What are your goals for next year?



  • lizgreenhill
    My goals are:
    to be 145lbs by April 2012
    Try spinning classes after i lose all that extra weight
    To keep on dieting. i dont want to change this lifestyle after i get to my goal weight i want to make this permanent
    I want to start running/jogging any distance would be great ( i have really bad asthma right now so i cant really run being overweight)
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    To be be the best I can be and gain the most amount of muscle mass I've ever had. With that said I'd like to be 175 lb by the end of 2012 with less than 10% bf. So thats about a 20 lb increase. Time to do work!

    -Without a struggle, there can be no progress.
    Frederick Douglass
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    Beat this horrid condition.
    Return to competition.
    Continue to make gains.
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    My goals for next year are to:
    -lose 5 pounds a month
    -be pain free (I'm pretty sure my pain is due to either bad eating or too much weight on my poor little feet)
    -finish and publish a new book
    -have a solo art show
    -workout at least 3 -5 times a week EVERY week
    -meet a nice man who deserves me (in other words -not living in his mothers basement, homeless or a convicted felon LOL)
    -go on a new adventure trip - maybe kayaking in Costa Rica
    -be happy
  • agadoogirl
    agadoogirl Posts: 36 Member
    My goals are to
    Run 10km in under 40min
    Start strength training
    Mix up the classes I do at the gym
    Focus on being strict about what I eat, the stomach pain that certain foods cause is really not worth it!
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    1. Run a half marathon at the end of April. (It's been a long time since I've done that...over 10 years.)
    2. Continue to make progress in my goals to eat healthy food mostly.
    3. Make progress on dealing with the stress in my life in a healthy way that only occasionally involves chocolate.
    4. Make progress on being fit and toned and continue making exercise a priority.
    5. Work on seeing ME in the mirror and not my flaws.
    6. Weight wise I'd love to lose a few more pounds...but I'm trying not to define myself by a number. I certainly won't be disappointed if I maintain as long as I am making progress in my other goals. I DON'T want to gain!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    I just want to hit goal
  • kevlarmd
    kevlarmd Posts: 1 Member
    Goals for 2012:

    Slow down for my kids,
    Speed on the trails,
    Lower stress,
    Raise my endurance,
    Be the example I want to be for my kids and my wife, and
    Be a 40 yo dude who can wakebaord and wakesurf with the kids (and live to tell about it!).
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Goals for 2012

    Stay focused and deliberate with my fitness goals.
    Stop thinking about hiking down the Grand Canyon and start to prepare to do it!

    BTW, all the posts above inspire me! You're awesome people.
  • EuroDriver12
    EuroDriver12 Posts: 805 Member
    turn into arnold :P

    firstly hit 215-220lbs before startin a slow cut
    be at 5-6%BF at around 195-200lbs
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bumping this for later because I want to get more specific about my fitness goals...but for now:

    Fitness related:
    I'd like to run a 10 minute mile or faster (currently fastest full mile is 10:40) and run a 5k in under 32 minutes
    Complete at least 2 more half marathons in 2012
    Lower my body fat percentage (not sure what it is right now, but I'd like to get down to about 20% or less)
    Be able to do a "real" toe push up--no more knee or wall push ups
    Run 3-4 days a week
    Strength training/boot camp 2x a week
    Add cross training to my running routine (yoga, spin, elliptical, swimming/aqua jogging)
    Drop the last 10 pounds AND maintain...for life
    Continue encouraging my friends and family to get fit and healthy

    Think about NYC Marathon 2013...

    Non-fitness related:
    Go on a date...I have not been on a date since March 2010. Yikes.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    To lose the weight that I put on not being able to exercise due to my collapsed arch & the surgery I had 6 months ago. I'm still dealing with pain & hoping that the orthotics that I will be getting on Thursday will allow me to walk the excess weight away.I want to make up for lost time. There are 168 days left until we leave for Hawaii & I do not want to go there looking like a beached whale!!
    When I get back from Hawaii, I am going to seriously kick it into high gear, continue to make up for lost time & get back in the shape that I know I can be again.
  • NickiStone
    NickiStone Posts: 101 Member
    Here are my 2012 Goals so far: Run a 5k, Lift weights 3x a week and Lose 40lbs.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    2012 is to be a solid foundation for my new heathly life!

    Goals: Lose the rest of my weight

    Run a 5K sub 25

    Run at least 1 Half Marathon, maybe 2 (second Id like a sub 2:15)

    Run 600 mile +
  • pjbercot
    pjbercot Posts: 30 Member
    Run 2 mini marathons
    Run two 10K
    Run 2 obstacle course races
    get below 200 lbs (currently 220)
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    Goals for 2012

    Stay focused and deliberate with my fitness goals.
    Stop thinking about hiking down the Grand Canyon and start to prepare to do it!

    BTW, all the posts above inspire me! You're awesome people.

    Hiking down the Grand Canyon is one of the adventure trips that we are considering. Good luck!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    1/2 Ironman - Miami
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    I have been here almost 1 year and have lost 30lbs so far. At the moment I think my goals should be to lose another 16lbs at least to reach a healthy BMI (I'm currently 27.5, used to be 33) and also focus on toning myself up and do more strength training. From the weight loss things are a bit more wobbly than they used to be!!
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member

    Enter the year no heavier than now.

    By birthday (23rd February) at or under 11 stone (154lbs)
    By trip to Barcelona (1st July) at or under 10 stone (140lbs)
    By this time next year GOAL - 9st 4lbs (130lbs)

    Continue to exercise and strengthen.

    Write a new play.
    Take up a new interest.
    Enjoy holidays and try to come to terms with new job.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    - to complete 30day shred (got to level 2 in august, and gave up because i was too fat to do it, but now i am determined!!)
    - i want to start my jogging again in the evenings, just before it gets too dark.
    - get myself a gym pass, and hit the gym 3-5 days a week.
    - cut down more on naughty foods (maybe a little treat every 2 weeks)
    - eat my 5 a day.
    - cut down on pasta (seem to be eating too much of that badboy recently)
    - do lots and lots of zumba on the wii
    - weigh in once a week ONLY!
    - have more respect for my mother (ill admit ive treated her like crap this year and she doesnt deserve it)
    - fit into a size 10-12 UK, by christmas 2012
    - be more supportitive to my awsome mfp friends!