Is anyone else dreading Christmas?



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It's a holiday. If you're dreading it because of the food instead of looking forward to the family time, you need to rethink your priorities. A couple of days of eating holiday food isn't going to make you gain all the weight back. Watch your portions, don't eat all the desserts, and dont' weigh yourself until you've had a chance to shed the water weight you'll probably gain.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I am not dreading it, long as I get a bunch of good stuff..... :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Oh no!
    I love x-mas - the singing, gift exchanges, getting hammered and binge eating. Plus I get to gloat over the misfortunes of my dysfunctional family.
    ^^^ I definitely 2nd this!!
  • megansoriano
    Oh with all the Christmas parties with work and family. . .I don't know what to other then just work out a lot. Christmas comes once a year. . .so I will eat. Not to much but I will enjoy. :)
    Yes all the cookies, are always hard to pass up!!! We must be strong!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm dreading having to play nice with family...I'd rather it just be me and my husband, quiet and peaceful.
  • honor82
    Foodwise, not at much as I normally would be. I've got 4 places I have to go this year, but I decided that I am going to eat things in moderation, even the stuff I normally wouldn't eat. It's a bit surprising to track the meal and realize it's not as bad as you thought it was.

    I also plan to do double time on my workouts. I typically burn about 300 calories a day, so my goal for those days will be 600.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Go all out on christmas, enjoy the day with family and friends. There are another 364 days of the year where you can watch what you eat.

    This is the one day I go REALLY crazy! I probably will drink atleast 1000 calories just in eggnog. lol. I have never gained anything for one day of absolute craziness, so every year I go all out!
  • hubbalolo
    All the spending and shopping all the stress that comes with christmas time is all worth it when i get to see the joy and happiness on my kids faces when they open there presents!
  • lovefunmotion
    No way! I plan to enjoy the delicious food, even if I do wind up eating double my normal amount of calories.
    I've been craving eggnog but haven't been wanting to fit it into my calories so I can't wait to have a cup on christmas.
  • tbrewst
    tbrewst Posts: 93 Member
    Not really liking the no baking, the no Christmas lunches with dessert, the no whipped something something from Starbucks or excitement of "Do they have the fondant Christmas Cookies this year?"

    Really excited about the OMG size 14 and the oops that doesn't fit anymore, and the wow I can walk up and down the stairs without holding on/pulling up.

    I'm thinking this is a Christmas be down 54 pounds from August and the new year just around the corner. Learning to conquer eating just because and seeing the boys get excited about my little successes are just about the best presents a girl like me can get.

    Now--I want a treadmill and a bicycle (still a Toys R Us kid!!!) Where's Santa?????

    Amy911Gray...This is great, you rock! You should be fired up about got your present early!

    To the OP, heck no! We are going snow skiing and I am fired up!!! Plan on burning lots of calories! And it's just going to be my husband, two boys and myself so there will be no stress of cooking big meals and lots of desserts as with traditional family gatherings. Just a little stressed about the road trip but I have my snacks already planned:wink:
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    The holidays are about family, fun, good food, enjoying myself, and to have less stress. Calorie counting and losing weight is supposed to improve the confidence you ahve and make life more enjoyable. It is not supposed to take away from the enjoyment and control your life.

    Live life. Enjoy the holidays. Get back on track later.
    Holiday is short; just don't make it a 3 month season like many

    Well put....
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Honestly, a little nervous about them. I will likely do what I have done every year before...enjoy myself; have some wine, eat what everyone else is having and not put too much pressure on myself.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Oh no!
    I love x-mas - the singing, gift exchanges, getting hammered and binge eating. Plus I get to gloat over the misfortunes of my dysfunctional family.

    ^^ This. This is my life on Christmas Day, in a nutshell. LOL!!!! :laugh: I really did laugh out loud when I saw this comment!!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    I'm not dreading Christmas, I'm dreading the scale on the 1st of January though!!:D
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    No way! I'm looking forward to it! Christmas only comes once a year. Just like on Thanksgiving, I'm going to enjoy myself and not worry about calories at all. One day won't undo all of my hard work. Enjoy your day!
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    Never! This will be the first time in 8 years that I will have all of my kids together for Christmas. I am so excited. I will be good right up to Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas I will be back on track. For two days I intend to enjoy my family and all of the festivities and food that goes with it.
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm going to have a spoonful of my favorite things - no bread cause I don't have to have that and 1 piece of cake!
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Nope! Just put in a few extra workouts and try not to completely overdo it with the goodies. If you want sweets know your limit ahead of time ...1 piece of pie, 4 cookies ....if you go out to eat order off the appetizer menu to keep the portion smaller. Don't take home leftovers!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    We are going out of town for several days and I will have very little control over the food. Just dread it cause i've been doing so good with logging/exercising. Is anyone else dreading the holiday?

    as you have heard in the past (on multiple occassions prob!)...this is all about a lifestyle change!!!!

    ~Get your normal workouts in....and if you can't get to the gym while out of town, then walk!! you can walk anywhere...even in place, inside!!!!

    ~Get in your should be doing this everyday no matter what anyways! PLUS it will help you from OVERindulging!

    ~EAT...just don't stuff yourself until the brink of exploding...this is what "normal" people until you are full even, just realize full for you may be binging for most (depending of course). show some self control!!!!

    ~enjoy all of your fave holiday foods...just do it within reason!!! for me...I love pumpin pie...but instead of eating 3 pieces...1 is fine now-a-days!

    ~if you are going to be out of town and around "bad" food for multiple days...go to the store and buy some fiber one cereal, skim milk, and fruit for breakfast, salad and dressing to supp your dinners, and granola bars, string cheese, and trail mix to help with and friends WILL understand!!

    ~LOG everything...even if you have to write it down while you are there, and do it later!

    ~make conscious IS in your hands and it is completely YOUR doing!

    I could keep going and going...point is, you CAN make it through the holidays WITHOUT dreading it, and without overdoing it, and with enjoying it still!!! JUST STAY FOCUSED!!!!!