Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant - December 2011



  • I had heard about being more emotional during pregnancy, but I find that my anger is much harder to contain. Stuff that I would just roll my eyes at and let pass really really gets to me and I just want to scream at the offender.

    Ex: My father in law felt the need to share that one of his nieces who is pregnant with her third thought I was "full of ****" for avoiding raw lunch meat and wine. Then when he re-told it, she said I was "silly". I was like "Oh, I thought you told me she said...." That was an uncomfortable moment at the Christmas dinner table.

    Anyone else feeling like the Incredible Pregnant Hulk? I'm hoping it gets better now that I know it's happening.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Sorry I'be been MIA. Now that Ive started my winter break I've been taking my dad to the Dr. For those that don't knw, my dad has stage 3 esophogeal cancer so he is gonna have more rounds of chemo. He just finished radiation last month. It was everyday for 5 wks.

    When I went for my 4wk chkup last wk, ive only gained 10lbs so far bit measuring 1wk more than I am. So the last 2 months I've gained 1 lb a week. That's a lot huh???? My OB doesn't seem to think so since I've list in my first trimester.
    For the first time I went hiking yesterday with my husbands nieces and my sister on law. It was fun. Beautiful view. For those that ever decide to come to Honolulu Hawaii you must hike at makapuu lighthouse . When u reach the top, the view is breath taking.

    Hope everyone has a happy new year.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Christmas was nice, but again so many committments - family parties, late church service with family (OMG, pews are so uncomfortable!), dinners out, parties in..... I was able to relax quite a bit on Christmas day so that was nice. Yesterday I was able to do some nesting. This week Eric is getting lots done around the house since he's off work. He already sent me a pic message of the crib he and his friend put together this morning. He even put the bedding on even though it still needs to be washed, just so I could see what it looks like. Things are coming together; I'm just tired and stressed. I also did not work out at all and have been eating pretty poorly. I really just need to get back to my routine so I feel normal again.

    35 weeks, 4 days

    OMG, yes the pews!! I got stuck twice, LOL!! Took my hubby & my sister to help me and then told me to just stay seated and not to move anymore! :laugh:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    ok, so I know there are several of us that are at the 29+ mark in our pregnancy....Is anyone else hitting that afternoon wall?? I'm starting to feel just like I did my first trimester- all I want to do is sleep!!

    Fact of the matter is, that I haven't been eating to healthy the last four days so that could be it as well, but I was just curious

    29 weeks
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    AFM...first day back at work...overwhelmed is the word of the I should probably get back to it and try to figure out where to start...I'm exhausted today but hoping to get a lot of this overflow from my week away cleaned up. It's kind of nice because our office is closed today but someone from HR has to be here so it's really quiet and I should take advantage to get some things done!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:


    with year end fast approaching and our due dates all being around the corner I think every employer is starting to panic just a bit....but then again so are much to do in so little time!! just remember to breathe occasionally (good for the baby :wink: ) and if that doesn't work I ususally take a little stroll and get lost for a few minutes :ohwell:

    hang in there, today's almost over!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    This board is so active -- it is hard to keep up!
    Dem -- I get pissed really easily now. Actually, that was what made me first think we might have been pregnant before we got the BFP! EVERYthing is annoying....

    I can't remember all of the other things I wanted to say....
    oh, cloth diapers. They are getting very popular in my circle, and a couple of people think I am crazy, but I don't give a shiznit what other people think. I am looking into all kinds, but right now leaning toward the Flip system since they have disposable biodegradable inserts for times when we are traveling or out and about. And for the name -- well, I have a long time to go...My husband is set on one boy name I cannot live with, and a girl name that I am not crazy about. I told him we should each make a list of our favorite 10 boy and girl names, and find something we can agree on.

    My holiday was nice...dinner turned out great. However, I was drained. I hadn't been able to sleep Sat or Sun night, and ended up sleeping until 11 yesterday, and then back to sleep at 1, slept through an alarm and 3 phone calls (missed my massage therapy), got pukey feeling after dinner, took some anti nausea meds and was sleeping again by 9. I am better today, somewhat. I got the house cleaned up, at least!
    I have a lunch date and walk in the park scheduled for tomorrow -- then an u/s at 4:30. I am soooo nervous == I am sure everything will be fine, but I just want to hear the heartbeat again before we tell the parents!
    Well...nothing else to really say -- hope you all have a great night:)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Denise - thanks :wink: I definitely do the get up and go for a walk bit quite often - it helps keep me sane! lol
    AND I am definitely hitting that afternoon wall! I can't even concentrate...I am actually quite useless at this point! I agree my eating hasn't been that great either so that may be the culprit

    2 more hours to go!

