


  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member

    those are axle or FAT BAR clean and jerks, and unless you've ever done them, don't knock their form. Lifting with a fat bar is very different then lifting with a regular O-Bar.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Are you supposed to rest the bar on your stomach at about a 45 degree angle from the ground?
  • amyup
    amyup Posts: 9 Member
    I've been doing crossfit since August, I've lost inches and lbs and I can't believe how much my body has changed. I get minor injuries (bruises, callouses, sore muscles) all the time but no more then when I was doing p90x, no more than working out with a training at my gym and no more than any other clumsy person. I personally LOVE crossfit. The box I go to helps you to push yourself but never insists on anything, it's your workout and your goals. Safety is a big concern and form is stressed with every movement. As for the comment about never needing to jump on and off a box, I'll probably never need to do push ups, pull ups, sit ups, burpees, etc for any practical reason either and you can't ignore the benefits of those things as well.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Crossfit White Pages
    ed. 1, released 24 Jul 2011


    June 1974 John Jesse publishes The Wrestling Physical Conditioning Encyclopedia which popularizes the concept of metabolic condition. Some have accused Greg Glassman of appropriating the concept of the "metcon" from Jesse without giving proper credit.

    June 13, 2001 Greg Glassman declares that periodization as planned variations in intensity is witchcraft.

    October 1, 2002 Greg Glassman releases the first Crossfit Journal article, entitled "What is Fitness?" Among other things, it stresses the idea that the training all people (soldiers, athletes, and housewives included) should differ by intensity, not by type.

    January 1, 2003 Tyler Haas conducts an interview with Greg Glassman. In it, Glassman infamously declares that Crossfit will allow an athlete to go from deadlifting 200 pounds to between 500 and 750 pounds in only two years, while only pulling max singles several times per year. Glassman has been asked on numerous occasions to retract his statement, but refuses. To date, no one has demonstrated that the claim is true. Also, indicates that it "inuits well" that being able to deadlift 250 for high reps at a high heart rate means that you might be able to pull 500 lbs at a resting heart rate.

    January 19, 2003 Greg Glassman offers broad criticism of respected coach and sport scientist Mel Siff. Claims that he knows that Mel Siff's health conditions are caused by his diet. Glassman says he knows what Siff eats because of his recommendation for athletes in one of his books. Siff vigoriously disputes this.

    February 23, 2003 Greg Glassman states, "the supremacy of Russian methods, sports science, and athletic supremacy has all the legitimacy of the high carb/low fat diet."

    June 1, 2003 Glassman publishes an article in the Crossfit Journal entitled "Metabolic Conditioning." It was later noted to contain many ergregious errors, including the quote "anaerobic training can match endurance training for aerobic benefit."

    April 25, 2003 First WOD with comments posted online at

    October 6, 2005 Greg Glassman lambasts respected gymnastics coach Chris Sommers and his athletes. Says that no kid will ever match the power output of any elite Crossfitters, and if one does, he will buy him a new car and pay for him to go to college.

    December 22, 2005 Stephanie Cooper of NY Times writes an article entitled "Getting Fit, Even if it Kills You". First mainstream publication to document rhabdomyolosis via Crossfit. Also quotes Glassman as saying, "If you find the notion of falling off the rings and breaking your neck so foreign to you, then we don't want you in our ranks."

    December 31, 2005 Glassman ends 2005 by declaring, on the Crossfit website, that the kipping pullup is critical to arboreal locomotion. Indicates he will laugh as non-Crossfitters avoid the kipping pullup.

    January 5, 2006 An epic showdown between Greg Glassman and Josh Hillis occurs on the Crossfit website. Glassman publicly attacks the character of Josh Hillis and several others for being weak. Hillis tries to apologize but Glassman declares that he is attacking Hillis' character. Also infamously declares that the Crossfit therapy for injuries is "STFU." Glassman refers to powerlifter Jack Reape as "morbidly obese" and mocks Steve Shafley for his Fran time.

    January 09, 2006 Bill Fox creates a post on the IronGarm X forums entitled "The Couch Thread." The post began with questioning Glassman's position that the Olympic lifts will develop speed strength better than the kettlebell lifts. Ironically, Glassman's assertion is now generally accepted to be true. However, the Couch thread evolved into the #1 location for those frustrated and angry with Crossfit and Greg Glassman to voice their views. Noted for its combination of vulgar attacks on Crossfit, along with more thoughtful critiques of the program. Also a source of Crossfit gossip and rumors, and a place to post pictures of Crossfitters.

