Weight Loss Surgery--I CANNOT Believe I Am Posting This!



  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    dang double post ;-)
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    My husband had gastic bypass after years of yo- yo dieting. He has been very successeful with almost no problems. He went in for his surgery weighing in at 415 lbs. After 4 years, he is maintaining at 260 lbs, 6'3". It has improved his life exponentially our relationship improved, and he has become happier. Just remember, it isn't a free pass. You still have to eat healthy foods and exercise, and you are trading obesity for Mal-absorption, so daily vitamins are required. Good luck in making your decision.
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    You are probably going to get alot of negative feed back on this post. But, I had it 07/14/2009 I weighed 330 pounds. I weigh 162. My weight fluntuates in the 160's a lot. It was the best decision of my life! I would do it again and again! My doctor said I wouldn't get under 180 but I did. Its definatly not the easy way out. You're going to have to work out and watch what you eat still. Im thankful I cannot eat alot of sugar or ice cream with out getting sick because sweets have always been my downfall. Go to www.obesityhelp.com its one of the best websites for bariatric surgery. Post on there!
  • Please don't do this to yourself. My doctor asked me if I was interested, because I qualify, for surgical weight intervention. I said NO right away! This procedure won't fix anything. You can't put a band aid over a broken bone, and this is just a band aid. Please Use this program, it works. I have been here 20 days and lost 2 lbs so far. It isn't a lot at one time, but it is healthy weight loss.work with your doctor, there is a better solution.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Keep in mind that these are massively invasive surgeries, the latter of which involves major and permanent alterations to your vital organs. I would strongly suggest you try it the hard way first.

  • The_Finja
    The_Finja Posts: 38 Member
    I have lost 150 pounds, and I would agree with some on here that I wouldn't trade the journey for anything. This journey has taught me a lot about my self and what and how much I eat. 100 pounds sounds like a lot, but its only 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I guess I still feel that the weight gain is not my fault......I blame it on the medications. So that is why I feel the surgery is for me. My story is a little different. I was taking very strong meds for a while to balance me out.

    While the weight gain may not be entirely your fault, I'm sure your eating and exercise habits DID contribute. In an earlier post you said that if it didn't work and you gained the weight back, you wouldn't be out that much money because your insurance covers it....this is a really unhealthy way to approach the subject of MAJOR surgery. Why go through that if you're just looking for a quick fix that even you aren't sure is going to be the answer? EASY is not the way of weight loss. Its hard, and sometimes REALLY hard, but its much harder to maintain when you take the easy way out. Do it the hard way...give it a year of really sticking to your nutrition and exercise goals, and then see how you feel about surgery.

    I have seen MANY people have these procedures, and only a handful have kept the weight off. Most got very sick and/or gained the weight back after the first year. In my opinion, unless you have some serious (i.e. life threatening) health problems due to the weight, its better to lose using weightloss and exercise.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    If I had the choice, I wouldn't do it. I have watched too many people have problems, and others gain most of the weight back. Some don't change their eating habits so all they have done is put a band-aid on the problem. Slow and steady wins the race. If you want to lose weight enough to make yourself healthy, it must be important enough for you to make healthy choices each and every day. It actually gets easier as you get yourself into a routine and find out what works for you. What ever you decide to do, it has to be your choice and you have to live with it. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Yes, I actually did consider it at one point. I chickened out though (proud to be a chicken!)
    lol, I know its hard and if it is what is going to help become healthier then it is something to consider. I ended up doing something else and it worked wonderfully :)

    I know people are talking about the loose skin, but it is healthier to have loose skin than it is to be close to 300 lbs.
    Good luck beautiful!
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I know several people who did gastric bypass 10+ years ago. They lost lots weight initially but gained it all back (and more) over time.

    If anything, waiting for surgery will just delay your journey. You'll inevitably have to take time off from doing what has been repeatedly proven to work (exercise) to try the quick fix (surgery). Just keep on the slow and steady path of eating well and exercising. It will do more for you in the long run.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I would if I was that fat and the insurance covered it - why not?
    Go for it!

    And as you lose the weight, keep on track with learning a new lifestyle involving proper food intake and exercise.
    Good Luck!
  • swatts7622
    swatts7622 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes the classes are for maintaining weight loss, and also an evaluation, psych evaluation, etc etc etc. All these things to make sure you are qualified.

    I understand that I need to change my eating habits and fitness habits......but like I said, losing 100 pounds is overwhelming. It is like I need a jump start of some sorts to get me moving in the right direction. The reason I am considering it is because like I said my insurance covers it...and I just pay a very small percentage of it...so in the end I will not lose a whole lot of money if I gain it all back.