    31 weeks 5 days
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone- I am new here- I just found out I was pregnant and I am wanting to make sure I eat correctly for my baby! Any advice is welcome!!!

  • loisd82
    loisd82 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, i'm not pregnant but i am breast feeding, is there any forum for the mum's who may need a little extra in their diet but not the fat? I would start it myself but i'm not sure what i'm supposed to be increasing/decreasing in my diet to maintain a healthy weight loss post baby but still produce nutritious milk. Can you point me in any direction? Thank you in advance, Lois
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Denise - thanks :wink: I definitely do the get up and go for a walk bit quite often - it helps keep me sane! lol
    AND I am definitely hitting that afternoon wall! I can't even concentrate...I am actually quite useless at this point! I agree my eating hasn't been that great either so that may be the culprit

    2 more hours to go!

    31 weeks 5 days

    HAHA!! Well don't feel alone cuz misery loves company and I'm misreably sleepy!! holy cow I can't even keep my eyes open! I know people said that you start to wind down into your 3rd tri mester but I had no idea.....

    Onward we go...until I go home and sit on the couch and pass out....AGAIN :laugh:
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi Everyone- I am new here- I just found out I was pregnant and I am wanting to make sure I eat correctly for my baby! Any advice is welcome!!!


    Hello & welcome...If you go to the first page of this thread you'll find some great info on calories/eating/ for working out I think we all pretty much say stay as active as you can but definitely listen to your body. Everyone's body reacts differently
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm so happy the holidays are over! I love my family but after 10 minutes I hit my fill and family drama on the other side just drives me bat****crazy.
    We opt'ed to announce the pregnancy on Christmas, DH was just overly excited and we were all there. Lots of shocked looks and "what took so longs?" from my side, huge congrats from his side.

    I've been ravenous lately and I just don't know what to do! I'm eating a lot of good stuff but the cookies in the house need to go! I ate 6 - 8 cookies yesterday and felt awful about it. I hope to work off that junk this week at the gym. But I just ate a 380 cal snack, had some tea and I'm still fricken hungry, I hate this. UGH!

    Fatigue is starting to sneak in or the days are getting a lot longer, I think it's a little bit of both. Off to go look for something else to eat without seeing the cookies.
  • Hi ladies!

    I've been a member of MFP for almost 3 years (with a few various screen names haha) but I recently found out that I'm pregnant and now I'm obsessed with tracking my food again to make sure I am eating the RIGHT things. (Who wants to write down they ate 2 huge bags of m&m's? haha). Anyway I am single and in the military and this is going to be a huge challenge to make sure I stay healthy, since I need to get back into my weight bracket within 6 months of having the baby O_o This is my first baby too so I have no idea what I'm doing haha. I just thought I'd say hi and hopefully get talking to some more people who might know what they are doing more than I do! Happy Holidays!
  • I have taken a hiatus from this board during the past few weeks... The Holiday craziness took full priority and I ate entirely too many Christmas cookies. I am getting back on track this week with my healthy eating and am going to start a work out regimen as my New Years resolution. I have only gained 5 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight (19 weeks) which I think is pretty awesome. I will catch up with you all in the New Year!

    Oh... and IT"S A GIRL!!!
  • Welcome Newbies!

    Elce- That would be very frustrating! I would have probably lost it. I hope you start feeling a little better and your back to activity time comes quickly. And of course you still belong here. You aren’t being lazy on your choice.

    Ashley- I hope you gets some good alone time with hubbs soon. Time seems to be flying by and I can’t imagine getting to your point and not having that extra special time with “Just the 2 of you.” We got a few “Just the 2 of us” presents for Christmas and it has already struck home in a few short months there will be a lot less of just the 2 of us.

    Demwitted- Sorry for the crazy family advice. I’m doing the crazy, is “always right”, in your face with un wanted advise Christmas visit with that type of family members on Thursday and just dreading it. I LOVE Christmas and it seems totally wrong to be dreading the visit.

    Nicole- I hope your absence means little Hannah has arrived!

    AFM- I had my 2nd prenatal appointment on 22nd and got to hear the little heart beat again. I am still down 2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight although the nurse seemed more worried about this then the Doctor so I’m not worrying about it. I wasn’t super over-weight pre-pregnancy and had expected to gain more then I have but I’m eating until I’m full often and baby just seems to be burning all the extra calories. Still waiting, as patiently as possible, for my little bump to start showing.

