Height and Weight please?



  • Height 5' 8"
    Start MFP 225 lbs in August 2011
    Current weight 185.8 as of a week ago

    I want to get to about 170 and should be thee by February. I know I can maintain when I get there so will see what happens.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    I am 5'4
    started dieting at 283 lbs, size 24 dress
    joined this in October @ 171 lbs size 10 dress
    I am now 172 lbs size 8 dress
    chest 38, 36 D
    waist 26
    hip 38
    just want to maintain my weight and healthy life style (build muscle to become more buff like some of my hot female pals) :happy:
  • Im 5'4'
    Current Weight: 131lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs
    Time Frame: 2 months
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Started MFP at 187
    Currently 152
    Goal 150, but I'm pretty happy where I'm at..just need to tone up some flabby belly issues, and I'm good!
  • sgraves06
    sgraves06 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting Weight 187
    Current Weight 161
    Goal Weight 145

    I originally set a goal of 155, but now that I am heathier, happier, and noticing an awesome change in my body - I hope to acheive a goal of 145lbs. I am unsure of how long this will take, as it seems to just get harder the further you get... but this website works wonders on those not so good days :)
  • 6'1"
    Started at 290 lbs
    Current is 265 lbs
    Time Frame 2.5 months so far
  • I am 5 feet 1 inch....I wighed in at 183 and that was on Monday. As of this morning, Day 4, I am 179.5. I know this is not typical and I should and won't expect to see results like this every day or every week. Two weeks ago, I gave up soda and am contributing much of the weight loss to water weight.....nonetheless, it cam off and I am keeping it off.

    For now, my goal is to loose 40lbs., which would bring me to 143. I checked my BMI and it stated I should be 129.....we will see about that.....but for now, 143 is my target!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Good Luck!
  • missannabel
    missannabel Posts: 17 Member
    Height: 4ft 7in
    Weight: 101pounds. Only just started. Trying to get back to
    Goal weight: 87pounds.
  • mkmacf
    mkmacf Posts: 101
    5'7" (and a half)
    Starting weight this time was 301.8, and current I am at 193.6lbs. I would like to firstly get to 220 by next December, and eventually 180lbs, although I think my "healthy weight" is defined as 140-150. I haven't been below 200 since junior high. I don't even know what that would look like!
  • I'm 5'9, and currently 168 lbs.
    I joined MFP at 181lbs in April.
    I set small goals instead of an ultimate end goal for a certain date so that it keeps me motivated when/if the day comes and I haven't reached those small goals yet. Considering it took me 8 months to lose approx. 13 lbs, I'm expecting my journey to take a bit longer than most people (I'm athletic). My next goal is to reach 150 by my birthday at the end of May, but most importantly, look more toned and fit.
    Good luck! :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 216 Size 16/18
    CW:188 (six months in) Size 12/14
    UGW: 160 About a hear and a half. I am in no hurry and will be dropping to 1/2 lb loss per week soon
  • 5'8", 42 yrs old, Female

    Started at 180 lbs (Joined MFP at 175 or so)
    Had an "ideal weight" of 135 lbs
    Just hit 140 (per calipers 19% bf) - I love my body at this weight. I'm lean and defined. I'm actually doing the BodPod next week to get a more accurate view of lean mass/body fat.

    It took me about 3.5 months of working out 3-4x per week and logging (before I found MFP I did a journal).
  • I am 5'9", weigh 206. My goal is to weigh 155, maybe 145. I guess I will see when I reach that! I am hoping with a 1 lb loss (at least) each week, so by next year at this time (51lbs, 51 weeks...) . Hopefully sooner!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    5' 5.5"
    SW: 160
    CW: Approx 140 ( I have not weighed since mid October)
    GW: 120-125

    June 1st 2012
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    SW 8/11/11: 202
    CW 12/15/11: 177
    GW: 12/30/11: 175
    Height: 5' 10'
    Frame: Medium

    Now that I'm so close to goal, I'm considering a new goal of 165 by March 2012. However, I do feel great at my current weight and fitness level and although my husband has always complimented my appearance, he has provided extra encouragement with praise for the way I look now. My lowest adult weight was about 150 ( age 20) and that really seemed too small for my Medium frame.
  • ladylaine
    ladylaine Posts: 26 Member
    I AM 5"3
    WEIGHT NOW IS 196.3
    GOAL IS 160
  • MissKris620
    MissKris620 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'5''
    Started this week at 146.
    I'm currently at 143.
    I'm not setting a time on my progress. Just letting it go day by day and trying to learn what triggers me to over eat, (i.e., emotional eating, etc.).

    GL all!! :)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm 5'8".
    Started at 274.
    As of a week ago, I was 215.
    Started the end of Feb.
    Goal is 180 and then a new ticker once I figure out how much more I want to lose in order to get a flat stomach and muscularly defined back.
  • Cysso
    Cysso Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 5'4" and when I started MFP I was 200 pounds. This was down from about 240 right after I had my daughter (9 months prior to starting). I plan to get around 140-145 pounds and go from there to see how I feel. (145 pounds will get me at a normal BMI) If I lose a pound a week I'll be there at around November of next year. I'm not really expecting it to be November, it'll probably take longer, but it's something to look forward to.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I'm 5'5"
    Started at 229
    Now 219
    Goal 150

    I created a time capsule so in 1 year I can look back & see how far I've come. I don't know what my weight will be then, but I'm sure it won't be in the 200's anymore! :) Stay positive!:flowerforyou: