~May~ The Biggest Loser DVD/ Health Attack ( Newbies always

May is here !! Here is our new chat area !!!

Cali Had soccer practice and I wanna smack the Coach if thats what you wanna call her! She said whats the point in teaching them to play soccer they are too little !! REALLY !!! I am mad !!!

Well gotta run have a great evening ladies!!


  • CrystalOKeefe
    CrystalOKeefe Posts: 326
    May is here !! Here is our new chat area !!!

    Cali Had soccer practice and I wanna smack the Coach if thats what you wanna call her! She said whats the point in teaching them to play soccer they are too little !! REALLY !!! I am mad !!!

    Well gotta run have a great evening ladies!!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    *trumpets sound*
    *Choirs sing*
    *drum rolll please....*

    JENNY IS BACK!!!! *hack hack cough cough* But unfortunatly down for teh count with a nasty nasty cold. Saul is too but we are making it! and Sandy we are in snot mode as welll.....I think that I am actually BEATING saul in the at department for the first time!!!!!:bigsmile: First orf all....mmmmmthank you crystal for my bob fix mmm taht cheered me up ahahah:laugh: :laugh: you are guys are all so sweet to think of me!!!!

    Allright so I feel like I haven't been on here for an age and half! I have been so busy and then at night I have been so exhausted I just fell into bed. I haven't even put my food in for like 2 DAYS!!! I feel HORRIBLEy guilty!!1 AS I SHOULD by the way, not a good eating weekend either. Why is it that I am sooooo bad at munchng when I get a cold I mean come on I can't even tasted anythign for the love of pete james and jon!!!! Oh well i will start afresh as of right now!!!!

    You all have been very productive my word ladies!!!! I turn my back for a sec and BAM all sorts of goings on!!! Laura you kicked some butt hahah good for you I hope it won't hurt for long ahahahahahahsaha!!!

    ahhh man I though that BL was the fianale tonight too!!! drat drat double drat!! *pouts* Oh well just as long as there are some shot of bob I will be happy!!!!

    Excersise has been nonexixtent for me too Amadna and I am soooo feeling it!!!! I am glad the doc said that it wasnt really anythign to worry about. I KNEW I was right about you being a machine ahahahahah!!!!:wink:

    Mina don't forget to breathe girly!!! HUGSSSSSs next week will be better hopefully with the schedule!!!!

    :yawn: :yawn: *sighs* I need to vaccum but I don't wanna....I am exhausted. We have a lil grocery store we own (haha it owns us!) and I worked this mornign....it tuckered me out. It probably would help if I could breathe without going through 10 layers of snot.....ewwww grosss hahahah

    alright loves to each and everyone of oyou special ladies! I missed you all and your nice things you say! It sure keeps me goign and up and cheerefull!!! *HUGSSSSSSS*

    oh and I am from minnesotaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ya ya yooooouuuubetcha ohhhh yaaaaaa hahah seriously you realy can't get our 'accent' to come out in text hahahaha and NO I don't talk like the movie Fargo....although I do have to say my sis is reallllllllly BAD hahaha she talks just like it! hmmmm ok I might have a slight minnesotan accent *wink wink*

    alright I getta my rear in gear.....
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Crystal- That is so irritating!!! The point in teaching them is because they are young and they will learn faster now!!!!

    JENNY!!!!! I am sooooooooo glad you are back!!! Sorry to hear that you are so sick! I hope that you and Saul feel better really soon! (((HUGS))) Ever since I got the go ahead from the dr I put it in high gear. I did not eat well at all this weekend (was so nervous about the bleeding) and then the not working out. So anyway the machine is back hahahahahaha.

    Enjoy Bob night :love: I know I will!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    :glasses: Hey!! Just bumpin to post & read later!! I'm busy crying during the Biggest Loser... :sad:
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    Who else agrees that tonight's Biggest loser is very inspirational? i see myself in all of them when they first started out. I just wish I could do a full marathon after I lose the 100 lbs I need too.
  • CrystalOKeefe
    CrystalOKeefe Posts: 326
    :glasses: Hey!! Just bumpin to post & read later!! I'm busy crying during the Biggest Loser... :sad:

    I know oh my goodness what an amazing episode :cry:
    I was Mad at Ron but OMG he made it the whole 26.2 miles gotta give him credit!!!!

    I cant believe they are below the lint together though Tough situation there ...
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    AWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :cry: :cry: I didn't get to see the whole thing!!!!!:cry::cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :angry: :sad: :mad: :sad:

    So i don't know what happened. The last I got to see was jillian in the car to go to ron and mikes.

