Worst thing you ever ate...



  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Ants. On accident! I wasn't paying attention, poured some cereal into a bowl, splashed some milk on top and started chowing down on my cap'n crunch.

    I realized that it was a bit too crunchy. Looked down at my bowl...

    Ants must have got in the cereal box. The bowl was swarming....with cap n crunch and ANTS. The big black kind.

    I still had a mouthful and proceeded to spit ants out of my mouth.

    Couldn't eat the ENTIRE DAY.

    Kept feeling the creepy crawlies in my mouth!
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I like to be adventurous about what I eat. However, this is my list of absolute no-go's:

    1) Head cheese
    2) Bitter melon
    3) Pig feet
    4) Raw tomato

    Yes, I hate raw tomatoes, they make me ill! I hate the taste and consistency Dx

    And I know it sounds weird, but I would try worms, fried spiders, and balut. Someone told me grasshopper legs taste salty :D
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I second the gator. Bleh!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Pork brains. Thanks, Mom! My mother fixed pork brains, scrambled in eggs. I assumed it was some kind of sausage at the time, and was not told what it was until after the fact.

    Speaking of brains...second on my do not ever eat again list would be sheep brains.

    I am a pretty adventerous eater and will try anything at least once. I went into a pakistani restaurant and pointed to the menu. Nothing was written in English so it was a gamble on my part to even pick a dish with the point ones finger at the menu technique.

    Tried it..and could not get over the texture. Definately an acquired taste. I finally asked what it was. Sheep brain.

    Will not eat that again!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I like to be adventurous about what I eat. However, this is my list of absolute no-go's:

    1) Head cheese
    2) Bitter melon
    3) Pig feet
    4) Raw tomato

    Yes, I hate raw tomatoes, they make me ill! I hate the taste and consistency Dx

    And I know it sounds weird, but I would try worms, fried spiders, and balut. Someone told me grasshopper legs taste salty :D

    I craved bitter melon when I was pregnant!!
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Could very well be the Chocolate Chip Blondie squares I made just the other day. Despite the disclaimer: "These are no ordinary blondies... they have no carbs and no saturated fats... their secret ingredient... chick peas, Yes, yes... Chickpeas. Sounds bizarre but trust, you need to try it before you judge me. This healthy dessert is packed with fiber and protein and was even tastier the morning after for breakfast. Dont worry, you cannot taste the chick peas at all, It tastes like a gooey denser chocolate chip banana bread. Works out 72 calories for a generous slab. GLUTEN FREE CAN TASTE GOOD,"
    chick peas DO NOT belong in squares!! Disgusting!!

    I also agree with those who voted for Black Licorice - so YUCK!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Monkey brain soup (it's an Asian thing). Took one sip and embarrassed my dad when I had to go spit it out.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    As a young child, my mother sometimes made milk toast. It made me gag then, and the thought of it makes me gag now. Don't know why, it doesn't seem like it should, but the thought of the texture or something just makes my stomach convulse. ew. I probably haven't even had it in 37 years or so, but it's what comes to mind.
  • RuchMathers
    RuchMathers Posts: 23 Member
    Durian .... I know people who love it (if they can get past the stench, lol)

    Lol everyone here in Malaysia loves durian.except me.i cant stand the smell.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    Blood sausage. My folks loved the stuff when I was growing up. It, along with something called rice ring, which was rice, blood and spices stuffed in a casing and boiled. They are both just VILE!!!
    I've eaten some interesting stuff in our travels, but those 2 are still the worst things I've ever had. Blech. Just talking about them makes me queasy.....
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    a deep fried pie! Haha
  • xMedullaOblongatax
    I've never eaten this but it's already on my "HELL-NO" list:


    Deep-fried butter >_<
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    Olives, Grits, Plain Cottage Cheese.