    January 20, 2006 Glassman asassinates the character of Dan John. Dan John is accused of showing a "sad display of virtues." An author on T-Nation wrote a disparaging article about Crossfit, and Dan John did not attack the author to show his support for Crossfit. Dozens of well-written comments in support of Dan John's character are erased from the Crossfit website.

    March 23, 2007 Mark Twight (record-setting alpinist and trainer of 300 actors including Gerard Butler) is lambasted by Greg Glassman on the Crossfit website, accused of stealing Crossfit's intellectual property. Twight's documents on the website clearly show that he gives credit to Crossfit, specifically Greg and Lauren, for ideas. Glassman claims that "Mark Twight's attacks on CrossFit risk the lives of soldiers and police." Additionally, Glassman states "they're [sic] best male performance is not a match for our best females in Santa Cruz alone." To date, no female from Santa Cruz has broken any of Twight's records.

    September 12, 2007 Buddy Lee joins Crossfit to offer $500 certifications on how to jump rope. Lee's relationship with Crossfit quietly ends in mystery within a year or two.

    April 19, 2008 Brian MacKenzie declares on the Crossfit Endurance website that he will attempt to finish in the top 10 at the Badwater 135 Mile Ultramarathon and the Crossfit Games in the same year.

    July 14, 2008 Brian MacKenzie DNF's from the Crossfit Games.

    August 8, 2008 Makimba Mimms, a victim of rhabdomyolosis after performing a short Crossfit workout, is ridiculed on the Crossfit website for his lack of fitness.

    September 11, 2008 Reknown football combine coach Mike Boyle explains how Crossfit exercises such as high-rep Olympic lifts are ill-advised and may lead to injuries.

    November 4, 2008 Chris Shugart posts "The Truth About Crossfit" on T-Nation. Perhaps the most balanced and accurate third-party article to come out on Crossfit yet.

    November 8, 2008 Greg Glassman ridicules a NSCA and ACSM-certified trainer for being less educated than Crossfit's best, and for making minor grammatical mistakes, despite the fact that Glassman's posts are often filled with the same.

    November 11, 2008 Greg Glassman claims that Crossfit is the world leader in prevention of rhabdomyolosis.

    November 14, 2008 Tony Budding says that doing Crossfit WODs will make you competent in almost any real-world activity, but says that sword-fighting and tightrope walking are not seen in the real-world, so they can be discounted. Ironically, does not provide instances of where one would see a double-under or a wallball in real life. S

    November 23, 2008 Man makes forum post on Crossfit forums asking if any other gay men do Crossfit. Thread is locked. A week and a half later, any discussion of sexuality is officially banned on the Crossfit forums and all instances of the word "gay" becomes censored.

    December 11, 2008 Greg Glassman ridicules Brandon Oto and claims he doesn't understand fitness, physics, or mathematics. Refuses to recant his statement that Crossfit will give you a 750 lb deadlift within 2 years, even though there is no proof. Refuses to recant the idea that Crossfit will be a better program for bodybuilding than actual bodybuilding (drug-free). Also declares exercise science a myth and says that no achievement in human performance has come even in part from exercise science.

    January 6, 2009 Glassman gives a presentation at the Naval War College. Khakis look like they were rolled up in a ball before he put them on.

    February 3, 2009 Another Glassassination. Greg Glassman learns of an email between Air Force higher-ups suggesting that the military is moving away from Crossfit. Calls the authors of those emails cretins and morons, and offers a $1000 bribe for the full identity of the authors.

    February 18, 2009 Massive security breach of the Crossfit Forums occur. George Mounce is granted administrator access and views the moderator forums. Mounce posts screenshots on the Couch thread. Screenshots show moderators privately making fun of individual members, referring to one as "pudgy." Moderators discuss censorship and make "Gym Jones" a banned word on the Crossfit forums. Mounce is promptly banned from the Crossfit Forums and the title below his name forever reads 'Banned for integrity and ethical violations'. Any discussion of this incident on the Crossfit forums is banned.

    February 21, 2009 With the help of some mathematical wizardry, Glassman defines a three-dimensional solid that represents the continuum between sickness, wellness, and fitness. Viewers are flabbergasted.

