Thin for the Holidays Group



  • Hi all. I have REALLY been slacking and gained 3 lbs to show it. I feel so bad. I hate that each year my new year resolution is to lose weight. It will NOT be this year. It will be to continue getting healthy. Hope to lose those 3 lbs back by Christmas. Hope you all are doing well.
  • @gettingthin03: Aww don't feel bad, you have no reason to. It happens. Maybe your body is getting used to what you are doing and a little variety is in order. I would do that and it helps, even the times when I thought I gained I had actually lost. Plus, its winter and your body tries to keep warm...I like to think freezing helps me burn some calories lol. But it doesn't help when I stuff my face :P.

    You are doing great. Don't be so hard on yourself because what we are doing...isn't easy at all. :)

    Also, I just read an old post from you about doing daily (or weekly?) exercises and doing them. Why don't we think of some daily or weekly challenges for ourselves to do to help kick our butts :P. I must admit that I have not been exercising since November and I feel so gross and lazy lol. I need to have my butt kicked to get me moving again. Even though its winter and so cold and I can't go out walking much and the house is too cold to do videos, I have been using all of that as an excuse to not do anything and I need to step it up. I have to lose 7-8lbs in two weeks to meet my Christmas goal O.O!! This all makes me feel like I am failing not only myself, but everyone on here.

    Tonight I AM going to do a Tae Bo video!! (now that I have shared this, I hope this forces me to do it tonight!! :) )
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    With the holidays and the end of the year fast approaching, I am hoping to be on track to reach my goal. November was quite a struggle month for me as I just lost all motivation and determination to lose more weight. I reached my pre-pregnancy weight and ran the 5k, yet my weight just felt like it was hovering.
    I got back on track the 1st week of December during my business meeting where I was able to log in some serious cardio. The weight loss started again and I felt back on track. Here we are, a couple days before Christmas and I have been struggling with all the company dinners and late night snacking. I will not let this ruin me. As hungry as I was, I stopped snacking the past couple of nights and I dropped a couple more pounds. I have a little over a week to lose 2 more lbs to reach my year end goal.
    If I don't talk to you all, I wish you the most wonderful Christmas and happiest of new year's! Here's to 2012 to being a great success for all of us :)
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Happy new year!!! I think we're done with this group but I wanted to thank everyone for keeping me on track!!! I almost made it with my lowest weight a couple of days ago at 136.4 (my goal weight for 1/1 was 135), but so happy I ended the year at 137.4. Not too bad overall. Here's to a new year full of successes and reaching our goals!!! CHEERS!!!
  • @ tokidokigirl: Congratulations!! You have worked so hard and you have come a long way in this group!! Excellent job!! :)

    Happy New Year, everyone!! In this group I have met my first major goal in weight loss and that was to be under 200 by the end of the year!! And I am!! I am so happy and proud of myself for getting as far as I did. As for the last three holidays I was unable to meet my goals...I was just a few pounds shy of meeting my goal, but I am still happy. Mostly because I was able to make it under 200!! Lol.

    I know all of you have been working so hard and meeting your goals. You guys have done a great job and I want to say thanks for the inspiration.

    Here's to another healthy year and keeping ourselves feeling and looking good!! :)