Big Blue Team WEEK 1



  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i also got down 8 glasses yesterday, but after that i did fold a bit and have 2 glasses of diet coke when we went out for dinner. whoops!

    and on track today...about to finish glass #8 now, so i'll aim for more today.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I love this challenge! I never had a problem with water until now. I just . . . didn't care about drinking water, I guess. I drank 6 glasses so far! I'm doing great. Only thing is, I can't exercise because I'm sick today. Ugh. :ohwell:
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi all I am glad to say it is 2:46 pm here on the east coast and I have taken in 4 glasses of water so far today. I am sad to say that I have not worked out today because of an injury to my leg but I am able to walk again without my cane so I will get a brisk walk in after work.

    Also did anyone cry with the biggest looser. I was a mess crying and what not and if Ron can walk a marathon I can get my walk in with my bum leg.

    And how sweet was it that he wants america to vote for his son.

    I honestly could not decide so I did not vote but my daughter voted for the son because she said that she will do as the father asked.

    Its so hard to say who I want to win I honestly love them all.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Alright, so whats your plan for this evening guys? Getting that workout in? Cooking a healthy dinner? Avoiding those bedtime snacks?

    I will be doing 15min of Abs and an hour of Shoulder & Arm work, after I clean the spiderwebs off my dumbbells (literally, there are spiders on them! :noway: :laugh: )

    After that I think I'm going to cook whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs with veggies for my bf and I. Yum!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    30 Day Shred during the next nap my daughter takes followed by a shower and some studying. I've been contemplating dinner all day. I need to grocery shop so it'll probably be a chicken and rice dinner I cooked last month and froze with a side of veggies.

    I've really been craving pizza lately! That's my downfall, though, so I've vowed not to have restaurant pizza until June. I might make some tortilla pizzas if I have all the stuff for it. Then of course, more studying, bath time for baby, more studying, more studying and MORE studying! Hopefully without any late nigh snacking mixed in! :wink:

    Spaghetti sounds delish, Rach! And watch out for those spiders! They might want to come back home! EEEeeeek!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    i'm planning on BL Cardio Max level 1, followed by stationary bike for 20 mins (or however long i have to to burn 500 cals total w/ the dvd).

    my coworkers are having a farewell party for me after work tonight (cause i'm moving!! :bigsmile: ), so i know i will have extra cals to burn off!

    not sure what i'll be eating- but i'll try to keep myself in check :laugh: :laugh:
  • kreitz96
    kreitz96 Posts: 7
    hoping to do a little bit of everything this evening. cooking a healthly dinner for the family. its a good thing that my 4 year old loves salads and veggies and would rather have fruit instead of chips and candy. hoping to get a workout in tonight. hard to during the day (i have 4 more weeks off of work for maternity leave) with the baby, she doesnt have a set naptime. planning on doing 30 mintues on the bike to start. its hard for me to get motivated to work out. i do good for a week or so but then it all goes downhill.

    does anyone have a good exercise program that they could recommend? I need to tone up my arms, butt and get rid of the baby fat. also, not sure what kind of strength training to do to tone up the arms and chest. i am clueless when it comes to this sort of thing. HELP!

    also, its 3:19 and 6 glasses of water down! i can finish the last two with dinner easily
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Alright, so whats your plan for this evening guys? Getting that workout in? Cooking a healthy dinner? Avoiding those bedtime snacks?

    I will be doing 15min of Abs and an hour of Shoulder & Arm work, after I clean the spiderwebs off my dumbbells (literally, there are spiders on them! :noway: :laugh: )

    After that I think I'm going to cook whole wheat spaghetti and meatballs with veggies for my bf and I. Yum!

    I am upset because my oven is broken and I really wanted to have some bake fish with veggies. But I think I will do a progressive soup what else not sure yet.

    Work out wise I will do some cardio off of Comcast on demand. When I can't get to the gym those really save me.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    MyKids04 - Tough break with the broken stove. Watch out for that sodium in the soup and be careful with the leg!

    kreitz96 - What a good mom, teaching her kids about healthy food!! :flowerforyou:

    shannahrose - Have fun with the party! Make good choices, and don't beat yourself up over little indulgences!

    ngwife4life - Eeek I know! I've been finding more and more spiders lately! I have to put some sticky foam stuff in the door jam to seal up the crack they're sneaking in!
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    does anyone have a good exercise program that they could recommend? I need to tone up my arms, butt and get rid of the baby fat. also, not sure what kind of strength training to do to tone up the arms and chest. i am clueless when it comes to this sort of thing. HELP!

    also, its 3:19 and 6 glasses of water down! i can finish the last two with dinner easily

    The best thing to do "on the fly" for chest and arms is pushups. Whether you do the regular ones or the modified ones, pushups are the way to go...unless you have 30-45 minutes set aside. That's a whole other thread.
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    I have work tonight, but I plan on doing an hour of cardio (stationary bike and eliptical) at lunch and eating veggies (which I don't do as nmuch as I should), and trying to keep my calorie intake low. It's hard at work because of the lack of a set schedule/lunch time.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Hello all!