    April 14, 2009 "The 100 Mile Movie" project premieres. Project aimed to document Brian MacKenzie and Carl Borg complete 100 mile races using the CFE protocol. Project ends in failure as neither MacKenzie nor Borg completed any 100 mile races from that point on.

    April 22, 2009 Glassman gives a speech to the 3rd Marine Division in Okinawa, Japan. He is shown wearing wrinkled cargo pants, a wrinkled t-shirt, and hiking boots.

    April 25, 2009 Greg Glassman publicly challenges Michael Caviston (Director of Training for the Naval Special Warfare Center) to participate in a charity demonstration. Glassman suggests that the demonstration involves both Glassman and Caviston performing a deadlift while shirtless. In the same message, Glassman also makes statements that some interpret to be homophobic. No shirtless deadlift demonstration ever occurs.

    June 19, 2009 Brian Mackenzie of Crossfit Endurance declares that he refuses to "destroy his body" by completing a qualifying race to be eligible to run Western States 100. Asks permission from race directors to skip qualifer. Denied, of course. Source
    June 20, 2009 Respected trainer and one of the first elite Crossfitters, James "OPT" Fitzgerald, acquires "physiological symptoms of death" after completing Crossfit workout during the 2009 Crossfit Games. Describes releasing dark urine, extreme cramping and soreness, and being curled up in the fetal position -- symptoms of adrenal fatigue and rhabdomyolosis.

    July 10, 2009 Crossfit Games banner unveiled. Reads, "the strength and value of CrossFit lies entirely within our domination of other athletes. This is a truth derived through competition, not debate."

    July 12, 2009 Mikko Salo wins 2009 Crossfit Games. Subsequent interviews reveal that Salo's exercise regimen varies considerably from what it posted on and does not follow a paleo diet.

    August 8, 2009 Crossfit Journal pays Russell Burger to attend Gym Jones seminar offered by Mark Twight and report on his findings. Twight was not made aware that Burger was paid to write for the CFJ during the seminar.

    September 12, 2009 Glassman declares that the problem with the fitness world is that "there is too much in the way of unsubstantiated claims and too little in the way of evidence". Glassman still refuses to provide evidence for his most controversial claims.

    September 20, 2009 WildGorillaMan posts the first ever "Androgen Friday" on the Couch thread. It is a collection of photos of women, many of them very muscular, doing Crossfit exercise. Andro Friday becomes a regular occurence on the couch thread.

    October 2, 2009 John Sheaffer aka "Johnny Pain" formerly of Crossfit Grayskull resigns his affiliation and explains his frustration with Crossfit HQ.

    November 1, 2009 Carl Borg, co-founder of Crossfit Endurance, DNFs at the Javelina Jundred 100 Mile. Subsequent reports on the Crossfit Endurance website (now erased) claim that it was not because of the training.

    November 16, 2009 Crossfit Risk Retention Group (aka "The RRG") is incorporated. Affiliates are highly encouraged to pay thousands of dollars to Crossfit HQ so that they may be insured against lawsuits.

    November 20, 2009 Day one of the Crossfit Black Box Seminar begins. Well known Crossfit names such as Dave Castro, James OPT Fitzgerald, Robb Wolf, and Greg Everett are in attendance. Summit ends in fiasco as Robb Wolf and Greg Everett erupt in argument with Dave Castro. Greg Glassman refers to Greg Everett as a "novice weightlifter." Wolf and Everett end their affiliate status and dissociate from Crossfit on bad terms. Links to Robb Wolf's website and Greg Everett's website are banned on the Crossfit forum. Any discussion of the seminar are banned too. Couch thread sees sharp uptick in activity.

    November 28, 2009 Brian MacKenzie DNFs at the Quad Dipsea.

    December 2, 2009 Prolific forum author Barry Cooper writes an eloquent piece in support of the medicine ball clean. Piece is ill-placed, considering that Greg Everett was ousted from Crossfit only days before for disagreeing with the use of the medicine ball clean for teaching how to clean a barbell.

    December 13, 2009 Noted strength coach Mark Rippetoe hosts final certification with Crossfit. Ends relationship with Crossfit. Crossfit forums ban posting any links to ""

    December 18, 2009 All Internet traffic from to is redirected to various pornographic websites, such as gay S&M sites. Confirmed by many users. Redirect is removed after several weeks.

    December 24, 2009 Michael Caviston, Director of Training for the Naval Special Warfare Center, releases one of the most poignant criticisms of Crossfit methodology in relation to BUD/S preparation. Caviston acknowledges that Crossfit may be a component of BUD/S preparation but in general is inadequate and not advised.

    January 28, 2010 The first of a series of videos entitled "At the Chalkboard" is released in the Crossfit Journal. These videos show a visibly intoxicated Greg Glassman pontificating on a number of barely intelligible subjects with Tony Budding. Glassman slurs his words and at one point needs to grab onto a shelf behind him for stability. One line infamously declares that "it [Crossfit] should be more like birthday party [sic] and less like physics class."

    April 25, 2010 The Crossfit Journal releases an article by Dr. Jeffrey A. Glassman (Greg's father) entitled "The Cause of the Earth's Climate Change Is the Sun." Readers are baffled.

    May 1, 2010 Greg Glassman claims he has "Fran" and "Diane" WOD times for every starter on the Colts. Does not provide evidence.

    May 12, 2010 An article appears on about the author's experience at Crossfit Hollywood. Author says, The "athletes partaking in this endeavor were people you don�t think actually exist in real life." The word "gay" still banned on Crossfit forums.

    June 1, 2010 Crossfit Games tickets go on sale. The price to watch people exercise is $75 plus taxes and fees.

    June 2, 2010 Dave Castro explains why it's best to lift snatches with bad form in a Crossfit workout, and how to alter your form.

    June 5, 2010 WildGorillaMan releases his website, separating himself from the Andro Friday posts in the Couch thread. Site is instant hit.

    June 16, 2010 Glassman declares that the cleanliness of the bathroom in a Crossfit gym determines how good it is.

    July 5, 2010 CFE founder Brian MacKenzie's solo 41-mile run through Badwater ends in failure. Reports from his Twitter page say that his shoes melted. Interestingly enough, hundreds of athletes have managed to complete the full 135-mile journey across Badwater and managed to deal with melting shoe problems.

    October 18, 2010 Video demonstration of workout released on Crossfit website. Crossfit Director of Training Dave Castro is shown demonstrating a 24-second heavily-hitched rounded-back failed deadlift. He is congratulated for his effort. Source
    November 5, 2010 Couch Thread hits a million views.

    November 22, 2010 Glassman declares "We got the science." He declares Crossfit will release a study, and "this will dwarf anything ever conceived of in Framingham or Harvard Nurses."

    November 24, 2010 Andrew Wilson posts a thread entitled Just reread "CrossFit Journal on Metabolic Conditioning..." on the Performance Menu forums, owned by ousted Crossfit weightlifting coach Greg Everett. Thread rises to cult status within months and becomes known as "IGX Lite." Wilson and others offer more poignant and well-argued criticisms of Crossfit programming and methodology.

    December 11, 2010 Dave Castro states that top level decathletes like Bryan Clay "don't have that mindset to push like CrossFitters do." Other Crossfitters in the room agree.

    December 27, 2010 Glassman makes the claim that "CrossFit is the application of the fundamentals of Newtonian mechanics to human movement, something else that is kind of unique for us." Viewers are baffled, especially considering his statement on January 28 that Crossfit should be "more like birthday party [sic] and less like physics class." Source
    January 6, 2011 Head of Crossfit General Counsel Dale Saran publicly attacks the naysayers who claim that Crossfit "sold out" by accepting a Reebok sponsorship.

    January 12, 2011 Picture posted on the front page of showing the naked butts of people while exercising. Many are displeased with the picture.

    March 16, 2011 First Crossfit Games Open workouts are released. First two workouts involve high-reps of double-unders, power snatches, box jumps, and deadlifts. Alarmingly high number of achilles ruptures are reported on the Crossfit Games website and elsewhere. Andrew Wilson aggregates notable instances on the PMenu forum.

    March 21, 2011 Crossfit Games website tells competitors that if something goes wrong when submitting their videos, that it's their fault for waiting too long. Countless people are unable to post their scores because website fails. Many complain.

    March 23, 2011 Crossfit Games website tells competitors that if they do not use exactly the weight prescribed in the workout, then it will not count. Weight for the men's workout was 75 lb or 35kg (77.16 lb). No one really understands what's going on here.

    June 1, 2011 Competitor magazine releases an article on Brian MacKenzie. Claims MacKenzie has completed the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon, yet no records of Brian MacKenzie exist anywhere on the Badwater website.

