15 days an I've not lost a thing!!!!!

oh disheartened.... Discouraged.... But I guess a plus is now I have decent looking calves.


  • nalliebell
    nalliebell Posts: 61 Member
    check your inches, when I lose weight inches go first and lbs.

    merry christmas :-)
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    What are you doing for your workouts? If you are starting a resistance training program, then you will see an increase on the scale at first from the ability to store glycogen that is improved from the training. This isn't actual muscle mass gains, but it is a necessary step before muscle mass can be added. It's a good thing!!!! So, don't stress and don't weigh in again for at least a month after starting a new program.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Couldn't see your food diary. Would you like people to be able to see it and give you ideas of how to tweak what you're eating?
  • Don't give up!!!! What are you eating? Usually when you're getting in the workout and not losing weight, it could be your nutrition.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Definitely drink more water, and make sure you're eating good calories. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, get one. You could be overestimating your workout calories and therefore, eating too much, or not eating your exercise calories and eating too little.
  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    I have not lost either, but I have not gained. I am not going to let it discourage me because I am proud of all that I have done. Just keep going, you can get over this hurdle! :D
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I find I tend to lose weight all of a sudden. The scale won't budge, and then I drop two pounds out of no where, usually around the two week mark. I've been a bit stuck the last few weeks though, but I think it may be because I've been neglecting my strength training for the last month. I've only got 10-15lbs left to lose, so building muscle is just as important as lost weight, I think.

    You might consider looking into your body fat composition too. Sometimes the measurements will reflect a change but the scale stays the same.
  • maybe you are just gaining muscle. muscle weighs more than fat does. go by how your clothes fit.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Two pounds fat loss + one pound water gain for whatever reason + one pound muscle gain due to exercise = what looks like zero net loss.

    Scales can be deceiving. :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i don't know you eating or exercise habits, but i'm going to assume you do what many people do when they want to lose weight: they starve themselves and do lots of cardio. women are the worst offenders, but men are guilt about doing this too. being overweight, you need to slowly adjust to this. remember, this is 80% nutrition.

    i can venture a guess that you are eating probably close to about 1200 calories a day, and you are probably eating UNDER that. you set your "loss per week" goal to about 2lbs per week, it spat out 1200, and you try to stay under that number. you might even be underestimating your daily activity level (without exercise) to sedentary. unless you are truly an office drone that sits at a desk all day, you should be at least at lightly active.

    i think that if you are new to this game, you should change your weight loss settings for a loss of 1lb per week, and come as close as possible to the number MFP gives you. heck, if you go over by 200 its in the end of the world. while you're playing with your settings, take a look at what you maintenance calories are. see that number? as long as you eat under that number, you will still be at a calorie deficit. also, check out the tools bar, and check out your BMR. that is the number of calories your body needs just to stay alive if you were in a coma. do not eat less then this number.

    while you are eating more, you need to chose healthy foods. however, so many people get into diet mode, and think all they can eat are egg whites and vegtables. fruits and veggies need to be included in a regular diet, but don't exlude foods like beef, pork, chicken (if you eat meat) because it gives you very essential proteins. if you are a vegitarian, you can get very good protein from many sources. btw, check out quinoa. i love it. its a grain that is also loaded in protein. yeah, don't cut out carbs completely. they are good for you.

    i know a couple of women on here that were at 1200 calories. i told them pretty much what i told you now: eat more. i also told them to start strength training to supplement their cardio. at first they balked at upping their calories, but now they are like new people. their attitude has improved, they have lost more weight, inches (body fat percentage), and have more energy. i'm actually really inspired by them.
  • SusanRN2b
    SusanRN2b Posts: 106 Member
    Retaining water due to salt use or sodium consumption, maybe?
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I definitely eat. Typically pretty healthy and portioned (give or take holiday season). And my main exercise is running as I can't join the gym till January. But I think many good thoughts showed up here.
    1. I need to drink more water.
    2. I need to do measurements and BMI over scale.
    3. Salt and I need to become mortal enemies.
    4. Patience and I need to become lovers.

    Ending note: thank you all for such great input. It really helps!
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    Also, diary now public. It's not really too pretty.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I have been having the same problem lately but I think my cause is my net is really low after I finish my workouts and I have been going to bed STARVING. I mean I eat like 1500-2000 calories a day but I sometimes burn much more so I am trying to eat a bit more today (good day to do so as long as it is mainly good!) to shock my body a bit. Good luck and def keep measurements...I see changes in my body even though the scale is not budging.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I did just look at your diary and you do take in a lot of sodium with all the meat you eat. It is good protein but maybe try to get some from yogurt or other things as well! I am sure if you upped your water intake and downed your sodium you would see a change very soon!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    so i was wrong about the 1200 calories. but you need to cut out the junk food. i mean, i love peanut m&m's, soda, and pizza, and with the holidays i've been eating a lot of treats, but you can't be doing that every day. and it seems that when you go into a binge, you have trouble stopping. its normal, i'm not saying that its not, and this is a learning experience. but you do a great job about logging what you eat, and that is the first step. now we need to focus on things like portion control, and how to control binges.

    something that has helped me control those mid morning and lunch binges was eating breakfast. some people will say its the most important meal of the day and that it jumps starts your metablosim. i don't believe that entirely, but i know that if i had breakfast in the days when i started counting calories, i wouldn't be so hungry by late morning or lunch time. try things like oatmeal with a serving of crunchy peanut butter or a banana sliced into it. one of my favorites.

    packing your lunch and or snacks is one of the best ways you can avoid the temptation of going out for a bad lunch at work or during the day. you need to be prepared. nuts and trail mix is a great thing to have at your desk to munch on. i make a trail mix at home with any combination of the following: walnuts, almonds, craisins, cashews, raisnins, and m&m's. i do about 1/4 cup of each. i got to get my chocolate fix once in a while.

    like i said, preparation is key. i routinely cook up about 6lbs of chicken breast on the weekend, and slice that up into about 4oz pieces and put them in baggies in the fridge. these make great go-to meals and snacks. i have a lot of lunches with some chicken breasts and a whole wheat wrap. once the chicken is cooked and prepackaged, all i have to do is stick it on a wrap or something. you can also prepare a big vat of oatmeal and keep it in your fridge to reheat later. my advice on the oatmeal is to undercook it a little. if its a little watery, when you heat it up again, it'll be perfect. you can also make big pots of food too. winter time is great for that. i'll spend all day sunday making stews, chillis, and braises. i'll have food for weeks.

    hope this helps. sorry if i'm being long winded, but i'm stuck at work on christmas day, and i just have nothing to do.
  • I definitely eat. Typically pretty healthy and portioned (give or take holiday season). And my main exercise is running as I can't join the gym till January. But I think many good thoughts showed up here.
    1. I need to drink more water.
    2. I need to do measurements and BMI over scale.
    3. Salt and I need to become mortal enemies.
    4. Patience and I need to become lovers.

    Ending note: thank you all for such great input. It really helps!

    i looked at random days in your food dairy...maybe add:

    #5~fresh veggies and i need to get to know each other.

    just a thought- know i really shouldn't say anything about weight loss cause i have a 'bummed' thread going here too-but just for nutrition's sake upping your intake of those would be a good idea.
  • DirtbikeGal
    DirtbikeGal Posts: 61 Member
    Girl, Im in the same EXACT place right now and its SOOOO frustrating! I do Insanity DVD's and kill myself every single workout and my measurements and the scale dont really change. I personally think Im off in my caloric needs but cant tell if Im too high or too low. So Im going to play around with my intake and see what happends. BTW, I think its important to have confusion in your workouts. If you are a runner, and run often, and have done it for awhile your body can adapt. Try changing it up! The dvds I do are something anyone can do in their home. Ive lost 20lbs in 60 days and have gained muscle and a much stronger core. Im not a coach for Beachbody, Im a user and really believe in their programs. Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat the proper amount of food to lose weight.
    Set your calorie goal to 20% less than maintenance then use aerobics and weight lifting to create a deficit.
    Dont do the 1200 calorie starve hope and pray method.
    That rarely works.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    wow 15 whole days? <_<