    I feel weak...you guys who are doing it the natural way are strong and brave. I know this is the easy way out.

    This is the totally wrong reason to even conisder doing it... and you dont even sound optomistic that you would be able to make it work " I will not lose a whole lot of money if I gain it all back."
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    You know it's taken me a while to lose close to 120lbs, but I wouldn't trade the journey or the process for anything. During this time I've discovered how strong and capable I am, I've developed self confidence and have taken control of my life. I've leant alot about myself during this process and I love my healthy, fit, sexy life! I'm not going to credit any stupid surgery - I did this, ME! I am my greatest accomplishment!

    I agree.
  • Abbey70
    Abbey70 Posts: 82 Member
    I work in a health care facility and a lady I took care of had the bypass and her husband the lap band. She had far less problems than he has had. Honestly though I would try the hard way IMO or even try (which I have to get a jump start) the HCG diet. I currently work out and eat healthy for the most part and stay within my calorie goal. Good luck either way you choose.
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    I dont know if the OP is still there, but I have a lapband. I was banded 09/02/11. I have lost almost 50lbs. The band is a tool and not a solution. I watch what I eat and I work out like crazy. So you have to have the right mind set for sure.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have to say working in the medical field and doing some of the studies on gastric bypass and lap band patients, be prepared it might not be all they make it sound like, a lot of the patients threw up a lot, on a regular basis, they felt like crap and they had to go through a lot just for the surgery, but they did lose weight fast, however my brother had a lap band and 10 years later he is almost as heavy as he was because he didn't learn to eat right and be active and I am not totally sure if this is from the lap band but he does have a lot of bowel problems. Bottom line doesn't matter which way you do it, if you don't keep up with it , it won't last.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I did a 6-month research on these types of things in college and I would highly recommend that you DO NOT get it done. For starters, I have had two family members that have done it and have gained back all but about 20lbs that they originally lost. Both are still on food supplements and cannot eat anything that they like. So, they're the same size with the same health issues and can't eat.

    Also, these surgeries do not look into the underlying addiction that typically causes people to become overweight. I would recommend a good year of serious therapy to combat the food addiction before you do this, otherwise you're likely to have an "addiction transfer" which typically manifests itself in alcoholism, sex addiction, or shopping addiction (those are the most common).

    Don't let it overwhelm you. For starters, don't try to lose 100lbs. Try to lose 20. Make a goal of losing 20lbs by a certain time frame (perhaps the end of March). From there, maintain it for a month, then lose another 20lbs. It's much less daunting.

    Second, find people that have done it successfully. Look at my friends list for JeffRodgers and Polo - both have lost over 100lbs the old fashioned way and both look and feel fabulous. Give yourself some time to give this an honest effort. It's not easy, but do it the smart way and you'll figure it out. Don't worry, you will do it. It jsut takes some time for all of the pieces to fall into place.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Just saw this girl's post today:


    There are lots of people here that have lost 100 lbs. and more by logging their intake, eating less, and exercising. There's a terrific support community here too...you'll never feel like you're alone in your efforts.

    Reconsider making permanent changes to your body, you CAN lose the weight without it. Good luck!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't do it. Surgery scares the bejeepers out of me!

    I too have been on anti-depressants & anti-anxiety medications...I can't say it was the medication that caused my weight gain...no no, it was all of the CRAP I fed myself day in and day out.

    I started eating healthier in Oct 2010 after my doctor gave me some bad news, and lost 10 lbs "doing my own thing." I then joined MFP on 11/30/11, and have lost an additional 75 lbs. I have about another 15 lbs to go.

    Yes, it can be very hard at times (this whole eating healthy & exercising bit). Nobody is denying that...I have hit bumps in the road here and there, but what is important is that when you screw up, you accept that you are human, move on, and get right back into a healthy routine!

    I can say honestly that I haven't given up the foods I love, I just don't eat as much of them as I used to. Some people (including myself) have days (once a week for most people) that they treat themselves to a meal (anything they want) and that helps them balance out how often they crave their favorite foods. Or you find a way to make a healthier version of what you like. For example, if you love chicken parm, you can make it with smashed cornflakes instead of bread crumbs, and whole wheat pasta or spagetti squash instead of pasta (along with a healthy sauce). This site is FULL of recipe ideas on healthy recipe spins....

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! and when I say it, its the honest truth!!! And if you stick with MFP, I can guarantee you will have an amazing support system from all of these people on here!! :)

    Best of luck with your decision!!