Slowly Giving up

Hi Everyone:

I am very happy that so many people are doing great, losing and losing. I wish I could enjoy this accomplishment also. I have been here over 100 days with 15 pounds lost. Truthfully, I feel not only like a failure but almost ready to give up. I know we are all different and we should not compare ourselves to others. Being human, I do this frequently.

I have not grown to love veggies. Yes, I eat them but not with the same enjoyment as candy. Yes, I have eaten healthier, but see little results. I exercise...never really did that for years, but when I was in my forties and exercised the weight flew off.

Also I feel so deprived. I dot have an active social life which is both positive and negative. I live alone so luckily I am rarely tempted. However, truthfully I miss pizza, rice. spaghetti, rolls, bacon, half and half t to name a few. I am incapable of eating small portions because I will go out of control. Most of the time I eat under 1000 calories, because of my thyroid and this is Doctor recommended by several endo doctors. I am seeing a third one tomorrow. Hopefully, she will suggest alternatives.

This is my story, my frustration. TY all, for being so supportive!


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    fifteen pounds is awesome!!! When things feel slow I remember that it took years for me to put on this weight, it's not going to come off overnight. Sounds like you've been losing roughtly one pound a week which is the perfect rate to lose. You're doing GREAT.
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Can you make your food diary public. I would like to take a look. Also, have you considered there may be something medically wrong, if you have in fact been logging and eating the right foods. Maybe you have a thyroid issue, they are quite common.

    Don't give up yet, your only going to feel miserable again. Think about the reasons you started this journey in the first place...they aren't going to go away just because you quit trying.
  • jao99
    jao99 Posts: 2
    you're doing great! Even if you've only lost 15 pounds, that's 15 pounds that you wont be seeing ever again!
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Please don't give up.
    As long as your loosing weight it's not a hopeless cause.

    I don't know about your thyroid problems but green tea might help and would be worth a try.

    I personally have found that fasting one day a week has helped me to curb my old ravinous appetite.

    Best of wishes.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    100 days is only 14 weeks- yet, you've lost 15 pounds!!! At this rate, you're losing 1 pound a week- which is perfectly healthy and recommended!
    Keep doing what you're doing... because you're doing it the right way!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    dont give up!! you're going in the right direction, doesnt matter at what speed!! it will happen, u will find what works for you
  • marciam1205
    Don't give up...slow and steady wins the race!!! I have been on 175 days and have only lost 17...but it's 17 lbs that i've lost and have kept off. If you are feeling that you are falling off the wagon, give into your temptation and have that slice of pizza. When I crave something I eat everything else in site to try to satisfy that craving..........but if I just give in and eat a limited portion, I get right back on track and don't gain. Plus, it sometimes helps to that to trick your metabolism.
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    My guess would be the problem is eating under 1000 calories. I have thyroid problems too, have my medication and I am insulin resistant, but no doctor would ever tell me to starve myself, I really would look into other doctors...
  • adlwilmot
    Keep going! 15lb is a huge weight! Just imagine how much FAT that is! Well done!

    I sympathise with you; I've been on here for about 6 weeks now and have lost.... wait for it.... 4 lbs! Yes, 4! And if my scales were anything to go by this morning, it's actually 2, but being a woman may have something to do with that!

    BUT I've lost inches, feel a lot healthier, fitter AND I feel happier!

    So, don't give up. Remember: "slowly, slowly catch the monkey!"
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    100 days is only 14 weeks- yet, you've lost 15 pounds!!! At this rate, you're losing 1 pound a week- which is perfectly healthy and recommended!
    Keep doing what you're doing... because you're doing it the right way!

    This is an awesome way to put things in perspective!!! Keep doing what you are doing!!!
  • txjulie
    txjulie Posts: 190 Member
    I've been here for almost 1 year and am struggling to stay at 20 lbs lost. I have become healthier and am training for a 1/2 marathon. I am wearing smaller clothes & feel much better about myself. Yes, it is so easy to get caught up in seeing So&So's weight loss drops every single time they post but I'm not on their journey. I'm on my journey to being fit.

    And guess what, the slower you lose the weight the more of a "lifestyle" change you have made & will be able to continue on that path & not regain the weight.

    You need to find an exercise you like that makes you happy & feel good about yourself. You HAVE to eat more than 1000 calories/day. That's ridiculous and not supplying your body with the correct nutrients to be healthy.

    Also, there are plenty of blog posts on MFP about people who lose around 10 lbs in a year and go from a 14 to a 6 because they have turned fat into muscle & reshaped their bodies. This is what is important to me - to wear smaller clothes, be healthier & look good. The scale is just a number but society puts so much emphasis on it. Have you taken measurements? Are your clothes smaller?

    Don't give up if you really want to be a healthier & more fit person. If you don't then we can't force you to do anything. YOU HAVE TO WANT IT.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    if you need to visualize your accomplishment - just line up 15 pounds of butter and you will see how much you have lost, Keep up the good work. but I agree that you Re eTing too little. try one day to eat more And you should see a movement downwards. good luck
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    15 lbs in 100 days is basically a lb/week which is a healthy amount to be losing. You shouldn't be discouraged by that, you should be proud.

    As for all the treats you miss, I've found that if I deprive myself then I give up. Buy a dreaded Lean Cuisine pizza and have it once a week. Just don't tell the militant clean eaters :laugh: Friday used to be pizza night for me and that's what I'd do. I still don't have the willpower to order a whole pizza and eat just one portion so I don't do it. I love peanut butter and chocolate so I've started stirring 1 tbsp of peanut butter into my oatmeal and sprinkling about half a tbsp of mini chocolate chips on top. It keeps me full all morning and helps with my cravings. My point is don't give up. Try something new. If you don't like it, then try something different. What works for one of us may not work for someone else. The trick is figuring out what works for you.

