Where is everyone from, heritage.. ethnicity etc.



  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    I am 100% New Yorker, but my heritage is Irish and Scottish :)
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    father's side: Arab from Saudi Arabia, grand mother from Syria.
    Mother's side: American, heritage is from North India.

    I am American and I identify with both Arab and Indian customs and culture.

    Nicely said (re: being an American).
  • AccordingtoTodd
    AccordingtoTodd Posts: 197 Member
    I was born, raised and still reside in South Alabama. Not sure where my ancesstors came from, I am the fifth generation from here.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    English, Irish, Scottish with a sprinkling of Native American on both sides :bigsmile:

    Born and raised on the U.S. East Coast, now living in Arizona.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    I was raised by a pack of lesbian wolves. Not really sure about my ethnicity (I am thinking there is ostrich in there somewhere)

    hehe! love this!:laugh:

    Me, too, loves this. I just love clever people!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I am a genuine Californiano......and American mutt.
    My my dads side consists of English, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Chipawa Indian. His side came ove in 1830 from England, where my heritage can be traced back to 1600. Before that it has lineage back to ceasar Augustus(from the surname of Titus).
    My moms side Is Spanish, English, Dutch, Wintu Indian. On her side, my anscestor came to California via Mexico in 1790. We had a land grant that consisted of what is much of Santa Cruz and the surrounding mountains. On her dads side comes the Wintu, a northern california tribe living at the noth end of the Sacramento Valley and Coastal range.
    I have lived in California all my life as did my ancestors, for 14 generations( european), and thousands of years on the Wintu side.
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
    Bronxite Nuyorican! = Born and raised in the Bronx, NY to Parents from Puerto Rico. That little island had alot going on ... hence we are a mix of Tanio Indian, European and African descentants.
  • miss_kisha
    miss_kisha Posts: 74 Member
    My mom is Filipino
    My biological father is Black

    I was born in Guam... Grew up in Florida and Alaska, but mainly in FL...

    I love my Filipino culture...

    HI-5 to all the mixed kids!!!!

    High 5! I :heart: lumpia
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    I have no idea, all I know is I'm American :)
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    True story

    Me: So dad where did your family come from? Whats your background?

    Dad: Texas

    Me: Dad, no like BEFORE texas. We're not natives here.

    Dad: We're Texans. There was no where before Texas.

    To this day I honestly have no idea about my dad's side of the family.

    Well since Texas was a country..He sure is Texan
  • dcarreno
    spanish/ native mexican dad's side. dutch/ mutt on moms side. I am like a buffet of heritage.
  • dcarreno
    spanish/ native mexican dad's side. dutch/ mutt on moms side. I am like a buffet of heritage.
    by the way it is more then likely Mayan because my grandma looked like she was Mayan so next year is our last year as a civilization......
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Maternal Grandmother is French

    Maternal Grandfather is Irish- Cherokee

    Paternal grandparents bothe born in England
  • V_Zanoudakis
    V_Zanoudakis Posts: 36 Member
    i'm greek and turkish (:
  • courtney131
    Sicilian, Irish and German.
  • Sexi4eva
    I'm Dominican and African American...SO I AM REALLY A MIXTURE OF EVERYTHING!! lol

    Mother: Dominican, Puerto Rican And African American Mix
    Father: African American
    Grandmother: African American
    Grandfather : Puerto Rican/ Dominican
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    mostly greek and native american
    some jamaican
    some scot and some others.. we are hella mixed!! lol
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    mostly greek and native american
    some jamaican
    some scot and some others.. we are hella mixed!! lol
  • mse123
    mse123 Posts: 20 Member
    My parents are from Germny, I as born in NY and now live in Seattle Wa.!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Dad: Welsh and German
    Mom: Irish