Anyone else going to be alone Christmas Day - or is it just



  • VanessaMFaulkner
    Today it's just the kids and I. most of the kids are older (teenagers) so they would rather play on their iPods or Playstations or the Wii or XBox. Needless to say, they only come out to talk to me when they want something. So, it's just the 2yr old and me. My husband is a locomotive engineer. He went out to work last night. I'm praying he will be home sometime tomorrow. It's a bit lonely, isn't it?
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    not a huge fan of Christmas has become. its not about fam any longer and more about gifts. everything revolves around purchases and promises. ill be with fam but i didnt buy presents, i made all of my gifts ;p
    ive been before, i just watched elf like ten times and then turned to the Christmas Story~ thats a full day ;p
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you don't have friends or family to spend Christmas with. But, perhaps this is an oppertunity to make some new friends or help some other people; check out the local soup kitchens or charities and see if they need any help or, if you are inclined, go to a church and talk the minister. Good Luck, I hope you find a way to have a Merry Christmas.

  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    The best Christmas I ever had was spent alone... I rented a bunch of movies, made myself a special dinner, made my obligatory calls, and watched movie after movie... it was great... and remember you are never really alone... whether or not you are with them, distant friends and family do love you... and if you are Christian, remember God is right there with you...
  • wildkatt7
    wildkatt7 Posts: 163 Member
    The best Christmas I ever had was spent alone... I rented a bunch of movies, made myself a special dinner, made my obligatory calls, and watched movie after movie... it was great... and remember you are never really alone... whether or not you are with them, distant friends and family do love you... and if you are Christian, remember God is right there with you...
  • Jesuslover59
    I am so sorry to hear that your Christmas is not good. My kids went to live with their dad this past summer so it is going to be hard for me. I do have a husband though. But, I want you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ has a better life for you, as He had for me. I used to blame Him for my problems until He came into my heart and gave me real love. Well, don't want to preach but feel free to add me to your friends list if you want to talk more.. Meanwhile, know this that I will pray for you and I do mean this. Just a suggestion, but maybe there is someone less fortunate that you can help or reach out to today or tomorrow? God bless you. Do things you enjoy and be good to yourself.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    Until this current Christmas season, I have spent the past 7 alone. My daughter (now 23) goes to her father's family because there's lots of presents, food and company. I finally got past the 'loneliness' by convincing myself the Christmas is just ONE day. If you look at it as just another day in the week, you might be able to accept it- handle it-get over it. Things will be back to normal, possibly, tomorrow. Just turn on tv, get on the computer, take a nap, or change the furniture around, go for a walk.... things you would normally do on a day off from work or a Saturday. I don't mean to make light of the empty feelings... that's hard, but if you keep yourself from thinking about it, the day will soon be over. PS, going to church helps, if you are so inclined. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, I needed that!!!
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I too will be alone on Christmas Day. It has become easier to be alone than to pretend I'm okay.

    Like many others, this time of year isn't good for me.

    I spend most days with my friends, but on Christmas I cannot accept their invites. The day is full of memories I'd rather not face (while around other people).

    Nevertheless, Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day.

    Me too. TY
  • maygans
    maygans Posts: 196 Member
    I moved 800 miles away from home a couple months ago, and couldn't afford to go home this year to visit my family. It's the first year that I won't be there, and I think the first year that someone will be missing (even when one of my brothers lived 3000 miles away in CA, he showed up on Christmas day. He had a really good job though and could afford to do that...). My boyfriend is going to come by at about 10PM tonight, and spend tomorrow with me so at least I won't be completely alone, but it's just not the same. I also have my little kitty cat here that will keep me company! I'm still pretty depressed though that I couldn't go home for the holidays... I really miss it!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I won't be alone, but this is still a frustrating time of year.

    Five years ago my wife and I stepped up to help out my sister. We purchased a small farmette in northern Illinois so my sister would have a place to live and could move to this area from Atlanta. She was in sad shape, no job, on disability, divorced with a grown yet irresponsible kid living with her, living in a rundown rental house in a gang and drug invested area. No family around and its challenging for people to stay friends with her.

    Now she is closer to family which is what she said she always wanted. But she has also surrounded herself with tons of animals that need daily care. So when the family wants to get together for holidays she comes up with excuses...I can't find anyone to feed the animals so I have to stay home...I can't afford the gas money...I don't think my old car will make it..etc etc. Then she sits there and whines that no one cares and she has no one to talk to. My dad gives her $500 a month. He also gave her the car that only had 28k miles on it when he stopped being able to drive. I subsidize her living expenses by paying for the gas-electric-phone, etc. We do so much for her throughout the year and then she still whines about her situation. She's 57 and should be a grownup by now.

    I'd like to have my sister around for Christmas, more for her sake than mine.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    My heart goes out to everyone who will be alone and/or is going through a rough time. There is so much hype over Christmas that it is almost next to impossible to NOT feel sad about being alone etc during the holiday season. My Christmas day will be somewhat low key but I will be with my mom, my sister, her bf and my fiance which is certainly a much larger gathering than what some people have. I actually had the nerve to feel sad that my Christmases are no longer what they used to be ( we used to have large family gatherings but most have passed on or don't get together) but reading this thread made me realize how truly blessed I am to have the people around me that I have. I wish each and every one of you the very best Christmas you can have and I hope the New Year brings you all happier circumstances so this time next year you WILL be loved ones. Merry Christmas!
  • Harmony14
    It seems to be the same for a lot of us -and I wish for everyone that little "moment" that helps you through the times that are roughest.
    This Christmas was supposed to be the first in about 8 years that I wasn't going to be alone. I had met a wonderful person and our relationship was going well. He was a widower, and unfortunately started feeling some intense grief and guilt and broke up with me a short time ago - right before my birthday to top it off and all our plans for christmas and a trip at new years are now off. Every single day is another reminder of what we were supposed to be doing, the people we were supposed to be visiting, and the dates we were supposed to be going on - - and I have never felt this alone.....
    I used to be okay by myself, but this has been intensely painful and of course even the lovely invites by my friends to spend time with them instead is just another set of reminders of our plans - plus they are all couples - so my being alone is even more magnified.
    I am really struggling right now not to eat myself into oblivion - the bright side is I hate going to the grocery store cause I don't want to hear the holiday music or see all the reminders that I am supposed to be happy right now - -
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Yep, husband's deployed second time in a row over Christmas, but this time I couldn't afford the plane tickets back to Texas where my mom lives. Makes me feel like Scrooge!! BAH HUMBUG!
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    just me and my 3 year old but i've spent most of the last 10 christmas's alone - I really don't mind it - massive breakfast - long run or walk then massive dinner all the trimmings and films :-) thats me happy hehehe
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I wish to invite all of you who are alone on Christmas to our house!!! :) I think it would be so much fun to meet MFPs! :) Just know that even though it may not be possible to get together in person, MFPs are always here!
    I wish all of you a Merry Christmas! Hugs to you! :)
    What a very kind heart you have..such a sweet gesture in between all the other posts, I do hope someone besides myself read this.

    To me, it's just another day so, no it's not that big of deal, sorry it has so many of you down. Each day is what we make it, create a nice day for yourself doing whatever you enjoy doing.
    just me and my 3 year old but i've spent most of the last 10 christmas's alone - I really don't mind it - massive breakfast - long run or walk then massive dinner all the trimmings and films :-) thats me happy hehehe
    Healthy Attitude! Enjoy♥
  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    I will be and it is okay,maybe some year that will change and it would be nice but for now it is kind of just another day.
    Wishing all the happiest of Christmas days no matter how they spend it and hope the true meaning of the day is what comes first.
    No matter what anyone believes it still can be a symbol of love and giving. :smile:

    ah, carl baby, am on my own by choice, but working as is double pay!!
    never mind, it will change for the better soon, am sure, xxx
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm sorry you all will have such lonely Christmases. I would be alone because my kids are going to their dad's house. But I broke down and invited the ex over to hang out. Actually, I do that almost every holiday. Pretty pathetic, I guess. The friendship is good. We just can't live together.

    EDIT: By ex, I am obviously not referring to my ex-husband/children's father. LOL! Just in case that wasn't obvious!

    Turns out that I was alone on Christmas after all!! The ex is an idiot!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Since leaving my 'x' almost 11 years ago, Christmas has had its ups and downs. The first couple, he was invited to - and it didn't go very well. After a few years, we made new traditions.......I have two adult daughters, and one grandson, so Christmas has been kinda cool in recent years.

    This year was odd - my youngest daughter's bf had to work, and my eldest had Christmas day with her future in-laws, so I was on my own. I made my OWN Christmas...........joined a friend for a church service on Christmas Eve, went to an Open House for a coworker, and drove 3 hours on Christmas Day to spend time with a best friend and her family. Sometimes, you just have to STEP OUT of your comfort zone, and make it work!

    This evening, I am having my "official" Christmas with my girls, their beaus, and my 4.5 yr old grandson...along with my friend-in-law (my 'x's dad, who is one of my favorite people :) It will be a good time, I know..........because the booze and drugs and dysfunction of my previous life with my 'x' WON'T be there!!! Hallelujah!

    Happy New Year to all my MFP are awesome people, and I love ya!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I ended up having one of the best Christmas days of my life after all that!!! Isn't it funny how things can turn around?
    My cousin that I haven't seen in 30 years + (the whole family) invited me to his gathering. A friend from the other side of the country had phoned me that morning and said I should be contacting another friend of ours that lives here as he was alone also - so he ended up coming over and driving me to my cousins place and we all had the best time ever!!!!! It was so good I suffered a bit the next day - but all good now :-).

    Hope you all have a wonderful New Year.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    double :-(