    Chrissyh - That is so great that you are a cancer survivor, and what great motivation to run a 5k! I am rooting for you!:flowerforyou:

    RachVR6 - Thanks for your leadership in starting this team and the encouragement you give everyone! :happy:

    As for me...I did well today (it's always easy on the first day of something new!) I completed week 2, day 2 in the 100 pushups challenge (been stuck in week 2 for a month also!) I also ran three miles, drank 20 cups of water, and so far have done well staying within my calories! We are having homemade chicken soup for dinner tonight, which is not only healthy but low in calories, so I think I am good to go! I also have church tonight, which will get me out of the house and away from temptation to eat bad snacks at night! Not going to be able to do so hot with the no processed foods until next week when I go grocery shopping again, but even then...being on a tight budget makes that so hard. It is frustrating that the healthiest foods are also the most expensive!

    Hope everyone else has a great evening! Kathy
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Tonight I will be bringing my own dinner to work (im a cook in a kitchen) so that I KNOW how many cals im eating... I hope to get in at least 2 more litres of water... My own personal challenge is NOT to weigh myself until next Wednesday!! :frown: I have such a problem with weighing myself EVERY time I go into the bathroom... which is a lot! haha
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I already went to the gym at lunch and completed day one of the couch to 5k - then added another 22 minutes of 60 second intervals of walking/running alternating. 47 minutes on the tread mill and it felt good....

    Have lots of calories to use up - we're going out for to be able to manage my life and eat treats without blowing it! Exercise sure helps with alotting those extra calories.
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    I like to workout in the mornings. I burned 707 calories this morning on the treadmill and elliptical. So, tonight I have to figure out something healthy for dinner. It's hard because my boyfriend can eat ANYTHING he wants. So, until I get good at cooking healthy (so the difference isn't that noticeable) I cook one thing for him and something different for me. Sometimes it's tough, but since I've been on MFP, it has been less tempting to indulge in the unhealthy. I've only been here 2 1/2 weeks, but you guys are great. Thanks for the support and motivation from everyone.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I like to workout in the mornings. I burned 707 calories this morning on the treadmill and elliptical. So, tonight I have to figure out something healthy for dinner. It's hard because my boyfriend can eat ANYTHING he wants. So, until I get good at cooking healthy (so the difference isn't that noticeable) I cook one thing for him and something different for me. Sometimes it's tough, but since I've been on MFP, it has been less tempting to indulge in the unhealthy. I've only been here 2 1/2 weeks, but you guys are great. Thanks for the support and motivation from everyone.

    How long do you exercise to burn 700 calories? I don't have a hrm, so I am relying on the mfp database for my calories-burned info, but it seems like I don't burn many calories compared to others! I would love to have 700 extra calories (jealous :blushing: ) :laugh:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Ahhh, Rach! I had pasta for dinner tonight and it's all your fault! :tongue: It just sounded too good. And I had about 900 calories left for the day before my exercise calories were even added back in. All this studying has left me zero time for grocery shopping for fresh food, so my menu has been off the last day or two!

    Does anyone have a yummy red pasta sauce that isn't a complete killer on sugar and sodium? Or a VERY simple recipe for making one myself?
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    How long do you exercise to burn 700 calories? I don't have a hrm, so I am relying on the mfp database for my calories-burned info, but it seems like I don't burn many calories compared to others! I would love to have 700 extra calories (jealous :blushing: ) :laugh:

    I can usually burn about 700 cals/hr when I'n cycling. I weigh about 250lbs and am 6ft tall. On the other hand, my wife, doing the same excercose only burns about 300-400 cals/hour. Partly because she is female, but mostly because she weighs so much less than I do. I have also noticed that as I lose weight, I burn less calories doing the same excercises which is a little frustrating, but at least I know I'm making progress. I have also noticed that MFP tends to over estimate what my calorie burn is. I use a different web site (not sure I can mention it here...) for my cycling calories.
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    I like to workout in the mornings. I burned 707 calories this morning on the treadmill and elliptical. So, tonight I have to figure out something healthy for dinner. It's hard because my boyfriend can eat ANYTHING he wants. So, until I get good at cooking healthy (so the difference isn't that noticeable) I cook one thing for him and something different for me. Sometimes it's tough, but since I've been on MFP, it has been less tempting to indulge in the unhealthy. I've only been here 2 1/2 weeks, but you guys are great. Thanks for the support and motivation from everyone.

    How long do you exercise to burn 700 calories? I don't have a hrm, so I am relying on the mfp database for my calories-burned info, but it seems like I don't burn many calories compared to others! I would love to have 700 extra calories (jealous :blushing: ) :laugh:

    I did 40 minutes on the treadmill. The first 30 minutes I alternated 5 minutes of running at 6.5 with 2 minutes of walking at 3.7. The last 10 minutes I walked uphill at 4.0. Then I did 20 minutes on the elliptical. I'm 5' 5" and 177lbs. I just wish those pounds would realize how hard I'm working to get rid of them :ohwell:
  • mrwatson
    mrwatson Posts: 66
    Glad to see we are off to a good start. I have slacked off on drinking enough water so I will definitely accept the challenge. Additionally, I hope to do a better job of logging in. I have slacked in that area too...with good reason. With the larger group, we will all need to check in more frequently to keep up with the posts:happy: