What does your week of workouts look like??



  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Mon: Zumba 1hr and Swim laps 30 mins
    Tues: Lift weights 1hr
    Wed: Off
    Thurs: Swim laps 30 mins Walk/Stairs 1hr.
    Fri: Wog (jog and walk) 1hr
    Sat: Wog (jog and walk) 1hr
    Sun: Lift weights 1 hr
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Monday - Friday Treadmill at work. 30-45 minutes before lunch and 30-45 late afternoon.. usually burn 500 calories total 50/50 fatburn and fitness. Saturday and Sunday walk, light jog with friend 1 hour.. calories 300-400 usually. I always workout on mostly empty stomach..
  • greenfuzzywuzzy
    I'm new...I've been doing 15 min walking 2.5 mph 0 incline every day. It's not much but I'll work my way up. But after looking at what some of you have been doing I am beginning to feel overwhelmed!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Sunday - 750 cal of cardio, 300-500 cal of weight training
    Monday - 1.5-2 hours of rock climbing - 900-1200 cal
    Tuesday - 1.5-2 hours of rock climbing - 900-1200 cal
    Wednesday - 750 cal of cardio, 300-500 cal of weight training
    Thursday - 1.5-2 hours of rock climbing - 900-1200 cal
    Friday - 750 cal of cardio, 300-500 cal of weight training
    Saturday - 750 cal of cardio, 300-500 cal of weight training
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Monday - 6K Tempo run
    Tuesday - 10K Speed Work or Hills run
    Wednesday - 10K Steady run
    Thursday - Rest Day
    Friday - 8K Steady run
    Saturday - Long run (between 20-30K depending on the week)
    Sunday - Rest Day

    Once my marathon is over I'll be cutting this and starting P90X November 1st, only running 2 short runs during the week and maintaining a long run of 15-20K each weekend for the winter.
    Come spring, back to 5 days a week of running to train again.

    We're very similar in short and long term goals.
    Monday - 5 mile (10 x 0.15 mile sprints) run
    Tuesday - TaeKwon Do (1 hour)
    Wednesday - 8 mile interval run
    Thursday - 4 - 5 miles tempo run; TaeKwon Do (1 hour)
    Friday - rest day
    Saturday - Long run (between 12 miles and 22 miles, depending on the week)
    Sunday - rest day or lately a few miles to get the lactic acid out of the legs

    Also been trying to add push ups, pull ups and sit ups to my weekly routine (M & W) when TKD doesnt include these in class.
    And then Im starting P90X after the marathon in a few weeks. I hope to do a few shorter runs over the winter just to have something to look forward to and then a half marathon in the Spring.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I'm alternating between 2 workouts so a week could look like:
    M - squats, press, DL, weighted chin-ups
    W - squats, bench, weighted chin-ups
    S - squats, press, DL, weighted chin-ups
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Monday - bootcamp 1 hr, run @ lunch (usually 4-5 miles, hills), core class 15 min
    Tuesday - run @ lunch (8 miles), yoga 1 hour
    Wed - bootcamp 1 hr, spin class 45 min, core class 15 min
    Thursday - run @ lunch (4-5 miles, intervals), core class 15 min
    Friday - bootcamp 1 hr
    Saturday - long run (10-20 miles, depending) or long walk with the dog & yoga 1 hour
    Sunday - long walk with the dog

    I change up my runs - but I generally try to do a hill workout, a speed workout, a medium length run, and then a long run each week.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I generally try to go to Zumba 2-3 times a week and often on those days I'll run a fast 1-2 miles before. On the other 2 or 3 days, I try to do one spinning class and/or run for 60 minutes. I know I need to start strength training again, I just really dislike it.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    monday:insanity, abs, legs and glutes, walking. Tuesday:insanity fit test, max out deadlift/presses/front squat/curls,walking. Wednesday:abs, yoga, basic total body circuit (pushups,pullups,squats,), walking. Thursday: insanity, upper body, abs,walking. Friday: insanity, total body blast, walking. Saturday: total body circuit, walking. Sunday:basic total body, abs, walking
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I am currently doing Chalean Extreme so I'm on a set schedule...
    Monday- Burn Circuit 1
    Tuesday- Rest day (which i hardly take, usually do something fun, like dancing, or cardio)
    Wednesday-Burn Circuit 2
    Thursday- Burn Intervals and Ab Burner
    Friday- Burn Circuit 3
    Saturday- Burn it off and Recover
    Sunday - Rest day, but I usually go running or the gym
  • k8_nuts
    k8_nuts Posts: 3 Member
    hey iv just started working out as much as possible to look good for xmas :D iv started running 15 to 20 mins 5 days a week with 1.5kg weight in my hand i do 1 min walk 1 min run, and 2 days a week go to a spin class and 1s a week pilates and a kettelbell work out
    i eat healthy
    breakfast - poched egg on wholegrain bread
    dinner - chicken with lots of veg
    tea - somthing light bowel of cerial or soup
    plus one snack a day like a yogurt and plenty of fruit
    will i loose weight and tone with this? or is there anything i should change? i eat around 1000cal to 1200 a day
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I'm new...I've been doing 15 min walking 2.5 mph 0 incline every day. It's not much but I'll work my way up. But after looking at what some of you have been doing I am beginning to feel overwhelmed!

    Do not feel overwhelmed..everyone is different. I work out 3-4 days a week, staying active and what works for you!:-)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Monday: Core lifts- squat, deadlift, row, bench 4X12 (warmup),8,6,6
    Tuesday: 30 min cardio (usually hiking and/or jacob's ladder)
    Wednesday: Core lifts- clean and press, snatch, stiff leg deadlift, dips 4X10, 5,5,5
    Thursday: 30 min cardio
    Friday: Core lifts- squat, deadlift, row, bench 4X12 (warmup),8,6,6
    Saturday: 30 min cardio
    Sunday: Core lifts- clean and press, snatch, stiff leg deadlift, dips 4X10, 5,5,5

    Usually take a cardio day off when I'm feeling super sore/tired. Working on maintaining my muscle mass and losing strictly body fat.
  • smpurely
    Mon, Wed, and Fri - Fitness in River (Aerobics against current) 60 M
    Deep Water Aerobics 60 M
    Lap Swimming 60 M (either in one shot, or depending on schedule, the laps are done at night)
    Tues, Thurs - Shallow Water aerobics 60 M
    Ai Chi 60 M
    Lap Swimming 60 M
    Saturday - Deep Water Aerobics 60 M
    Sunday - Shallow Water Aerobics 60 M (or I take the day off!)