    I’m about 95% sure this baby is a girl.(So much for my HUGE desire for a boy but oh well as long as baby is healthy it’s all good.) Don’t have to wait long to find out though January 3rd is our 18 week ultrasound and I’m SOOOOOO excited. We made sure our Doctor booked it in a place that my husband could come in and join since apparently there is only 1 facility in our neighbouring city that allows the husband in for the ultrasound( which I personally think is crazy but who am I to say.)

    Christmas was wonderful. It was the first time I’ve had it off in 5 years so I was very excited. Got to spend time with both my in-laws and my family and it was wonderful. Unfortunately the custom gaming computer I had shipped from Florida (to Alberta, Canada) that I got for Hubby’s Christmas present didn’t work. Poor guy spent 2 hours on the phone with the tech guy, changing wires and taking parts out and back in again etc etc etc. Needless to say he was pretty sad.

    Definitely had a funny pregnancy symptom on Christmas. Typically I hate turkey, I mean despise it! Well anyways I figured I needed to have a little piece for some protein with my Christmas dinner.... So I took about 1 ounce of turkey. Well the only thing I had seconds of and even thirds was turkey...My family spent the remainder of the meal killing themselves laughing at me. My husband was quite excited that the baby might actually have some of his tastes.

    Anyways that’s all for me. I’m pretty excited to go shopping tomorrow once I’m done work for a new sectional and new computer desk. Hope everyone has a great week!

    Amanda 17W5D(-2lbs)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member

    Elizabeth & Nichole-Good thoughts for those baby girls soon to make their appearance.

    Elce- Don't be so hard on your self, you are doing what is best for your little one. I haven't exactly been active these past weeks either, with my crazy work schedule and the holidays.

    Misti- Hope you stay ok, and great job on calling your Dr ASAP when you got the contractions. Let us know how your appt went!

    Amanda- I also need to find a small PC desk, since it will remain in the babies room.

    Ashley-Awww hope you find some time for you & your hubby. Good luck!

    Heather- What a nice Christmas picture, you look fantastic & Charlee is adorable.

    Kel-Be- I hear ya with the sweets! I can't get away from them.

    AFM: The family is gone, back to the routine. My boss is looking into hiring, 2 additional people but i wish that would happen soon.

    ~Brenda~ 31 weeks today!
  • kehowe83
    kehowe83 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey all - I have found out that I am 7 weeks pregnant today.
    Over the past week and a half I have had some issues (mentally) with my body changes.
    I have always been one to diet. I am 5'11 and 165lb. For many years I have (on average) stuck to around 1500 net calories a day. I have been at this level for so long (and with weekly cheat days) that I maintain my weight at this level. I know this has to do with my body adjusting to the minimal calories as that's what bodies do.

    Anyways, now I am trying to stay at maintenance calories (1970) and it is so hard to bring myself to eat that much right now. Especially since I am queasy the entire time. The bloating that I am feeling is also making me feel uncomfortable every time after I eat, like I ate too much. It is hard to add calories when you have those things working against you.

    I had been running for a bit before getting pregnant. Unfortunately with the stomach issues and having a harsh cold, I have not exercised much in the past three weeks. I am taking the opportunity to do a "new years" challenge and getting a PT at my gym for pre natal fitness. Someone to be accountable to.

    Does anyone else have these early symptoms of bloat, queasiness and having to build calories back into your diet for maintenance? How do you deal with the issues that that causes in your head? Any advice would be appreciated.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    Whew! Such busy mommies....I can hardly keep up! Welcome and congrats newbies!
    AFM- The holidays have been hectic and everyday I've been either too busy or not feeling well enough for a workout. It's really starting to bug me. I NEED a workout. My Jillian dvds are calling me lol! Going to commit to doing one today for sure. I ate waaaaay too much delish, bad for you stuff over Christmas but I didn't gain so I guess I did okay lol! I'm almost 10 weeks and I'm already dying to know if it's a boy or a girl....waiting sucks! Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Brandy715
    Brandy715 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Everyone- I am new here- I just found out I was pregnant and I am wanting to make sure I eat correctly for my baby! Any advice is welcome!!!


    Hello & welcome...If you go to the first page of this thread you'll find some great info on calories/eating/ for working out I think we all pretty much say stay as active as you can but definitely listen to your body. Everyone's body reacts differently

    Thank you for the info! I will check it out! I have started walking on my breaks at work (just 15 min) but I figured that was better than nothing!
  • I pose a question to you all... I am thinking if starting back on tge Jillian 30D Shread. Just skipping the abs part of the workout. I had succesfully completed it pre pregnancy pand I was an avid runner. So thhoughts on starting this up 19 weeks in?