    June 6, 2011 Couch Thread hits 1000 pages.

    July 5, 2011 Tony Budding opens a Twitter account. Begins to tweet profound philosophical concepts and statements, such as "Great leadership requires keen observation (receptivity) and obdurate drive. It's a rare combination"

    July 11, 2011 Brian MacKenzie and Anthony Roberts publish an article in the Crossfit Journal suggesting that peaking for an athletic event is a waste of time. Bio for Anthony Roberts simply states which Crossfit certifications he possesses, and his picture is cropped to hide text on his jacket. Bio on Roberts' website indicates he is an authority on anabolic steroids and his jacket reads ""

    July 14, 2011 Andrew Wilson discovers what is believed to be the 200th case of exertional rhabdomyolosis induced by a Crossfit workout.

    July 16, 2011 Crossfit Reebok store opens, selling board shorts for $60, and zip jackets for $150. Military cap claims to "ooze elite attitude" and another shirt displays a phallic symbol with a suggestive quote.

    July 22, 2011 Former elite Crossfitter Gillian Mounsey releases a very honest article on her dissatisfaction with Crossfit. Describes an epiphany that Crossfit was making her good at exercise, not athletics.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Unfortunately, it sounds like WAY too many people here drank the Crossfit Kool Aid and are happily making the Glassman guy that started all this nonsense richer by the day.

    It's too bad that more of that money isn't going to the local YMCAs, who do MUCH more for their communities than Crossfit ever will.
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    CrossFit rules. You're an idiot RachelSNO
  • I am a competitive masters runner. I do CrossFit during the offseason to stay in shape and I love it. Nobody at a CrossFit is going to force you to do anything. It's a gym NOT the armed forces. I return to running during the Fall stronger and faster than before. But maybe I should watch the fast running at track meets- I might fall down. lol!!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Hey LisaCFSF, you might not agree with me, but calling other members an idiot is against the MFP rules.

    The YMCA as an organization has always done a LOT of good in the community. On the other hand, Crossfit is just a business franchise. While some Crossfit gym owners might do a fundraiser on occasion, the YMCAs are known for getting involved with fundraisers and helping those who cannot afford to join the YMCA with scholarships. Many YMCAs provide early childhood programs and daycare and many other services. And they usually have personal trainers and weight loss programs at reasonable rates.

    Just think how much MORE good the local YMCA organizations could do if the money people pay to do Crossfit went in their direction instead? Besides doing more good in the community, they could afford to expand the size of their facilities and hire more instructors to broaden their offerings.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I admit, I'm in two minds about Crossfit.

    I like the "idea" of it - I like the fact they have WODs posted on their site every day, and I think the idea of variety in the workouts is excellent - switching from bodyweight circuits to runs to rope climbing to weights etc is a fantastic approach.

    I do have issues with some of the things they do, though, namely the timed workouts. Timed workouts are fine for burpees, mountain climbers, press ups and the like. But I've seen many, many videos on YouTube of Crossfitters doing timed bench, and bouncing the weight off their chests, or, God Forbid, timed deadlifts where they were bouncing up and down, semi-dropping the barbell then catching it as it bounced. Horrible, horrible form - I was waiting for their spines to explode out of their backs....

    But that aside, many of the workouts are fun and interesting and I do do them from time to time, although I do forget the timed element on some of them and just go "as quickly as is safe."

    The other thing I dislike is that a lot of Crossfitters come across as cult members. There's just something creepy about the way they defend it to the death and as if mild criticism of it is like saying something obscene about their mother.

    Oh and the whole "elite athlete" thing gets on my nerves, too. No - you're not. You work out. And you may do very, very tough work outs. But you're not an elite athlete - you're an IT Consultant who works out hard.

    Then again, better that (well, without the horrible form) than doing nothing or tinkering around with a 2lb dumbbell, so I do applaud the fact that they can get average Joes psyched up about fitness.
  • Better off at a planet fitness? So you can get free pizza? Oh, yeah it's a vegetable now. My bad.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    I read the first page of responses to this post and my eyes glazed over. I wanted to learn about crossfit as my former housemate loves it and I have no idea what it is. Lots of people were arguing about jumping onto boxes and I am losing the will to live reading this sort of unhelpful stuff. I will check out wikipedia instead. xx
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    MVP hacked... Not my reply, sorry. Just someone who was reading the thread n posted without realizing it was under my name. No worries... No offense intended. Crossfit is for me, doesn't have to be for you...
  • So looking at the other end of the spectrum ... you're a runner ... there are COUNTLESS risks with running, and essentially isn't necessary to your everyday life. But you choose to do it, correct? What if you don't have the correct running shoes? What if you don't run correctly? What if your shoe comes untied, you trip, crack your head on the road, remain unconscious, they find you later, but you forgot your "Runners ID" and they can't figure out who you are? You're allergic to latex and while you're being treated you have a severe allergic reaction, and die. 2 days later when they realize you're missing they can come retrieve your body from the morgue where they've been chilling you on ice like a shrimp at a cocktail party.

    So everything, in everyday life, causes you to calculate your risks and take a chance. Crossfit, running, zumba, p90x, insantity, juice cleanses, fasting. The argument is never ending and over played.

    Also, no CrossFit Kool aid ... it's not paleo.
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    LOL! I do drink the proverbial Kool-Aid in theory only; but Paleo interests me greatly! CF Love to you!
  • kitt8980
    kitt8980 Posts: 29 Member
    Crossfit is a mix between weight trainin, and cardio. If you go to there are workouts each day they call WoDs. A lot of the workouts are timed. But it helps with your endurense to better help if you want to run a lot or not. I have only been doin this for a mth now and I have to say it is great. Not everyday is the same thing, it always is changing. From what I have read and what my trainer has told me you won't really notice results until around the 3rd mth. There is a lot of lifting that you will do, and squats. I have noticed lots of but over all it is really fun and doesn't get boaring when doin it. After my workouts I do some yoga to help streatch me out also. If you don't know how to do some workouts they have videos on the site I mentchend earlier. I am sorry I can't explain more about it, but the site can help you also. I hope that this has somewhat helped. Good luck in your workouts.
  • kitt8980
    kitt8980 Posts: 29 Member
    I read the first page of responses to this post and my eyes glazed over. I wanted to learn about crossfit as my former housemate loves it and I have no idea what it is. Lots of people were arguing about jumping onto boxes and I am losing the will to live reading this sort of unhelpful stuff. I will check out wikipedia instead. xx

    Crossfit is a mix between weight trainin, and cardio. If you go to there are workouts each day they call WoDs. A lot of the workouts are timed. But it helps with your endurense to better help if you want to run a lot or not. I have only been doin this for a mth now and I have to say it is great. Not everyday is the same thing, it always is changing. From what I have read and what my trainer has told me you won't really notice results until around the 3rd mth. There is a lot of lifting that you will do, and squats. I have noticed lots of but over all it is really fun and doesn't get boaring when doin it. After my workouts I do some yoga to help streatch me out also. If you don't know how to do some workouts they have videos on the site I mentchend earlier. I am sorry I can't explain more about it, but the site can help you also. I hope that this has somewhat helped. Good luck in your workouts.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Everything seems to be double posting this morning. Must be a software glitch.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Some YMCA and a lot of other gyms offer boot camp classes that have strength training and cardio and mix things up so each session is different, and most are much less expensive than Crossfit. If anyone is looking for a lot of variety and intensity in a workout, I would recommend check those out instead.

    Here are some examples
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i just don't understand why you dislike crossfit so much.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I don't like the extreme, "do it or die trying" attitude of the Glassman guy that started it, and many of his followers.

    Mr. Glassman, CrossFit's founder, does not discount his regimen's risks, even to those who are in shape and take the time to warm up their bodies before a session.

    "It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that."

    But CrossFitters revel in the challenge. A common axiom among practitioners is "I met Pukey," meaning they worked out so hard they vomited. Some even own T-shirts emblazoned with a clown, Pukey. CrossFit's other mascot is Uncle Rhabdo, another clown, whose kidneys have spilled onto the floor presumably due to rhabdomyolysis.

    I don't like the way that many Crossfit facilities display photos of people's bleeding, blistered hands on their websites and Facebook pages as if those people had done something wonderful by tearing up their hands in a workout

    I don't like the way friends of mine got injured following the instructions of a Crossfit coach.

    I don't like the way Crossfit's hype is luring so many people away from the local YMCAs, which are non profit organizations and do a lot of good in the community outside of having fitness classes. If the YMCAs had the money that was going to Crossfit, they could expand not only their lineup of classes, but have more money to help the community organizations we all want to see supported. Crossfit is a business franchise, not a non profit.