Memorial Day Weight Loss CHALLENGE!!!!!



  • sr2000
    sr2000 Posts: 230 Member
    Todays weight 179

    Challenge start weight 182 (Jan 1st weight 186)

    Goal weight by Memorial 172 (Goal weight by my birthday in October 150!)

    Pounds lost this week: 1
    Pounds lost since starting challenge: 3
    slowly going in the right direction......
  • alymarest
    alymarest Posts: 115
    15 morer weeks!!!
    :flowerforyou: LOOKING GOOD!! :flowerforyou:

    Starting weight: 153.5
    Current weight: 151.5
    Goal weight: 132
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week:3
    pounds lost total: 3!!!!!

    I LOST this week !!! 3lbs!!!! I havn't been working out as much as i want to but i am going to try to work out more!! :bigsmile:

    I love how many people have joined. I am glad to see that everyone is doing good.
  • alymarest
    alymarest Posts: 115
    this is so frustrating.. the weight comes off.. YIPPIE .:happy: . then a few days down the line it comes back :noway: :ohwell: :sad:

    Will I make it to the Memorial Day Goal? I don't know. Honestly I don't care what I loose as long as it is more than 5 pounds. And I am able to hold it there and continue.

    I don't think I am doing anything wrong. I use to do the frozen foods lunch, but I haven't had one in a while. I am eating better , so I have no idea what is going on here.

    I do the same thing I gain one week and lose the next but I am losing more than i gain. Don't let it discourage you. You can try measuring for inches instead of looking for pounds. I Started only weighing myself on Mondays because I go up and down all week. I also started supplementing a meal a day with a 300 cal protein bar, and it has helped me a lot. I also to a “cheat” day once a week to fulfill all of my cravings. So these are just some ideas to keep you motivated .
    Oh and try lifting weights because muscle burns more than fat so the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn in a day.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I'm trying not to get frustrated! I've been so good for three weeks now, and the scale is not budging (and neither is the I do have to say that I FEEL fantastic and full of energy, so I guess it's doing something. I'm not giving up. After all, this is a lifestyle change and not a diet and I really feel that I could do it the rest of my life.

    Starting weight: 196
    Current weight: 196
    Goal weight: 160
    Goal weight for Memorial Day: 173
    Pounds lost this week: 0
    Pounds lost in challenge thus far: 0
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    I'm also doing the July challenge but would like to do this, too. I need an interim goal.

    Starting weight: 190
    Current weight: 186.5
    Goal weight: 146
    Goal weight for Memorial Day: 170

    Weigh-in Day: Friday (update then)
  • madkat67
    madkat67 Posts: 32
    Saturday Weigh-In Results:
    Starting Weight - 172
    Weigh in on Saturday - 164
    Total lost - 8 pounds
    Goal for Memorial day is 150
    Goal for July is 140

    Woohoo! I'm on my way!

    This weigh in may be a little different - my family and I are proud survivors of the dreaded stomach flu. Believe it or not, I was only down for two days. Back to work!
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    Starting weight: 192.8
    Last weeks weight: 189.2
    Current weight: 186.4
    Loss this week: 2.8 lbs
    Total loss: 6.4 lbs

    I'm weighing in a day late cuz I was laid out with some brutal strep throat the last 2 days! But I'm better now and ready to get back to the gym!! Yeah!!!
  • fitladyfawkes
    fitladyfawkes Posts: 138 Member
    Im a little late...better late than never!

    Starting weight: 227
    Current Weight: 194
    Goal weight: 172 (for Memorial Day)
    Goal weight: 155 (for July)
    Weight lost a week: 2
    Weight lost so far: 33
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Memorial Weekend is also my birthday weekend. May 27th. I will be (cough, cough, mumble) 38! I was just telling my husband I don't want to be fat, frumpy and 40. I would like to be fit, and feeling great at 38! yeah, cheesy I know, but it's easy to remember! So, therefore, I am as of today 176. So, 10 weeks from now, if I lose 1-2 pounds a week, I will give myself a goal of 162-165.
  • challange Week 3 weigh in

    Start Challange weight: 177.5
    Current Weight: 168.2
    Goal weight by memorial day: 149
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 4 lb
    pounds lost total: 8.6

    (-23lb since jan 14th)
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Up a little from last week but I'm not worried. It all water.
    I just want to be done with this flu/cold

    Current Weight 216.5
    Goal Weight 199
    Goal Weight per week 1.5
    Pounds lost this week -.5
    Pounds lost total 3.5

    Didn't bother with measurements. I know it will balance out .
  • jeena
    jeena Posts: 29
    This will be great!!!

    Current Weight 164
    Goal Weight 129
    Goal Weight per week 1-2
    Pounds lost this week 0:ohwell:
    Pounds lost total 0 :embarassed:
  • shellyws
    shellyws Posts: 33 Member
    Ok.... Here goes!

    Starting weight:191
    Current weight: 187
    Goal weight: 145
    Goal weight by memorial day: 163
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    pounds lost total: 4!! :smile:
  • Nerf9577
    Nerf9577 Posts: 2 Member
    My first check-in! It's been a little though this week at times but worth it.

    Starting weight: 227
    Current weight: 222.5
    Goal weight: 160
    Goal weight by Memorial Day: 199
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 4.5!!!!
    Total pounds lost: 4.5

    Starting to feel pretty good but man, do my legs hurt, it's been a long time since I've spent this much time with my treadmill.

    Good work everyone!
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    Starting weight: 347
    Las weeks weight: 340
    Current weight: 338
    Goal weight: 319
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 2
    pounds lost total: 9
  • madkat67
    madkat67 Posts: 32
    Hit a bump in the road....."sigh"
    Starting Weight - 172
    Last week - 164
    This week (3/15) - 165

    My goal is 150 by Memorial Day and 140 by July.
  • alymarest
    alymarest Posts: 115
    14 more weeks!!!

    Starting weight: 153.5
    Current weight: 151.5
    Goal weight: 132
    Goal weight loss a week: 1.5 lbs
    Pounds lost this week:0
    pounds lost total: 3!!!!!

    so i lost a pound earlier in the week but put it back on because it was my B-Day weekend!!
    but it's ok I just hope to lose the maximum this week because my whole family is going to be in town...
  • spillian
    spillian Posts: 5
    :smile: I'm up for the challenge

    Current weight: 168
    Goal weight: 145
    Goal weight loss a week : 2 lbs

    Don't own a scale so I'll do measurements instead.
  • Sounds Good!

    Current weight: 130
    Goal weight: 118
    Goal weight loss a week: 2 lbs
    Pounds lost this week: 0
    pounds lost total: 0

    Just joined today... but am also doing a clense this week, so we will see how it goes next week!
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    My Tuesday weigh in ......

    Starting weight (2-19-08): 145.5
    Current weight (3-18-08): 142.0
    Goal weight: 135.0
    Goal weight loss/week: 1.0
    Goal weight loss for this challenge: 10.5
    Weight loss this week: 0 :grumble:
    Total weight loss since beginning of challenge: 3.5

    7 pounds to go ...... 10 weeks left in challenge ....... time to focus and lose that excess weight!!

    I am going to set another personal challenge on myself this week - I haven't done this for a couple weeks ........

    I vow to do 200 cruches each night (50 each way .... regular, reverse, oblique left and oblique right).
    I vow to do 50 leg lifts each leg each night (inner and outer thighs).
    I vow to do 20 push ups (the girly ones) each night.
    I vow to post with my weekly weigh in if I meet those goals this week. :smile:

    Good job everyone ..... keep the motivation going!! :smile:
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