    What did ROn do??? Did Mike really fall off the wagon with his eating??? What is goinggg onnn!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha *deep breath* its ok I will be fine just hyperventilating a little hahahahaha

    Forgot that there was a meeting I had to go to last night so I missed out. Anyways. Saul and I are staying home togeather. He has a cough that I don't lik so lots of snuggling on the couch. I am not goign to excersise today, my chest hurts from my cold but i will take dogs out for a nice walk when papa gets home from work.

    loves to all and will be in and out all day:bigsmile:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Jenny real quick, Ron was able to walk the 26.3 miles of the marathon!!! Even though it took him like 13+ hours. Mike did not fall off the wagon with his eating (at least they did not show that) but he did hurt his hip bad enough that he had to walk the marathon which mad him mad. Along the marathon there were different people to run/walk with each of them. Family and former BL contestants. Tara crossed first (of course) and then Helen and then Mike and a long time later Ron. They each got 10,000 dollars for the charity of their choice. They all weighted in after being home for 30 days. Ron lost 10lbs, Mike lost 10lbs, Helen lost 7 and Tara lost 10 (I think). Helen and Tara were above the yellow line and Ron and Mike are below. America has to vote for either Mike or Ron to be in the final. They each had to talk to America as to why they should be in the finale and Ron told everyone to vote for Mike.

    Man did I miss anything??? Oh Jillian and Bob went to each persons house and helped them through what ever they were having problems with and both trainers were there to help Max (Mike's brother).

    Hope that helps ya :)
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Awesome job on that recap Amanda!! :drinker:

    Jenny, so great to have you back! I hope that you're feeling better soon!

    Crystal, you too!! I hope TOM is on his way out!!

    Tabby, I agree, the BL was very good last night! I especially liked the parts where they all were talking to the fitter, healthier versions of themselves. It's just so amazing to see how far they've all come! That Tara is unstoppable! She's been my pick since the beginning! And, how great is Helen?? 48 years old & running a marathon?? So great!

    So, I drink lots of water, I just don't know how much! So, I grabbed one of those giant plastic jugs that holds my 8 glasses for the day. I figure this way, I'll know exactly where I'm at! Last night I filled it up with Brita water & put it back into the frige so that it would be cold & ready for me today! I'm almost done with it now!! :drinker:
  • CrystalOKeefe
    CrystalOKeefe Posts: 326
    Oh Sandy I wish..... I hate this so much ... I dont get normal cramps. They arent in my belly the are across my lower back just like back labor pains, it is so weird actually feels like contractions cause it increases and decreases in pain. I didnt feel like doing anything last night I didnt even do the dishes ... But when I got up today my Hubby had done the dishes after he got home from work He is such a great guy I love him .... Today not feeling much better .....a while ago I had exploritory surgery to see why I have so much pain, and he said that he removed a cyst and some endometriosis... after that I didnt have pain for a couple months and now it is back..... so he said that if I still had issues with the pain I could have a hysterectomy they would leave my ovaries. I am not sure that I want to have another surgery.

    But good news this afternoon I got on the scale and it said 149.4 which is up .4 but thats great considering tom and I had already eaten !!

    Jenny I hope you and your little Saul get feeling better really soon too!!
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    Well TOM just started visiting me today. I am in alot of pain like always. when TOM visits I am usually out of commision for at least 2 days in pain. I hope that it does not affect my weigh in on Friday. I am hoping that I am not holding alot of water in by weigh in.

    Sanifrey, I do the same thing as you did with the water. I just don't like to drink water but I am doing much better. Now if I can do the same with the food. I do good until I get home after work. I am so stressed that I want to eat something fattening. Just to let you know I work as a preschool teacher to
    3-5 year olds
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Oh Crystal!! Oh Tabby!! The darn blasted TOM!! Messin with my girls!! :mad: :mad: Feel better!!

    Crystal, what a sweet man you have at home!! Dishes??!! Awesome!! Give him a high five from me!! What a keeper!! Sounds like you had a good weigh in!! One good poo & you'll be way under!! :laugh: I wish you the best in making the decision for the surgery or not. I can understand how hard of a choice that may be for you.

    Tabby, I bet you have a stressful job!! I have one 3 year old & that's enough!! LOL!! How many children are in your class at one time?? At the end of the day after I put my girls to bed (1 & 3) I sit down at the computer & drink a cup of coffee & that usually helps me with my evening cravings for sugar.

    Jenny!! *Handing Jenny a paper bag* Breathe girl, breathe!! BL was great! If you get a chance you really need to watch them run that marathon, the way Mikey tears up when his father crosses the finish line is just priceless!! & You & Saul, feel better k?!! :wink:

    What is with this spring time cold thing?? My girls have been sick all week!! I want the snot to just go away!! :angry:

    Amanda, how've you been feeling?? How are "things" going??

    MIna & Laura, how are you girls hanging in there?? From the looks of our spreadsheet, you're keeping busy!! I'm gonna try to get my pushups in again tonight, I just gotta ... get... off... this.. couch! LOL!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Connie, Kathy, Meloni, Jennifer, Kelly & Shannon, are you girls still with us?? Haven't seen ya around much & we miss you!
    Also, our members who have been missing for more than a week - Christa, Christy, Gloria & Kim - Come back!! :sad:

    Hey, did anyone spot those boots that Jillian was sportin' at the weigh in?? The heel on those things were CRAZY!! She's so cool! & Bob, what to say about Bob?? ...... I"ll leave that up to Jenny!! :wink:

    Good night girls! Anyone I missed, my apologies, as I'm multi tasking here watching back episodes of Grey's Annatomy & catching up on my threads!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tabbyh25
    tabbyh25 Posts: 66
    Sanifrey- I have 17 little ones in my class at a time. Lucky me:grumble: I only have 13 days until summer vacation and then I can focus on me and my husband and 2 children.

    Crystal- I hope you feel better soon.
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Why is it that the TOM makes you so cranky? I am in the worst mood ever. Its not good, cause I am not normally a cranky person. I got home and did my workout while dinner was cooking and everything my poor boyfriend is doing is making me mad for some reason. I hate that. I just want to be in a good mood. He just got home last night after being gone for a week and a half. :sad: I can't wait till the TOM is gone and I can be normal again.

    I did my upper body and core today along with a bit of lower body LOL I am still so sore from working out with my trainer Monday!

    Hopefully we all get a nice last chance workout in.
  • CrystalOKeefe
    CrystalOKeefe Posts: 326
    You know what I ind completely odd !!! TOM visits us all around the same time LOL !!!

    Today I am feeling much much better!! YAY !! I have to go grocery shopping this morning. My Mom is coming down tonight and staying till saturday. Saturday we are having a BBQ for Maeves Birthday. I am not sure what we are gonna make yet.. But I know that I will be having Grilled chicken !! I always make spagetti salad MY Fave !! I suppose I can make it healthier by using wheat pasta and fat free italian dressing the rest is veggies.

    I need to get back into the routine, maybe later I will get on my new exercise bike my mom got me from a yardsale..

    Yeah Sandy he is a great guy.. I love him bunches !!

    Well ladies what is the other shows we all get into?
    I watch Bones, House, Daisy of love, Deadliest Catch ( Which is on during TBL) I try and catch it other times...... I miss ER .... I dont care for Southland
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    I hope all you ladies with TOM get to feeling better!!!

    Sandy- I am doing ok. Today is day two of no spotting so hope it continues!!! Thank you so much for asking and for all the well wishes from everyone :)

    Ok girls I am getting down here. I am working my *kitten* off and keeping my calories at around 1400-1500 a day (1400 is my min to loose 1lb a week) and I have weighted myself for the last two mornings before I ate or drank anything and I am still 152! I am getting really upset about it. I did measure myself and I am loosing inches!

    These are my measures from March 2nd on the left and March 16th in the middle and today on right....

    Chest- 37 36 33

    Upper arm- 11.5 12 11

    Waist- 35.5 34 29

    Hips- 38.5 36 33

    Thighs- 22 21 20

    I just want that scale to show it too!!! What can I do to help me loose some more weight? Any thoughts?

    I am headed to my parents for about three weeks starting this weekend. They have a treadmill so I may change up my work outs to running and not so many dvd's. I will still be around here to talk to you lovely ladies :)

    Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day! And don't forget to work your butt off in your last chance workout!!!!

  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    HOLY CRAP Amanda!!!! Those measurements are AWESOME!! You have alot to be proud of!! I'm glad that you're feeling a bit better. I hope that you enjoy your visit with your parents. It's funny that you mention that treadmill workouts because I was considering getting away from the dvd's as well. I was checking my little black exercise book & saw that I lost the most weight when I was doing the treadmill more often, so I'm with you on that one! Let's compare notes & see if there's a difference!

    Crystal, I was thinking the same thing about how everyone is on their TOM at the same time. Everyone, that is... .. except for me!! :sad: :sad: I feel so left out!!:sad: :sad: I'll get over it! We are talking about TOM not being picked last for kick ball!! LOL!! :wink: When I have mine all by myself you'll all be soooo jealous!! (ya right...!!!) LOL!! Enjoy your visit with your mum! The BBQ sounds wonderful! Grilled chicken & speghetti salad!! YUM-O!! As far as shows, I watch: LOST, Heroes, Grey's Annatomy, Top Model, Hell's Kitchen, BL (of course) & I miss ER too! I still have the final episode on my DVR & just can't bring myself to watch it yet!!

    Laura, feel better! It's tough when we know we're being cranky & yet we can't seem to not be!! I sometimes say in my head to myself why don't you just shut up & quit talking & being so miserable! Hang in there!!

    Tabby, 17!!! Good gravey!! So, you're the one to ask about the ins & outs of the toddler mind then?? My 3 year old is a trip!! Everything has to be her idea! She's been wearing the same shirt for almost 3 days now!! LOL!! Good thing is we're home, because she's sick, but it's the only one she'll wear!! She's a hoot!!

    Jenny, I hope that you & Saul are feeling better! This snot has got to run out, right??

    Today should be last chance workouts but I so desperately need a REST day & I'm taking it! Hopefully the scale will be cooperative!

    Have a great day!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Thank you Sandy! I am proud of what I have done so far! Like I say just want the scale to show it too so I can win this bet lol. I lost most of my weight on the treadmill as well. I would love to compare notes with you about it! Wish I never sold my treadmill :sad: It is so hard to get to the gym to use one often enough.
    As for the TOM I am not on with the rest of them either. I am just ovulating so I have about two weeks until mine shows up. Maybe we are on the same schedule?
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    :huh: *ducks behind a corner and looks suspiciosly around while whispering* ok girls....I think.....the SNOT IS GONEEEEEEE hahahaha well almost!! man this thing got me down BADDDddd I am feeling sooooo better this afternoon!!! I brought saul to school and came home just POOPED haha seriously like I was only up for like an hour and half and I felt like a ton of bricks hit me. SO I just laid on the couch for a "minute" and woke up almost 2 hours later. But I feel SOoooooooo much better. I went for a walk only 2 mile and it was sloowww but I did it and tonight I am goign to do my own "get the sweat pouring to "survive" the show SURVIVOR hahahah last time I burnt like over 500 cals in an hour and still lived to tell about it hahahahha

    ok bad news though is that my hubby picked me up at lunch to do some errands and then took me out to lunch (sweet) but then.....my evil twin sister Jinny ordered a midnight truffle blizzard from dairy queen and made me eat the whole thing.....seriously I think that she and "snot" had a little scheme for me this week!!! anyways i am a little disgusted with myself and yet shall I say it....It tasted so DANG GOOOODDD why in heck does all the 'bad' stuff taste the best@! It's a conspiracy man....:wink::wink: So I have kicked eveil "jinny" to the curb when I was dropped off and going to burn it off...it is probalby "only" 1000 cals give or take *rolls eyes* :bigsmile:

    Good news I am BACK and raring to go so what out ladies here I come!!!!

    I love HELLS KITCHEN, Rules of engagement, Chopped (food network) Dirty Jobs and Mythbusters. Is it me or is jamie heineman on Mysthbusters cute or what.....hahah...of course no bob harper NO ONE CAN beat him....mmmmmmmmmmmmm bob harper....there should be a 24 hour channel of him doing....well anything......with out his shirt.....mmmmmm......or with his shirt....mmmmmmmmmm.....oooooo what about with him putting his sirt ON.........mmmmmmm...no wait taking it off.....even better:blushing: :wink: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahahaha
    Clean up on aisle two there is a puddle of drool on aisle two.....

    see I told ya girls I was feeling better! Instead of needing a kleenex for my nose I need a kleenex for my droool hahahaaaaa:bigsmile:

    HUGSSSSSSSSSSS to you all and am soooooooo happy to see each and everyone of your posts!!!! I love our little network!!! Even my hubby was worried that I hadn't been on here. I would just be zombying around and in a funk with dripping noses and itchy eyes followed around by a little zombie with dripping nose and itchy eyes ahahaha he said YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHIHNG to day hahaha ohhhh tough love I say TOUGH LOVE

  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    Plaintiff Jenny sugar ray eckel
    The state of MFP and BL health attack

    eating too many calories

    I would like to ammend the alleged fore mentioned "1000 cals" blizzard.....it was only 765....WHAT OMIGOSH I ATE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    let the record show that the plaintiff has fallen over in a coma induced by shock and too much sugar.

    The judge rules the plaintiff to serve 2 hours doing excersise and a promisary note stating that the plaintiff will not go near the afore mentioned blizzard again for atleast 60 days. At which time another course of action might be granted.....

    Court dismissed

    Judge Jenny