    Good luck with your journey.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Go pick up a gallon of water, I'll wait, go ahead....
    Got one?
    OK... go get another one, I'll wait, seriously...
    Got two?
    Lift them above your head at the same time and hold them for 30 seconds
    Guess how much weight that is?
    15 POUNDS!
    Put 'em down.
    Guess how much weight you are no longer carrying? ;)

    The point is, you CAN do it. You ARE doing it. You have tools, support and friends to HELP you do it.
    If you give up, that is on YOU.
    If you decide to stay and fight for healthier you, send me friend invite. :)
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    You joined when I did, and you are losing a lb a week - that is awesome!! Don't feel deprived - try to view this as a lifestyle change not a diet. All you are doing by tracking everything is giving yourself full disclosure of what you are taking in. You can stick with this - think of the feeling each week when you see that scale go down - even if slightly. You may just also need to find some more food options that keep you full and are nutritious and relatively low-cal. Good luck - please stick with it!!
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    There is no such thing as Quick Weight Loss!! Quick weight loss = Temporary weight loss. And you want it gone for good, right? Stay the course, experiment with spices that will help those veggies to go down, drink a ton of water and move your body for 60 minutes a day.

    1 pound a week is FABULOUS!

    I am post-menopausal and my weight loss is very, very slow. But I am losing inches, my skin is improving, I'm sleeping better and I feel proud of myself again. So, don't use the scale alone as your measurement!! Keep going!
  • iwillmason
    There can be such a thing as under-eating. Effectively, the body realizes that it isn't getting enough energy from food to live (Basal rate - most people's is over 1200 calories per 24hrs), and so every bit of food that you put into your body is stored as fat ready for when your body really needs that energy. What I would suggest is to actually up your calories a bit, eating more meats, more veggies too - as although you may not like them, natural products contain tonnes of 'glucagon', a chemical which speeds up your metabolism. A great way to get extra calories is a pint of milk before bed, which will provide protein and extra energy for your body to begin metabolizing again. Also, if you do up your calories, and in turn your metabolic rate, if you do go mad one day, you won't have set yourself back nearly as far.

    Include more eggs in your diet, more meat, and more brown carbs.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Include more eggs in your diet, more meat, and more brown carbs.

    +1 on the more eggs and meat!! Stay away from WHITE food like pasta, bread, white rice.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. I was in the same boat as you are now, 15 pounds down 3 or so months into it, still depriving myself and not losing any weight. I stopped tracking for a while after that, gained a few pounds back and decided to give it another try. The things that I have found to be true for myself is that after about a month of low calories, my body adjusts and I don't lose anymore weight. Although, I wasn't exercising consistently when I started out here, either. I'm back now, it's been 15 days and I've lost about 5 or so pounds. Again, the metabolism thing. This time, I'm doing some things differently. I'm staggering my calories throughout the week in hopes of tricking my metabolism. I am consistently exercising 3 times a week. And I'm not doing the super low deprivation, I'm only on 1 pound a week which is more sustainable for me. Also, if I have a day I mess up, I just adjust the calories for the week. If I go over by 100 calories, I divide those calories up and take them off the remaining days of the week. So far it is working well.
    I would say give yourself a little break. Go to maintenance or a lower weight loss category. Don't completely deprive yourself, but make sure you are tracking the treats. This is a hard time of year to maintain weight loss with all the goodies floating around. I think that we can indulge within reason, though. Give yourself however long you need to maintain, then do some research and make a strategy. BTW, I'm a vegetarian (lacto-ovo) and still have my homemade mochas almost everyday. I'm not saying we should eat lots of sugar because that defeats our health, but think more in terms of calories in rather than completely depriving yourself. And net calories over the course of a week, at that.
    Good luck, I know it's hard. Starts and stops, sometimes. But you can do it! Focus on the process, not the end product! Even if I'm having a bad week weight wise, I still feel so much better and have so much more energy thanks to a change in attitude and consistent exercise.
    Friend me if you like, I need more friends!
  • rainedays86
    rainedays86 Posts: 105 Member
    I still have days where I get frustrated and feel like I am not losing fast enough. As far as the cravings went and overeating, it took me awhile to adjust. For some reason I get into an odd mindset when it comes to tasty foods. I think "wow, this is really good. I need to eat it all now cause I don't know when I will have this again" Then I binge and feel miserable afterwards. I still do this from time to time, but not as often. I still eat what I want, in moderation. After one or two slices of pizza I just remind myself that this is NOT the last time I will ever have pizza, and I can always save a few slices for tomorrow. For candy and chocolate, I try to not keep it in the house at all. If I do get a sweet tooth for chocolate though, sometimes you can't fight the urge, I will go to the store and get a Regular single serving package of M&M pretzels. They have just enough chocolate to curb the craving and for the entire package it's only 150 calories! I tend to eat more on days that I am not keeping busy, so if I feel myself being a couch potato I will go window shopping at the local stores, or go for a walk. And it helps to find an exercise you really enjoy. I have lost 40 lbs and I am learning that I can try so many new things that I have never done before. It's been fun trying out new workouts. I really enjoy aerobics and walking. And when the weather is right I like to go swimming. These are just a few things I have struggled with and how I handled it. I am hoping you realize that you aren't the only one who has struggled. You are doing a great job, and you have alot of people on here who have days where they feel like giving up too. 15 lbs is a great accomplishment. Feel free to add me as a friend on here. I would love to be able to encourage each other through the rough days and cheer for each other on the days we succeed. :-)