn't give you anything! really! no nutrients, no nada!
  • gumigal82
    diet soda-in moderation. (I drink coke zero) I only drink about a soda a week-so it isn't that bad, and I can't stand the taste of sugary soda.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Many foods, heck, many things "cause you to gain weight". The issue is who is "you" and how does it "cause you to gain weight".

    My understanding is that research has shown that lots of people who drink soda are overweight. What I don't see in any of the popular articles that reveal this is how the study was conducted. Something that's that much of a blanket statement doesn't lead me to have a lot of confidence that what's being printed is all of meaningful because I don't know what they did to control the variables.

    When I started losing weight, I cut diet soda out of my diet. After I'd lost my weight, I was thinking about why I did that. I couldn't find any particular reason to not drink diet soda…besides the stories and the anecdotes. And as we all know, "the plural of the workd anecdote is not data.", right? The only reason I could think of was that I stopped drinking soda because it was some sort of penance. Other than that, I can't find a reason to not drink diet soda.

    I'd love to see the results of studies because that would definitely shed light on this. Until there's actual medical evidence, I'll just go with what's in the supermarket shelf.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    The artificial sweeteners are horrible for you. Many are toxic substances that cannot be processed by our bodies, some are even on the EPA's list of most toxic chemical substances. If you absolutely HAVE to have a soda, opt for a sparkling juice instead. Yes, they have calories, but they are so much better for your body! The 150 or so calories they have are worth when it comes to overall health. Plus, they at least have some vitamin C in those calories.
    The amount of "toxic" chemicals rivals that which are in natural foods. Potatoes and tomatoes.are toxic because of glycoalkaloid poison. Almonds and cherries have cyanide in them.
    So why are we eating them? Because the amount usually isn't enough to kill us. Same as artificial sweeteners.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition