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  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I don't think I mind Crossfit as much as I mind the people who Crossfit.

    To be honest, I think this is the issue for me, too. That and the major issue of horrendous form.

    That said, criticising it because of money isn't really relevant - the WODs are posted on the site for free and most can be done at home by anyone with a barbell/dumbbells and some lifting experience.

    But yes, I think it's the attitude of the people who do it that annoys me. I actually have a very similar training philosophy to crossfitters - even though my main activity is biking, I like to be fit across the board (after spending too much time lifting weights bodybuilding-style and getting big but easily-winded). Now I do one day of bodybuilding-style weights, a day of yoga, a day of running, two days of cycling or spinning, a day of heavy circuit training, and I'll throw in time in the pool or on the ergo/elliptical whenever I feel like it. But it's the whole "We're elite athetes" and "You're doing it wrong" thing that gets on my nerves. That and the semi-culty vibe I get from it.

    Still, each to their own. If people do it and it works for them, then more power to them.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Hey all! I just had to say--- no matter WHERE you go there are good and bad people.... and even my affiliate owner acknowledges that there are great crossfit gyms and some that are filled with jerks. It's all about finding the right gym. My gym is VERY welcoming to all people of all abilities and has probably the most supportive atmosphere I have ever been in. On top of that it has completely changed my life.

    While I am a person that is GREAT when it comes to generalizing other people (I tend to do it to Christians because of my experiences with them even though I KNOW there are some AMAAAAZING people who are Christian)--- I just ask that you remember that not all Xfitters are *kitten*. i am happy with anyone getting in shape in any way they want. Crossfit works for me because it is the ONLY gym or physical activity that has gotten me to go 6 times a week and LOVE it. I am a horrible athsmatic-- born with it--- I can now run 3 miles (after being morbidly obese) non-stop just for a work out when I feel like it.

    Crossfit is a great culture! It just depends on where you go (like everything else).

    Have a great Christmas.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member

    those are axle or FAT BAR clean and jerks, and unless you've ever done them, don't knock their form. Lifting with a fat bar is very different then lifting with a regular O-Bar.

    I actually asked my Crossfit Coaches about this video. Their first thought was the same as most... Horrendous... it's actually not technically a CF move--- it is a Strongman move. Our crossfit would never use that way of lifting-- just doesnt fit how we run. The only thing is that it is a crossfit gym who is doing it. Also--- even for strongman the form is actually pretty terrible from what I have been told by the powers that be (the coaches at my gym), and even though they were "under the supervision" of strongman coaches that doesn't mean ANYTHING.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I've heard that there is a wide range of competencies between different CrossFit owners/trainers. Can you comment? I want to try it out but need to make sure I am working with a knowlegable trainer that can work with me so I get strong and not damaged. Any advice? I live in Georgia and there is a box within walking distance of my home.

    Just a small checklist of things to look for from my own opinion:

    Thank you for the advice!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I have found the culture of Crossfitters I know to be elitist and cultish.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    rachelSNO is going to pretty embaressed when the zombie apocolypse comes, and the rest of us are jumping over barricades, and she's lagging behind, wishing she had done some box jumps.
  • I think RachelSNO needs to drink some CrossFit Kool Aid and put some rum in it while you are at it! But beware, you could fall off your chair and break your neck.

    This lady is all over the boards with her gloom and doom. Hee! Hee!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    The above 2 comments just go to prove my point about many Crossfitters being elitist, believing and trying to convince anyone that will listen that Crossfit it better than any other exercise system.

    Crossfit is just another overpriced gym franchise, and nothing more.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I don't crossfit. I do some of the work outs occasionally, but I'm not a member of a box or anything. But please feel free to just lump all people together based on a few individuals.
  • I am 61-years-old. I don't Cross Fit, dear RachelSNO, but I sure would try it if I were younger. I am beginning to believe that you are not this healthy athlete you portray yourself as. Why no picture? Why no friends? Why so much negativity about Cross Fit and pushing YMCA? Why only negative and argumentative posts trying to correct others because their views are different than yours? Let's see YOUR stats, YOUR goals, YOUR successes. You really protest too much about something you have never tried. I think you might be very "curvy" and wish you could give it a try, perhaps? It is okay if you are fat ... this is a site where you can get help.

    Lighten up and have that Kool Aid. It is Christmas!
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    I am 61-years-old. I don't Cross Fit, dear RachelSNO, but I sure would try it if I were younger. I am beginning to believe that you are not this healthy athlete you portray yourself as. Why no picture? Why no friends? Why so much negativity about Cross Fit and pushing YMCA? Why only negative and argumentative posts trying to correct others because their views are different than yours? Let's see YOUR stats, YOUR goals, YOUR successes. You really protest too much about something you have never tried. I think you might be very "curvy" and wish you could give it a try, perhaps? It is okay if you are fat ... this is a site where you can get help.

    Lighten up and have that Kool Aid. It is Christmas!

    you said it, granny!

  • Crossfit is just another overpriced gym franchise, and nothing more.

    I'm pretty sure www.crossfit.com is a free website where they post the workouts, that you can read, for free, complete, for free, and get your burn in, for free.

    Also, you can find any affiliate, read their website, and do their work outs for free.


    Pass the koolaid with rum in it.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member

    Crossfit is just another overpriced gym franchise, and nothing more.

    I'm pretty sure www.crossfit.com is a free website where they post the workouts, that you can read, for free, complete, for free, and get your burn in, for free.

    Also, you can find any affiliate, read their website, and do their work outs for free.


    Pass the koolaid with rum in it.

    True story--- and the fact that I get a wholeeeeee lot more out of my gym than ANY gym i have ever paid 10 dollars for. However, i do wish it was cheaper sometimes.
  • kitt8980
    kitt8980 Posts: 29 Member
    I would just like to say I do Crossfit and I enjoy it. I have tried just about everything there is to try. Body for Life, P90X, Swimming, Boot Camp, Step class, Water arobics, runnin, walkin, biking, eliptical, liftin, eatin healthyer, researchin everything I could about everything there ways. Now I do Crossfit and I like goin to the gym each day. I got to the crossfit.com site and take the workout and do it. I have a trainer that I am becomin good friends with, and guess what she worksout with me for free. I don't pay anything. Now it is to the point where she does the workouts with me.
    Can we please just stop the negativity. If you don't like it, then you don't like it, we get the point. But people would take you more seriously if you have tried it first, then if you have never tried it at all. Different things work for different people, not everyone is the same. We all find our nitch and we stick with it. If it works, then it works. If you have tried it and you say its not for you then, everyone can understand that, at least you tried it.
    For those who have kids don't we always try to get them to try something before they say they don't like it. I know I do that, that is how you find out what you like and it helps you to become who you are in life. Not all Crossfitters are jerks, some are really nice people. It's not a cult, like one would like to say, its just like if you go to a gym or the Y. It is a place to workout and be around people that do what you do and become friends with. Again I like Crossfit, I have said my peace. Everyone have a great day.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I never said that everyone that did or taught a Crossfit class is a jerk. But from my experience, a pretty high percentage of people that have stayed involved with the program for long become Crossfit elitist jerks / Crossfit/Paleo diiet cult members. And the Glassman guy that started Crossfit is one of the biggest elitist fitness jerk of all!

    Read these quote from the NY Times article about Crossfit, "Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You
    Mr. Glassman, CrossFit's founder, does not discount his regimen's risks, even to those who are in shape and take the time to warm up their bodies before a session.

    "It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that."

    But CrossFitters revel in the challenge. A common axiom among practitioners is "I met Pukey," meaning they worked out so hard they vomited. Some even own T-shirts emblazoned with a clown, Pukey. CrossFit's other mascot is Uncle Rhabdo, another clown, whose kidneys have spilled onto the floor presumably due to rhabdomyolysis.

    You can read the entire article here:

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    all you do is bash crossfit. i have no idea why, but you have never posted in any topic unless you are bashing the subject of crossfit, and now paleo. you never post up anything about your own workouts or experiences with fitness, how much you've lost or anything like that, except that you go to the Y.

    i've met all kinds of people in various fields and environments, whether they are runners, football players, mechanics, doctors, swimmers, etc. there are some that are humble, some are elitest, and some what to help others.

    but if you chose to keep bashing a group of people and call them elitest, you are just as bad as you claim they are.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I see nothing wrong with bashing an approach to fitness that even the founder said could kill you.
  • espence30
    espence30 Posts: 116 Member
    Love crossit...
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Ever notice how Rachelsno always knows somebody who tried whatever the topic is and had disastrous results. I've seen her posts on a gastric bypass thread. I don't necessarily agree with having gastric bypass except in extreme cases and it's not my business if anyone chooses to have it..but I noticed that just like the "friends" who were maimed by crossfit, she also had "friends" who were permanently damaged by gastric bypass. I think her friends are very unlucky or not terribly bright.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    And I love crossfit. I love the challenge. I feel great when I finish.
  • Lordy, RachelSNO, give us a break from your "snow job." Put up or shut up. Show us YOUR picture, YOUR stats, etc. since you know it all and are an "elite athlete." I dare you, I dare you, I dare you! Give it a rest. If you cannot or do not want to do Cross Fit, DON'T DO IT! We know your opinion as you have stated it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... did I mention you have given us all your opinion over and over and over and over and over about Cross Fit?
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I feel great because I DON'T do Crosfit!

    I am not sore all over and feeling beat up and limping around on crutches from doing extreme Crossfit workouts.


    I never said I was an elite athlete. I am reasonably fit and within my normal weight range and view improving my level of fitness as a gradual process, NOT a "do-it-or-die-trying" approach that Crossfit advocates.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Lordy, RachelSNO, give us a break from your "snow job." Put up or shut up. Show us YOUR picture, YOUR stats, etc. since you know it all and are an "elite athlete." I dare you, I dare you, I dare you! Give it a rest. If you cannot or do not want to do Cross Fit, DON'T DO IT! We know your opinion as you have stated it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... did I mention you have given us all your opinion over and over and over and over and over about Cross Fit?

    I heart you!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    and over and over and over.....Maybe you should focus and talk about something you do like! That would be more productive!
  • Show us a picture of you at "normal weight." We all know your opinion about Cross Fit ad nauseam. In case you don't know what that means, here is a link for you (we know how you love silly links):

    Definition for ad nauseum:
    Web definitions:
    Ad nauseam is a Latin term used to describe an argument which has been continuing "to [the point of] nausea". ....

    NONE of us care about your opinion about Cross Fit!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I feel great because I DON'T do Crosfit!

    I am not sore all over and feeling beat up and limping around on crutches from doing extreme Crossfit workouts.

    I never said I was an elite athlete. I am reasonably fit and within my normal weight range and view improving my level of fitness as a gradual process, NOT a "do-it-or-die-trying" approach that Crossfit advocates.

    Keep in mind, you can injure yourself or have temporary soreness "all over" from what some might consider "normal" fitness workouts. When I was training for my half marathon last summer...I had quite a few days where I was sore all over, feeling beat up, and limping around...but I'm not going around telling people the dangers of running.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Lordy, RachelSNO, give us a break from your "snow job." Put up or shut up. Show us YOUR picture, YOUR stats, etc. since you know it all and are an "elite athlete." I dare you, I dare you, I dare you! Give it a rest. If you cannot or do not want to do Cross Fit, DON'T DO IT! We know your opinion as you have stated it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... did I mention you have given us all your opinion over and over and over and over and over about Cross Fit?

    I heart you!

    I kind of heart her too :)
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I have been somewhat sore from running and other workouts, but not sore to the point where I'm barely able to walk, which is what I've seen happen to many people that do Crossfit.

    Here is an example from a blog post of the extreme, cult like mentality of Crossfit. No normal person with a healthy attitude towards fitness would want to continue with a program that made them feel this terrible.

    "CrossFit: Open Source Fitness
    Posted on November 21, 2011

    My hands started to tingle. I pushed with my hamstrings and *kitten* to finish another air squat. Thirteen. I bent over and placed my hands on my knees. I could barely breathe. I was getting light-headed. What was going on? I stood up and did another squat. Fourteen. One more. Fifteen. I dropped to my hands and knees. No more.

    A couple of minutes passed. I stood up and attempted to stretch. I felt dizzy and had to sit on the ground for a few minutes. I stood up and walked to the open door for some fresh air. It didn’t help. I sat on the plyo boxes for a minute but quickly moved to laying on the ground. This trainer is either worried about me or holding back a laugh. I’m glad no one else is here, because this is embarrassing.

    It was October 31st and I had just completed my first CrossFit mini-session with Matt at Survival Fitness. I think it was about a half hour before I was able to leave the gym. When I got home I spent about an hour laying on the couch. My body was exhausted and I felt terrible. But the only thing I could think about was going back on Wednesday for another workout. It couldn’t come soon enough. I was hooked."
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I feel great because I DON'T do Crosfit!

    I am not sore all over and feeling beat up and limping around on crutches from doing extreme Crossfit workouts.


    I never said I was an elite athlete. I am reasonably fit and within my normal weight range and view improving my level of fitness as a gradual process, NOT a "do-it-or-die-trying" approach that Crossfit advocates.

    So we know your opinion on CrossFit ad nauseum (yes I'm repeating what someone else said, oh well)...I guess I wonder why someone on a site called "MyFitnessPals" feels the need to only bash and never provide anything positive...why do I never see postings from you on any other subject, or kind words for a success story, or helpful hints for someone who might be trying to get to your level of "reasonable fitness?"

    I see tons of posts and responses and blogs from people on MFP that are positive and trying to encourage others...all I ever see from this poster "RachelSNO" is negativity and nastiness toward one particular type of workout. If CrossFit is so evil in your eyes, why not put up blogs of workouts that have worked for you, or running programs that you would recommend, as an ALTERNATIVE...instead of just bashing? Turn your dislike into something positive?
This discussion has been closed.